Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, September 30, 1954, Image 1

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    Library, U of O
Gulls Score
Decisive Win
Friday Night
Loggers Apparently
Forget Fundametals,
Plays; Lose 40 6 evening of last week
th' Vernonia Loggers pull?d into
th coast town of Seaside confi­
dent of a come-bark after the
previous week's tromping at th”
hands of the St. Helens Lions,
only to be flattened by a group
■of pepped up Seagulls by th?
score of 40-6.
Any resemblence between the
loca eleven and a football tear.?
was purely coincidental in the
first half, as the Loggers made
every mistake possible and then
aa'ded some to make their effort
of playing the game commonly
known as fotball a complete flop.
Ev.d-ntally the local eleven for­
got all their fundamentals along
with their plays, resembling a
bunch of grade school kids play-
ing a game of touch tackle for the
first time.
The only bright spot occurring
in the local’s favor came at the
start of the third quarter when
th* Loggers were holding the
short end of the score 20-0. Sea­
side was held to three downs
after th? opening kickoff and
forced to kick to their own 45.
The Loggers then proceeded to the ball downfield tp the
2-yard stripe'where Frank
piu.-.ged over for the TD. The Io­
cs ; then held the Gulls and once
ara ? forced them to kick, only
to fumble with Seaside recover-
ini deep in Vernonia territory.
F.-m that point on. the d moral-
izf d Logger eleven forgot foot­
ball and the Seaside touchdown
parade started.
The Loggers will take the field
Friday to play their third Lower
Columbia League game of th?
seusen when the Clatskanie Tigers
travel here. Vernonia will go
in*, this encounter with a big
question mark on th?ir shoulders.
Th question is whether they can
remember the game of football
,.n a game, as they practice it
during the week
Gam? time
p.m., local high school field.
Stolen Car
Wrecked Here
A car failed to negotiate the
tit“* at Bridge St. and Rose Av-
eMM Saturday morning and went
into the ditch just north of Stur-
de zant’s garage, tearing out a
section of the walkway bridge
be'onging to Roger Whaite.
The two boys who were in the
car were able to get out and
leave the scene of the accident
but were later apprehended and
arrested by the state police on a
stolen car charge. The youths,
both from Kelso, reportedly stole
the car in Kelso.
They are being held in the coun­
ty ail pending investigation by
the federal bureau of investiga­
Sccre Board Is Installed
A new score board has been
installed at the high school foot­
bail field and will be in use for
the first time Friday night for
the game between Clatskanie and
SO2/c Floyd A. Snyder, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Snyder of Tre­
ham?, arrived Thursday front
Norfolk, Virginia wher? he has
been stationed.
County Drive
Due Oct 4
Darrold Proehl H?ads
Vernonia Part of
Annual Campaign
10c COPY
Chamber Farm Committee
Lists Work Objective
Issued earlier this week by
Harlow Hotrum, chairman of the
Vernonia chamber of commerce
agriculture committee, was a r?-
port of the objectives of the
group and information it has as-
scmblcd concerning the devel lop-
ment of berry farms in the Ne-
hakrn valley.
Working with Hotrum as mem­
bers of tho committee are Ralph
. I
Hickman and .Albert Schalock.
The group objective is to encour­
age better farming practices and
promote more full-time, self-sup-
Rates now in effect on protect­
ed and unprotected dwellings and
which are a reduction which re­
cently became effective, were out­
lined Wednesday by Bill J Horn
The new rates became effective
the first of this month when or­
dered by the insurance commis
sioned of Oregon and folk»'.
general reduction throughout th?
porting farms in this area, the
chairman pointed out September
A/3c L. O Thomas is now
22 at the chamber membership
with the 98th bomb wing of the
County organization has been
344th Bomber Squadron, station- ccmpleted for the United Fund
In his report the chairman of
Protected dwellings, those where
cd at Lincoln Air Foro? Base in drive which is to begin next Mcn-
the committee pointed out that fire protection is available, but
Nebraska, according to word re­ day, October 4. and run througn
his group is more convinced than with unapproved roofs were re
October 16.
ceived by friends here.
ever that this area need not suc­ duced from $1 per $100 of pro
County chairman in charge of
to a decreased timber in­ tection to 79c on a three-year ba-
Second Lieutenant Lloyd G. the drive is Russ Martini and vice
The report continued:
Gardner, son of Mr. and Mrs. chairman. Jim Clawson both f
Protected dwellings with ap­
St. Helens. A local chairman was
"We have been doing a con-
A. W. Gardner of Vernonia, has
proved roofs, which are roofs of
appointed for each community a,
| siderable amounts of mvestigat- fire-resistant material, w -re r •
been promoted to the rank of f< Hows: Vernonia, Darrold Pro-
1 ing about the possibilities of berry duced from 90c to 70c. The rat?
First Lieutenant and assigned a* ehl: Clatskanie, Dave Staley; St.
firms in th” Nehalem valley. The on contents on unapproved was
company commander with Am­ Helens, Carol Eckert; Scappoose,
Duncan Cannery officials at For­ lowered from $1 to 83c and on
bulance Company, 203rd Medical Father Manning and Rainier,
Battalion, a unit of the 44th In­ Vern Solley.
est Grove were very encouraging. approved from 90c to 74c.
Unprotected dwellings, wh ch
The quota for Columiba coun-
fantry Division at Fort Lewis.
They said that our potentials
are those hom”s not having fir»*
tv is $30,000 with $18,000 to be
were as good if not better than protection and which are not clas­
The 44th Division, now undcr- raised in St. Helens and $3.0)0
I in the lower valley because of our
sified as farm property also ar?
going tactical training as General in each of th? other communities.
growing season and our virgin listed for lower rates for both
Reserve Division, holds an im­ In addition to this, the com­
pressive combat r”cord for its munities are asking additional I
soil. The harvest season would unapproved and approved rooms
The new rate per $100 of in­
203 days of steady combat dur­ funds for local beneficiaries as
Thr?? former Vernonia grid­ work out fine with their sched­ suranee on unapprov >d in $1 16
ing World War II in Europe, follows: Vernonia and Scappoose
uled operations.
I and for the contents, $1 20. For
Three of the divisions present each $710 for emergency relief ders are playing important roles
recommended approved roofs, the new rate is
regiments took part in the fierce and operating fund; Raimer and in Pacific University’s plans for
They are raising strawberri >s Marshall va­ $1.06 and the contents, $1.10
Clatskanie each $1000 for youth <” successful season.
jungle warfare of the Pacific,
Gordon riety on the hills and the North­
A further reduction in rates is
Demobilized after World War
Ray, west variety on bottom soils. in prospect for those homes lo­
II, the 44th was called back to ens, $1292 for emergency relief
Biackcaps or black raspberries cated in the propos ’d rural fire
active Federal service in Febru­ and operating fund.
recommended for the cane­ district should the people in th?
Millis, starting his fourth year
ary 1952 during the Korean con
Educational meetings are being
berry line. They desire to write district approve he district when
held in the various communities as a varsity football player at
a 3-5 year contract. They wiil they vote on the question Tues ■
this week for training leaders and Pacific will act as co-captain for
help any reliable person get start­ day, October 12.
A/3c Larry Taylor is now at co-workers at which films will be
regardless of acreage
Clovis Air Force Base in New shown and pamphlets distributed. will be a strong contender for
will even go as far as financing
Mexico after receiving his basic The Vernonia meeting will be to­
this new operation, consisting of
training at Lackland Air Fore” night, Thursday at the Washing­ halfback. Crpwston has been a
soil testing, fertilizer and certified
Base in Texas. He is with the ton Grade school and while it is
supply division and is also fin­ primarily for workers the public coaching staff this season. After
It enough interest is shown,
sirhooi s'.uduis- He
welcomed an I qvestions about
committee indicates that a
' s'aSbn, "Crowston has blossom» <1
expects to be home for Christ­ The drive will be answered. *"
Septemebr 30 is the end of the
as a top passer and is pressing meeting will be scheduled with
for the starting quarterback po- Don Walrod, county agent, and current 4 H club year, announces
the Duncan field representative Harold Black, county ex tens ion
to explain in greater detail the agent.
Ray, a 240-pound tackle who
raising of berries. Interested
Black reminds all 4-H club
was an all-league choice at Ver-
people are asked to leave their members who have not turned in
nenia last season, is making his
names on file either at The Eagle their record books that these must
weight felt in the Badger line and office or at th” city hall
with be in the county extension office
Members of the staff of th" will crowd the veterans for a
Mrs. Paul Gordon, chamber sec- at St Helens by September 30. if
Latest project sponsored by the grad? schools and the high school, starring berth.
the club members wish to receive
Vernonia Garden Club and hear­ bus drivers and school board
Coach Paul Stagg's Badgers
credit for the year's work. Re­
tily entered into by some of the members together with their will open conference action Oc­
cord books must be in l»efore th?
men is the making of benches wives and husbands gathered on tober 2 at Forest Grove against
club members can receive their
which will be placed in suitable Tuesday evening in the cafeteria Whitman. Prospects are good foi
places about town so that when of the Washington grade school a Badger return to their old po
Achievement pins and certifi
weather is favorable folks may for a potluck dinner which was sition of prominence in the
cates and special awards will be
have a place to sit and visit if designed to be a get acquainted Northwest Conference.
presented at achievement meet­
they so desire. One bench has meeting. School board memb”i
Games to be played on the
The important wardrobe Jn- ings to be held in each communi­
already been made by Art Os- and their wives and husbands
field I at Forest Grove are:
grcdients for the well-dressed ty. Most of these will be sched­
trander who plans to make an- were special guests, requested
Sat., , Oct. 2—Whitman
Teen Age Miss—separates, jump­ uled in October.
other and Clarence Nance is çn merely to bring big appetites
Sat., , Oct. 9—Pacific Lutheran
ers, suits and coats, dresses—will
Organization of clubs for the
the list for one in the near fu- and enjoy th? food brought by
Sat., , Oct. 16—Willamette
be well represented in Vernonia's coming year is now underway.
ture. It is hoped by the club the others. About ninety were
Sr.t. . Oct. 30—Oregon College of S'mphcity P a t t e rn "Fashion Black urges al) persons who were
that they will be able to develop present for the affair.
Jingles" fashion show at 7:30 on not enrolled this year, but who
seme park areas for next sum­
Three musical numbers were
Sat., Nov. 13—Lewis and Clark Tuesday night, October 5, at the are interested for the coming year
mer which would be especially i p-esent'd by the faculty mai?
Vernonia High School auditorium
to contact a 4-H leader in their
enjoyed by oldsters who like to quartet and the rest of the time
area or the county extension of-
sit and chat.
was spent in visiting
Store Plans Move
the 4-H clothing clubs in this fice in the courthouse at St.
The stole which was made by
Committee in charge of ar-
The location of the Vernonia area and the home economics Helens.
Mane Frazee and given to the rangements was M rs. Launee
c'asses at the Vernonia High
club was drawn by Mrs. Velva Miller, Mrs. Erma Chance. Mrs. Bargain House is scheduled to
Christensen last Saturday.
Grace Hendrickson. Dan Lawler,
The princess line is shown to
A meeting of the club will be Mrs. Rose Steen, Miss Marcia will open in it's new location in
full advantage in jumpers that
held tomorrow (Friday) after- Manville and Harold McEntire.
Cafe was formerly. Preparation highlight a small waist and are
noon at 2:30 at th? home of Mrs.
of the building was underway mad” in wool, tweed, cotton
V. J Lindsley at Riverview. Her
th? forepart of the week to tweed and corduroy. They mul­
place may be easily found be- Tank Owners Warned
Vernonia stamp collecting cn
enable the Bargain House to tiply a wardrobe—can be worn
cause of her greenhouse. She has
Rural residents who have sep-
with or without blouses.
thusiasts gathered at the city ha’i
many lovely dahlias in bloom tic tank systems, bewar? of the open for business there Friday.
Also to be shown are the slim last Friday evening at 7 oclocic
now for club members to sec. fly-by-night septic tank pumpers
one-yard skirt in tweed, teamed to discuss stamps, exchange speci­
Anyone who desires to attend is who may try to scalp you for as
in the "Fashion Jingles" show mens and learn of the various
School Enrollments Up
much as $150 00 for cleaning a
with a bat-wing turquoise j”rsey phases of collecting
Also pre
A check of records shows that blouse; a full pumpkin denim
500 gallon tank. Usual price 13
sent were a number of juniors
around one fourth of that depend­ the Vernonia grade schools have skirt trimmed with black braid who would like to organize a
School Teachers to Meet
ing upon conditions. Only legi­ an enrollment of 533 at present I and worn with a choir-boy strip­ club when a leader can be secu
A combined meeting of class timate pumpers are issued a per­ as compared to 498 at the end ped blouse; A cape collared coat ed.
room teachers, schoolmasters and mit to operate in Columbia Coun­ of the first month last year. The in exciting cherry red;
Much interest in stamp collect
the Oregon State Teacher's As­ ty. Th?y are required to renew h gh school now has 186, which a basic fitted suit in grey ing is being evidenced here and
sociation members will be hcTd their permit annually Check to is also an increase over last years flannel outlin-d in smart black the local post office is makin'
Monday night at Clatskanie and see their permit before giving count of 180 at the end of the braid and many other dress styles. every effort to secure the new is­
first month.
will be preceeded by a dinner.
them the job.
The garments will be modeled sues for them. Many who do not
by high school girls and 4-H wish to become collectors them­
clothing club members
Every­ selves are also taking an interest
one is welcome to attend the in saving stamps and passing
fashion show. There is no charge. them on to those who do have al­
The group will meet again on
Portland Center for X-rays October 22 unless otherwise an
The State Mobile chart x-ray nounced and collectors are a.,
nit will not be in Columbia welcomed to the meetings.
3 Gridders Now
Cn Pacific Squad
4-H Year Ends
September 30
Club Sponsors
Park Benches
COACH VLCEKS Logger line will be greatly intent on stopping
Clatskanie • ground game Friday evening when the Tigers offer
Ike competition in another LCL game. From le5t: Pat O'Brien.
C-et Acquainted
Dinner Enjoyed
Fashion Show
Tuesday Evening
Collectors Meet
Friday Night
Johnny Daniels. Bill Higley. Roy Higley. Hank Bass. Robert Me
Farland and Chat Ray.
(Vernonia Eagle Photo)
County this year. The free units
w-hich operate throughout the
state hare a very busy schedule
which requit zs about 3 yea s
to cover the stale However, a
free chest x-ray may be obtained
at the City-County Tuberculosis
Survey Center, 830 SW Tenth
Avenue (between Yamhill and
Taylor) Portland, Oregon.
Cleaner Firm Reopens
Business resumed early this
week for the Radiant Cleaners,
which was closed shortly after
the lumber strike began earlier
this year. Announcement of tho
opening was made by Edgar Slor-
set, owner of the firm.