B THURSDAY, OCT 7, 1954 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General LARGE Superflame oil heater complete with two 50-gal. tanks and ail connections. One Hot- point electric range with trash burner. Two pieces lMi” galvan ized wire rope; one piece 90 feet ;nd one piece 225 feet. Inquire Vernonia Eagle. 40t3c FOR SALE: Like new, sofa and chair in rose colored frieze. Dan Cason Phone 923. 40tfc OIL STOVE, 4 to 5 room size. $30. See Vern Sykes at Vernonia Auto Co. 39t3 H. C LITTLE floor furnace com plete with automatic control ther mostat, two oil barrels. Furnace used only short time. See it at 475 South First Ave. 40t3 SPARK oil heater with two bar rels and all connections. In ex- < lient condition All for $40. See it at House 54. O-A hill. 40t3 FOR SALE. Large oil heater; white enamel kitchen range which burns either wood or oil. A. F. Swanspn. Mist Rt. 40t 1 PIANO BARGAINS — LOOK Kimball uptight only $165 Brew ter upright $169 Ludwig beautiful up $185 Schroeder small plain case $245 Winter spinet, exl. tone only $545 Baby grand, lovely Farrand $645 Many other wonderful buys. Free del. These pianos guaranteed 1 ‘.oroughly r conditioned. Very * "nail pnyts. Old pianos and in- st rument« taken in trade. Write Day Music C o ., 808 S. E. Morri- sen, Portland, Oregon 40t4c I FOR SALE—Real Estate I TWO-BEDROOM modem house, I large lot. Wired for electric I range. Has electric heat and electric water heater. Small 2- I room house in back. Two blocks I from mill. Very reasonable for cash sale. Call 1295 for particu i lars. 39t3c | FARMS | | 160 ACRES, 60 in cultivation. Ne halem river borders; 60’x20’ barn. Total price $8500. Very good terms. 6 ROOM modern house, wired for range. 11 acres included, Just out of city limits, very neat. Only $4250. Very good terms. 4-ROOM modern house close in, $2250. Good terms. i DON BAYLEY, BROKER i Palace Cafe — Vernonia. Oregon 39tlc F R OLIN RESIDENCE, Mo- dem three-bedroom home, elec- trie heat, insulated, guest apt. over double garage. Approx. 3 acres, large barn, field and or- chard along Nehalem River on highway 47 one mile north of Riverview bridge. 38t3 THREE-BEDRM. home on three lots on Rock Creek. Furnished or unfurnished. Electric stove and water heater. Maeva Brim mer, phone 533, 841 Grant St. 37tfc WEEKLY FOREST MARKET REPORT Friendship Circle Has September Meeting Issued Weekly by Extension De partment. OSC and USDA RIVERVIEW — The Friendship Circle met at the home of Mrs. Ruby Biggs on Thursday. A de licious lunch was served by the hostess. Members present were: Mesdames Emma McDonald. Laura Carmichael, Isabel Car- michael and two children, Mary Steers, Iva Ellis, Gloria Ellis and two children The nxt meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Freda Biggs October 21. Oregon State College — Western Oregon loggers operated in high gear last week. Dry weather al. lowed almost all dirt road loggers back in the woods by the end of the week. > The market was very strong. Mills generally had enough logs for day-to-day operation, but not I enough to build cold decks as fast as they’d like. Some mills paid more than list prices to get logs. SAWLOGS: No. 2 second growth Douglas fir sawlogs at Willamette Valley mills ranged fiom $36 to $45 a thousand, most- 1> $40 to $44. Select No. 2’s sold up to $52 So. 3’s were $28 to $36. Long camp-run logs were $35 to $45 a thousand, mostly $38 to $42. Logs less than 21 feet li ng were $2 to $4 lower. Eight- foot logs brought $14 to $17 a cord, or $30 to $38 a thousand No. 2 old-growth sawlogs were $38 to $45 a thousand, No. 3’s ranged from $25 to $40. Peelers were mostly $75, $85. and $100 a thousand in the northern Willa- niette valley. PULPWOOD: Hemlock, true firs, and Douglas fir were $17 a cord at Oregon City, ¿"he same species were $15 a cord at St. Helens^ Hemlock, spruce and white fir were $15 a cord, or $30 - 5J to $32 a thousand at Coos Bay. This report, based on informa, tion supplied by the State Board of Forestry and other sources, was prepared by F. H. Dahl. Extension Agricultural Economist. • | I i I J Mrs. Aasta Campbell left Mon day for her home at Woodland ( Hills, California after spending several weeks at the home of her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Campbell. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler were Rev. and Mrs. Arnim Free man and two sons of Portland. Mrs. Ronald Graham and baty left Monday for their home at Tulsa, Oklahoma after spending several weeks here visiting at the homes of Mrs. Blanche Millis and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schalock spent the week end east of the mountains deer hunting, return ing Sunday evening—no luck. Mrs. Doris Rose of Reno- Ne vada visited Mrs. Jewell Lloyd on Monday. Mrs. Rose is spend ing several days at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Raymond in Vernonia. I Party Celebrates Eighth Birthday ROCK CREEK — Miss Judy Brady celebrated her eighth birth day last Saturday afternoon with Selective Service System FOR RENT a crowd of 30 youngsters pre Sets Deferment Tests FOR RENT: Furnished, apart- sent at her party. She rceivcd ment with electric range. 376 Oregon State Headquarters, Se many lovely things to delight an North Street, in front of Union lective Service System, has an eight-year-olds heart. Hall. M L. Porterfield 40tfc nounced that dates of the Col Mrs. H. Counts and Mrs. C. I OR SALE: On- Logger’s Dream; i iso eleven good used truck tires, FOR RENT: Two-room modern lege Qualification Tests for the Fugate went to Scappoose last r.ze 9 00x20 Harold Bergerson. house; unfurnished except for 1954-55 school year will be De Thursday to visit Mrs. Counts 39tfc frigidaire; electric heat; See Tay cember 9, 1954, for which appli father Dan Bonnick who is stay cation cards must be mailed not ing at the Home there. i OR SALE: Locker beef, year lor Lilly, corner of Maple and later than mid-n ight November As usual this time every year 40t3 23 and April 21, 1955, for which < Id; by half or whole. E. L. 2nd St., near post office. Rock Creek is quite a highway Coates, Keasey Rt. 39t3 FOR RENT: 4-room house, close i application cards must be post- with the many deer hunters marked not later than mid-night going up and down the road. FOR SALE: Used Biltwell bed in. $20 per month. Phone 886 March 7, 1955.” or 276. 38t3 Several deer have been se"n tied drneno and chair Very good Registrants eligible to take this I to cars on the hunters way home. condition. Reasonable. L. H APARTMENTS FOR RENT Fur College Qualification Test are The hunters say it is getting Tnomas, 872 Weed Ave. 39t3c nished Electric stoves and hot those who have completed or are worse every y°ar now to hunt in water heaters. 117 North Street. GRAPES 5c per lb. U Pick on just completing one year of col- the woods because of the under 37tfc Fiiday, Saturday and Sunday, Haven Apartments. The Oregon State brush growing so wild. lege work, Mr. H. A. DeWitt had quite a Goodin place 1 mile east of Cor- FURNISHED apartment, three ly-adquarters urges all regis- nelius. 39t2e rooms and bath; electric range trants who desire to complete bad accident last Saturday. While their collegiate work to take this he was cutting wood at his place 'INING ROOM set. Kenmore gas and refrigerator; oil heat; test. Where a passing score is with a saw, the belt broke and free use of laundry. Also, large stove Betty Hausler. Phone 1297. room, two beds, suitable for obtained it provides one addition- gave him quite a nasty blow 39t3 It was quite couple. Kitchen privileges is de a! chance of remaining in school. across his face. swollen and bruised and he was It must be remembered, however sired Riverview Apts. 37tfc FOR SALE: Circular sofa, aqua that a passing score and the re lucky it missed his eye. frieze; 2 club chairs; 2 wing- Mr. and Mrs. T. Brady and quired class standing do not as LOST AND FOUND tack mahogany 18th century chairs; mahogany knee-hole WOULD the person who took the sure deferment but one of these Mrs. L. Brady went to the foot desk, 2 filing drawers; pair brass boy’s leather coat from the porch criterion must be met before the ball game in Portland Saturday- wall sconces; 2 decorator lamps; of Bill’s Tavern Wednesday please local board can consider any night. The first frost of the season hit f and paint'd sailcloth drapes to leave it at King’s Grocery store. registrant for college def 'rment. five days later this year than last. mutch upholstery. Grace G. Mil Mrs. J E. Rose. 39t3 Last year it was on September ler. Inquire at Cozy. 39t3 23rd STRAYED! Small Whiteface cow MAKE $20 per day selling Scotch- branded "Lazy T O’’ with calf, Women’s League Standing to Lite signs that shine at night for Anyone with info, about You invite death and injury these date. tip of rural mail boxes, also door animals please call 16411. Ken Brunsmans Hardware ._. 9 when you speed. Slow down, be pates and house numbers. No West. 38tfc Vernonia Drug ........7 courteous, and stay alive. < xpenence necessary. Unlimited Dessy's 5 field, free sales outfit Perman- LEGAL NOTICE Sam's Food Store .... ........ 3 BEN’S BARBER SHOP • nt Sign. Co., 3004 1st Ave , Min Last week's results showed NOTICE TO CREDITORS neapolis, Minn. 38t3c Expert Tonsorial Work NOTICE: The County Court of Claudine Gibson to have high CASH PAID for furniture, live Columbia County, Oregon has ap score in individual game and ser Vernonia, Oregon stock, machinery, tools any time pointed MINNIE DASHNEY as ies with a series score of 531. Forest Grove Auction. L. R. Senfl Administratrix of the Estate of Brunsman Hardware was high ■ <1 C W Christiansen, owners EDWARD HENRY HANSON, de team for both game and series JUNE’S STYLE «nd auctioneers. Phone 7615. ceased. All persons having claims with a game score of 834 and lfltfc against said estate are required series score of 2527. CENTER This week Bonnie Wilcoxon had SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill to present them with proper Cardigan Sweaters dirt. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. vouchers to the Administratrix at high individual game score of the office of Patterson. Bush and 191 and Emma McDonald held Fall Skirts 26t52c Bradley, Joy Theater Building. high series score of 511. Dessv’s Vernonia, Oregon, within six team was high this week with FOR SALE—I nsurance months from September 9, 1954 game score of 834 and series, 2426 BELL HUDSON Insurance, tele MINNIE, DASHNEY, Adminis I phone 773. We have a reliable WANTED tratrix. Co., writing cars for 3, 6. 9 PATTERSON. BUSH & BRAD EXPERIENCED restaurant cook months at low rates. Also fire LEY, Attorneys for Adminis wants work Dinner or fry Write insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson tratrix. 36t5c Alta Coburn. Mosier. Ore 39t4 37tfc Bowling Results CLASSIFIED RATES LEGAL NOTICE FOR DEMONSTRATION AND SERVICE PHONE 77«. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Bert Byron Hawkins deceased, by the county court of the state of Oregon for Columbia county, and has qualified All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me at Vernonia. Oregon with vouchers and duly verified within six months from the date hereof Dated and first publication September 9, 1954. Date of last publication Octo ber 7, 1954 Glen F Hawkins, Administrator John L Foote. St. Helens, Ore gon. Attorney 36t5c ; OAKE’S RADIO SHOP I Cooperate with Operation TIE —Take It Easy, and protect your privilege to drive MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the pasce of two. CARD of Thanks A Notices: 80c BLIND ads with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa tion given relative to such ads. I I J i Í i I i « I t I ADMIRAL RADIO It TELEVISION New Mid-Year Models Ar* Now Here with Dyna R.r Picture Tubes. i Oregon Snakes Are Identified Twenty different kinds of snakes are found in Oregon with only the rattlesnake poisonous and half a dozen “helpful,” ac cording to Dr Robert Storm, Ore gon State college zoologist. The number of snakes varies from area to area. There are 12 kinds of snakes around Medford. Klamath Falls, Eugen? and Bend have 9; Portland 7; and Pendleton 5. Climate and other local con ditions make the difference in numbers. Oregon has two kinds of rattle snakes. The Great Basin rattler is found in extreme southeatern Oregon. A darker form—-the Pa cific rattlesnake — inhabits the rest of the state except for the mountains and most of northwes tern Oregon. Southern Willamet te Valley rattlers are probably hangovers from centuries past when the climate was drier and warmer. They are likely to dis appear through natural changes in a few hundred years, Storm believes. Seven different kinds of garter snakes are represented and their eat.ng habits are usually help ful to the gardner. On? species— the Puget garter snake—feeds al most entirely on slugs. Perhaps the most valuable snake is the gopher snake, also known as the bull or blow snak?. It is the biggest in Oregon too, occas- sionally getting longer than four feet. Gopher snakes feed almost entirely on mice, rats and goph ers. Smallest snake in th? state is the little brown sharp-tailed snake, found through most of western Oregon near wooded areas. It seldoms exceeds 10 or 11 inches in length and feeds on slugs. The sharp tail is harm less. Two colorful king snakes are found in Oregon. The California king snake occurs in the Rogue and Umpqua valley and is mark ed with contrasting rings of deep brown and cream color. The mountain or coral king snake is probably limited to the Rogue Valley. It is brilliantly marked with rings of red, cream and black. It looks like the deadly coral snake but is not poisonous. Storm reports. THE VERNONIA EAGLE Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Entered as second class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at ttie post office in Vernonia. Oregon, under the act of March 3, 18791 Subscription price $3.00 yearly In the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION »•••*•••••• • . GET READY! 4 exalt M !MI VERNONIA DRUG COMPANY PHONE 101 — VERNONIA. ORE. AT YOUR : FAVORITE S GROCERY—i Woman Suffers Severe Heart Attack Sunday MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mosier were over from Clatska nie Sunday a week ago visiting her father, Henry Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holm-s were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones Sunday. They live in Portland. Mrs. George Jones had a heart attack Sunday which was quite severe. The M.HC. will meet the fourth Thursday at Mrs. Austin Corlls. Hunting seems the topic of the week. Ray Garlock was among those that got their game the first day. The old Magusen farm seems to be undergoing a few improve ments. Iv was recently vacated by the Leonard Harris family. Margie Wikstrom spent a cou pl? of days at home here from Clatskanie whore she is employed at Humphrey-s restaurant and confectionyy. Vernonia Eagle classified ads DO get results. with MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY : 10 a m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 MAPLE burls wanted by Pacific Woods Export Co., P O Box 104. Portland. 39t3c WANTED: Small building that can be moved Suitable for dwell ing Call Mitchell 46213, Port land 38t3 I PAID for any number or I CASH kinds of cattle, pigs, feeder or fat hogs. Walt Altman. Auctioneer. Write or phone 7612, Forest Grove. 3tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grove. Oregon. Phone 12«. 14tfc WANTED TO BUY Livestock. all kinds, by head or pound, your place or mine, Midway Com- munity Auction. Clatskanie phone 2437. 23tfc enjoy the w lit »key tbal’9 • SQ65 I 4 10 < » q- • 4 MQQP, 4JÎ OEAIN NEuTIAt SPIliTS • T he OlO S unnt HOOK CO , LOUISVILLE. CY