2 THURSDAY, SEPT 1«. 19M THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. Keasey Extension Unit Names Committee Heads ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mr». Bob McNair ara the parents of a daughter, Rebec ca Ellen, born last Wednesday, September 8, at St. Vincents hos. pital and weighing five pounds, eight ounces. They are now at 'he home of Mrs McNair’s mother, Mr» Milton Lamping Mark DaCaw of Salem spent the week end here with his grandfather. C. F. Heiber Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lindsay and their guests. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Shen of Los Angeles, spent the week end at Redmond visiting Mr. and Mrs. Clarenc? Lindsay and family. Miss Marylyn Good left last week for Springfield. Missouri for a months visit with her fath er and other relatives FOOD SALE Saturday, 10:00 a.m. f .Midlands. Vernonia Garden Club. 37tlc Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kullander left Saturday for a few days vacation at Lxing Beach. Wash ington Visiting last Thursday night with Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Davis were Mr. and Mrs Harold Deck er of Tacoma who lived in Ver nonia about 23 years ago when Mr Decker was with the Shell Oil Company here. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Er. left Sunday for a vacation visit with their daughter, Mrs. Wins ton Walker, and her family at Port Orford Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs W T Graves were their son Tom and his family from Tigard Mrs. Grace Currie returned home last Thursday after spend ing the summer at Ada and other places in that part of the state. Mrs. June Zaugg of Portland is here at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. N Wood recuperating from an operation undergone recently at Emanuel Hospital where she was for a p rod of ten days. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Dewey of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Dewey of Ashland were call ing on friends in Vernonia Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Pica Brunsman attended the wedding of Barbara McMahon and Harold Koski in the chapel of the First Presby terian church in Portland last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson Mrs. Harold McEntire and Mrs. John Grady spent last Sunday picking huckleberries at Mt. Hood They report excellent luck in spite of inclement weather. Guests Sunday at the Melvin Schw ab home were Mrs Schwab’s parents, Mr and Mrs H J. Peas- nail of Astoria and her sister, Mrs. Jim Hamilton of Hayward, California Mrs. Hamilton is the former Diana Peasnail. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Archibald spent last week end in Portland visiting their daughter and fami ly, the John Kirks Miss Mary Anne Clark and Miss Gladys Winn of Portland sp°nt the week end here at the home of Mrs. Alice Malmsten and Mrs. Lois Clark. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Washburn of Yakima spent Tuesday night at the John Grady home. FOOD SALE Saturday, 10:00 a.m. £ undlands. Vernonia Garden Club. 37tlc I Guests this week at the home of Mr and Mrs John Scott have been her sister, Mrs R L. Wal- lizer of Portland and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gieser of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Mr Gieser, an em ployee of the United States De- paitment of Agriculture will go from h"re to Beltsville. Maryland for a new assignment. Mrs. Dave Marshall and Mrs. Claude Norris went to Lebanon and Sweet Home Wednesday to visit with relatives and friends until Thursday Mrs. George Remnant returned home Tuesday evening after spending two weeks at Emanuel hospital for treatment. Reverend and Mrs. F. M. Knoll sp?nt Tuesday at Jennings Lodge where Mrs Knoll visited their son Bob and his family while Mr. Znoll attended the meeting of the conference board of missions at the Assembly grounds. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Faulk was brought home Wednesday from Providence hos pital in Portland after a weeks stay there during which she re ceived Hire0 blood transfusions and other treatment. Her con dition is reported to be much improved and the family is deep ly grateful to those who donated blood. Lee Faulk is on his way home and expected to arrive any time. Mrs. Robert Kimball was brought from Cowlitz hospital in Longview to the home of her mother, Mrs. Alvin Wantland, on Wednesday to continue her re cuperation from the recent auto mobile accident in which her leg was broken. Winners of Brunsman Hard THURS.. FRI. SEPT. 16 17 ware and Electric drawing up to ROB ROY Wednr day were Ruth Steers and Richaid Todd - Glyms Johns M. Sied.dman. SATURDAY SI PT. 18 Attending a U.S. chamber of THE NAKED SPUR commerce sponsored dinner at the James Stewart - Janet Leigh Benso -. hotel September 13 to SUN.. MON SEPT. 19 20 h°ar Clem Johnson, president of VALLEY OF THE KINGS the U S. chamber were Mr. and Robert Taylor - Eleanor Parker , Mr Guy T1 omas. Mr. and Mrs Lyman Haw Ken, Mr. and Mrs. I | I j | | Firemen Attend County Meet The Keasey Extension Unit met for their first fall meeting Sept ember 8 at the home of Mrs Five members of the Vernonia Fire department went to Scap Terry Brady on Timber Rt. This meeting was for the pur poose last Wednesday evening to attend the regular monthly meet pose of appointing committees, ing of the county Fire Fighters selecting the meeting places for Association. the regular meetings and ap- j The meeting began at 8:00 pm. pointing project leaders. with the serving of refreshments Blanche DeWitt was appoint after which out-of-town speakers ed membership chairman. Isola were heard speaking especially Morns, hospitality. Hilda Keasey on the role of the fire depart publicity, Rena Brady, 4-H club ments in civil defense Speakers and Edith McFarland, finance were county civil defense direc chairman. tor, Vilas Shepherd. A. Bush from The next regular meeting will the state fire marshall’s office in be October 13 at the heme of charge of fire services under mu Necia DeWitt. tual aid and James Hicks, also from the state fir ■ marshall’s of fice. Booster Night Planned Present at the meeting were 18 By Vernonia Grange men from the Scappoose depart At the regular meeting of Ver- j ment, reporting on’ fire during noma grange last Saturday night j the preceeding month, three men plans were made for the annual from Clatskanie reporting two fire Boost?r Night to b? held on Oc calls, nine from St. Helens who tober 23. Plans are underway reported answering 11 alarms and for a program which will be open five from Vernonia reporting one to the public and announcement fire. Also attending ths meeting concerning it will be made later as visitors were Rainier’s fire on. chief, Mr. Joseph, and Walter Vaughn, also of Rainier. Attending from Vernonia were Jim Smith. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Schaumburg, Marvin Kamholz, Fire Chief, Sam Cagle, Bob Curl, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Brunsman and Stanley Reynolds, Homer Fuller and Larry Garner. Mrs. Paul Gordon. Birkenfeld Hower Show Enjoyed Last Thursday Vemonia Unit Plans Workshop NATAL — The M H. Circle meets next Thursday at the home of Alma and Mary Garlockc. It The Vemonia Extension Unit is also work day at the cemetery met September 9 for a pot luck if weather permits. Bill Pringle motored to For dinner and their organization meeting Plans were discussed est Grove on Saturday. Several from our community for securing a baby sitter for the enjoyed the flower show in Bir year The projects for this year were discussed. Lillian Green kenfeld last week. Ellen Devine and Myrtle Ma man and Hazel Bergerson will be thews called on Lena Mathews project leaders for the Wool Dress Workshop in October. last Thursday afternoon. Plans are being made to hold Mr. and Mrs Clarence Caspers of Clatskanie called on the Ira i two workshops this fall for those new members who arc? interested. Petersons on Saturday. CESSPOOLS, SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED AND REPAIRED All Work Guaranteed FOR FREE INSPECTION CALL MU. 9278, Portland | A GOOL POINT •fog Theatre I This dog's point is well taken. One cigarette, dropped in dry grass, can start a fire that will destroy thousands of acres of valuable wood land. One fire may close a large area to hundreds of sportsmen. Fast HISTORIC RECORD! spreading flames trap birds and animals, destroy their cover and burn their food supplies. Fire kills young trees, too—trees needed for tomorrow's timber harvests. Please be careful with fire in the woods. Do your part to Introduction of milder, lower-priced, 86 Proof bottling as a companion to world-famous 100 Proof Bottled in Bond brings forth unprecedented public demand! keep our state green. REMEMBER — Fire Can Destroy. BE CAREFUL—Keep Oregon Green Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey NOU’-TUO GREAT BOTTI INGS! 8« PROOF s Cafebratad Old Crow - l<K~r, ■ruldfr and lower pored than rhe loo Proof Booled in Bond BOTTLED IN BOND • 1OO PROOF The moer famous of bondad bourbon» eradable a» uaual r /X- ( C** C 1 THE OLD CROW DISTILLERY COMPANY. FRANKFORT. KY. ALLIED LOGGING COMPANY Birkenfeld. Oregon THE LONG-BELL LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia. Oregon GARLOCK & CLOSNER LUMBER CO. Mist, Oregon PETER-GLENN TREE FARM Vernonia, Oregon J & H LUMBER COMPANY Mist. Oregon HAHN HARDWARE (McCulloch Chain Saws) Vernonia. Oregon TED S SAW SHOP (Homelife Chain Saws) Vernonia, Oregon CEDARWOOD TIMBER COMPANY Vernonia, Oregon JAMES H. SMITH Pittsburg Vernonia. Oregon