College. Bernard Lamp'ng is recuperat ing at home from a recent flare up of stomach ulcers which re- quired hospitalization and emer- gency surgery. I Lzxits Adams of Cathlamet, Wash- Mr. and * Mrs. Pete Brunsman irgvon Also visiting Mrs. Adams were in Milwaukie Monday night the week is her sister, Mrs May to attend Friendship night at Coffman of Portland. Daphne Chapter OES. Mr. and Mri. Oscar Weed went Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cason. to Eugene last Wednesday to visit Ernest Nance of Milwaukie with Mrs. Weed’s mother and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roberson of other relatives. From there they Idana enjoyed a hunting trip in went to Myrtle Point to visit their I the Sisters area last week end. son Chester and his family, return even though unsuccessful in ing home Friday. ting their deer. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. 3 ill Olinger son Mike spent Monday with her I family moved this week to their sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. new home on North street which Melvin Schwab. they purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Mars E. Slack of Dallas is Mrs Jack Heenan. Mrs. Dudley Nickson was a I end house guest of Mr. and visiting this week with the Ed Cecil Johnson, his son-in-law. Poetter and Charles Poetter fa Bob New from Coos Bay and his Mrs A C. Alexander Mr- aod Mrs. Louis Carmichael milies. brother-in-law, R. L. Kramei Mr. and Mrs. Larry Garner from Portland hunted Sunday on ad their guests last week her .a-pbeu and wife, Mr and Mrs. were week end guests of Mr. and the Salmonberry and all were • m Zumwalt, from Seattle and Mrs. Fred May at Forest Grove fortunate enough to get their deer. Mr. and Mrs. Vari Schaumburg *7» brother and wife, Mr and Mr. and Mrs. James Peacock of Mrs E B Carmichael, from received a clipping this week Wood. South Dakota left Tues from a Chicago paper which pic day for California after a WaahougaL visit Mr and Mrs. Jim Peterson tured their two grandsons. Mark of several days here with Mr «..ived Sunday to Forest Grove and Jeffrey Gotsch aged 5 and 6 I and Mrs. Cleao Walrath. Mr - her» Mr Peterson has purchased with an opossum they found in Peacock and Mrs Walrath are it cousins. <ae Home Bakery and took over their garbage can. How wandered in there was a mystery st* opt ration this week Marble Cook and Carl Heisel of Mr and Mrs. C. E. Pierson left but the boys had the pleasure of Beaverton went hunting with •act Thursday on a vacation trip taking it to show their kinder- Adolph Nelson Saturday and to Kansas and Iowa They plan garden and first grade class before were guests at the Nelson home. taking it to the museum to be gone about three weeks Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kasper Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sandon Guests at the C. E. Pierson spent the week end at their beach «nr the early part of last wee* spent the week end visiting cou cottage. They were accompanied were Mr and Mrs Richard Green, sins at Pee Ell, Washington. by their daughter. Frances, who Geests Sunday afternoon at friends from Dayton. Ohio who is attending Benke-Walker busi- Lave recently sold out their busi- the Bill Wolff home at Natal ness college in Portland this r.vss there and were on their way I were Robert Turner and Mrs. year. Betty Jean Chamebrlain, both of t Oakland, California to live Mrs. Arch Kimball was taken Mr. and Mrs. Clarence New left Portland. ill suddenly Monday while at Visiting Sunday m the home Friday for a months visit with work at The Cozy and is recup- of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson relatives in Oklahoma and Ken erating at home from an attack tacky At Oilton. Oklahoma they were his uncle and aunt, Mr. and of intestinal flu. will visit with Mr New’s father Mrs. J L. Culbertson, from Port- Mrs. Frank Willis, owner of land. who is 92 years old June’s Style Shop, was very ill Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson and Mrs. Sunday guests of Mrs. Pearle last week end with some unde Adams were her daughter and Grayce Bundy were luncheon termined alergy poisoning. I ueband. Mr and Mrs Leslie Ho- guests last Friday of two of Mrs. Word received here this week fcso <rf Philomath, Oregon and Bundy's sisters at Yamhill, after from Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Herrin, ter son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. which they went to McMinnville former Vernonia residents who to visit with Rev. and Mrs. Chas. now live near Molalla, is that Schneber. Mrs. Herrin is ill with rheumatic Miss Donna Nighiwine who is fever and Mr. Herrin is recuperat employed at a nursing home in ing from a broken foot suffered “HURS.. FRI. OCT 7 1 St. Helens sp?nt the week end several weeks ago when a pile of i here with her mother, Mrs. Perry CINEMASCOPE I lumber fell on it. NIGHT PEOPLE McFarland I People holding winning tickets Gregory Peck - Rita Gam Week end guests of Mr. and in the Brunsman Hardware pro JATURDAY OCT OCT. 9 Mrs. C. E. Miller were Mr. and fit sharing drawing last Saturday “HAZY LEGS—ALL AMERICAN Mrs. Henry King and Donna Elroy Hi rich ■ Lloyd Nolan and who had identified them by from Raymond, Washington, Sat- MON. OCT. 10 11 Wednesday were James Burdette, urday night they attended the CINEMASCOPE Guy Tiffney, Arnold Wienecke Hi VER OF NO RETURN football game at Multnomah sta- and Clifford Minz. From now I-bt Mitchum - Marilyn Monroe I dium between University ot on not less than five $5 tickets Washington and Oregon State will be selected each week. I'TWVRSDAT. OCT T. ItM THÏ EAGLE. VERNONIA. House Wanning Surprises Pair ORA TOPICS OF THE TOWN i •Jof/ Tlivatrv This Week OCTOBER 1 TO 8 Is National Newspaper Week Just What Is a Newspaper? THIS QUESTION HAS MANY ANSWERS. HERE ARE A FEW Idaho Family Visits Here TRF.HARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson aond sons Bob and Norman of Emmet, Idaho and Mr and Mrs. G. C. Kirkbride and Roger Hunt of Vernonia were Sunday dinner guests at the By ron Kirkbride home. Mr. John- son is a cousin of Mrs. G. C. Kirk- bride. Mrs. Loretta Naylor and sister, Virginia Huntington of Hillsboro visited Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and thildren Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bender and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Bender’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neilsen of Skamokawa, Washington. By Marvin Kamholz Complaints were somewhat fre- quent the early part of the week and late last week after city residents received their water statements. Listed on the state ments far last month’s water con sumption was also a charge of $1.50 per residence as a sawer use charge. The complaints, which were heard most often by City Re corder Sam Hearing when people came to the city hall to pay their bills, hinged on the fact that as yet the proposed new sewers have not been installed so the use charge should not be made. It is quite true that the sewers have not been installed and pro bably won't be until next year. But, there is another aspect of this sewer project that must be taken into consideration. Th” city of Vernonia has sold a bond issue of 285.000 and now has the money from that issue on deposit here so that it will be available for use in payment of expenses that will be incursed in install ing the sewer system. Likewise the engineering firm of N. W Haner and Associates, which the city employee, has been instructed to prepare de tailed plans and specifications for the proposed system so that bids for the work can be called. It is the hope of city councilmen that this work can be started early next year. All this means that the sewer program for Corey hill is actually underway even though not yet in stalled. The bond money is earn ing interest for the purchasers of those bonds and that interest as well as the bonds themselves must be repaid. Under the conditions specified in the charter amendment which was voted upon favorably earile* this year, a sewer use charge is to be one of the sources of re- venue to be used for payment of bond interest and principal. This same sewer use charge v/as also mentioned in legal publica tions which appeared in this paper when the city issued calls for bids, although the definite amount was not mentioned at thos” times. The definite amounts to be charged for sewer use are listed in an ordinance adopted last month, this same ordinance b”ing another step in the legal proced ure that has been necessary to get the undertaking started. By starting the sewer use charge now, which City Attorney C. F. I Bradley has informed the city is | entirely legal, a fund is being BIRKENFELD — Mr and Mrs. Francis Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Larson, Mr and Mrs. Fred Larson, Mr and Mrs. Herbert Rodgers. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nordstrorrg Mr and Mrs. Jim Garlock and Norman Berg and the Martans of Vernonia all ga thered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Larson of Riverview Saturday before last for a sur- prise house warming. Mr and Mrs Clifford Nim moved to Grande Rhonde last week end. Jurgen Johansen is in the Longview hospital for observa- non. Mrs Fred Stinchfield and Mrs. Darrell Baker called on him Friday. built up for payment of bond in terest and principal. To delay collection of the use charge will cnly delay payment and permit interest to accumu- late, The longer it accumulates, the more residents of the city will be called upon to pay from their pockets and the longer this municipality will be in debt. VERN0NIÄ DRUG COMPANY PHONE 101 — VERNONIA. ORE Mrs. Evern Harshman gave a birthday party for her daughter, Margaret, a week ago Saturday. Sewing club met with Mrs. Howard Jones last Tuesday. There were seven members present, Ilene Larson received a gift from her secret pal. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Art Bellingham. Mrs. Art Bellingham and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Parman went to Lebanon Tuesday. Drivers — Don’t expect the same degree of caution from a school child that you would from an adult . . . You must remember they forget ... So Take It Easy . . . Don't end a child's life because you didn't care enough to drive safely. The integrity of the governor's office has been above question.'. He's doing the job that needs to be done with a simplicity and effectiveness that commands re spect, confidence and cooperation /Zote------------- 106XPATTERSON, PAUL Pawl Ada Faller«.. f.r C.«ern.r . Trd K Cambie. Chr 1226 S.W. Broad «ar. FvnUml, Or«. SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHAI.EM flt Your Favorite Grocery NABISCO FEATURES MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 HHTVH3N dOHS — WH IVHUN dOHS — W3 IV RUN dOHS Public Service It serves its community with news, ad vertising. comment and entertainment. It promotes civic and humanitarian pro jects. Manufacturing Plant DON'T THROW THEM AWAY! H It converts raw materials, ink. paper, metal and power into a finished product. It gives employment. i ’ ermitage Business It holds full status as a wholesaler (of paper! and retailer It plays its part in the commercial clubs and other civic en terprises. Service Establishment It gives information, advice and guidance through its columns and through its de partments. It gives help through its read ing notices, classified columns and thank you items 100 Per Cent Home Institution It is f for “ . __ the Nehalem Valley and _ Colum- bia county \ always 1* J t;_ Its payroll remains almost i ntirely at home t _ taxes _ ----- J. ' Its help support schools and government. ------ ------------ --------- _____ It is a consumer of power, fuel and other ele ments supplied locally BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY fl Repair Job Will Pay Oregon ’s largest - selling straight bourbon! ‘2 You'll be surprised at the many months of extra wear and com fort you can get—and «he cost will be considerably leu than a new pair! 65 Pint 10 4 » QC HEBRON'S SHOE SERVICE THE VERNONIA EAGLE FULLY AGED Also—McCulloch Saw Parts and Service THIS WHIJMIT If « YE AES 010 • 1C FIOOF • TH| 010 »MITlfil COMPANY raaNKFORT KENTUCKY