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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1954)
Library, U of 0 VOLUME 32. NUMBER 13 Golf Added to Logger Sport Events Roster Johnson Named as Team Coach; First Match Due Today Another Logger sport event •w tc* off this afternoon, Thurs- cte;, at 3 p.m when a Vernonia hig ■ school team will meet Park, rose at the Vernonia Country Ciub in the first golf match in which high school students have Lunch Price Drop Set for April, May PLACE CHANGED FOR TAX TALK Property owners interested in obtaining information relative to the current tax reappraisal pro gram being carried out in this county are reminded of a talk to be made Monday, April 5 by Sam Stewart, chairman of the state tax commission. People who intend to hear t:.e talk are also notified that a change hat been made in the place where Stewart will speak Originally scheduled for the IWA hall, th"* tax commissioner in stead will be heard at the Ver nonia Country club. The change was made after his talk was firs' announced last week. He will answer questions after wards from those who wish further information on reapprai sal. par* cipated. aching the team is Bill John son. high school music instructor ■anc. also manager of the course, who has been working with a squad of 12 students s.nce the 1 sport was started for this school Superintendent Eugene Dove sa Tuesdaj- the addition of golf to the list of sports in which The high school senior girl who Loggers will participate is part of a program to expand the schoo. t wi'.l rule over this year's May day athletic department. Another ad- festival will be chosen Friday c.t.on planned for next year is by the boys of the student body when they vote on a list of three wrestling if satisfactory arrange candidates chosen a few days mc’.ts can be made. One period is allotted for in ago. Candidates for queen of the May struction the same as other sports ana practice takes place after are Joyce Jones, Kathleen Sauei and Jody Wantland The May school hours. The t 'am to meet Parkrose to day affair, originally on the high es lists Ken Nanson. Pat O’- school schedule of events for May B in. Pete Norris, Wayne Thom 7, has been advanced to May 4. Another date announced Tues as Jimmy Peters and Jerry Bush Other squad members are: Don day by the school lists May 14 for the Junior Prom. For this Shafer, Dick O’Brien. Pat Stiff Marilyn Good, Sharlec Powers event the class and its advisor David Turnbull, have already arc Jody Wantland. star Led preparation. Boys to Name Queen of May i I | i i : | j 1 I District Gcvernor Talks Hen y Nelson, Lions club dis trict governor, paid his official visit here Monday evening to I speak to th° Vernonia club. His | talk emphasized th? importance and meaning of the Lion motto: “Liberty, intelligence, our na tion's sgfety.” Closed season on the use of fire on 29 million acres of private and public forest lands will com- mence April 1. the state board of Donated Commodities forestry announced last Satur- day. Chief Cause to Make Reduction Possible Beginning April 1, th'* state board of forestry reported, it will A decrease in the price charged for lunches at the Washington be unlawful to burn debris, grass school cafeteria is scheduled to or stubble within one-eighth of take effect during the remaining • a mile of forest land without first two months of school, April and 1 securing a written permit from May, Superintendent Darrold j the local forest ranger or warden Proehl said Tuesday afternoon. The reduction will amount to 10 cents and will drop the weekly lunch charge from SI to 90 cents, he said. The lower meal price has been mad? possible b cause the district Hale Graves of Portland, son has received an abundance of of Mr. and Mrs. W. T Graves, was commodities including such items a victim of a forced auto ride last as canned beef and gravy, po- Friday night his parents learned tatoes, bean” shortening and later and the news was heard fruits. here on radio and TV newscasts. It will be possible to maintain The following account of the ride the present standard of meals of appeared in th? Saturday city fered even though the price will edition of a Portland paper, but be reduced. The saving which not in the edition received here. results from the abundant item.- “A 36-year old tool salesman will be passed on to people of the w as taken for a side in his own district whose children patronize car, then released unharmed by the noon lunch service. ,a pair of gun-toting thugs who At present just over 300 persons hinted they were bent on rob are being served daily. bery. "Hale Graves, 7536 S.E. 18th avenue, said the men, both armed with revolvers, accosted him as he was putting his car away for the night. "They ordered him to “open up again,” they climbed in pushing A giant centennial fair and him out of the driver’s seat. One pageant was tentatively planned of the gunmen drove the car. Wednesday of last week for Co wheeling aimlessly about the east lumbia county's 100th birthday side for more than an hour. celebration by a group of citizens "Graves said hs eventually was representing the five major dumped out after they rejected towns of the county, the fair his wallet which contained only 45 cents. They told him he could board and the Historical society. The group decided that a spe pick up the car — five blocks cial full-time director of the cele- away. bration should be hired, and as "Graves described the pair to many varied interests as possible police as both being six-footers should be considered in the cele with husky builds. One won bration. dark sun glasses and a waist A central centennial commit length jacket. The other was tee. composed of representatives ruddy complexioned. He wore a from the five major towns of the billed cap, green jacket and had county, will be named to head sandy-colored hair." the program. Representatives of the various other interested or ganizations in the county will work under the supervision of the main committee. The committee is scheduled to meet Thursday of this week at 8 p m. in the St Helens Chamber M. P. Mills, Birkenfeld, was in building to interview possible di stalled as a member of the board rectors of the program. of supervisors of the Clatskanie Other suggestions for the cen soil conservation district at the tennial celebration include the board’s regular monthly meeting selling of souvenirs, special re in March at Clatskanie. ligious services, log feat contests Mills succeeds Harold Berger- and essav and oratorical contests son, Vernonia, on the board of supervisors. The vacancy on tbt board was created by the resig nation of Bergerson. At the meeting the board re- i viewed its recommendations on conservation of water resources that were told at the water re Six Loggers and Coach Jack sources hearing in Hillsboro. Reynolds will go to Salem Satur The board advised state offi day to participate in an invita cials of erosion of dikes along tional track meet at Willamette the Clatskanie river due to stream university, the coach said Wed currents and wave action and nesday when he named the boys the need for financial assistance who will make the trip. This to dramage districts involv'd in will be the first track activity so the program for needed riprap ping of the river banks. far this season. Track practice started last Week preparatory for events later thir month and in May. Bill Braun, Fat Lloyd, Dick Frank. Rick Bush, Dick Johnson and Chet Ray will comprise the Loggers going to the Saturday meet. This spring’s baseball season Next event will be at Scap poose, a triangular meet, with will open at the high school dia- St. Helens, Vernonia and Scap I mond Friday afternoon at 2:30 poose taking part April 15. Rai 1 when Coach Bill Vlcek's Log- mer, Clatskanie and Vernonia era tangle with Banks in a game will compete April 22 here and that will be the first for Vernonia the league meet will follow on and Sixth for the visitors. The coach liated his tentative April 30, probably at Scappoose The track event the 22nd of starting lineup Wednesday, but this month will be the first high indicated it might change before school event of its kind held in ■Friday afternoon. Slated to start Vernonia in meny years and be on the mound is Darrell Fluke. comes possible because of the I but Homer Fuller and Hank Bass are also pretty sure to see action. newly developed athletic field. Other starters are: Dick Gwin In May the county meet will be held here on the 7th and will 3b. Homer Fuller 2b. Bill Braun cf Bill Higley c. Chet Ray If, be followed by district competi lion at Beaverton May 14 and the Roy Higley ss, Ken Nanson lb and Pat O’Brien rf state meet at Corvallis May 21 Plans on Way For Centennial Soil Board Fills Vacant Place __ invitation Meet Attracts Six Loggers, Banks To Cross Bats THE PHOTOS above were taken 31 years ago by Norris Soden of two buildings on Bridge street in the business section. The real estate office, top photo, was located on the site new occupied by the Vemon.a Bakery. Lower picture is of the building in which The Eagle was located and which was then published by Paul P.cbinson. founder of the paper. The Vernon.« Card Room oc cupies the structure now. Individuals in both photos could not be idanlMM. THURSDAY. APRIL 1. 1954 FIRE SEASON STARTS TODAY Thugs Force Ride in Car To Attend Meeting " ugene Dove, high school su- p r.ntendcnt, v.ill be in Spokane from Tuesday to Friday of next week to attend the annual meet- irr of the Inland Empire Educa te -. association. The meeting w bring together executives frem schools in Oregon. Wash- ir.. 'n, Idaho and Montana. PHONE 191 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON 10c COPY | i | ' | | I I * Dates for the closed season ex tend from April 1 through Decem ber 31. If fire weather conditions warrant, the governor may ad vance the opening date to Febru ary 1 or terminate the closed sea son prior to December 31st. Burning permits for Columbia county are obtainable now only at the Pittsburg guard station, ac cording to Dennis Mawhnter warden People who w ish to burn are advised to call the station and a warden will go any place in the county to determine if a permit should be issued However, if the present dry weather continues arrangements will be made for the issuance of permits at several other places in Hotcake Meal Talked by Club the county within a short time, the warden said The opening date of April I authorized bj- the new law re places the old act which establish ed May 15 as the opening day of the closed season unless moved up by proclamation by the governor Loggers and sawmill operate-: were cautioned to have all fire fighting equipment in readiness as required by th? forest laws not later than April 1. Official inspections will be made by field personnel beginning on that date, forestry officials advised The state board urged continued vigilance in the woods during 1954 when using fire or power driven equipment. Fire preven tion is a big part of the forest protection program, they said, and reported that continued reduction of man-caused fires would not only serve to keep Oregon greet- but would save hundreds of thia, sands of dollars in fire fightnu costs and valuable, growing tim ber. Lions club members talked over the possibility of promoting a hot cake breakfast when this under taking was suggested at then meeting Monday as a means of adding to a fund for the purchase of an electric wheelchair. The club accepted the chair project at the meeting a week before after the purchase was propose^ Robert Adams, who is stationed by W. T. Graves. in Port Angeles, Washington with The chair will be provided for the U.S. Coast Guard, arrived Mrs. Lois Clark. People wishing here Friday, March 19, to get Mrs to make donations may do so at Adams and their small son wh< the Commercial bank where an have spent the past three weeks* account for this purpose will be with Mrs Adams’ parents, Mr arranged. and Mrs E. A. Elliott, Sr. They First plans for the hotcake returned home Sunday, March breakfast undertaking were being 21. made later in the week by Lion President W. A. Davis, but defi James W Elliott has returned nite word on this affair, other to Port Heunemie, California to than that it is intended, was not enter a builder’s school after available by Wednesday after spending a 40-day leave from noon. When definite, announce overseas duty with his parents ment will be made of the time Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Elliott. Sr and place. After three months training he expects to return to oversea.- duty. THOSE WHO ARE IN IT Anglers’ Punch Card Expires The Oregon state game com- inision reminds all anglers that the current salmon-steelhead punch card expires March 31. Al) of the license agencies of the state are prepared to receive the old cards and issue new ones which are good from March 31, 19al to April 1, 1955. Anglers possessing punch ca,ds that expire at the end of this month are required by law to return them to the game commis sion not later than May 15, 1954 To facilitate the return, collec tion boxes have been plac d in all license agencies. A successful salmon and steel head management program can only be realized through th“ co operation of the anglers who har vest the fish. Without a know ledge of the catch, not only on a state-wide basis, but more im portant, by the major stream, the results of stream clearance screening, planting, and regula tion can never be properly as sessed. Early Resident Of Valley Dies Anna Boeck Bond. 61, of Port land passed away March 27 after a lingering illness. Mrs. Bond was the eldest daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Boecx, Sr., and came to Keasey with her parents 60 years ago. She at tended the Rock Creek school walking five miles from their homestr ad She is survived by her hus band. John; one daughter, Helen Carson; three grandsons; tout I brothers, Louis A., William E. ; OUn W and Richard A Boeck and two sisters, Martha Creson and Hilda Browning. Services were h>-!d Tuesday at 3 p.m at the Little Chapel of the Chimes in Portland, followed by vault interment at Lincoln Mem onal Park. Wrestling on Program Sunday A bill that will include fivr wrestlers, who have been seen frequently on television, will be matched here Sunday afternoon. April 4, at the Legion hall under sponsorship of the Vernonia fire department. Scheduled to perform ar? Luther Lindsey, Eric Pederson. George Dusette, Ivan Kameroff and Tony Ross. Th? first four will take pait in a tag team match, two out of three falls in one hour, for the main event. A preliminary and s mi final are also billed. Starting time for the affair i» 2:30. End of Repairs Near for Gym An end to the long job of re storing the burned out high school gymnasium was in sight earlier this week when workmen applied th? second coat of teal to the floor and were slated to put on the third coat Wednesday A stage crew will hang cur tains today to complete the work in that part of the room and the student body will use the gym for the first time since late last year for an assembly next Tuesday. Next week's meeting will be an awards assembly for basketball and driver training certificate*. Students will also nominate of ficers for next year. License Service Due A drivers license examiner wilt be on duty in Vernonia Friday April 9. at the eity hall between the hours of 10 am. and 4 p.m Persons wishing original licenses or pet mils to drive are asked to file applications well ahead of th-* scheduled closing hour in order to assure Jim? for completion of the required license tests. I I « I