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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (May 20, 1954)
f THURSDAY, MAY 20, i954 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General I f(JR 5ALE -insurance i BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele FOR SALE: Shop hand tools, G phone 773. We have a reliable E refrigerator and >th r furni | Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 ture. House* 61, Texas Ave., O-A I months at low rates. Also fire hill.______________ ’__________ 2013 I insurance. Geo. Bel), H Hudson. 37tfc SHORT I j OGGER, good tires. Lengthened to haul 24-foot logs 20tfc Phone »5104 i j (’ALVES for sale. Albert Stager | pl. ne 16212 20t 1 i FOR SALE: 6 hp outboard mo | tor. 1483 Bridge St. 19t3 ! WANTED WANTED to rent by June 1 modern one or two bedrm. house close in by couple with no child- ren. Best of references. Phone 1423. 2 r ) K)R SALE: Good lawn mower; WANTED: Someone to mow laxn butane hot water tank; kitchen in return for housework, ironing, cabinet and sink. Riverview Ca laundering or sewing. See Maeva bins. 19tfc I Brimmer, 841 Grant St. or phone TWO WHEEL trailer with 4x7 j 533 am* beo 6 00x16 tires. tiM rail 1 32 1 MRS. MABEL GRAVES is retiring th’s year after 00 years of teaching, 23 of wh'ch were in Vcrr.on.a and vicinity. With her is Betty Jo Aldrich, on: of her pup ’s. For informa- . STRAWBERRY PICKERS want : ed. Sign up now at Vernonia Variety st* re with M. B. s* ■ FOR SALE: Wood range in good I Picking begins about June 1. Alta condition. 1142 Bridge St 19t3 Carstens, Banks, Oregon. 18t3c LARGE clumps field grown giant pansies, all colors. Bring con tainers. Fifth house on 10th St , Riverview. Mrs. Krinick. 19 3c FOR SALE: Red Cornet automa- tic fire extinguishers. Car, home, and business sizes. Protection for life and property. Author ized agent, Ed Tipton, box 293, , Vernonia. 18t3 WOMAN WANTED Chance to make money every week mailing postcards. Work home spare time. Box 9, Watertown, Mass. 18t4 FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks 1353 WANTED BERRY PICKERS Star Rt., Banks, Oregon _____________________________ 13tfc MRS. MINNIE WOOD, left, is retiring tihs year after serving as first cook at ths Washington grade school cafeteria s:nce it begin ning six years ago. Mrs. Sadie Naviaux is also retiring after five years service. CASH PAID for any number or kinds of cattle, pigs, feeder or fat hogs. Walt Altman, Auctioneer. Writ? or phone 7612, Forest Grove._______________________ 3tfc CHEVROLET BelAir 4 dr sedan. Radio and heater Beautiful throughout. HIGHEST cash prices paid for 1851 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan cream and eggs at your door— powerglide trans., r&h. ex cellent condition. Brilliant picked up once or twice weekly— green color $450 Down call or write Forest Grove Cream 1953 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan. ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc Powerglide, 23.000 miles Beautiful car $345 Down 1948 DODGE 2 dr. sedan. Fluid LEGAL NOTICE Drive. NOTICE: The County Court of IMS CHEVROLET 2 ton truck Columbia County, Oregon has ap New motor, thoroughly re pointed ZELMA M DOW as Ad conditioned. ministratrix of the Estate of SEE US AND OUR MANY HAROLD CLAUDE DOW, De OTHER UNITS BEFORE YOU ceased. All persons having BUY. claims against said estate are re VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY quired to present them with 3n Y< ars in Business in Vernonia proper vouchers to the under Phone 342 Vernonia signed at the Joy Theater Build ____________________________ 20tlc ing, Vernonia, Oregon, or the Of fices of Patterson, Bush and FOR SALE—Real Estate Bradley, Commercial Bank Bldg., Hillsboro, Oregon. (JtXID 3 bedroom, modern house ZELMA M. DOW, Administratrix wired for range; 100x100 lot PATTERSON, BUSH AND nose to stores. Only $3150 BRADLEY. Attorneys for Ad Very good terms. ministratrix 17t5c I 20 ACRES near St Helens. 15 res clear, 5 acres 2nd growth I < leered land good for berries, 3 CARD OF THANKS (•edrooms, full basement house I WISH to thank my friends for fed for range Price $9500 the many cards and letters re W.ll trade for Vernonia proper ceived during my recent illness ty. and especially. I want to thank 41 ACRES. .3 b *droom unfinished the men from the Longbell mil) tut liveable house. Half base- who offered to be blood donors ' nt. electric heat, also wood while I was in the hospital. furnace 27 acres clean'd on Mrs Grant Thayer paved highway. Price $9000 _____________________________ 20tl , sxf terms DON BAYLEY. BROKER FOR RENT M. Donald Hotel. Vernonia. Ore FOR RENT Nice clean apart ___________________________ 20tlc ment 376 North St In front TWO BEDROOM modern home of union hall. M. R Porterfield *_________________________ 20tfc Just out of Hillsboro on half acre. Pn e $6500, $2000 down, balance pr vale loan at five per cent. In- <|u • • 612 Third street. Vernonia ____________________________ 17t3c CLASSIFIED RATES an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. CARD of Thanks A Notices: 80c. A poltergeist is a spirit that makes its presence known bv noises Home Has Visilors From Many Places J | I i I 1 I Relatives Visit Here irom Texas MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Warren Morgan and two daughters of Olney were Saturday night vic tors of Mr. and Mrs. George Jones. We notic? Mr and Mrs. Clauct Johnson wear a happy smile these days. They are grand parents. The first granddaughter arrived about a week ago at tin horn' of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Itzen in Corvallis (Ailecn J > in- son). Sunday guests of the Chas. Han. sens were Mr and Mrs. Will l.- ng from Roseburg. Mrs Selmi Kym- sie and Mrs. Maninen from Clats kanie, Mr. and Mrs. C. Salmi. Janet and Lois from Clatskanie. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roeser and small son from Astoria were Sunday guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hansen. TREHARNF. — Mr. and Mis. Orville Darnel of Yakima. Wash ington and Mrs Geraldine Bark er end Kenneth Larry of Hous ton. Texas visit d th^ir parents Mr. and ’ ‘ Mrs. ‘ Turner Daniel over the week end. Mrs. Bark?r and son plan to return to their home in Texas soon. Mr. and Mrs. Truman Daven port of Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire took < Sunday trip down the r’ver through Clatskanie and to As toria where they had dinner. Mesdames Lcoan Odam, Floy Whitmire. Florence Reynolds, Floy Odam. Thelma Weaver, Nan cy Daniel. Jane Miller, Edna It y- nolds and Florence Kirkbride spent Monday and Tuesday paint ing and papering the front room and bedroom for Mrs. Pauline T i.sdalt*. Mother, Baby Arrive Home BIRKENFELD — Mrs. Ted Bellingham was in Portland last week getting acquainted with their little son She stayed with Mr. and Mrs A M. Perry unt.i the baby was released from the hospital, then she and the babv went to the horn - of Mr and Mrs Richard Thompson where she re mained till Monday morning when she and the baby came home. Kathryn Elliott and Shirley Armstrong of Oregon City spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs Cecil Elliott. Seven members of the sewing club went to Clatskanie to the show last Tuesday evening Next meeting will be June 1 at the home of Mrs. Don Jensen n Hillsboro Mr and Mrs. M P Mills were in Portland Saturday Mrs Don Jensen and children spent Saturday with Mrs. Ceci) Elliott. Mr. and M rs. Gene Itzen are the proud parents of a little girl born Wednesday of last wee.x She is the first grandchild of Mi and Mrs W C Johnson and me first great grand child of Mi and Mrs. Walter Carl Vacation Trip Begun Sunday RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 j Dave Brunsman and five children words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser left Sundav to sp?nd a two weeks vacation at La Moure. North Da tions dor the price of two. kota. NO nformalion on classifieds will Mrs Dewey Hunt entertained be given out until after paper a few friends Friday afternooi is mailed with a greeting card party. At BLIND ads with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini tending were Mrs Frank Morris. mum charge 80c No informa- Mrs Mae Krieger. Mrs J E R >sc, i on given relative to such ads. j Mrs Alice Mills and Mrs. S. J I Parsons NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Mr. and Mrs Harold Rayborn ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED I of Portland visited at the John XFTER WED NOON EXCEPT I Krinick home Sunday TOR NeXT WEEK’S PAPER. Mr and Mrs John Putnam POETRY accepted only as paid have bought Mrs. Wirtz’s place matter Rate- Sc per type line. THE EAGLE assumes no finan on Third St. They came from cial responsibility for errors Port Hueneme, California and moved into their new home Sun- that may appear in ads pub day. Mrs. Ethel Hall and son lished in its columns, but in Tom moved from the Wirtz house case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of to the Olive apartments. By virtue of a victory over St I Helens Wednesday of last week the Vernonia Loggers went tc WyEast Monday to d?cide the re presentative to meet Grant high school for the right to enter state tourney play. The Loggers 6-3 victory over the Lions last week came as the second of the season with Full *r allowing s.x hits while collecting nine from the Saints. Nanson and Ray both hit triples and Bill and Roy Higley collected doubles The Loggers scored their first run in th" second inning, three in the third and were never behind while St. Helens’ big inning was the fifth. Against WyEast the Loggers fell before a list of errors that gav? the host nine a big seventh of four runs, which added to earlier inning runs netted seven for the Mid-Columbia league champions. The loggers also tal- lied four in the seventh but had only two runs earlier. Fuller pitched the entire game, striking out six and walking four i RIVERVIEW — Mr and Mrs Ralph Mahar spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. H W Wickuler at McMinnville. Mrs. Emery George of Portland visited at th? home of her par ents Mr. and Mrs. C N Rundell from Friday until Sunday even- ing. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ever- ett Rundell of Beaverton and Emery G?orge cam? and they all enjoyed dinner at the home of Mr and Mrs. Ed Quckner. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Hen drickson and three daughters of Scappoose visited at the bom • of Mr and Mrs. D. G. Campbell, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Smith and daughter and Mrs. Pat Throop of Portland visited the ladies' mother. Mrs. Glen Mitchell Sunday. Mrs.*Hal Reno and children of Warrenton visited at th? home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rose Sun- day. AT YOUR Prom Attended At Vernonia BOTH HILL AND MOUNTAIN BERRIES CASH PAID for furniture, live- I *4i.. , machinery, tools any time 1 Transportation furnished. Excel Forest Grove Auction, L. R Senff lent berries. Register by post anc C. W. Christiansen, owner: card io— iint. auctioneers. Phone 7615. _____________________________ I6tfc ROLLING HILLS FARM SAND, gravel, crushed rocle fill dirt. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 26t52c Sunday is Popular Day for Visiting Loggers Meet WyEast Monday FAVORITE BIRKENFELD — Little Gary Thompson spent several days last week with his grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Jepson. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson came Saturday to at tend the prom in Vernonia and he went home with them •’•i.iday. Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Lousig nont of Clatskanie and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Jepson attended the prom in Vernonia Saturday night. Ray Bennett is seriously ill, having suff *red two heart at tacks last week. He was taken to a hospital in Portland Satur day for medical treatment and observation. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott visited the Jensens in Hillsboro Sunday. Mrs. Jack Bnttner was hostess to th ■ extension unit Wednesday. Mrs. Allyn, county agent, gave a lesson on correct foundation gar ments. Guests brought a paper sack lunch and tea. coffee and lemonade was furnished by the hostess. This was th? last meet ing to be held until fall when new officers will take charge. Mrs. Lawrence Jepson, Mrs. Howard Jones, Mrs. Gus Wan strom, Mrs. Arby Mills, Mrs. Lonquist. Mrs. Francis Nordstrom Mrs. Francis Larson and Shirley Berg wer? among those from tile Nehalem Valley Garden club at. tending the flower show in Clats kanie Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cowlethrope, wh: lived here a short time, are now established in their home in Port land GROCERY i i i 1 I with RITZ CRACKERS'I“* , Laàal h NlllltO - Xaliaoal Muml I I ! I » Î I I I ! I I I • I I I MILL MARKET i I AND LOCKERS » j I ♦ ♦ I Remember- DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a.m -3 p.m. PHONE 1391 X -I [ ermitage KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHTSKEY 1 j , , 1 FULLY AGED FURNITURE New and Used Vernonia Bargain House 147 3rd St. Up from Bakery BRAND Oregon's largest - selling straight bourbon! ~ ’’ERMITA ûî »•MB A*-’ 2^ M10 a » « THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEAWS OLD * !4 M00F . THE OLD HERITAGE COMPANY. FIANKfOtT, KENTUCKY