8 '1 HURSDAY. JULY *>, 1951 TTTE EAGIJE, VF.RNON’A, .4 ay •JU»: • ¡BRUNSMAN Hardware and Electric! FRIGIDAIRE REFRIGERATORS and FRIGIDAIRE ELECTRIC RANGES j HARDWARE — SPORTING GOODS — GUNS — AMMUNITION I / PAINTS — LINSEED OIL — TURPENTINE ELECTRIC WIRING NAILS C< lulo.e Sponge Mop With Squeeze $ -^49 Handle. Only C<ne Wringer Mop Bucket with Mop $5 50 Value $323 ROLL ROOFING Wall Shop Set. In cludes Drill, Grinder, Rubber Disc., Polish ing Bonnet, ’>»” drill. Buffer, Paint Mixer and 7 Drill for Only Special Buy on Hoes and Bow Rakes $Q25 Only $1.35 tt.55 55 lb. $2.95 45 lb. S2.6C Light Weight Deluxe Zenith Wash er with $ $ a O9 ' Pump Plastic Garden *298 A complete Water System No tank, no Extras to buy Model 52-18” metal Simmons bunk bed with deluxe Simmons Innerspring Mattress. This week’s Special at the Amaz- ingly low- price of Model 54-18” Gas Powered Welsh Baoy Buggy $22 Value Special Simmons Mattresses and Box Springs $39.95, $49.50 and $69.50 Each L Exchange PAce 55 ard up Gleaming White Toil et Seat Special L 1 Thrifty-30 Skil Floor sander to rent $5.00 per day $2.50 h«1f day Skil Saw sdger $2. day Linoleum raste Gal. $1.25; Qt. 45c Beautiful Selection of 9x12 Deluxe Congo- leum $ Rugs Gold Seal Per Yard Only Ha-Qt. Fire $ FOR RENT Extinguisher Presto fire extinguish Floor Polisher er for Power Saws,' $1 00 per dav Homes, Cars »T • Cnly 30" wide • Full-width Cooking-Top Lamp • New Cook-Master Oven Control • Exclusive Radiantube Surface Units I Model Shown CTD84 8.4 Cu. Ft. Linoleum $333 95 • Automatic Appliance Outlet • Full-width Storage Drawer • High-Speed Broiler Wheelbarrow for rent. $1 day, you haul it. $1.50 per day deliver ed and picked up. Bergman Caulkid Boots For .. /v.. Lamps -. Stork Shower Party Theme Punch Bowl Set t or Rent $100 Day CTD103 10 3 Cu Ft. Acti°n White Upright See difference Live-Water Actten mak«t Rolling, penetrating current« of «ud«y water waih clothe« •trough end through. No yanking er pulling. House Jacks for Ren Frigidaire Dryer, Only $247.95 i » Freezer 12.5 Cubic Ft. BIRKENFELD — The Nehalem Valley Garden club held its regu lar meeting last Wednesday with Mrs. Sundland at Mist. Mrs. Ho ward Jones, their president, was unable to attend. She has been quite ill with a neck condition, but is able to be up and about now. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udev and their two grandchildren were sup per guests of Mr and Mrs. Trent Garner Thursday evening. Mr*. Pearl Pidcock had her daughter-in-law and little grand daughter visiting her all last week Laundry and Dry Cleaning Mead Reunion Is Attended Oregon Laundry I RIVERVIEW — Mrs. W J Lindsley and Mrs. Dewey Hunt and sons. Miss Susie Stanton and Rudv Smejkal attended the Mead reunion at Monmouth Sunday. Ther' were over 80 relatives pre sent at the affair. Mrs Sam Smith underwent surgery at the Portland Osteo pathic hospital Friday and is re covering very satisfactorily. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Magoff rc- turned recently frvm a vacation trip to Ashland Mr and Mrs. Solomon of Beav erton visited at the Tom Magoff home Monday David Lindsley of Springfield visited at the Dewey Hunt home Wednesday Mist Cemetery Work Progresses MIST — Th? MHC met las? Thursday at the home of Mrs. Walter Mathews. There was an unusually large attendance and two visitors, the Bible school teachers. A most delicious pot luck dinner was served at noon. Part of the m ‘mbers worked M the cemetery all the forenoon. A short business meeting was held after dinner was over. The new- iron gate has be?n put in. Clyde Johnson doing the work, helped by Walter Mathews, which makes it very hand for those who drive in to work on the lower half of the cemetery Chas. Hansen plough'd up and leveled it off on Thursday evening with the help of his son Norman getting tt rea- dy for seeding, The work is all donated The next meeting will be with Mrs Knowles the fourth week in August unless otherwise changed Chief of police Melvin DeRock and Mrs. DeRock from Hillsboro were calling on old acquaintances Sunday among them th? Joe Roeser and the George Jones. The Austin CorHs were plan ning a visit to Seattle Roy Kyser was home over the week end from army camp m Yakima. Washington Mrs. L. P Wikstrom and daugh ter Shirley return'd home Wed nesday evening from a weeks visit in California They also I visited Reno. Nevada $381.95 $410.95 • Combination broiler and roasting pan • Lifetime Porcelain finish inside and out—with choice of white or 2 colors on the exterior SPECIAL SALE ON 1953 MODEL FRIGIDAIRE Model Shown REFRIGERATORS $238.95 I RT 38 RT 45 ................ $333.95 DS90 9 Cu. Ft. was $379.95 NOW ONLY $315.34 4 RT 60 Stratford Yellow $391.95 IT'S A PRIVILEGE AND A PLEASURE TO LIVE IN VERNONIA Garden Club President I Fall from Tree Causes Absent Due io Illness Injury io Foot and Toes Mrs Fred Stinchfieid and Mrs. BIRKENFELD Mrs Mike Cahill was honored with a pink Tom Hopkins have been ill with colds Both are reported as bet- and blue shower Thursday after ter. Mrs. Francis Nordstrom has noon in the Grange kitchen She been bothered with bursitis. received many useful and beauti Mr and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and ful gifts Hostesses were Mrs. I Keith went to Hillsboro Tuesday Francis Nordstrom and Mrs. evening to see the Jensens. James Calull. Mr and Mrs. A. Bellingham and Sewing club met with Marge box s were Sunday dinner guests of Bellingham due to the illness of Mr and Mrs. Don Jensen at Hills Irene Jones Five members were boro. present Next meeting is July Mrs Art Bellingham. Mrs. Ted 27 at the horn • of Mrs Bud i Bellingham and Mrs Cecil Elliott Larson picked berries at the Jensens last Friday. Mrs, Fred Udev and Mrs Guy Bellingham were Clatskanie shop pers Thursday The Udeys, with the help of their daughter and husband, Mr and Mrs. Bob Burk holder. remodel ‘d their kitchen last week. They put in a new floor and leveled that side of the IN building. Mr. and Mrs Burk THURSDAY holder returned home Saturday Mrs Miller of Portland, mother BACK of Mrs Fred Udev is t)ere sp nd- THURSDAY ing a few days with the Udeys. Mrs. J. R Bennett returned to his home th' first of the week, Bring To— He has be-n quite ill for some BEN BRICKEL’S time. Mrs. Guy Bellingham. April BARBER SHOP and Monte went to Seaside Satur day to visit Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tren holm .Mr. and Mrs. James Cahill look and Mrs MilW Cahill to Coo« Bay MS Friday They planned to visit a tew days. Mrs Florence Bennett went to Portland Monday. Dry Cleaners ELECTRIC Refrigerator Defrosts itself Roll-to-You Shelf Full-Width Hydrator Butter and Cheese Com partments Egg Server Golden-trimmed color interior All-aluminum Shelves Right or left-opening Door 5 Year Protection Plan a \ir Clear Grein Plastic $f*65 «»1 TRY A HUFFY MOWEk Curtain Stretcher for Rent 50c per Day ..owe X DO YOUR FOR RENT ITEMS Unclaimed Profit Sharing Numbers Fox True Temper Clam Shovel 50 Ft NO-TANK PUMP WORK Special Buy on Toil ets. Direct Connected Complete $4 with eat only • 9 GOULDS amazing POWER Genuine Taylor Tot Barb Bed Room Sets. Priced at $99 $0 $139 95. $149 95, $164 50. $159 50. Finest Selection of Values Ever Offered Here. LET 7’j Cu Ft. Used Re frigerator in Perfect Shape $ Only Or Will Rent Best Grade Mar- shall-Wells Out- s:de White $154 Paint. Gal. * 80 Rod Spool Wire Heavy Red, Rose and Biltwell Davenport and chair. $275 Vai. Summer Furniture Market Special. Drop Leaf Desk Made of Maple with Hardwood Drawers. Finished in Walnut, Mahogany or blond. $55 Value for BAM3OO RAKE or 651b. L Y W O O D 4x8x*4" . _ $3.95 SIMPSON BOARD 4x8xV $225 CEILING TILE Box of 60 Sq Ft. $7.75 MASONITE 4x8x3/16” $3.20 HARDBOARD 4x8x’,4” $2 50 SPECIAL dware Month Step Stool. All M ‘tai ? Johnny Hopkins fell from a tree last Sunday and injured his foot. Several bones in the foot were broken and also three toes. He spent three days in St Mary's hospital in Astoria. Miss Shirley Armstrong and her mother of Oregon City called on John Hopkins Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott called on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson went to Florence last Sunday to see their new granddaughter. Georg ■ Bellingham and Keith Elliott were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Ed Wallace Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. Randy Gabrielson of Portland are the proud parents of a nin?-pound son bom Thurs- day. H? has been named Steven. Mrs Gabrielsen was the former Jane Hoberg. They have an older boy. Jimmy Bulb Grower Visits Uncle MIST — The Austin Dowlings had company last Wednesday, their nephew, Warren Dowling from Monroe. Washington who is quite noted as a grower of bulbs and cut gladiolas for the cities of Seattle and Everett Carl Wikstrom is reporting back to camp in Georgia this week, having spent the pas’, three weeks at home here Mrs. Richard Banzer was a village shopper Thursday. has also been having lots of house guests of late. FURNITURE New and Used Vernonia Bargain House Í47 3rd St. Up from Bakery