Garden Club Plans Food Sale, Flower Show Odd Fellows, Rebekahs To Dedicate Kitchen The Vernonia Garden Club has scheduled a flower show and food sale for this coming Satur day, September 18, at Sundland Electric, to begin at 10:00 am. Anyone having blooms they would like to display are wel comed to do so, and asked to bring them to the store early that morning. During the day the public is invited to come in and see the flowers and also to buy food at the food sale to be con ducted by the club to raise funds for their various projects. Out standing of the projects thft year has been the planting of shrubs and flowers at the new post of- I fice which has been enjoyed by everyone. In addition to the food sale, the club will have on sale tickets on- a hand crocheted afghan made by Mrs. Mane Frazee and donated to the club. Funds from this sale will also be used for garden club 1 projects. The members of Mt. Heart Re bekah Lodge were very pleased to have Gerry Bramblett and Lena Schroeder with them again. Lena and Gerry are now living at Oakridge and were in Vernon.a for a short visit. Arrangements were made for the dedication of the new dining room and kitchen at the hall. All members of the I.O.O.F. Lodge and Rebekah Lodge and their fa milies are invited to attend a pot luck dinner in the new dining room Saturday, September 18. There will also be a short pro gram. Reception Is Voted Success ¡MXHZHXHXHXHXHXHZHXHXHXHXH H X H H X H 2'j Miles West of Forest Grove on Gales Creek Read H X SELLING OUR OWN FARM-FRESH PRODUCE H H H H H H SWEET CORN — TOMATOES — APPLES H X PRUNES H H H X H KHXHXHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHÍ ERNIE'S FARM MARKET Ready About September 9 Now in ONE daily tablet 11 VITAMINS + 12 MINERALS SUPER PLENAMIHS In each Super Plenamins tablet you get MORE than your mini mum requirement of ALL VITAMINS whose daily require ments are known, plus VITAMIN Bn. FOLIC ACID, LIVER CONCENTRATE, and 12 IMPORTANT MINERALS in cluding CALCIUM. PHOSPHORUS. IRON and IODINE. EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY. SEPT 16. 1954 3 OES Members Go To Reception The Knights of Pythias got off to a good start for the fall season Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. I to all the overnight guests bi Monday night and have sched A very succesful and well at uled a special meeting for next Sam Hearing Jr. want to Grants fore they left for home. tended teacher's reception was Monday night at the I OOF hall Pass where Mrs. Hearing, conduc- | held by the P T A. organization at the Washington school last to plan for special activities for tress for Nehalem Chapter, OES, V.F.W. Man Appointed the coming weeks. took part in an elaborate black Monday evening. The evenings* Ed Miller will attend the Grand light drill that evening which Deputy Chief of Staff program was begun with a short lodge sessions at Salem in Oc was given at a reception honoring Albert E Brunsman, membr. business meeting of the PTA. tober as second year represen Carlotta Wiseman, grand associ of Smith-Christensen Post N > presided over by Mrs. L. L. Wells, tative and Ed Gardner was elect ate matron of the Grand Chapter 3763, V.F.W., Vernonia was ap president. Announcement was ed as the other representative. of Oregon. The drill was par pointed recently to the office of made of the committee chairmen ticipated in by 34 conductresses Deputy Chief of Staff for the d • appointed by the executive com from Portland and vicinity and partment of Oregon. While carry mittee and the appointments were | was made beautiful by elaborate ing out the duties of this ofTic - confirmed as follows: program, m the interests of the organize lighting and costuming. Mrs. James Smith; hospitality, | Mrs. Frank O Brien; room repre For the trip to Grants Pass. tion, he will travel quite exten Mr. and Mrs. Hearing went by sively throughout the northwest sentative. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride; Nehalem Social club, O E.S. met chartered bus from Portland with corner of Oregon. membership. Mrs Earl King; high school service, Floyd Bush; health for the first fall meeting Wed other conductresses and their Mrs. Charles Wall and publicity, nesday evening, September 8 at husbands. Also going to Grants the home of Dorothy Peterson Pass for the reception from here Seaside Guest Caller Mrs. Stephen Waite. with 16 members present. were Mr. and Mrs. P'te Bruns At Birkenfeld Friday A community sing was directed Plans were completed to hav • man, worthy matron and patron Leonard Williamson of Seasidr by Mr. Marvin Wiggins with Mr a rummage sale across the street Floyd Bush at the piano. Rever from Bush Furniture September of Nehalem chapter, Mr. and Mrs. will be the guest caller for Ne T Tomlin, associate matron and halem Valley Squares on Friday end Knoll acted as master of cere 24 and 25. Members having patron, and Mona Gordon. September 17th, when they meet monies for the rest of the pro articles to donate for the sale On Sunday morning the Grants at the Birkenfeld gym. Visitor., gram and introduced Harry San- are ask?d to bring them to the , don from the high school board building on Thursday afternoon, i Pass social club served breakfast welcome. and Glen Hawkins from the grad? September 23 or call Lillian Da- j school board who introduced other vis to pick up articles. members of their boards; and Mr. Plans were also made to have a 1 Eugene Dove, high school sup ’r- Sarah Coventry costume jewelry , intendent and Mr. Darrold Proehl. fashion show Tuesday evening, / grade school superintendent, who October 5th at th? Masonic . , ____ ——— each in turn presented the mem Temple. This is something en bers of their faculties. tirely new and interesting. This Musical numbers throughout will be open to th? public. All I the evening were presented by ladies are invited to attend. Thera | WONDERFUL Gregg Kamholz, Dane Brady and wll be light refreshments after TRADE-INS) Floyd Bush. the showing and admission is free. Following the business meeting After the program, a mixer i EASY TERMS) game was used to help people get | delicious refreshments were serv ed by the hostess and co-hostess, acquainted after which refresh- | ments were served in the cafe June Wilson. The next meeting of th° Ne teria. ■fe autore halem Social club will be held at the home of Stona Serafin, Wed iVrm- , nesday evening, October 13. Social Club Plans Sale Local Men Attend Meet Of Royal Arch Masons Attending the meeting of the Royal Arch Masonic and Royal and Select Masonic lodges at St. Helens last Friday night were Harry Culbertson and Emil Mess ing. Th'1 Royal Arch lodge from St. Helens will confer the Royal Arch degree here September 22. THE Knights of Pythias Set Special Meeting Monday Í "People believe in Maytag” Maytag auwmatíc Wilhelm-Nielsen Vows Exchanged The First-Plvmouth Congrega tional church at Lincoln, Nebras ka was the scene of a pretty candle light wedding on Septem ber 1 when Miss Mildred Nielsen, of Lincoln became th'1 bride of Leonard Ray Wilhelm, son of Mrs. Albert Schalock of Vernonia and Leonard A. Wilhelm of Lin coln. The bride wore a gown of white slipper satin and lace with full train and an illusion veil held in place by a tiara of s?ed pearls. She carried a white Bible with white roses and lilies of the val ley. The maid of honor wore dubonnet taffeta and the three bridesmaids wore pale green taffetas. After the wedding, the young couple came to Vernonia for a visit before going to Everett., Washington where Mr. Wilhelm is stationed with the U.S. Air Fore?. IES FROM* NEHAV4 M PAIRK Jg .3 Double SpinTubs t ! ADMIRAL i i $309 Automatic Water Level Control for small, medium and full loads RADIO & TELEVISION New Mid-Year Models Are Now Here with Dyna Ray Picture Tubes. SUNDLAND’S FOR DEMONSTRATION AND SERVICE PHONE 774. ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia OAKE’S RADIO SHOPj I 1 (ERMITAGE BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY VERNONIA DRUG CO. Telephone 101 Oregon 's largest - selling straight bourbon! Vernonia, Ore. Dame Nature offers a Fine Drink To robust men who work and think. It keeps them well, I'm here to tell— OURS is a MILK you'll like quite well. NEHALEM ORIRY PRODUCTS CO. Grade A Pasteurizod Milk & Cream PHON* 471 _______ THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD * 86 PROOF • THE 010 HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT. KENTUCKY X'HZKZMXHXKXHXHXNXHZHZMXHXHXHXHZHXMXHXHZN7{H^HXHXHXH.l H COME TO YOUR FAVORITE FOOD STORE FOR— NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY PRODUCTS FIXE Groceries SAM'S FOOD STORE Free Delivery M H Phone 7R1 X Meat »--Vegetable« M ^XHXHXHXHXHXHXHZHXHXHZHZHXHXHXXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMX