Library, U of O , -. I ; Ji 10c COPY VOLUME 32. NUMBER 27 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON PHONE 191 THURSDAY. JULY «, 195» Board Selects Doctor to District 4-H Officers for | Open Office Camp Set for Chamber Group Wilkerson Council Talks Curb District MRS. CARL DAVIS Mother’s Day Gift Launches Hobby; African Violéis Raised in Variety Mother-in-law stories are as < id :.s the hills and oft times the verv rcp'-atin-’ of them makes young brides fearful of mother- ir. aw troubles of their own. Perhaps one daughter in-law has found the solution to the prob­ lem that might be suggested to ethers. Just get your mother-in- law interested in a hobby that is fascinating and time consum- ing and she won't have tint to bother you. Now we are NOT suggesting that Mrs. Carl Davis might ever be a troublesome moth,?r-in-law, but her daughter-in-law did launch her on a hobby when she gave her an African violet plant or Mother’s Day in 1948 /.frican violets are flowers that ar unique and have a tiemen- chener placed second.. At Hillsboro on Monday, Lynn Michener was third in the second heat, Dick Webb was second in the third heat and Cloice Hall won first in the fourth heat. In the helmet dash. Cloice Hall was third in class A and Lynn Mich- ener was third in class B. 35 Take Swim Lessons Nora Redmond is acting a* as­ sistant life guard and swimming instructor at the park pool now in place of Aileen Cagle who has gone on a vacation trip with her husband to Louisiana About 35 children have registeded for the swimming lessons but inclement weather has hindered their pro­ gress so far. Miss Columbia County Event Judged Wednesday Grove 9 Tallies Victory Tuesday studio and Keith Abbott of the Foote, Cone and Belding Adver tising agency. One surprise feature of the contest was the bringing on stage of each girl alone and the ask­ ing of three questions which had to be answered without prepara lion. The question* were, "If you were sent to Atlantic City, what would you say about Co­ lumbia County?” "Do you thin'« recreation facilities in Columbia County are adequate’" and "Do you think the armed services ar • good career* for girl high school graduates to choose’" Mis* Dorothy West of Clats­ kanie was voted "Mis* Congenia­ lity" by the other girls in the contest and was presented with a silver bracelet Mis« Backer received a check book for purchase of clothing for the Mita Oregon contest at Sea side and each ot the other girl» received gift certificates.