Popular Pair Reveals Engagement, Plans Surprise Party Follows Meeting Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliot of I After the regular meeting of the Mountain Heart Rebekah Lodge last Thursday evening, Mane Shafer was surprised with a birthday party which had been cleverly arranged b* her hus band. William Shafer. Thursday was Mrs. Shafer's 70th birthday and she had to be decoyed from the refreshment committee so that her husband could secretly arrange for the de- licious birthday cake, ic.» cream and coffee which was served to all who attended. Mrs. Shafer was showered with cards and gifts from the mem bers She and Mr. Shafer will also celebrate their golden wed ding anniversary in July. HUilll'JOj] BODY SUPPORTS ELASTIC HOSIERY TRUSSES fit yourself. Madras Scene Of Reception Local Rebekahs Ai Convention VERNONIA DRUG CO. Phone 101 — Vernonia i AT YOUR ¡ FAVORITE iI I GROCERY — I I : Í I I I I 1 I I I i Í I I ♦ I t t » Baker Trip Much Enjoyed MILL MARKET I AND LOCKERS I I I » I 4 I i I I 4 t • B ( I u Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. PHONE 1391 EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. THURSDAY. JULY 1, 1954 The social hall of the Evangeli cal United Brethren church was the scene of a delightful bridal shower Tuesday evening honor ing Nancy Fay Bergerson whose marriage to Ronald Rittel of Portland will be an event of July 18. The party was arranged by members of the Ruth Circle and was attended by a large Los Angeles Is Vacation Goal group of relatives and friends -J the bride-elect. A scrap book was compiled for the honor guest with eac1» person putting in a picture depsc” mg some possible event in the married life of the couple an J adding appropriate commeii'J and their signature. Much adva • was given the bride by mean- of a clever game. After the many lovely gif'* were opened and displayed, re freshments were serv’d by mem bers of the Circle. Mrs J E Tapp of Corntliu*- aunt of the bride-elect, was her • for th ■ occasion. TREHARNE — Mrs. Martin Peterson returned home from the hospital last week end after a weeks stay there for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stanley Canadian Fishing Trip visited relatives and friends at i Reported Successful Newberg Wednesday. On Sunday the Byron Kirk BIRKENFELD The fishc. bride family, accompanied by men who went to Canada return Miss Virginia Huntington of Bea ed Saturday evening with a nk* verton and Keith Kelley of Gales catch of fish However they re Creek enjoyed a day at the port the fishing was not as good beaches, visiting Gearhart, Sea as in previous years. side, Ecola Park. Garibaldi and Mr and Mrs. Fred Stinchfield Tillamook and Clinton Baker attended the Mrs. Bob Reynolds of Pittsburg Gilliam and Wheeler County pw entertained the Treharne birth me in Portland Sunday. day club at her home Monday on Mr and Mrs. Walt Frischman the occasion of her birthday. of Scappoose called on the Par Members attending were Mr. and mans Monday. Mrs Linwood Reynolds and boys Mrs. E. T Johnston spent sev and Neice Cherylee of Tillamook, eral days in Portland last week Mr. and Mrs. Don Reynolds and visiting her sister and family. Mr children, Mr. and Mrs. Harry and Mrs Ralph Condit. Weaver and family, and Mes- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve are dames Leaon Odam, Pauline Tis visiting in Pendleton with Mr dale, Sarah Cox and Virginia, and Mrs. Marvin Turner. Jane Miller, Rosemary Smith and Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Beach and Mary Lola and Florence Kirk Elsa Richardson were in Portland bride and JoAnn. Monday. Mr and Mrs George Martan ot American women bought 679 Vernonia were Sunday guests of million pairs of nyl ons Mr. and Mrs. Bud lairson. last year, and the stocking The Sunday School enjoyed a industry can prove that they picnic dinner at the home of Mrs bought more for glamor than for Guy Bellingham Sunday. durability. In 1947 only 21% of Mrs. Guy Bellingham and Mr< the production was of the sheer Fred Udey went to Portland Mon variety. Now it approaches 80’, . day. SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NF.HAI.EM » x SUGGESTIONS TO INCLUDE WITH YOUR NEXT GROCERY ORDER NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 W5I'IV!i:4NT <10118 — Wrt'IVIIHN 40118 ~ .10118 PICNIC SUPPLIES Bel-Air Brazier Barbecue, only - - - Ideal for steaks and burgers. Portable. $3.79 Vernonia, Oregon KENTUCKY STRAICHT BOURBON WHISKEY I i Rust-treated steel. PAPER PLATES — PAPE A CUPS — NAPKINS I SUNBURN LOTION — INSECT REPELLANTS SWIMMING CAPS — NOSE CLIPS BEACH BALLS — SWIM GOGGLES THERMOS BOTTLES — SUN GLASSES FILM VERNONIA DRUG CO. Telephone 101 BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Ore. I Clothes Need Repairs? I. . , when you bring them in • for cleaning have us make J needed repairs. This is part I of our up-to-date cleaning ser- [ vice. I ----------- I This week’s unclaimed number , ! for £$.00 cleaning credit is } | J 070898. i i - RADIANT i i CLEANERS I ■ I | Oregon ’s largest - selling straight bourbon! t ZL .a I 1 Bride Elect Given Shower PHONE 853; Vacation Trip Has Variety I I ♦ THE $410 FULLY THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS 010 • Bi PROOF • THE OtD HERMITAGE COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEnAI.EM I I I | | ■ i TREHARNE — Mrs Joe Mil ler spent Monday of last week Birkenfeld have announced the I visiting Mrs. Leaon Odam in Ver Vernonia Temple No. 61 Pv- j engagement of their daughter nonia. Tuesday evening, Mr. and Kathryn to Harold Crowston of thian Sisters met last Wednes- | Mrs. Miller were dinner guests Vernonia. The wedding is plan day evening for their final meet of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and ned for the latter part of July Mary Lola, and Wednesday they ing before summer vacation although the definite date has not Faye Davis was elected as visited the Weaver Clark family yet been set. at Hillsboro. Both young people are well , grand representative to attend Mr. and Mrs Jim Smith and grand temple sessions in October Mary Lola wer * business visitors known in Vernonia, having at tended high school here where and Mary Sawyer was elected al in Forest Grove and Hillsboro Harold took a very active part ternate. Thursday. On Friday they were in all sports activities. A memorial service was held accompanied bv Mr. and Mrs. honoring all supreme and grand Ben Burger and family of Bea verton on a fishing trip up Rock officers who were deceased dur Creek. ing the past year. Lee Rogers returned home Plans were made for raising from his vacation with the Sam funds for the K. P. home at Van Becks at Roseburg last Thursday. couver by each member earning Mr and Mrs. Byron Kirkbnd Mr and Mrs. Pete Brunsman a dollar to turn in at the first and JoAnn, Janet Ridling, Mr and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tomlin meeting in September. and Mrs Jerome Whitmire and w nt to Madras Saturday to at During the social hour, a birth Mrs. Robert Whitmire and Bar tend a reception given by Con day party was he'd honoring all bara Jo motored to Portland Sat. cordia chapter OES of Madras those whose birthdays came in urday evening where the Whit honoring Louise Irving, newly April, May or June. Refresh mires caught a bus for Los An elected worthy grand matron, ments of jello whip and birthday geles for a vacation. and Janet M. Graue, grand Chap cakes v.-ere served at beautifully Bert Tisdale and Kenneth lin. decorated tables by Jennie Stan Thomas were Portland visitors on An interesting part of the en ley and Erie Knapp Hettie Pe Friday. tertainment furnished during the terson was also a member of the evening was Indian dances given committee but was unable to be by boys from the Warm Springs present because of illness. Indian reservation. The next meeting will be at On Sunday morning all out of the hall on September 8. • ______________ town guests were entertained at a breakfast at the Masonic temple. At noon, they were The Swede Picnic, the title of guests at a dinner at Brightwood a picnic at the Natal hall on Sun for wh’ch Valiant chapter of day, which was a family reunion Portland was host. of the Peterson families was well Monday evening the Bruns attended with sixty -lx people mans attended Eastgate chapter - The thirty-third convention of present. in Portland when the program ■ Those from out of town were the Rebekah lodge in this Dis especially honored the inen of trict was held at Rami t Satur Mr and Mrs. George Halloman the ord ir. On Tuesday evening day, June 26. It was also the and son, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. the Brunsmans, Mrs. Paul Gor Wentsworth and family, Mr. and 50*h anniversary of the institu don and Mrs. Bill Nichols at tion of Fern Lodge No. 133 ol Mrs. Ernest Anderson, Mr. and tended friendship night at Moun Mrs. Virgil Anderson and son, Rainier. tainview chapter at Sandy. The president of the Rebekah Ray Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Mar Assembly, B.vrle Drury, vice- vin Porterfield and family, Mr. president Edna Bradley, junior and Mrs. Claus Messing, Mrs. past president Lola Osburn, and Ruth Leak and sons, Mrs. Lois Todd and children, Mr. and Mrs. several past and present men, Tom Schoenheinz and son, Mr. bers of the Assembly were pre and Mrs Wesley Bilieu and son, sent. and Grace Johnson all of Port Thirteen members of the Ver About three hundred Rainbow land. Mr and Mrs. Floyd Deeds noma lodge attended the afle, girls left Portland on the Port noon session which was very and sons of Salt Lake, Utah, Mr land Rose Wednesday evening to interesting and instructive, and and Mrs. Clarence Lindsay and attend Grand Assembly at Baker. J sons of Redmond, Mr. and Mrs. several more came for the even Oregon. Those attending from mg. Norman Peterson and son of Vernonia were Mrs. George Pc Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruck- At the evening session the ot ters, mother advisor; Margaret ficers for the 1955 convention man of Camas, Washington. Mr Cook. Alice Steers, Harriet Heath, which will meet at Clatskanie and Mrs. J. V. Beheu of Sher Dorothy Gwin, Bertha Keasey 1 were seated. The vice-chairman wood, Mr. and Mrs. Archie An Joyce Jones, Joyce Howard. Ja 1 seated was Zoe Whitsell and net derson of Bonneville, Mr. and nice Garner, Janice Hoyt, June • supporters are Ella Cline ana Mrs. Emil Messing. Mr. and Mrs. Jones, Carol Brown, Patsy Wildt, . Alice Buckner. Robert Lindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Nancy Lloyd, Darlene Bernardi. 1 A delicious banquet was serv Noble Dunlap and the hosts and Virginia Ray and Sharon Aid- 1 ed at 6:00 p.m at the hign s<hc,' hostess, Richard Peterson and rich. | cafeteria, and after the cvi-img Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson. They arrived in Baker about ■ session refreshments were «ervea 7:45 a.m. and were welcomed by 1 by Fern lodg ?. A very pleasant Th? Federal fiscal year b ’gins the Baker Rainbow Girls, Eastern i time was had by all, and Fern July 1, and ends June 30. Star, Masons, and a brass band.’ lodge is to be congratulated for The girls’ stay was mad"- much preparing such a nice convention. more pleasant by the hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MacDon ald, former Vernonia residents. Five of the girls from hei;? stayed at the MacDonald home. A teen-age mixer was held on NEHALEM VALLEY Thursday evening for the girls to get acquainted with those from MOTOR FREIGHT Mr. and Mrs. Harvey L Red other assemblies. Convention mond and sons have returned members atte nd, d me tings morn from a two weeks vacation trip ing, afternoon, and evening on which took them into six states. Friday and Saturday. They stopped in Reno, Nevada, The train left Baker Sunday then went to Tooele, Utah where morning and arrived at Portland they stayed a week with Mis. that afternoon. The girls were Redmond’s sister and husband. all pleased to find when they Captain and Mrs. Fred Laymand, boarded the train that the atten on the army post. They were dant on their car was Slyvester entertained at the officers club Williams, a former student at at a cocktail party by Col. and Vernonia high school. Mrs. McElroy. Mrs. Redmond worked one day as a nurse’s aid Civil defense officials urge at the blood bank when it was every family to set aside a 3 to there. On their way home they 5-dav emergency food supply. stopped at the Banbury Hot Springs in Idaho. After their arrival home Mr. Redmond re ceived a five dollar check as a winner in the ninth week of the baseball sweepstake contest. Peterson Family Has Reunion AW you can I I I • I I I i with I i Birthday Club Meets At Pittsburg Home Pythian Sisters Have Recess