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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1954)
« THURSDAY, SEPT 16, 1954 >-i~—------------------------------ TTTE EAGLE, VERNONFA, --------- ----------- ORE. Hunting Supplies BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES HUNTING RIFLES HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION ELECTRIC WIRING — NAILS PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE Pin-up Lamps New Exotic Type $3.50 $193 Value 1 Beautiful for Shower Gifts, Etc. Different types & Colors for Kitch- ens. Dens, Play- rooms. $96 50 Vai. Oakland Wood range. Can Be Used with Door Op°n To Resemble Fireplace Smaller Size $74 50 Value Purrey Reversible Wool and Rayon blan- kets. Beautiful Selec- tion of Colors. Each Side a Different Color 512.95 Value $381 95 Coleman Lanterns $11.95 and $13.95 Acti°n' A complete Water System No tank, no Extras to buy • Exclusive Radiantube Surface Units • Automatic Appliance Outlet • Full-width Storage Drawer • High-Speed Broiler $•• the difference Live-Water Action make«. Rolling, penetrating current« of «udiy water «rath clothe« through and through. No yanking or pulling. • Combination broiler and roasting pan • Lifetime Porcelain finish inside and out—with choice of white or 2 colors on the exterior New Imperial WV65 Automatic Washer I Yellow New Imperial DV65 Dryer 299 259 New WV35 Thrifty Automatic Washer 229 New Thrifty DV35 Dryer I •> * ' ,95 179 Huckleberry Picking Found Good Sunday BIRKF.NFELD — Linda Jere tertained the following with a miah. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fish dinner Wednesday: Mr. and Clinton Jeremiah cut her lip quite Mrs. Ray Whitehead, Claire Bel lingham, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil El severely at school Thursday Mis Arthur Bellingham took her to liott and Keith Elliott. The fish Vernonia to the doctor where was from a salmon caught last four stitches were required to j Sunday. A group from here went to close the cut. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whitehead of Hillsboro Sunday to have a pic Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. nic, but due to the weath-’r they Fr»«d Udey Wednesday and Thurs ate indoors at the home of Mr day. Lois Sayers was a week end and Mrs Don Jensen. Those who guest. were there were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udey en- Cecil Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Lawr ence Jepson and Denny. Mr and Mrs. Art Bellingham and boys Mr and Mrs. Ted Bellingham and children, Mr and Mrs G. W Parman and boys of Scappoose and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Larson ot Hillsboro. Thursday word was received by IN Mr and Mrs. Art Bellingham and Mrs. Elsa Richardson that Grand THURSDAY mother Richardson had passed BACK away in California The funeral was in Astoria Saturday. THURSDAY TREHARNF. Mrs. Nell Thack er and Mrs. Wm Falconer were among those who picked huckle berries at Mt Hood Sunday with good success. Mrs Pauline Tisdale, Mrs. Flora Whitmire, Mrs Nancy Daniel and Mrs. Florence Kirkbnde made a business trip to Gales Creek and Forest Grove Thursday. Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale were Lee Rog ers of Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and Mrs. Walter Cox and Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlson, son Jack and daughter. Mrs. Wm Hall of Garibaldi visited her parents, Mr and Mrs. G C Kirkbnde and brother and family, the Byron Kirkbrides, Sunday Laundry and Dry Cleaning Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners ■ 'W r Winema 4-H Calf Club Enjoys Portland Tour BIRKF.NFELD — Boone John ston took th“ Winema 4-H Calf club on a tour of Portland Satur $$$$$$$$ day The Nabisco plant was one of the points of interest visited They ended at Jantzen Bcscii where all had a wonderful time. Homer Wileoxen is driving a new Bel-Aire Chevrolet Mr and Mr» W, F Reeves and girls drove to Portland Sun Buy Chinchilla* today. A day by way of Longview and South American fur bearer. We have market for all you Vancouver. raise. AlMir.quirie« answered. Mr and Mrs Lawrence Jepson Reahen “ Tipton ' Boe ♦ went to Portland Sunday even Vernonia. Oregon. ing to see her brother, Earl $$$$$$$$ Turner, who is in the hospial. INVEST IN THE FUTURE Large Size Clothes Rack. Beautifully Sand?d. Sp?cial T----- 7. Summer Furniture Market Special. Drop Leaf Desk Made of Maple with Hardwood Drawers. Finished in Walnut, Mahogany orz blond $55 Value for SPECIAL Best Grade Mar- shall-Wells Out- side White $ 4 54 Paint. Gal. * « Lincoln Car Battenes Exchange Price 55 $ and up Marshall-Wells Quick Drying Enamel Gallon $5.95 Quart $1.75 Pint $1.00 12 -Pint 65c 35c '«-Pint ROLL ROOFING S2.6C 45-lb. 55-lb. $2.95 65-lb. $3.55 90-lb. Red or Green $4.35 Gold Seal Roofing Tar 5-Gallon $8.25 Gallon $1.89 Plastic Roof Cement Gallon $1.35 IT'S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Injured Lip Needs Stitches BRICKELS BARBER SHOP Storage Hassocks with 75 Chair Back 95 Double Size $ With Seat Large Toy Chest Hassock « 0^5 Special $095 Television Stools makshau - weus 14 I ben Famous Estwing Hunt ing Ax with Steel and Leather Handle and Belt Scabbord Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $39.95, $49.50 and $69.50 Each PUMP • New Cook-Master Oven Control $238.95 $333.95 $391.95 Coleman Camp Stoves $12 95 and $22.50 Neoprene and Pants • Only 30" wide • Full-width Cooking-Top Lamp SPECIAL SALE ON 1953 Model Shown MODEL FRIGIDAIRE RT 38 REFRIGERATORS RT 45 DS90 9 Cu. Ft. was $379 95 RT 60 Stratford NOW ONLY $315.34 Bring T o Red Hunting Hats. Hunting Knives $1.25, $2.85, $3.40, $3.95 Red, Green, Gray and Black 4 50 Only 1 GOULDS amazing FRIGIDAIRE "THRIFTY 30” ELECTRIC RANGE CTD103 10 3 Cu. Ft White Linoleum Paste Gal. $1.25; Qt. 45c Beautiful Selection of 9x12 Deluxe Congo- leum Rugs Special Buy On Gold Linoleum Floor 95 Per Yard c Lamps up Only Unclaimed Profit Sharing Numbers 40598, 40570, 41141 Hffl $333 95 ALL SIZES OF AMMUNITION Daveno Biltwsil. Week's Special Red, Rose and Green Biltwell Davenport $1 L and chair. $275 Vai. 1 C Model Shown CTD84 8.4 Cu. Ft 109 Folding « «I 7-Piece Virtue Dinette Set. Large table with Duncan phyfe l?g%. 6 rubber foam cushioned chairs with handles. Gray, red, or yel- $149 50 Value for Only— SPECIAL THIS WEEK Blong Bedroom set with 4-draw r Chest. Large Mr. and Mrs. Dres ser and Cabinet Headboard. Refrigerator Defrost« itself Roll-4o-You Shelf Full-Width Hydrator Butter and Cheese Com partment* Egg Server Golden-trimmed color interior All-aluminum Shelve* Right or left-opening Door 5 Year Protection Plan ’69 ’69 ’104 104 > •* =r< $89.50 Coleman Stove and Blower. U About 2 Months Small Coleman Stove GLEAMING WHITE SQUARE TUB MAY TAG WASHER. USED ONLY FEW MONTHS LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW. ONLY These can be sold easy payment plan approved credit. Winchester Model 30-30 Caliber ... 32 Caliber Special Remington Game- master Model 760 30-06 Caliber 300 Sa- vag ? Cal. 300 Savage Model ,00 99 PLY WOOD 4x8x%” $3.95 SIMPSON BOARD 4x3x%” $2.25 CEILING TILE Box of 60 Sq. Ft. $7.75 $20 Sleeping $ MASONITE Bag 4x8x3/16” $3.20 HARDBOARD 4x8x^” $250 Wiesters Given Surprise Party MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Robert J Wiester were pleasantly sur prised Sunday when a group of friends and former business as sociates from the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company at Portland visit ed them. Many of the visitors had never been in Mist before and were very enthusiastic in their expressions of the beauty of the country. Games were play ed and u buffet lunch was served. Singing and dancing was also enjoyed. Those visiting were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thompson. Mr and Mrs. Fred Monaco, Mr and Mrs. Harold N Blanchard. Mr. and Mrs. John C Gudlip. the Miss'es Dorothy Moore. Jo Ann Closner, Betty Black. Woodrow Burns, Richard Hess and Dale M Houden. Walter Mathews is working for a while at the J-H Co. taking the place of Lloyd Beach who w n. Monday back to his former truck driving for Crown Zelleebach. Mrs Zella Bellingham and Mrs. Harshman called on Mrs Austin Dowling a while Wednesday af ternoon. The WM S met last Wednes day in Clatskanie with Mrs. Dda Wilson. The October meeting will be with Mrs. Reed Holding Mr. and Mrs. Arby Mills were dinner guests of the Chas. Sund- lands Saturday evening, and they spent the evening watching T V. Uncle of Local Man Missing at Coos Bay RIVERVIEW—Roward Michel- son of Bend who was reported missing at sea in Monday's papers was an uncle of Hank Hudson and also of Mrs. Manford John son of Vernonia. He had gone fishing alone at Coos Bay Sat urday, his empty boat was found, but his body had not been found. A/3c and Mrs. Leonard Wil helm and Mrs. Albert Schalock arrived home from Lincoln, Ne braska Wednesday. The Wil helm’s were married there Sept. ember 1. Mrs. Schalock went for the wedding and to visit her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fuller and other rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm left Saturday for Paine Air Force Base at Everett, Washington, where he is stationed. Mr. and Mrs Robert Wyckoff spent Saturday in Portland visit- ing his father W C. Thompson, who is quit? ill. Mr. and Mrs Lawrence Hen- dnekaon and three daughters cl ( Scappoose, and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Young and children of Portland were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Camp bell. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Knoedler of Springfield spent Friday and Saturday nights at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olof Jacobson. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Robbins re turned home Saturday after spending the summer at Trout Lake. Washington, where he was | employed. I I ! CEMENT i i Work Wanted Repair work, driveway», | . walls, steps, walks, floors, porches, patios, FURNITURE etc. New and Used Free Estimates Vernonia Bargain House 147 3rd St. Up from Bakery * PHONE’*811 A. G. OSTRANDER