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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 8, 1954)
« THURSDAY, APRIL 8, 1954 THE EAGLE. Club Entertained at Martan Home Recently VERNONIA, CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—Genera! WEDGEWOOD gas range, chro mium top, griddle, four burner, 2 heat. Large oven, broiler, stor age drawer. All white enamel. Used one year. Good as new. Not dirty. Also gas water heater and gas bottle. 150 gal. storage Sell all together. See at 88 O-A hill near Mill Market and Lockers. L. H Cates. 14t3c FOR SALE: Lawnmower for sale Perfect shape. 859 Rose Ave 14tl FERTILIZER. Rock Creek. Clarence Reed, 14t3 TWO single cultivators, 1 four- teen-inch plow, 2 sections harrow riding disc, 2 10-in. lawn mowers M;.y be seen at the J. A. Bacon farm, Watren, Oregon, Church rd 14t2c MONTGOMERY Wards washing machine and laundry trays. Tom Solomon, Sixth St., Riverview. 14tl SINGER Hemstitching machine Chi 'p. Sec June Willis at Apron | J.'ttfc- TWO-block 48-inch Russell car riage One baseline welding com- par.y well drill mounted on White truck Heavy duty friction drum log haul. John Cogan, Box 51, Buxton, Oregon 13t3 PORTABLE steel sawmill; 37-in i pi -.nig, 60-in. inserted saw. Cad power plant. John Cogan, Box 51, Buxton, Oregon. 13t3 JF YOU are considering a drilled water well, drop a postal card to John Cogan, Buxton, Box 51. 13t3e BEDDING and garden plants, shrubbery, dahlia tubers and rose touthes. Riverview Greenhouse. 13t3 FOR SALE POTATOES. U.S. No 1 Burbanks. $1.75 100 lb Oft Riv irview on 1st. Fourth house ■ . ft. G P Pott r 13t3 F.LECTRIC Nesco roaster and cooker and one pair new curtain stretcher*. no pins. 536 First Ave., phon-' 332. 12t3 WISCONSIN garden tractor, see nt Vernonia Trading Co. Small Th< r cabinet mangle. $15. Girl’s bicycle, $15. Small Coleman oil sti ve. $10 Sanitary cot. $5. Call Mrs R D Eby. 12t3c GYM DANDY swing set, includes 2 r wings, teeter toter, bars and rings Inquire House 28, O-A hill, Walt Linn. 12t3c OAT and vetch hay. Also good hor-a hay. Can deliver. Mike Yunker, jihone 16104, Forest drove. 9tfc THE APRON SHOP, specializing in hemstitching, installing zip- prrs, clothing repair, alterations. Isolated at Seawright Cleaners. Phone 1211. June Willis. 7tfc WK BUY liv stock, furniture and miscellaneous every day. Also «ell farm sales anywhere, Sale every Friday, call 7615. Your livestock consignments are very much appreciated. Forest Grove Au. t ion Market is owned and • pirat'd by L. R. Senff and C. W. Christiansen. Auctioneers. 6tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill dirt. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 26t52c FOR SALE—Real Estate C.OO1) 4 Toom modern house; wired for range. Two bed- rooms, ’s basement, concrete f -undation. $3800. good terms i vet’s loan can be arranged GOOD 3 bedroom, modern house wired lor range; 100« 100 lot c lose to stores Only $3150 Very g<H>d terms. 3 RM. modern, furnished house Only $650. Terms. DON BAYLEY. BROKER Mi ■ Donald Hotel, Vernonia, Ore 13tlc FURNISHED 3-bedroom house. 2- rm. cabin and fruit house on 3 lots Newly renovated inside Modern kitchen with new cabi- nets and cabinet sink Frigidaire stove, refrigerator, tabletop water heater. Table and chairs May tag square tub washer, double x»m set and bunk bed set. Built >•» wardrobes. Oil htatcr daveno, 3 occasional chain Mo dern bathroom, enclosed back porch with wash trays. Fenced- in bask yard Maeva < Mikel Bummer, 841 Giant street, phone 533. 1P3 \ TREHARNE — The G. G club met at the home of Mrs. Ella Martan on Keasey route March 25. Those present at the meet ing were: Mrs..Lois Wilson, Pat Michener, Rena Brady, Ellen Hanlon, Donna Collins, Betty Brady, Dorothy Olinger and Jen nie Hanson. Mrs. Norma Silver of Vernonia as a Friday evening supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker. Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Graves visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Thacker, Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lin Reynolds, Michael and David, of Tillamook visited relatives at Treharne and in Vernonia Tuesday and Wed nesday. FOR SALE—Real Estate SMALL, modern house for sale. At 991 Rose Ave. $1800 See Jun? 13t3c Willis at Apron Shop BEAUTIFUL, modern 2-bedroom log home on 11 acres. Barn, young orchard, garden; 10 acres second growth timber. James Hodgson, Capitol Hill, Vernonia. 13t3 FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks BUT NOV/ SPRING SPECIALS 1953 CHEVROLET 2 dr.. R8cH. Low mileage. Green Co 1 lor $1675 $495 Down PHONE 471 FOR (30 Months to Pay) Well 1951 CHEVROLET 2-dr. DELIVERY TO YOUR equipped. Like new. Very low mileage. $1055 DOOR 1950 CHEVROLET Club Coupe. Radio and Heater. A real nice car that looks like new $ 915 $285 Down (18 Months To Pay) 1950 FORD tudor. Radio, heater, overdrive. Complete new, brilliant finish. Low mile age $915 1948 DODGE 2-dr. srdan. Com plete Over haul $555 $175 Down 1948 DODGE business coupe Nice and clean, good tires $550 $175 Down FOUR high school students, who will be seen Friday night in the all school operetta, Pnid up Mon No Fuss. No Muss, when 1946 CHEVROLET cl. cpe. Ex day afternoon for this picture. They and the res: of the cast w’ll perform :n "In the Park" under cellent condition $36C have us deliver our Fresh Mills the tutelage of Bill Johnson, music instructor. Leitha Hamilton w’ll be student director. From the 1916 2 ton CHEVROLET truck to your home, Why not phone left: Jim Davis, Joyce Mask, Donna Bayley and Charley Harvcry. Others in the cast are: John Flat platform, new engine Daniels, Richard Flelcher. Ronnie Ar.deragg, Ruby Wells. Pai Wells, Patsy Wildt, Robert McFarland us today and have us start new radiator, new and Bob Rose. brakes $695 FREE DELIVERY. 1941 CHEVROLET Cabover 1' !• ion truck, Excellent condi- iion. $350 VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE BIRKENFELD — Mrs. Fred home. 30 Years in Business in Vernonia Won Lost Stmchfield is in the Columbia Miss Pat Davis of Westport, Phone 342 Vernonia King’s Grocery 74 42 hospital at Astoria. She is re Keith Elliott and George Belling Grade A Pasteurized 14tlc Mill Market 52 64 covering rapidly from an opera L * Milk & Cream 57 Bob’s Union Service 59 ham were dinner guests Sunday 1951 PLYMOUTH club cpe. Ra tion for hernia. PHONE 471 36 80 Clatskanie of Miss Nancy Stauffer of Jewt'.l dio, heater. Special at $997 Mrs. Ann Wallace is visiting CITY LEAGUE 1947 PLYMOUTH Deluxa 4-dr. Mrs. Elsa Richardson a few days. 101 15 Radio, heater. Motor rebuilt. Dessy’s Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham 60 An excellent value $595 Sunset Lumber Co. 56 spent Sunday in Astoria with 39'j 76'2 1943 FORD 2-door. Motor over Sundland’s Mr. and Mrs. Ron Trcnholm and 80'2 35'2 hauled $497 S. P. & S. getting acquainted with the new- TWERP LEAGUE 1947 CHEVROLET 4 dr. Radio baby. 44 36 and heater $595 Dusenbury's Mrs. Cecil Elliott was in Ver 33 44 1947 NASH club cpe. $387 A. B. C.'s nonia on business Monday. 42 38 1940 NASH 4-dr. Good trans Lew’s Place Miss Shirley Armstrong of Ore 46 34 poriaiion. Special full price $98 Vernonia Bakery gon City spent the week end at Relatively smooth, sound logs 1953 WILLYS Elation Wagon. the Tom Hopkins home. 13 ’ 8c LARGER $32 TO $36 PER M Overdrive. 6 cylinder motor, of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Turner 12" & LARGER $34 TO $33 PER M 7000 actual miles. A real buy. Estacada spent the week end of Depending on average size and quality $480 down $1595 March 28 at the Henry Turner 1953 DODGE V8 Diplomat hard I $36.00 PER M top coupe. Best Chrysler ac 12" & larger, smooth & sound; cessories. Not broken in yet. good pererniage 16" and larger NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Bill $750 Down $2497 Carmichael called on Mr. and Several Good Buys in Pick-ups. 1 Deliver any day and any time of day Mrs. Robert Lindsay on Sunday- BANK TERMS CASH EVERY WEEK OR EVERY LOAD Mrs. Robert Reed has returned HAWKEN MOTORS — Vernonia Dodge-Plymouth Phone 501 to her home after having spent 14t lc some time at the Lindsay home REAL B A R G A I N S assisting with the work. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson mo Wood Ranges FOR SALE—I nsurance I $10.00 to $30.00 tored to Cedar Mills Sunday to Electric Ranges $24.95 to $30.00 PHONE 6 8256—RAINIER BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele see friends. $10 to $15 Occasional Chairs phone 773. We have a reliable Norman Henderson of Portland Rockers ___ $5.00 to $17.50 Co., writing cars, for 3, 6, 9 was a visitor at the Clyde Hender Radios — months at low rates. Also fire son’s last week end. Console-Table $12.50 to $20.00 insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. $4.00 Mr. and Mrs. Gift of Scappoose Ash Tray Stand 37tfc were Sunday callers at the Ro- New Modern Twin Bed $15.0C S15.0C Matching Headboard bert Lindsay home. In taste, quality, value... it's $29.95 New Box Springs FOR RENT Mrs. Clyde Henderson and Mrs Used Mattresses—Cotton Wool. Innerspring from $10.0C FURNISHED three-room apart Sam Devine have been flu vic- tims the last : week. ment and bath Electric range Meial Bods. Twin or S5.0C Full from Mr. and 1 Mrs. Noble Dunlap refrigerator, oil heat and use of laundry. Riverview Apts. Large visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert COME IN AND LOOK AROUND Lindsay Sunday evening. sleeping room with two beds IF WE DON'T HAVE WHAT Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson were YOU WANT. WE 'LL GET IT AT Kitchen privilege if desired A PRICE THAT WILL SAVE Riverview Apts. lltfc in Hillsboro on business one day YOU DOLLARS. last week Bowling Results Recovery Made From Operation NEHAL OBIRV PRODUITS (0. ALDER LOG Work Ends at Lindsay Home ZHZHZHZHZHXH FURNITURE New and Used JURGENS MILL Kentuckys WANTED FOR SALE OR TRADE WANTED BERRY PICKERS BOTH HILL AND MOUNTAIN BERRIES Transportation furnished. Excel lent berries, Register by post card to— BELAIR trailer house for trade for house ground on river. (This is a honey and cost around $34001 Modern plumbing, sleeps 4. John Cogan. Box 51. Buxton. Ore. 13t3 847 3rd Si. Up from Bakery HZHXHZHZHZHZ HZHZHXHZMZHZKXHZHZHZHZHZ'il H For Easier .^Sav ROLLING HILLS FARM Star Rt.. Bank*, Oregon finest ! Vernonia Bargain House j * ’I psi 1 1 ? J 1I-1 I 13tfc LOGS wanted—8 ft and multi pies 6-in and up Mill at Pitts burg J H Smith, phone 4313. 12'3 H H RELIABLE woman will baby sit My home days or your home evenings Phone 982 12t3c CASH PAID for any number or kinds of cattle, pigs, feeder or fat hogs. Walt Altman, Auctioneer Write or phone 7613, Forest Grove 3tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 12«. 14tfc EASTER CAKES AND NOVELTIES HOT CROSS BUNS LARGE SELECTION OF CANDY HUTS H Z H KENTUCKY BLENDED WHISKEY ARDEN'S J DICED CREAM ALL POPULAR FLAVORS VERNONIA BAKERY BUTTER KRUST BREAD AND H HOME OF ARDEN ICE CREAM KHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZM3 Cheerful as its Name’*