« THURSDAY, MAY 6, 1954 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. ----------------------------------- ------------------------------------- CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General RESOLUTION WANTED_____________ FOR SALE Red Comet automa tic fire extinguishers Car, home, and business sizes. Protection for life and property. Author ized agent, Ed Tipton, box 293, Vernonia. 18t3 STRAWBERRY PICKERS want ed. Sign up now at Vernonia Variety Store with M. B. Steers. Picking begins about June 1. Alta Carstens, Banks, Oregon. 18t3c FOR SALE: Good wringer type < lectnc washing machine, cheap Inquire noons or after five at 209 A St. Ollie Roberts. 17t3 WOMAN WANTED. Chance to make money every week mailing postcards. Work home spare tune. Box 9, Watertown, Mass. 18t4 PIANO BARGAIN. Will sell at sacrifice beautiful spinet piano in this locality to save moving expense. Easy terms or cash. For information write Tailman Piano Stores, Inc., Salem, Oregon. 17t3c ONE light, I heavy bedstead and springs, single record electric phonograph, butter churn, two 25-lb. pkgs, linoleum paste, 40x72 in. sewing table with lower shelf, 2 electric lamps. Helene Hanel 1332 State Ave. 16t3 FOR SALE: 40 parmenter red pullets, 11 months old Laying 80%. $2 00 each. Next door to Shorty Lee's. J. W. Young. 16t3 CASH PAID for furniture, live stock, machinery, tools any time Forest Grove Auction, L. R. Senfl and C. W Christiansen, owners and auctioneers. Phone 7615. lfitfc THE APRON SHOP, specializing in hemstitching, installing zip pers, clothing repair, alterations, luxated al Seawright Cleaners. Rhone 1211. June Willis. 7tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 26t52c FOR SALE Cars, Trucks LEGAL NOTICE WANTED: Someone to truck short logs. See W. lingermanson on Timber route. Box 42. 18tl LAWN MOWERS sharpened Phone 1322, Albert Schalock, 3rd St., Riverview. 16t3 WANTED BERRY PICKERS BOTH HILL AND MOUNTAIN BERRIES Transportation furnished. Excel lent berries. Register by post card to— ROLLING HILLS FARM Star Rt., Banks, Oregon 13tfc CASH PAID for any number or kinds of cattle, pigs, feeder or fat hogs. Walt Altman, Auctioneer. Write or phone 7612, Forest Grove. 3tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SCHOOL ELEC TION IN THE RURAL SCHOOL BUY NOW DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA SPRING SPECIALS COUNTY, OREGON. UPON 1551 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan, powerglide, $400 worth of QUESTION OF INCREASING TAX LEVY OVER AMOUNT accessories. New tires. LIMITED BY SECTION 11 ItS) CHEVROLET 2 dr. sedan Just like new. Low mile ARTICLE XI. STATE CONSTI TUTION. age. One owner. Notice is hereby given that an 1953 CHEVROLET delxe 5 pas election will be held Monday. senger coupe. Heater, etc. 1S50 CHEVROLET 5 pas May 17. 1954. by the Rural Schoo] senger coupe. Radio and District of Columbia County, State of Oregon, in all compon heater, light tan. ent school districts of said Rura' 1948 DODGE 2 dr. sedan. Fluid School District. drive. Radio, heater. The election will begin at 8:00 1948 DODGE business coupe p.m. and will be held in the Fluid drive. VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY schoolhouse in each of said coni 3(1 Years in Business in Vernonia ponent districts. The purpose cf Phone 342 Vernonia the election is to submit to thi ______________ ______________ iStlc legal voters of the rural school district the question of increas tUK SALE—Insurance ing the tax levy for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1954, ovet BELL HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable the amount limited by Section 11 Ci , writing cars for 3, 6t 9 Article XI of the Constitution. The reason for increasing such months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. levy are: INSUFFICIENT FUNDS WITH 37tfc IN THE BASE The amount of tax, in excess of FOR SALE—Real Estate the six per cent limitation pro GOOD 3-bcdroom, modern house posed to be levied by the rura) v .retf for range; 100x100 lot school district of Columbia Coun cose to stores Only $3150. ty, Oregon, for the fiscal year Very good terms. beginning July 1, 1954, is $24,- 20 ACHES I miles out on mam 269.95. hij. way 4-room house, 7 stan- Dated this 17 day of April, 1954 . .non bain, chick house and Attest: u *xi shed. Tractor and farm Lois D. Kent, Secretary, Rural r ..chinerv included at $5250. School Board R‘ DUCED for quick sale: Four- H. G Sandon, Chairman. Rural room modern hou. • on acre, School Board. ■x’ludi s garage and machine 4 22-5-6 • >p Only $2250, good terms NOTICE: The County Court of DON BAYLEY. BROKER Columbia County. Oregon has ap MacDonald Hotel, Vernonia, Ore l«tlc pointed ZEI.MA M DOW as Ad ministratrix of the Estate of TWO BEDROOM modern home HAROLD CLAUDE DOW. De just out of Hillsboro on half acre. ceased All persons having Pt •• $6500. $2000 down, balance claims against said estate are re private loan at five per cent. In- quired to present them with qu ■ 612 Third street, Vernonia. proper vouchers to the under ____________________________ 17t3c signed at the Joy Theater Build ing. Vernonia. Oregon, or the Of FOR RENT fices of Patterson, Bush and Fl RNISHF.D three-room apart Bradley, Commercial Hank BldR , Hillsboro, Oregon. ment and bath Electric range refrigerator, oil heat and use of ZELMA M DOW, Administratrix laundry. Riverview Apts. Large PATTERSON. BUSH AND BRADLEY, Attorneys for Ad sleeping room with two beds ministratrix 17t5c Kitehrn privilege if desired Ra r»i. w Apts_____________ lltfc Accidents in the home area kill m le children under 15 years *n CLASSIFIED RATES Cicgon than all the communic MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 able diseases combined words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser STOCK SIGNS tions for the price of two. NO information on classifieds will O No Tresspassing be given out until after paper • For Rent is mailed. • BLIND ads with answers to be • N ■ Minors Allowed handled by the Eagle: Mini • N Peddh rs Allowed mum charge 80c. No inform« • No Hunt ing non given relative to such ads. • No Fishing or Hunting NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Without Permission ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT VERNONIA EAGLE FOR Nr.XT WEEKS PAPER. A RESOLUTION SUBMITTING TO THE LEGAL VOTERS OF THE CITY OF VERNONIA AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY CHARTER. WHICH PROVIDES FOR THE ISSUANCE OF GEN ERAL OBLIGATION SEWER BONDS NOT TO EXCEED $85. 000.00 FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING. IMPROVING AND EXTENDING THE SEWER SYSTEM, THE EXACTION OF A SEWER SYSTEM USE CHARGE. AND A CONNEC TION FEE; PROVIDING FOR THE PAYMENT OF SAID BONDS; PROVIDING A BAL LOT TITLE UNDER WHICH THE PROPOSAL EHALL BE SUBMITTED; CALLING AND PROVIDING FOR A SPECIAL ELECTION AT WHICH SAID AMENDMENT IS TO BE SUB MITTED TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF VERNONIA. WHEREAS the Cory Hill sec tion of the City of Vernonia is not now a part of the city sewer system, which has caused an un sanitary and unhealthy condition to exist, which condition the State Sanitary Authority has or dered the city to abate; and WHEREAS, the city desires to submit to the voters of the city the question of the issuance of bonds to finance the construction of the necessary sewage facili ties; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VERNONIA That a special elec tion be and hereby is called to be held in the City of Vernonia on Friday, the 21st day of May, 1954, at which time there is hereby submitted to the voters of the City of Vernonia a proposed charter amendment, which pro posed amendment is to be a new section proposed to be added to the charter and designated as 99-C; the text of said amend ment to be submitted shall be as follows: BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF VERNONIA, OREGON. That a new section designated "Section 99-C” be added to Chapter 9 of the amended charter of the City of Vernonia, providing as follows, to-wit: Section 99-C. The City Coun cil is hereby authorized and em powered to issue and sell general obligation sewer bonds in an amount not exceeding $85.000 00 for the •pur pose of constructing, improving and extending the city sewer sys tem. The City Council is further em powered to provide for a month ly sewer use charge, which charge is to be added to the water bills and collected as a part thereof, and to exact a fee for all new connections to the sewer system. The revenue derived from the connection fees and use charges is to be paid into a special sewer fund and used for the payment of the above mentioned sewer bonds. To further insure the pay ment and interest of the sewer bonds all net revenues derived from the municipal water system are to be paid into the special sewer fund and pledged to the payment of the principal and in terest of the sewer bonds. The transfer of the net revenues from the water system to the special sewer fund shall continue so long as any of the sewer bonds issued remain unpaid and until the city has at least two year’s require ment on hand for the interest on and the maturing principal of all the outstanding sewer bonds, and when the existing sewer fund falls below this amount, the water revenues are again to be trans ferred to said fund. That the City Council shall | levy each year an ad valorem tax on all taxable property within the city, which, together with the sewer and water revenues. | shall be sufficient to pay the in terest upon and maturing prin cipal of the sewer bonds. If the said bond;» are authorized by a majority of voters, the issuance thereof would be in lieu of all other bonds heretofore authorized but not issued Section 99-B of the Amended Charter of the City of Vernonia be and the same hereby is repealed BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VERNONIA That the ballot title under which the proposed amendment shall ap pear on the ballot shall be as fol lows “Charter Amendment submitted to the voters by the Council" PURPOSE To add to the City << Vernonia charter a new section to Chapter 9 designated as Sec tion 99-C, which grants to the City Council the power to issue LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE_______ : general obligation bonds in an sewer fund shall continue so long | amount not to exceed $85,000 00 as any of the sewer bonds issued I for the purpose of constructing, remain unpaid and until the city I improving, and extending th? city has at least two year’s require- j sewer system; to provide for a ment on hand for the interest on 1 monthly sewer use charge ant to and the maturing principal of all I exact a fee for sewer connections; the outstanding sewer bonds, and to provid' for the pledging of when the existing sewer fund all net revenues derived from the falls below this amount, the water water system to insure payment revenues are again to be trans of the principal and interest of ferred to said fund. That the City Council shall levy said bonds; to pledge th? sewer revenues to the payment of the each year an ad valorem tax principal and interest of said on all taxable property within bonds, authorizing the City Coun the city, which, together with the cil to levy an ad valorem tax on sewer and water revenues, shall all taxable property within the be sufficient to pay the interest City. Repeal section 99-B of the upon and maturing principal of the sewer bonds. If the said Amended Charter of said City. Shall the amendment be adoptin’ bonds are authorized by a major ity of voters, the issuance thereof Vote Yes or No. 100 Yes would be in lieu of all other 101 No bonds heretofore authorized but BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED not issued. Section 99-B of the BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Amended Charter of the City of THE CITY OF VERNONIA That Vernonia be and the same hereby at said special election there shall is repealed. That the above proposition has be three polling places, to-wit, Precinct #4 at the City Hall, Ver been referred to the voters by re nonia, Oregon, Precinct #1 at solution of the City Council and Sundland Electric Store, 786 the ballot title under which it Bridge Street, Vernona, Oregon, shall appear on the ballot is as and Precinct #2 at the I.W.A. follows: Union Hall 537 North Street, Ver “Charter Amendment submitted nonia, Oregon, at which polling to the voters by the Council" place all qualified voters shall PURPOSE: To add to the City of vote, and which polling place Vernonia charter a new section shall be open from 8 o'clock a m. to Chapter 9 designated as Sec to 8 o’clock p.m. PST. tion 99-C, which grants to ths BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED City Council the power to issue [ BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF general obligation bonds in an THE CITY OF VERNONIA That amount not to exceed SSS’.OOO for the Recorder is hereby ordered the purpose of constructing, im and directed to publish this re proving, and extending the city solution in full at least one time sewer system; to provide for a in THE VERNONIA EAGLE, a monthly sewer use charge and to newspaper of general circulation exact a fee for sewer connections; within th? City of Vernonia not to provide for the pledging of all less than ten days nor more than net revenues derived from the twenty days immediately preced water system to insure payment ing the date of said election and of the principal and interest of to post a notice of said special said bonds; to pledge the sewer ; election in two public and con revenues to the payment of the spicuous places within the City principal and interest of said not less than ten days immediate bonds; authorizing the City Coun ly preceding the election. That cil to levy an ad valorem tax on th? publication in THE VER all taxable property within the NONIA EAGLE shall be entitled: City. Repeal section 99-B of the Amended Charter of the said “Notice of Special Election.” BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED City. BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF Shall the amendment be adopted? ’ THE CITY OF VERNONIA That Vote Yes or No. the Recorder be and he hereby is 100 Yes instructed to prepare such bal 101 No lots, poll books, and other re NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN That cords as will be required to pro at said special election there shall ' perly conduct and hold such elec be three polling places, to-wit, ■ tion and canvass the results Precinct #4 at the City Hall, thereof. Vernonia, Oregon, Precinct #1 at BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Sundland Electric Store. 786 That the judges and clerk of the Bridge Street, Vernonia, Oregon, election board shall be the same and Precinct #2 at th? I.W.A. as those chosen to act as such Union Hall 537 North Street, Ver for the State Primary Election to nonia, Oregon. The polls shall be held on the same day as the be open from 8 o'clock a m. to 8 election herein. o’clock p.m. of said day. Introduced and passed by the Sam Hearing, Recorder City Council this 3rd day ol 18tlc May, 1954. Lyman Hawken, Mayor AT THE EAGLE OFFICE— ATTEST: Sam Hearing, Recorder Typewriter and Adding Machine Ribbons for Most Machines. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION THE VERNONIA EAGLE — Office Supplies NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Printing That a special election will be held in the City of Vernonia, Co lumbia County. Oregon, on Fri BENS BARBER SHOP day, th" 21st day of May, 1954, that being the same day as the Expert Tonsorial Work State Primary Election, at which elecion there will b? submitted : Vernonia, Oregon for the approval or rejection of the legal voters of said city the ques. I tion of whether or not the City ! Charter should be amended by ’ adding thereto the following charter amendment: BE IT ENACTED BY THE ■ PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF VER- I NONIA. OREGON. That a new I section designated “Section 99-C” 1 be added to Chapter 9 of the I amended charter of the City of 1 Vernonia, providing as follows, i to-wit: Section 99-C. The City Coun cil is hereby authorized and cm- 1 powered to issue and sell general i obligation sewer bonds in an I amount not exceeding $85,000 00 ' for the purpose of constructing, i improving and extending the city 1 sewer system. The City Council is further em powered to provide for a monthly sewer use charge, which charge is to be added to the water bills and collected as a part thereof, and to exact a f -e for all new connecions to the sewer system. The revenue derived from the I connection fees and use charges ' is to be paid into a special sewer : fund and used for the payment | of the above mentioned sewer i bonds. To further insure the 1 payment and interest of the sewer binds all net reverses derived from the municipal water sys tem are to be paid into th? spe 1 cial sewer fund and pledged to the payment of the principal and ' interest of the sewer bonds. The I transfer of th? net revenues from [ the water system to the special Nevada Man Visits Here NATAL — Mr. and Mrs Geo. Mathews had as their guests over Monday night, Mrs. Mathews brother and a friend from Pioche, Nevada. Mrs. Henry Wilson has been caring for the children of Mr and Mrs. Charles Rosier while Mrs. Rosier was in the hospital with a new baby boy. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Neuer were Hillsboro shoppers one day» last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor made a trip to Woodland, Washington last Monday. Some of the Burris family who lived here years ago visited their old home place last week. It is now the Dee Vere Hershey place Mrs. Maude Rogers and Mrs Lena Mathews accompanied Mrs Myrtle Mathews to Forrest Grove on Monday. Eugene Residents Visit Relatives MIST — Mr. and Mrs. George Jones motored to Seaside Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach from Birkenfeld. They visited the Jones three sisters there. Mrs. Chet Clenderian and four children came down from Eugene last Wednesday and visited her parents, the L. P. Wikstroms. She left for Eugene again Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hughes and her mother, Mrs. ’Johnson went up to their home in Forest Grove and spent the week end. The Chas. Sundlands came back home from a weeks trip to Cali fornia last week. Mr. and Mrs. Shalmon Libel were motorists to Seaside Sun day. Joe Roeser and his brother, Charles Roeser, were in Clatska nie Saturday. Earl Knowles is going to work for the Allied Company having finished his work at Svenson. J W Howry is building a new picket fence around his place. It will add much to the beauty, too. Laundry and Dry Cleaning IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY Bring To— BEN BRICKEL’S BARBER SHOP Oregon Laundry and Dry Cleaners