■2 THURSDAY, SEPT 30, 1954 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. Family Reunion Held Sunday OR£ TOPICS OF THE TOWN 4 Mr. and Mr». T. F. Tomlin «•' • tended a dinner Saturday evening a* Waluga Chapter, OES, at Os­ wego for associate matrons and associate patrons of the Portland district. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Emmons spent the past week end at Rose­ burg where they visited with his sister, Mrs. Thelma Jones and her family; his aunt, .Mrs Flor­ ence Mulkey and with Mrs. Em. men's sister, Mrs. Cora Wurn. On the way home they called on Mr. and Mrs. Luther Herrin at Yoncalla. Mrs. LeRoy Frasier of Boise, Idaho is spending two weeks here with her sister, Mrs. Lee Jesse and her brother, Buster Byers. Miss Mabie Winston of Long* beach, California is visiting at the home of her sister. Mrs M B Steers Sr She came at this time so as to be able to attend the installation of her great neice, Alice Steers, as Rainbow Worthy Advisor. Visiting Sunday with Mr. and M B Steers Sr. - and Mr and Mrs M B Steers Jr. and family were Mr and Mrs Steer Sr's, two daughters and families, Mr and Mrs. J. J. Bennett and children of Sumner. Washington and Mr. and Mrs M. P. Kuehn and family of Elgin, Oregon, and Mr and Mrs. Wm. Selfridge of Idana, Mr. and Mrs Bernard Aik- in from California and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Peterson Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ana Mrs. Mrs Bill Wolff of Natal were Mr and Mrs Max Glienke and daughter Elsie of Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve and daugh-' tir of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper of Ver­ nonia. Other callers in the after­ noon were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kittleson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Haag and Mr and Mrs. Harold Bunst and son all of Portland; Mr .and Mrs Art Gregg and son Verne, Mrs. Louisa Bei- telsbach and Mrs Mary Huber of Cornelius and Mrs. Art Kirk and Mrs. Ed Shafer of Vernonia Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culbertson were in Portland on business last Friday. Reverend and Mrs. Charles Schreiber of McMinnville visited rec.-ntly with Mrs. Pearl Wilker­ son. Carol Ann Brown is recover­ ing nicely from her recent head injury and is able to be up this week. She expects to be abi-3 to return to school next week. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr. are her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Haskell, and their son Er. nest Mr Haskell has recently been discharged from the navy. The ambulance was called out last Saturday evening to take L?- Roy Bell of Portland to Jones hospital after he had received se­ vere back injuries in a fall. Mrs. George Remnant is re- ported to be recovering satisfac­ torily this week at Emanuel hos- Tlie Friendly Siero where Quality Cost» Xo More DEER HUNTERS TO MAKE YOUR HUNT SAFER AND BETTER MILLERS HAVE THESE SUGGESTIONS Red Hunting Hats ----- $1.45 Best Quality Red Sweat Shirts............ $295 With Collar and Zipper Fronts. By Van Heusen and Hanes Heavy Sox............... Pair $1.00 5O‘° Wool. 50 Nylon for much longer wear. All White or Gray Colors Hunting Packs - - - Pair $13.95 10-Inch tops of oil tan leather. Bol-tan insoles, and griper tread out-soles pital from the foot operation per- formed last week. PLASTIC PARTY Monday. Oci. 4, 8:00 p.m.. I.O.O.F. Hah. He- freshmer* s. Come and bring a friend. Mt. Heart Rebekah Se­ cial Club. attle Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Hensley and two children of Salem were calling on relatives and friends h.re last week end. Mrs. Hens­ ley is the toimer Phyllis Lara- more. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Shafer an­ nounce the arrival or a son, Gary Ronald, born September 25 at J< nes hospital at Hillsboro. He weighs eight pounds, 12 ounces. Mr. and Mr». Walter Kent spent Munday and Tuesday of last wee -. at Longb ach, Washington. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Graves are her suter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. P H Forker of Anaheim, Cali­ fornia. Mr. and Mr». F. M. Sorenson of Dumont, Iowa visited Sunday n.ght and Munday with Reverend and Mrs. F. M. Knoll. Mr. Knoll and Mrs. Sorenson were former school mat >s in the east. Doris Kimball is able to be about on crutches now and re- covering nicely from her broken leg. ~ ' •*' Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schaum­ burg att nded the roadster races at Tillamook Sunday in one of which Cloice Hal) placed second Mr. and Mrs. Harold McEntire ar.d Patricia and Steven and Ken­ neth spent the week end at Sand Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Davis and Carla of Tillamook were visiting Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thornton and son William of St. Helens spent Sunday with Mrs. Thorn­ ton's parents. Mr and Mrs. J C. Sawyer. DANCE Legion Hall Saturday, October 1G. Oalcie Asher and His Western Play Boys. Admission $1.00 per person. 39i3c Mr. and Mrs. Jack Heenan wilt move Saturday to Clatskanie where Mrs. Heenan will be chief operator and cashier in the West Coast telephone company office. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hodqscn and suns have moved from their home on Capitol Hill to Manning where Mr. Hodgson will work in the null. Mrs. P. L. Johnson of St. Hel­ ens is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Manford Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Riley, for­ mer Vernonia residents who now live in Tillamook, ar 3 the par­ ents of a daughter, Rebecca Jo- Anne, burn September 14 Mrs. Laura Hicks who formerly resided here is teaching the sixth grade at the Beaver school near Tillamook this year. Mrs. Powell B. Loggan and » children of Longview spent Sun- day afternoon here with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Nichols. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Medley are the parents of a son, Edward Dsan, weigh'ng eight pounds, 12 ounces, born September 22 Jones hospital at Hillsboro. Wm. Bridgers was taker, to St. Vincents hospital on Tuesday be- cause of a recurring illness. Loretta Norris was in Po.>land Tuesday and Wednesday for tests to determine the cause of an ill­ ness occuring this week. Mr. and Mrs. Terry M. Pace of Portland spent th ‘ week end here at the home of their son Wesley Pace. PLASTIC PARTY Monday, Oct. 4, 8:00 p.m., I.O.O.F. Hall. Re- freshmer* s. Come and bring a friend. Mt. Heart Rebekah So- cial Club. 39tlc Mrs. Dewey Patterson and four children arrived home W-dnesday from Mississippi where they had " pint"* -veitfT weeks visittffl^ Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ellie* t are the patents of a son, Richard Duane, boi n Tuesday, September 28. at St. Vincents Hospital and weighing eight pounds, two ounces. Í BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon TREHARNE — R J Norton and wife; Mr and Mrs Lloyd Norton and children of Seaside; Mr and Mrs H G. Kauffman and children of Knappa-Svensen; Mr. and Mrs. Clio Norton and son of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Skorepa from Manning all enjoyed a fa­ mily gathering at Mr. and Mrs. E P. Crawfords Sunday. R J Norton is Mrs. Crawford’s cou­ sin and is one of the carpenters who built the Crawford's new home at Treharne. Mr and Mrs. Bert Tisdale, Ken­ ny Thomas and Lee Rogers left Wednesday morning for Roseburg to visit Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beck and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Beck and Lee Rogers plan to hunt in Eastern Oregon. Gradie Whitmire of Lebanon spent the week end with his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire. Mrs. Lester Fletcher and Mrs. DeWolf of Castle Rock, Wash­ ington were Sunday guests of Mrs. Fletcher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire. Mrs. De Wolf is staying with the Whit­ mires as a helper-companion of Mrs. Whitmire who has been ill for some time. Statistics show that most forest fires are caused by local people, by carelessness. Forest fires can be prevented. Be sure to put out your campfire. KEEP OREGON GREEN! STOCK SIGNS O © c 9 o 9 No Tresspassing For Rent Absolutely No Admittance No Minors Allowed No Peddlers Allowed No Hunting No Fishing or Hunting Without Permission VERNONIA EAGLE Warren Booster Night Attended NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Law­ ton Waddell attended the Booster night meeting Saturday night at the Warren Grange and furnished the music for the dancing that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Vere Hershey and family enjoyed a trip to Ash- land over the week end. Everyone is welcome at the party at the Grange hall on Sat- urday evening October 2 Dick Waddell spent Friday night and Saturday at his home here from Westport where he is employed. Lee Osborne of Portland call­ ed at the Dunlap home on Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Du.'.iap accompanied by Mr. and Mrs Ro­ bert Lindsay enjoyed a trip to Saddle mountain on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine call­ ed at the S. Swanson home on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Swan­ son is improving satisfactorily from her recent illness. Maxine Oblack spent the week end at her home here front For­ est Grove whers she is a student at Pacific University. Oregon has initiated the use of tamper proof driver’s licenses, the first of its kind in the nation, and is attracting the attention of all other states. Joi/ T heat re THURS., FRI. Sept. 33—Oct, I BETRAYED Clark Gable - Lana Turner uniur.jaY OCT. 2 CHALLENGE OF THE WILD Sheila and George Graham and Zimmie, The Blacktail Fawn Plus WINNING THE WEST SUN.. MON. OCT. 3-4 ELEPHANT WALK Elizabeth Taylor - Dana Andrews The LGng-Bell LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia EJivisiOia You II like Lucky the aged 4 IIS FROM NIHhk-CM DAIRf • Men's Drawers ------- Pair $1.65 With long legs, made of light weight combed yarn and all elastic waist. Hanes quality. Cotton Flannel Shirts Caulked Shoes Taste what a difference Lucky's thorough ageing makes I Shoe grease - - - ’-lb. can 45c Full Pound Can _ 79c Long Leather Shoes Laces 30c Pr. Foam Latex and Cork Insoles stands for Beauty can be A kid that leaks as good as we. Drink plenty of THIS MILK each day. We got our rosy cheeks that way NEHA 4M DAIRY PRODUCTS CD. Grade A Paateurizod Milk & Cream PHON* 471 Smooth and mellow.. .just right! That's Lucky Lager every time. That uniform flavor comes from proper ageing., and you know Lucky is aged —the brew date is on every label’ Try Lucky Lager yourself' You'll see why more people in the West buy and enjoy Lucky than any other beer. LUCKY LAGER (M,. Make the Lucky 7-Day Test Try lucky loger for 7 doyi. Notice the tremendovi difference lucky'» thorough ogeing makes You'll ffhd •t totte» better — become it» mode better. Get lucky for 7 days and be lucky forever. :*S4-la<»* law » •• *« C wh „ waa*e> Wnl , Sa* l-axltia la, Safa'a*. Cal.