2 THURSDAY. JUNE 3. 1954 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE, TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mr*. Tom Bateman and children spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Bateman’s sister, Mrs. Robert Hartramps at Hills boro. Attending th* wedding at Scappoose Saturday of Miss Hilda Slough and Wilbur Bond were Mr and Mrs. F. M Russell, Mr. and Mrs Wally Noakes and Mr. and Mrs Art Kirk. Mr*. Alice Malmiten, Mr*. Loi* Clark and Mrs. L. H. Thomas were in Gresham Tuesday to at tend funeral services for Mrs. Malmsten's brother, Thornton Soule, who passed away Saturday at McMinnville. Mr. and Mr*. Wally Noake* were called to Salt Lake City Monday because of the death of Mr Noake's father. Mr. and Mr*. Harry Culbertson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Crawford attended funeral services Thurs day in Portland for H C Tail man, brother-in-law of Mrs. Cul bertson and Mr Crawford. Mr. and Mr*. Myron Vlcak and three children left here Wednes. •lay on a vacation trip east. They are flying from Portland to De troit where they will pick up a new car. From there they will drive to the east coast and visit relatives in Washington, D.C. and Newark. New Jersey. Mrs. Vlcek had hoped to reach the east in ume to see her sister graduate from the Columbia University law school in New York City, but their schedule would not quite make it. They will return to Vernonia in July. Mr. and Mr*. Jim Monger from I Salina, Utah visited with Mrs. A. R. Stanton and other Vernonia friends the first part of last week. Abo visiting Mrs. Stanton were Mr. and Mrs Russell Stanton and Mrs Minnie Johns who were here last Saturday, and Mr. and Mrs ÄT YOUR FAVORITE GROCERY- I MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY : 10 a.m - 3 p.m. I I PHONE 1391 Charles Uhlin who were here on Sunday Captain and Mr*. Fred Layman and children of Toole, Utah are spending the week at the home of Mrs. Layman's parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Vike They left Toole at 5:00 Dm. Friday and arrived here at 4:00 pm. Satur day. SEE "Lazy Moon Minatral»" at American Legion hall, June 5. 8:00 p.m. Adult* 60c, children under 12. 35c. Benefit of Ver nonia Grange. 20t3c Dr. and Mr*. To*hiaki Kuge ot Portland were in Vernonia Sun day. Mrs. Corinne Wall from Salem was a house guest of Mrs. Erie Knapp last week end Miss Frances Kaspar spent the week end at the home ol her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kas par. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kent spent Thursday and Friday of last week at the home of their daughter Mrs. Dovle McAnmch at New berg helping care for the two McAnmch daughters who are re cuperating from rheumatic fever. Mrs. McAninch has not been weil either. Arthur Lamping has gona to Coos Bay to spend a months va cation at the home of his aunt and uncle, Mr and Mrs. Nig Yeager. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Taylor of Portland visited last week < nd with the Ben Brickels and J. H. Stubbs. Mr. And Mr*. George Hahn made a trip to Pasco, Wasmngton last week end. returning by way of Walla Walla and Pendleton. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnson visited last week end at the home of their daughter and husoand, Mr. and Mrs. Bob New, at Coos Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris were at Cottage Grove this past week end for a family reunion at the home of their daughter, Evelyn. The previous week end they had celebrated their fortieth I wedding anniversary. i Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lamping Jr. spent the week end at their home here from Clatskanie where they are spending the summer due to Mr Lamping’s work. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Sr. were called to Baker, Oregon Sun day because of the death of Mr. Hearing’s sister, Miss Lydia Hear, ing. Funeral services were on Tuesday. Guests last week at the home of Reverend and Mrs. F M. Knoll were Jlr. Knolls brother, Rever end Lee Knoll and family from Oregon City, their daugnter-in- law, Mrs. Robert Knoll from Jen nings Lodge and their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Palmer from Yakima. Guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hearing Jr. were Mrs Hearing’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. George from Port land and her brother and wife, Mr and Mrs.»Vincent George from Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hall of Spring - field spent Memorial Day week end with Mr. and Mrs. P D Leath. Mi»s Ann Ortner has begun work in the Meier and Frank of fices in Portland She is stay ing with Mr. and Mrs. C. L Brock. H. V. Holcomb spent last week end at Roseburg visiting his son and family. Mr. and Mr*. George Roobins spent the Memorial Day week end at Cottage Grove visiting re. latives and friends Mr. and Mr*. Larry Garner had dinner Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred May at then new home n Forest Grove Mr May is ouf of the hospital and recuperating at home from the broken leg he suffered recently. ÍPH0NE 853 I » NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT People believe in Maytag” Maytag I « automatic Double SpinTubs $3095 WONDERFUL TRADE-INS! EASY TERMS! Automatic Water Level Control for small, medium and full loads SUNDLAND'S ELECTRIC AND APPLIANCE 786 Bridge Phone 581 Vernonia I Week end caller* at the Herb Counts home on Rock Creek were Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Devaney and daughters Lorna and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Louie Boeck and daughter, Mrs. Bill Larson and children, Mr Count's father, A. B. Counts, Mr Norman Pettijohn, the Counts daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hanson and their son Craig, and Gene Cleveland. SEE "Lazy Moon Minstrels” at American Legion hall. June 5. 8 00 p.m. Adult* 60c. children under 12. 35c. Benefit of Ver nonia Grange. 2013c Mrs. George Peters, Mother Ad visor of Nehalem Assembly, Joyce Jones, Grand Outer Ob server of the Grand Assembly, Margaret Cook Worthy Advisor of Nehalem Assembly a.id June Jones attended a reception hon oring Mary Ann Washburn Grand Confidential Observer of the Grand Assembly at Martha Wash ington Assembly in Portland, Tuesday night. j W. T. Grave* returned home Wednesday after a few days stay at Jones hospital at Hillsboro be cause of an attack of influenza. He and Mrs. Graves are both re cuperating at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Remnant spent the last w'eek end at Van couver, B.C. Mr. and Mr*. Bob Curl and family left Friday for Paris, Il linois for a two weeks vacation. Enoying a four day fishing trip at South Twin lake from Sunday to Thursday of this week were Harold McEntire, Sid Sorensen, Jack Reynolds and Bob Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Beeley moved Sunday from their horns on Washington Street to Port land. Memorial Day guests at the W. R. Wolff home at Natal were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Turner and son of Pendleton; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jones of Seattle; Mi and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve and daugh ter of Birkenfeld; Mrs. Nancy Turner and Mr. John Schneider of Portland All returned to their homes with th? exception of Mr. and Mrs. Turner who rema ned overnight and returned to Pendle ton Tuesday and Mr. and Mrs. Jones, who continued on then vacation trip to Los Angeles. Mr. and Mrs. George Peters and Jim spent the Memorial Day week end visiting Mrs. Peter’s sister and family in Stockton, California. They were joined, there on Sunday by their son and family, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Peters and son Michael of Wat sonville, California. Engagement Announced For Former Resident Principal Plans Doctorate Study Earl L. Condit, principal of Irvington Elementary School in Portland will take sabbatical leave next year to study for his doctorate at Columbia University. New York. Mr. Condit was a graduate of Vernonia High School and his first teaching was done in the Vernonia grade school. He has been principal in the Portland schools since 1933 and has also done considerable teach ing m the Portland State Exten sion Center. In appreciation of his work, Mr. and Mrs. Condit will be honored at a reception given Friday even ing at his school. | | j j ! | , The engagement of Miss Donna Jewell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Henry Jewell of St. Helens to Lawrence E Knauss, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Knauss of Portland was announced reecntly during the May fete festivities on the Lewis and Clark college campus. Miss Jewell is a junior music major at Lewis and Clark col lege. Mr. Knauss is a graduate of Lewis and Clark college and is affiliated with Phi Mu Alpha, national men's music honorary. No definite date has been set for the wedding. Birthday Honored By Pinochle Club Mrs. Thurman DeHart was hos tess to the Friendly Pinochle club Thursday of last week. She held a birthday party for her mother, Mrs. Frank Lange who was presented with gifts by the group. High score for the afternoon's Grand Assembly, Order of I play was held by Mrs. Art Dav.s Rainbow for Girls in Oregon will and low score was won by Mrs. be held in Baker, June 24-26 in Al Sauer. clusive. A large number of girls from Nehalem Assembly No 18 are Do-Si-Do Squares Plan planning to attend. All girls wfio “Bring A Couple” Dance have not paid their transporta- I tion fees are requested to do so at | The Do-Si-Do square danc? club will meet this Saturday night, once. June 5 at 8:00 p.m at the Natal Grange hall. This dance has been named the “Bring a Couple” Past Chief’s Club Will dance. Glen Hawkins will call Meet Monday Evening and refreshments are to be pot The Past Chief’s club will meet 1 luck. next Monday evening, June J, at t the home of Pearl Wilkerson on * Mist route. ------------------------------------------------- I Four Vernonia boys were in volved in an accident early last Thursday morning on the Wash ington highway near Castle Rock when their car fail'd to make a turn and rolled over several times. In it were Ronnie Leonard, David Strong, Ozzie Ray and John Wal lace. Ozzie received a broken shoulder and face and arm lacer- ' ations, John received an injured eye and the others were bruised ' and shaken. The car. belonging to David Strong, was badly dam aged. In srnte of injuries, Ron-I I nie, Ozzie and David took part in graduation ceremonies that even ing. Mrs. Ollie Roberts became ill while visiting relatives in Cali fornia and came home by plane Sunday. She is under the doc tors care at her home here. Rainbow Girls To Go to Baker I Pythian Sisters Set Initiation Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py thian Sisters met May 26 for their regular meeting. Balloting was exemplified and plans were made for the initia tion of two candidates on June 9 Plans were also made for a cooked food sale to be held at Sundland store on Saturday, June 12. Following adjournment delic ous refreshments were served bv Eula Blount. Other members of her committee were Verner Blount and Edna Heenan who were unable to be present, out. assisted by sending delicious food. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Jor/ Theatre THURS., FRI. JUNE 3-4 FOREVER FEMALE William Holden -jGinger Rogers SATURDAY JUNE 5 GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES Marilyn Monroe ■ Jane Russell SUN., MON. JUNE 6-7 SIEGE AT RED RIVER Van Johnson - Joanne Dru The LOng'Bell LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia Division