National Churchman Will Address Group Sunday Rev. George Tuinstra, who will be bringing a Bible lecture at the Vernonia Bible church this Sun­ day evening is the National presi­ dent of the Indep ndent Funda­ mental Churches of America, and the Executive Vice-President of the Grand Rapids School of the Bible and music. In recent years he has appeared On the programs of various Bible conferences across the country /Xmong others at which he has ministered are the 1FCA Confer­ ences at Cedar Lak?, Indiana, St Petersburg, Florida, Orlando Florida and the Crescent Lake- Conference in Wisconsin and the Silver Fork Conference in Utah He has also ministered at the Gull Lake Bible Conference in his home state of Michigan. Mr. Tuinstra is appearing in our city as the representative cl the Grand Rapids School of the Eible and Music, located in Grand Rapids, Michigan, with which he is now associated in a full-time capacity. He is also serving as a professor of Analytical Subjects on the faculty of the Grand Ra­ pids school. St. Mary’s Altar Society Helds Monthly Meeting Convention Plans Year's Activities Joanne Brown was the delegate from the Vernonia Nazarene church to a convention held at McMinnville last week, when ap. proximately 250 teenagers, young adults and pastors were organized into convention committees to outline plans, resolutions and p-o- grams for youth activities for the 195T-55 convention year. Dr. Edward Lawlor, Calgary, Canada, convention speaker, ad­ dressed 350 people in th? even- ing session on the International Nazarene Young people’s quadre- nial theme, “By My Spirit . . . Share.” One of the high points in the convention was the annual ban­ quet held at the Baptist church. Among other features on th- i o- gram was a "shoe-shining’’_ de­ monstration by youth leaders from the Washington district as a result of losing a contest with the Oregon district. The St. Mary's Altar society met at the parish hall Wednesday April 21, for its regularly month­ ly business session. After ad­ journment, refreshments of cake and coffee were served by Mrs. Joe Vanderzanden. The next meeting will be held at the parish hall May 19. Theresa Schmidlm will care for the church for May | • | | j ! AT THE CHURCHES . . . | VERNONIA BIBLE CHURCH Don Darling. Pastor Pete Raney. S. S Supt. 9:45 a.m. — Bible school. 11.CO am. — Morning worship service. 5:45 pm. — Youth chorus prac­ tice. 6:30 pm. — Children’s Hour, Jewels. Ambassador’s for Christ Adult Study class. 7:30 p.m. — Special speaker this Sunday night will be Rev. Geo Tuinstra, National President of the l.F.C.A. Min., 7:30 p.m. — High school night at the parsonage. Wed., 7:30 p.m. — Prayer meeting Thurs., 7:30 p.m. — Personal Evangelism class. Local Men Attend Brotherhood Rally Reverend F. M. Knoll, Geoige Johnson and Julius Enevoldsen attended a district brotherhood rally held Monday evening at the First Evangelical United Bre- them church in Portland. On Tuesday, Reverend Knoll was a’ Jennings Lodge attending a meet ing of the conference beard of missions. Last year was the fourth con­ secutive year of increase in the traffic death toll. GEMS OF THOUGHT . Paul Patterson is giving Oregon a fresh, vigorous leadership that people like and completely trust, HE IS DOING THE JOB THE PEOM.E OF OREGON WANT DONEI Keep Oregon s Working Governor on Hie Job ' ■ - Vote for Paul PATTERSON ______________________ X Pd. Ad Patterson for Covernor Com.Trd R Cambi«, Chairman . 815 S.W.Óth Avenue, Portland.Oregon. THE BIBLE Hold fast to the Bible as the shed-anchor of your write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives. —General U. S. Grant There is a Book worth all other books which were ever printed. —Patrick Henry It is impossible to mentally or socially enslave a Bible-reading people. The principles of the Bible ar? the groundwork of hu- man freedom. —Horace Greeley I know the Bible is inspired because it finds me at greater depths of my being than any other book. —Samuel Taylor Coleridge No lawyer can afford to be lg- norant of the Bible. —Rufus Choate The central fact of the Bible is the superiority of spiritual over physical power. —Mary Baker Eddy LODGE AND CLUB NOTICES A. F. & A. M. Vernonia Lodge No. 184 A. F. & A. M. meets at Masonic Temple. Stated Communication first Thursday of each month. at 7:30 p.m. Merle Cline, W.M. Walter Linn, Sec'y. 1-55 V. F, W. !" Regular meetings: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 8 P.M. V.F.W. Hall. 1 Ralph Hartman, Commander Leland Pugsley, Adjutant AUXILIARY—2nd and 4th Tues. Nora Jean Redmond. President Shirlee Vike, Sec'y. 4-54 VERNONIA LIONS CLUB MEETS EVERY MONDAY EVENING Vernonia Country Club W. A. Davis, President 3 54 Bill Vlcek, Secretary Vernonia Lodge No. 246 ¿X^LO.O.F- Meets Every Tuesday 8 P M. Henry Anderegg. Noble Grand Jim Davies. Secretary 1-55 Columbia Encampment No. 89 will meet the 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month at the ».O.O.F. haB. Homer Gwin, Chief Patriarch Wm. D. Shafer, Scribe 1-55 American Legion VERNONIA POST 119 Meets First and Third Monday of each month. AUXILIARY First and Third Tuesdays 1-54 Order of Eastern Star Nehilem Chapter 153, O. E. S. Regular com­ munication first and third Wed. of each month at Masonic Tem­ ple. All visiting sisters and broth, ers welcome. Florence Brunsman, W.M. Mona Gordon. Sec'y. 1-55 Knights of Pythias Hardings Lodge No. 116 Vernonia. Oregon Meetings I.O.O.F. Hall. Second and Fourth Mondays Each Month Oren Weed, Chancellor Commander Oscar G Weed, Secretary Pythian Sisters Vernonia Temple No. 61 Meetings: I.O.O.F. Hall Second and Fourth Wednesdays of each month Lesta Garner. M.E.C. Jennie Stanley. Secretary 2 54 Vernonia F.O.E. (Fraternal Order of Eagles) Meets Every Friday 8 P M. I [ 1 j i I ! I I j • ’ Bear Me A Son BY GEO. N. TAYLOR Portland. Oregon —“I bought you for 20 cows and I want you to be one of my wives and to bear me a son Also you are to work in the fields and be a carrier of burdens." So we see South Africa today And just so we see the low estate of women in days when Christ's message had just begun to spread. Take the cas? of the hard boiled Philippian jailor. By a string of miracles, God woke him up. See the man throw himself at the Apostle’s feet and cry, “What must I do to be saved?" And the Apostle answered — "B ■- lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and your house.” Acts 16:32. What Means House?—It means kiddies and women, .old and young and slaves. Christ died for them all to set them right with God Let them believe that Christ died for them to set them right with God. At that God goes to work in them to fit them for time and eternity. This space sponsored by a family of the county. THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE, THURSDAY. APRIL 29, 19^4 7 Our Great America A ty OREGON. MAG AN ¿A/M PtM TREE. IT'S AN AMERICAN FlM planted room ÖEST BASEBALL THROW OÑ RECORD MADE By POU GRATE OF UNOCHA 1*4 1955.... . TMCE > UP. THE TREE GREUJ IN THAT POSITION ANO SMALL FWANl'Ut< grow / OU f OF THE TRANSPOSED «0015. THf LfAVfi ¿AW? n/Ote or Q/rotAiApy FT, 3%/A/OfES O ak wilt . THANKS TO RESEARCH financed E»y ft>RE6T INDUSTRIES, IS NO LONGER CONSIDERI l’ A THREAT TP THIS NATION’S OAK STANDS. THE DISEASE MAy SOON BE OOMPlEIEiy CONTROLLED. T h E 0ROOKLVÑ BRiPOE UMS OPENED TO TRAFFIC »J A4Ay, 1885 Ästoria Square Dance Attended BIRKENFELD — Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johnson and Mr. and Bob Burkholder and two sons of Mrs. Al Sorlaback of Jewell Mrs. Portland visited Mr. and Mrs. ’Lena Hendrickson of Warrenton Fred Udey Saturday night and j accompanied them to pend a few days at Mrs. Wystrom’* Sunday. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Mrs. Ted Bellingham, Mrs. Art place. Ervin F. Leake. Pastor Bellingham. Mrs. Fred Larson and 9:45 — Bible school. The Men’s Trip to Beach Enjoyed Mrs Buddy Larson were in Port, class will have charge of the By Bible Beavers Club Family Rc-union land last Tuesday. opening assembly. Mrs. Cecil Elliott and Keith Enjoyed on Easter Saturday, April 24. a group of 11:00 am. — Morning worship, vent to Portland Saturday to RIVERVIEW — Easter Sunday twelve boys from the Bible Bea ­ “A Vital Challenge to the bring Kathryn home for th ■ week ver's Bible club took a trip to the Lindsley family h< Id a re­ Church of our Day.” Nursery. 6:30 p.m. — Young People’s meet­ Short Sands Beach at the coast. end. link n at the Grange hall at Tre- Swimming in the surf, fishing Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and harne. .Attending were Mr. ami ing. >W|| 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. playing softball on the beach, Kathryn visited Mr. and Mrs. and a weiner roast were enjoyed Micky Hopkins and John Hop­ Mrs. Doug Hibler and son ami Joe ‘ Wbat is Your Life.” Lindsley of Springfield; Mr. aiui by Donnie Tunnell, Wayne Ho­ kins Sunday. Wednesday, 6:30 — Monthly din­ ward, Billie Dibbons, Roy Elliot ner and business meeting. Mrs. Wilfred Parman and Dick Mrs. Sam Smith asd sons of Lynn Bolmeier, Darrell Elliot, of Scappoos-1 visited friends in Sweet Home; Mr. and Mrs V M Thursday, 1:30 — Luncheon and Jimmie McFarland, David Cotton meeting of the Keystone class Birkenfeld Saturday. Lindsley of Treharne; Mrs. Dewey- Tim Sessman, Bobbie Helvie Mrs Cecil Elliott spent Tuesciay Hunt and sons; Mr. and Mrs W Ronnie Hibbs, and Danny Brown VERNONIA EVANGELICAL and Wednesday at Yamhill wito J Lindsley and S Sgt Lee Lind­ Singing of choruses and a talk j Rev. F. M. Knoll Mrs. Don Jensen. Sunday, May 2, 9:45 a.m. — Sun­ by Mr. Lovell Shelley, followed | Miss Pat Davis of Westo-irt sley, and Miss Gloria SI ly- the weiner roast. Chaperones day school. Special contest called on Mr. and Mrs. Cecil El­ ter of San Francisco; Mrs. Ken were Joe Snook, Don and Phoebe news. liott W-dnesday. neth Lindsley and Oscar Smith 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. Darling, and Mr. Shelley. Mrs. L. L. Wells visited het Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davis and I Topic, “The Trees Are the | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bei ; m Gary of Vernonia called n.i Mr NAZARENE CHURCH Lord’s,” Psalm 104:16. and Mrs. Mickey Hopkins Sunday Portland Tuesday. H. L. Russell. Pastor 6:30 pm. — Youth fellowship A G. Ostrander purchased a afternoon. 9:45 a.m. — Sunjay school. Catechetical class. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baker, Mr. piece of land near 9th St., from Ralph Lais, Supt. 7:30 p.m. — Evening service to be 11:00 a m. — Morning worship. and Mrs. Bud Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Helen Rand of St. Helens presented by the Gideons. 6:30 p.m—Young Peoples service. Mrs. Art Bellingham were squai? and has started a gravel yard Tuesday, May 4, 2:00 p m. — De­ 7:30 p.m. — Evening service. Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, Mrs Dewey dancing at Astoria Friday evi n- borah Circle at home of Mrs Hunt and sons, Mrs Mae Krieger Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Prayer mg Ernest East. Mrs. Jessie Johnson of Port­ and Mrs. Jewell Lloyd motored meeting. Wednesday, May 5, 1:45 p.m.— land and Mrs. Laura Wystrom to Portland and Vancouver on WSWS at home of Mrs. Dave CHURCH OF GOD IN CHRIST were here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday. Marshall. (Colored) 7:30 p.m. Wednesday — Mid-week J. C. Foster, Pastor prayer service, followed by ad­ 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. ministrative council and Sun­ 11-12 a.m — Morning worship. day School board meetings. 6:30 p.m.—Young Peoples service 8 p.m. — Evening worship. ASSEMBLY OF GOD 7:30 p.m. Tuesday and Fridays— Rt-v. W. A. McBride. Pastor Prayer Meetings. 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. Mrs. Welcome to all to worship with us George Wells, Sup’t. 11:00 a.m. — Morning worship. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH l ut (>s, (>()<),on.) nt them J 5:30 p.m. — Revivaltime, station Robert T. Liles, pastor KGO. (10:30 p m. KEX) 9:45 a.m. — Sunday school. >"•>!<« •• double 'track 7:30 p.m. — Evening worship. 11:00 — Morning worship. V railroad that spans our Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. — Prayer 6:30 p.m. — Training union. Meeting. 8 nation, coast to coast 7:30 p.m. — Evening worship. “Righteousness exalteth a nation; 7:30 p.m. Wed. — Prayir service. but sin is a reproach to any Everyone welcome. people.” Proverbs 14:34. SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC Ed H. Webb. Pastor Rev. William Delplanche Services on Saturday: Mass at 9:30 9:30 a.m. — Sabbath School. NEHALEM VALLEY 10:45 a.m. — Preaching, mission­ CHURCHES ary programs or Bible study. Rev. David M. Larson, Pastor VERNONIA BRANCH LDS Birkenfeld but many dollars, deposited 11 a.m. — Sunday school. Mrs. 10:00 a.m. — Sunday school con­ D. M. Larson, supt. Classes I venes under supervision of regularly at this bank, can help Henry Hudson. for all ages. Adult discussion, you build security, and have 11:30-12 — Priesthood meeting. ! led by pastor. the other good things you want. _____________ / Wednesday 7:30 p.m. — Mid-week 7:30 p.m. — Sacrament meeting .... commences under direction of Bible study at the pastor’s home Earl P. Genzer. Mist 8 p.m. — Evening service. Con­ 7:30 Tuesday — MIA meetings at Buxton. gregation singing. Sermon: “Studies in the Life of Abra­ Tuesday evenings — Primary children group meets under 1 ham.” by pastor. supervision o' M. Erline Olson. ! Wednesday 7:30 p.m.—Mid-week Bible study at the pastor's home 2 00 p m. Tuesday — Branch Re- I lief society meets in Vernonia. < “Study to show thyself approved Erlene Olson, president. Visitors Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation unto God, a workman that cordially welcomed at all meet­ needeth not to be ashamed.” II Timothy 2:15. ings. ONLY A SPIKE /SSxONLY A DOLLAR ?<:■ Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank of Oregon ^HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH H 858 1st Ave. H Vernonia z H H I Z W. C. Bellingham. W.P. z Gene Shipman. Sec'y. 7-53 H M Z z MT. HEART REBEKAH H The only Mellow’d Coffee H LODGE Z Meets 2nd and 4th Thursday H H evenings of each month in the Z Z 1.0 O.F HalL H Alice Buckner. Noble Grand 14 Z Gladys Strong. Vice Grand Z H Elizabeth Frye. Rec Sec’y. H Free Deiner, Hazel Cook. Financial Sec y. X FINE Groceries Ver da Cook. Treasurer Phon« 761 K Vests- -Vegetables M 3 54 Z YOU'LL LIKE Try This Mellowed Coffee SAM’S FOOD STORE ¡L hzhzhzh ^ hl ' hzhzmzkzhzhzhzhzxzhzhxhxhzhzhzhzhzhxhzh *