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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 26, 1954)
. Installing Team Busy Throughout The District Dance Jamboree Well Attended Many square dancers from all around Northwest Oregon came to the Nehalem Valley Square Dance Jamboree Saturday night at the Birkenfeld gymnasium. All had a gay time. The club sincerely thanks the callers that gave their time and came so far to make the dance a huge suc cess. Callers were Jim Kindred of Forest Grove; Frank Himes of Astoria; Leonard Williamson ot Seaside; Dick Ford of Astoria; Howard Jollie of Astoria; Lloyd Lewis of Portland, Ben Thomas »if St. Helens and Glen Hawkins of Vernonia. Glen was master of ceremonies and kept the music going, the cailers calling and the dancers dancing. Al! did a won derful job. The ca'lers and their wives were each given a corsage at the door The corsages were made and donated by Annie Johnson Several door prizes were given out during the evening. The club president Victor Berg and his committee d.d a nic? job of deco rating and attending to the prizes Mr. and Mrs. Art Belling ham and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach saw to it that everyone had plenty to eat. The next dance will be Sept ember 3. All square dancers are welcome. V.F.W. Post, Auxiliary Pick Cones and Picnic I I I ' 1 j | I I i i ' I I I l JUNE’S STYLE CENTER 1 , I SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE NOW ON Miss Anna Beth Carlson, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs Eric Carlson of Ganbn’di became the bride of Sgt William Hail, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hall of Warrenton in a double ring ceremony at St. John' church, Tillamook at 5:00 pm. Thursday, August 19 with Rev. Dedltius officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hall of Rockaway were their attendants. Others r«tt:nding the wedding were the brides parents and bro thers, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carlson and son, Jack. Mr. and Mrs G. C Kirkbride. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride, Rosalie, Stephen, Jo Ann and Walter. The Carlsons are former residents of Vernonia and will be remembered by many friends. I i I | • I . I ; I I j I ! Garden Club Schedules September Flower Show Teacher Telis of Summer School By Wilma Thompson Teaching is a wonderful pro fession. You work only nine months of the year, then go to school yourse’f during the sum- mer in order to learn enough to teach the next year. This summer I had to tak” Oregon history, and I discovered that I have been al lowing my kindergarten children to do their Indian dances all wrong. From now on. after sing- ing the song “Ten Littl ’ Indians, ’ cur pow-wow shall be done au Chapter Opens Fall thentically. Just ask me anything you want Season With Dinner about Oregon history—go on, just Nehalem Chapter No. 153, O.- I ask me—I can tell you all. Saca- ES. will hav? their first meeting jawea spent two years with Lew- for this fall on Wednesday, Sept is and Clark and never learned a ember 1. It will be preceeded by word of English; the Astor col a pot-luck dinner at 6:30 pin. umn has over a hundred steps to which all members are urged to the top; early Indians on the Ore attend. gon coast wore skirts made ot cedar bark (a useful piece of in formation in case we ever become financially unable to charge any thing more at Meier and Franks’). It was really wonderful com ing back to the farm, after finish ing three finals on Friday, all of them “stinkers” (an expression used by Shakespeare, I think) taking my last kindergarten class, and an organ lesson. I tottered in'o the old farm house with a sigh of relief, and breathed once more the clean, pure air of th.’ country. All that wonderful knowledge that I had stuffed into my head durmg eight long weeks, suddenly left me, as silently and eomplately as though I had never been to school! What did it mat ter that Oregon became a stale in 1859; or that bradyphasia has to do with imperfect speech; or that one of the principles of learn ing is that "learning is a contin uous process?" There were still a few r:pe cherries on the tree, the lawn needed mowing, the new kitten had grown two inches at least, and the deep-freeze was full of green peas from the gar den. Life was simple and glorious. But best of all. the alarm won’t have to be set for several days— not until school starts again in September! Say where has the summer gone, anyway? | , j ; ' : | I ! | Pencil Tablets — Erasers Composition Books Lunch Kits — — Rulers ORE, The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary held joint installation of officers on Monday evening. August 16. The meeting was called to order by the commander, Verne Sykes and the president. Alice Ade who in troduced the distinguished guests who were present The auxiliary officers were in- stalled by the district president, Vesta Frydendall, assisted by the Vernonia unit installing team. Those assuming office were Maude Adams, president; Marie Atkins, first vice-president; Bea Crawford, second vice-president; Gertrude Schalock, secretary; Is- abel Culbertson, treasurer; Patsy King, chaplain; Ruby Biggs, his- torian and Maeva Brimmer, ser- geant-at-arms. The legion officers, who were installed by the district com mander, F M McAdoo with the help of the 40 et 8 installing team, are Vein Sykes, commander; Bill Wilson, first vice-commander; Stephen Waite, second vice-com- mander and Harry Culbertson, adjutant. Visitors were present from Banks, Metsger, Scappoose, St. Helens, Portland. Hillsboro and Willamina. Refreshments were served after the meeting was clos- ed. THURSDAY. AUG 26, 1954 A deathless labor day v eek °nd is the goal of the Oregon Traffic Safety campaign SEN’S BARBER SHOP | Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon BIRKENFELD — Cleve Brown of Portland visited Mr and Mrs. James Cahill over the week end Mr. and Mrs. Fred Larson left Thursday for Arcata, California. They returned home Sunday Diane Rodgers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rodgers r f Jewell celebrated her birthday Saturday with a party. Mrs. Ethel Larson and the Fred Lar son children, Mrs Buddy Larson and boys and Mrs. Gene Larson and children were guests. Mrs. Ida White of Bremerton, Washington has been visiting at the James Cahill home this last week. Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk were honored Sunday when about 40 relatives and friends gathered at the Saddle Mountain forest park for a picnic on the occa sion of their 57th wedding ann. versary. Included in th? party were four of their children. Ior.’ Justice and Art Kirk of Vernonia and LaVonna Peterson and Le • Kirk of Buxton, and many gran I children and great-grandchild«’:» as w’ell as other relatives. On • son. Clarence Kirk of Molalla w.’ • unable to be here. Son Here Helping Care For Parents MIST — Dell Eastman went home to Forest Grove Saturday after being down to his parent, for several days getting up a supply of wood for them. His father is pretty poorly, but som • what better and his mother isn't well. S<1me of the neighbor, have been going up each day to help with the few chores. Saturday evening guests at the Norman Hansen home were M: and Mrs. Clarence Kyser and girls. Mr and Mrs. Wayne Reynolds and Susan went to Portland Fri day on business. Movie goers Saturday evening were Richard Harris, Paul Wik str<»m and Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom. Tom Gillispi, the Watkins dealer, was making his regular calls around the vicinity Monday. The LOng-BeH LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia Division HISTORIC SUCCESS! The "call for Crow”is heard more and more as new thousands each day enjoy Old Crow in a milder, lower-priced, 86 Proof bottling—companion to the world-famous 100 Proof Bottled in Bond! Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey NOW-TWO GREAT BOTTLINGS! 86 PROOF Celebrated Old Crow — lighter, milder and lowerprxed than the too Proof Bottled in Bond BOTTLED IN BOND • ioo PROOF The moat famous of bonded bourbona available aa uaual GOT SOMETHING TO SELL— I Soil it with a Eagle classified! THE OLD CROW DISTILLERY COMPANY. FRANKFORT. KY. SHZMXMZMXMXMZHZKXMZHZHZHZHZHZHZMZHXMZKXMHHZ M COME TO YOUR FAVORITE FOOD STORE FOR— Z NATIONAL Protractors BISCUIT COMPANY PRODUCTS Stenographers Notebook — Ink Compasses — Etc. VfRNONIA DRUG CD. Telephone 101 — Vernonia, Ore. H FINK Groeeriea Heat»-—Vegetable* SAM’S FOOD STORE 3 57th Anniversary Feted With Reunion and Picnic Flying Week-end Trip Made to California Lead Pencils - -12 for 39c—2 for 5c Pee Chee.................................. 10c , [ The Nehalem Valley Garden ■ Club is making plans for a flower I how to be held September 9 at I th? Birkenfeld Gynasium. Any one who has flowers and wishes to enter is welcome to do so. and entries will be classified and judged by rules commonly used at the fairs. Entries in the show will be re ceived from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. on September 9. The doors will then be closed for the judg ing which will be done during the afternoon. At 8:00 p.m. a pro gram will be presented and the flowers and prize ribbons will be on display. Refreshments will be served after the program and the public is invited to attend. TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Ostrander Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Thora Birt visited Mrs. Nancy Daniel and Carolyn Tues day afternoon. George Snyder returned home Sunday night from Stamford. Ne braska where he has spent th” summer visiting relatives and working. Mr and Mrs. Carl Snyder and Bert visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ki lls and family at North Plains last Tuesday. Mrs Robert Pollock and Vicky visited Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and • children Tuesday evening. I^ee Rogers left Wednesday for a weeks vacation. Mrs. Kirkbrid ■ is on the mail route while he is gone. Loose Leaf Note Books - - - 20c up Notebook Filler Paper - - - 10c up VERNONIA. Summer Vacation In Nebraska Is Concluded Zipper Binders $1.50 up Typewriter Paper............ 10c up EAGLE. New Officers Take Chairs The installing team for the Vernonia American Legion Aux iliary. which is made up of past presidents of the unit, has been busy assisting with installations throughout the district. In Aug ust they installed the Scappoose unit officers and the Vernonia officers and on August 20 were invited to Carlton which is out side the district The district president there acted as install ing officer. The September schedule in cludes Metsgcr on September 1, Banks on September 10 and St. Helens on September 21. Members of the team are Freda Biggs, Margaret Walrath, Beau- lah Slemmons, Gertrude Scha- lock, Ruby Biggs, Jennie Lusby, Nora Mitchell, Isabel Culbertson, Lena Weidman, Alice Adc and Bea Crawford Alternates are Mane Atkins, Maude Adams, and Myrtle Oakes. Aitemoon Rites Unite Pair I A working party picnic was held Sunday by the VFW Post and Auxiliary with their families. Hemlock cone picking was the work for the day. Th” money < arned. which was $71.00, went into the building fund. The childr: n enjoyed a d?y of work and play in the woods. At noon trme all there enjoyed a big pic nic before going back to work. Thanks go to Crown Zellerbach for making the money making project possible. | THE Free Deliver* Phone 7«1 M »¡ZHZHZHZKZMZHZHZKZHZHZHZHZHZHZZHZNZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHS