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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1954)
THURSDAY, JUNE 17, 19M THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE County Red Cross Chapter Has Meet TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mrs. Cecil C. Harkin visited al the home of her brother, Ray J. Cameron Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Grave« was called to Burley, Idaho Sunday because of the death of her brother. Hugh L, Crawford, manager of the Minadoka irrigation project. He was instantly killed when his car was struck at an intersection by a car disregarding a stop sign. W. T. Grave« who is recovering from a severe illness is with his son Hale and family in Portland Mr. and Mrs. Emil Messing and Mr and Mrs. W O. Porterfield attended graduation exercises last week end at Benson Polytechnic high school in Portland where Robert Paul Porterfield, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Porterfield, was a member of the class. Ro bert is a grandson of Mr and Mrs W. O. Porterfield and Mr Mess ing. This was the 76th com mencement for Benson and this class was considered one of the CEMENT Work Wanted Repair work, driveway», walls, steps, walks, -floors, porches, patios, etc. I Free Estimates PHONE 3811 A. G. OSTRANDER Chjcif ycurAeltf! GOING on a trip? Let us help banish those worries about loss of personal property that too often detract from , vacation enjoyment. Hartford’s Personal Ef fects Policy will cover your luggage, clothing and other personal pro perty against practical ly all risks of loss or damage. When you ; pack, pack protection too! VERNONIA INSURANCE *HOP NKR ALEM — «ROp N KB AL KM — RROP NEHALEM Phone 231 — Vernonia 90S Bridge Street t i t i t most outstanding to be graduated Robert was one of thirteen to re ceive a gold pin set with a ruby in recognition of maintaining a high scholastic average of 1.6 or better for all four years. Mrs. Bill Johnson was called to Seattle last week because of the serious illness of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds and family are spending the sum mer at Eugene where Mr. Rey nolds will attend summer school Mrs. Paul Gordon was called to Cottage Grove this week be cause of the illness of her father with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wesicrberg are making a vacation trip east Mrs. Dave Marshall attended the Sigma Phi Epilon Mother’s club luncheon in Portland Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Pace ip ?nt last week end visiting in Port- land. Lorin Mills was forced into the ditch about one-half mile south of town last Saturday evening when he came over the brow of the hill and met two cars drag rac- ing. His car struck a pole and required wrecker service to pul) it out. The other cars did not stop. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Vaughn are vacationing in Califorina and visiting their daughters and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Peters and son Stephen of Ponchatoula Louisiana arrived last Wednesday for a two weeks visit at the home of Mrs. Peter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lamping. Also visit ing th? Lampings last week end were Mrs. Lamping's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Nig Yea ger of Coos Bay, and her brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Van Duren from California. Addition al guests for Sunday dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lamping Jr. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ber- naid Lamping and family, Mr and Mrs. R. McNair and Bobby, and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Mulling er from Clatskanie. Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Weed were Mr. and Mrs. Chester W ted and Roger of Myrtle Point. Also there on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Elza Weed and Dennis from St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Junken left Tuesday for Chicago where they will spend a month at tht home of their son Russell help- ing care for the children while his wife, Margaret, is in the hos- pital for nt-cessary surgery. Mrs. Silvia Wolff attended a conference of supervisory person- el and departmental heads of the West Coast Telephone Company in Portland Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mrs. Elsie Stevens of Hillsboro spent from Wednesday to Sun day of last week here at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tom Bate man. Dr. and Mrs. Powell B. Loggan and children from Longview visi ted last Friday night with Mrs. Loggan’s parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W Nichols. Mrs. Floyd Bush is in Emanuel hospital recuperating from surg ery undergone last Thursday. Sunday evening guests at the W. R. Wolff home at Natal were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Guntz and son Davy of Portland Miss Leona Fitzsimmons is visit ing this week at the Grover Ho ward. Syd McDonald and Oren Weed homes She graduated just recently from Cascade high school at Turner and is now taking ex aminations preparatory to enlist ment in the W A F. Mrs. Grayce Bundy returned here Thursday of last week after I The annual meeting of the Co dell E Hill, Mrs. Lucille Stokes, lumbia County Red Cross chap Scappoose; Vila Shepherd, Clats ter was held Monday, June 7 at kanie. Directors for two years the Tourist Hotel Cafe in St. He are Rudy Reierson, Warren; Ro- lens with thirty members present bert Dudley, Scappoose; Mrs for the dinner. Various commit Glenn Hawkins, Vernonia. Paul tees made their reports, among Gamin is treasurer of the chap them was Water Safety with ' Herb ter. Honorary members to the Eisenschmidt reporting ; that the board are Mrs. Alice Wood, Rai Learn to Swim classes would be I nier; Mrs. Anna Burcham, St. held beginning July 6 for a ten Helens; Mrs. A. R. Dorris, Scap I day period, Children must at- poose and Mrs. Ethel Miller, Rai tend seven out of the ten clas- nier. ses in order to be qualified lor certificates. Mrs. Ethel Miller. Junior Red Cross chairman, re ported a letter had been re ceived from children in Fance in appreciation for boxes sent from juniors in Columbia Coun MIST — Visitors last week at ty. Mrs. Mary Atkins reported the Irving Knowles home were the need for new and used safety Mr and Mrs. F. W. Will from razors for the three veterans hos Seattle and Mr. and Mrs. Jackie pitals in this ar 'a. Anyone wish Nelson and baby from California. ing to make a contribution of The former is a daughter of Mrs. these razors may leave them at Knowles and the later a giand Red Cross headquarters in the son. Plaza Square. Mrs. Susie Ramsey now of Che M. E. McMichael, First Aid i halis was h?re for the Pioneers chairman, reported on highway I meeting Sunday. She was a courtesy and urged everyone pre Bachman and the old folks livea sent to do their part in making on the corner in Mist. Forty-five the highways a safe place to or more years ago they kept travel. He also gave a short roomer and boarders in the early instruction on what to do in the days having a 14-room hous * event of severe bleeding, m cases which was a mansion in those of heart attacks and apoplexy. early days. The Garlock family The following officers were now owns the location. elected for a period of one year: Mrs. Reed Holding went to Port I R. A. Welwood, St. Helt-ns. chair* I land Saturday to see the rose pa man; Clarence Ellison, Warren rade. vice-chairman; Mrs. L: w Wink Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hansen ler, St. Helens, secretary. Direc and Sandia spent the we k <_nd tors for a period of three years i i in Portland taking in the rose are: Mrs. Mary Grasborg, Mrs i show on Saturday. Jewett Bush, Claskanie; Rev. Ed Mrs. Austin Dowling and son Webb, Scappoose; Mrs. Edith were in Clatskanie on Saturday Ruprath, Goble; Robert Bock Annie Wallace and her grand I Chapman; Dr. O. L. Zeschin, It daughter Joan Melis were W. Haberly, G. B. Kelley, St. He from Seaside Sunday. lens. Holdover directors for one Austin Corll will run his year period are: Guy Thomas to the stiawberry fields again Jewett Bush Jr., Vernonia; Wen- this year. Mrs. Lester Closner is back visiting for two weeks with rela from a few weeks visit with her tives at Tacoma. Washington daughter, Mrs. Russel Stuve in While there she became ill with Arize ria. an attack of flu. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Rem nant were at Gearhart Sunday and again Tu sday arte, noon and evening where they attended RADIO & TELEVISION sessions of the Oregon Bankers as sociation convention. New Mid Year Models Are Mrs. Grace Zimmerman and Now Here wilh Dyna Ray Mrs. Ross M eker held winnine Picture Tubas. tickets which had been identified FOR DEMONSTRATION AND i up to Wednesday morning with SERViCE PHONE 774. I numbers drawn Saturday at I Brunsman Hardware. OAKE’S RADIO SHOP. Wm. Bridgers has been ill this I week with influenza. Former Resident At Reunion California Family Visit» in Riverview RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs Cleon Woodruff of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mrs Alice Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Victor York and children of Newhall, Californ.a came Saturday to visit for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson. Mr and Mrs. Walter Parker at tended the Nehalem Valley Pio neers picnic at the Birkenfe'O Grange hall Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Olin Robbins spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Cavitt at Washougal Washington. Mrs.* W. E. Taylor returned home Saturday after visiting three weeks in Minneapolis, Minnesota and Winomonie, Wisconsin. Be fore returning here she visited her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Smith at Renton, Wash ington where her daughter Jack- lyn Blake remained for a few weeks visit. Clyde Rose of Portland is spend ing the week at the home of his brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rose. i I i i PHONE 853 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Student Visits Mother Sunday RIVERVIEW — Delmar Mc Donald, who is attending adver tising art school in Portland spent the week end here with his mo ther, Mrs. Waiter McDonald Walter McDonald is working at Glide, having been gone for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lloyd, Mrs. Jewell Lloyd and her mother, Mrs. Jack Tomlin and Mrs. J E. Rose spent Monday in Portland on business. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tunnell and son Larry of Oakridge spent several days last week visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georg» Tunnell of Vernonia and Mr and Mrs. R. L. Tunnell. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Anderson visited her brother Drury Cr ime at Glenwood Sunday. Harvey Crume and son Verlin of Co- quille also visited there at that time. THURS.. FRI. JUNE 17-18 PRISONER CF WAR Ronald R agan - Dewey Martin SATURDAY JUNE ¡9 THE GLASS WEJ Fdward G Robinson . J. Forsythe SUN.. MON. JUNE 20 21 FLAME AND THE FLESH Lana Turner - Carlos Thompson Friendly refreshment Look for the tavern with refreshing Olympia on tap. Here is beer as you like it— lively, bright, friendly. 'rs the ADMIRAL Olympic Brewing Co,Ol/mp.a, V»n,U S A *• T the most the best for your money! > Never before has General Motors ottered so many features of Its higher-priced cars in its lowest-priced line ... TRY IT AND YOU’LL TELL US THAT YOU GET THE BEST OF ALL 3-PERFORMANCE, ECONOMY, PRICE! NEW Enriched NUCOA, _________________________________________________________ Featured at This is Chevrolet’s greatest car and today’s greatest value! We’re so sure of it that we invite you to prove it to yourself by any test you like. Look it over—try it out. See how it gives you features and advantages you'd expect to find only in much higher-priced cars! 1 Come in now and ► prove it for yourself! ■aS TWCJta JPA JJii - MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 z = > K s wr iviiaa .ions — hi-n PRESSION POWIR • FISH» BOOT QUALITY o SA FIT Y FLATI GLASS • FAMED KNEE-ACTION RIDI o fUll-llNGTW BOX-GIRDER FRAME ■ ■ Plf ■ EV VllE V KULt I Combine your new Chevrolet purchase with an extra low-cost vocation! Od», yowr Chevrol»« through », pick it up at Ih» eleni ie Flint. Mkhigon Chance, aro, you I to»» enough to poy your vocot>on frerel coiHI Now’s fhe time to buv! Get our BIG DEAL! Enioy a New Chevrolet! NEHALEM aa n ilas «tons — Only Chevrolet in the low-price field gives you all those ’’Best Buy” values—» BIGGEST IRAKIS e HIGH CO»- hum joiis VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY Standard Oil Products Phone 342 “A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE” Your Chevrolet and G.M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon