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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1954)
Members of Club Meet At Trehame Home Thurs. Mrs. Claude Gibson was hostess ;•> the Friendly Pinochle club ? -iday After a dessert lunch, the play was held Mrs. Bob Thompson h* Id a thousand aces and Mrs. J red May a round robin during tt-e afternoon. Mrs. Thompson - ••ored high and Mrs. Frank Lange tew. The next meeting will be at the ’••>me of Mrs. Art Davis next Fri day. Chapter Elects New Officers Mrs. Ralph Hartman was hos- • s to Chapter BS. PEO Sister- ••ecd. Tuesday evening, March 9 The officers were elec- .’■d: president, Mrs. Sam Hearing. . vice-president. Mrs Hamp T oberson; recording secretary Vrs. Wm. Chalmers; correspond- •g secretary, Mrs. Judd Green- -••an; treasurer, Mrs. Ralph Hart-; chaplain, Mrs. Ben Brickel ,od guard. Mrs. Robert Lindsay The next meeting will be Tues, tir.y evening, March 23. at the •'■me of Mrs. Evelyn Heath, at v;hich time Mrs. Dorothy San- 'ii will conduct the program on . -e constitution. BEN S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon j It s the MIGHTY MITE of chain saws! 1 '1j '•'V THE NEW HOffi EL ITE -«S $270 00 and up *Acfvol Dynomom«»«' »o’*d Horwpow«r A real lightweight saw with amazing power Cuts an 18 inch tree in 18 seconds . . . cuts trees 4 feet or more in diameter . . . and it u tight only 22 poundt comp left. No other saw so light and so easy to handle gives you so much productive, depend- able power. Try it on any wood cutting operation .. . cutting tim ber, pulpwood, cordwood, fence posts, hedgerows, orchards . . . you'll agree that here is the saw for you. L5ED SAWS R iverview at ist SAWS FOR RENT VERNONIA. Nehalem Social club OES, met at the home of the W M, Flor ence Brunsman. Wednesday even ing. March 10. with Lillian Davis presiding and 19 members pre sent. It was reported that the ticket sale for the Luncheon is Served, to be held at the Masonic Temple Friday, March 26 at 12:30, was progressing favorably and a good attendance is anticipated. Since there is a shortage of tea towels at the Temple it was de cided to have a tea towel shower. They may be brought to any chapter meeting or social club meeting and will be grate fully appreciated bv all refresh ment committees and officers. Refreshments were served by the hostess, Florence Brunsman, and co-hostesses, Bess Nichols and Carna Childs. The next meeting of Nehalem Social club will be held at the home of Elizabeth Tolson at Tim ber Wednesday evening. April 14. Transportation will be ar ranged for those wishing to at tend. PICTURE FINISHING CAMERAS. FLASHBULBS SNAPSHOT AND MOVIE FILM 3 Two Honored Tuesday At Bridal Shower Mrs. Carl Snyder was hostess at a bridal shower for Mrs. Max me Reynolds and Mrs. Viol i Daniel Tuesday, March 16, at h i home. Refreshments were serve I after which Mrs Reynolds open. 1 her many gifts and then Mrs Geraldine Barker opened Mrs Daniel's gifts as she was unab • to be at the shower. Return Home Made After Tonsil Operation TREHARNE — Mrs. Lin Rev nolds returned home Friday aftv noon from Portland where she was at the Physicians and Sur geons hospital and had her tv i sila removed Thursday morning Her throat is still sore but she is feeling better. Mr and Mrs Byron Kirkbrid>, Mr and Mrs Turner Daniel ar. 1 Mrs. Jerome Whitmire motor.- I to Hillsboro Monday on bus; ness. Mrs Lin Reynolds took her mother, Mrs. Exi .■ Weaver, to Forest Grove Monday. Lin Reynolds and son Michael both were ill last week with the flu Pot-Luck Dinner, Jewel Presentation Planned The Mountain Heart Rebekah social club and lodge hold their big pot-luck dinner at the 1OOF hall this Saturday evening at 6:30 p.m. and at 8 00 p m. Grace Currie will be presented with her 50-year jewel!. All the past and present offi cers will put on their drill floor work. Members and visitors aie cordially invited. High Score Prizes Won at Card Party Nehalem Valley Squares Slate Dance Friday Members and friends of the Nehalem Valley Squares will meet at the Birkenfeld gym Fri day evening, March 19, for a dance. A caller is expected at this time. BIRKENFELD — Miss Patricia Berg left last week end for New York where she will resume her duties as air hostess. Winema Grange HEC sponsored a card party last Saturday even ing. They had a small turnout but those attending report a very good time. High score prizes went to Mrs. Gar Raymond of Jewell and Fred Stinchfield. Mrs. Pearl Pidcock and Tommy called on Mrs. Trent Garner Mon day. As Low As $234.95 I Fraternal Order of Eagles will be I held at Milwaukie, Aerie No. I 3010 on March 23 This mc-ting will consist of ritualistic competitions from the various Auxiliaries. There will be a parade, wiather permitting The state band from Portland Aerie 4 will be featured as well as drill teams from the various Aeries and Auxiliaries. The Aerie regional meeting will be under th- supervision of re gional president George Kalibaba from Portland Aerie 4 The other regional officers are J. T. Ander son, vice-presid-nt from Milwau kie Aerie 3010. Ed Notebloom, secretary, and Charles Ogden, treasurer, both of Tillamook Aerie 2144 The main speak r at the meet ing will be Al Friesen, state paM president from Salem, wno will represent the state president Richard Chapman. R.-gion 1 is comprised of Fra ternal Order of Eagles and their I Auxiliaries from Tillamook, Ver I nonia. Rockaway, Astoria, Ore gon City, Molalla, Gresham, Port I land. St. Johns, St. Helens and Milwaukie The Milwaukie FOE Auxiliary will serve a dinner Sunday after noon. There will be entertainment under the sponsorship of Mil*an kle Aerie 3010 Saturday night March 27. Vernonia Drug Co. THURSDAY. MAR 18. 1934 ORE Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py thian Sisters, met Wednesday evening, March 10, to decide that the organization again sponsor a 4-H scholarship for this year’s summer school at Corvallis. At the meeting also, plans were outlined for the district conven tion to be held at North Plains April 9 at which time Vernonia Temple is asked to exemplify the Knight's initiation. MEC Lesta Garner presided at the meeting for which several members could not attend be cause of illness. The first quar terly birthday party will be a feature at the next meeting March 24. Refreshments were served by Elizabeth Schaumburg and Jen nie Lusby afterwards. I A region No. 1 meeting of the I Phone 101 TED’S SAW SHOP EAGLE. Temple to Give 4-H Scholarship Sale of Tickets Indicates Crowd I An all parpo««. all an*le «•. Doea taotenme. fell'»*, in*, taackia*. boria* and dercuttin*. Operate« nt any posiooe ,. . cm Mpttde THE Harding Lodge. Knights of Py. thias. will carry out the Esquire degree work M >ndav evening for two candidates for membership and during the same night will be host to visitors who are ex pected from St. Helen.-., The degree work will be put on for Bill J Horn and Charles L. Johnson. A delegation from this lodge will go to St. Helens Tuesday night to help with the Page rank for that lodge. Delegates to the United Na- . day, a visit to historic Parliament • tions, sponsored by the Odd Fel Hill at Ottawa, capitol of the . lows and Rebekahs, will travel Dominion of Canada; to Montreal I on a modern 37-passenger bus for brief visit before boarding | equipped for trans-continental boat for an all night ride down I I travel when they go to New York St. Lawrence river to Quebec. Friday historic quaint. French I next July. The students from Oregon speaking Quebec City; to Sher- ! Washington, Alberta and British brooke for lodging. Saturday, Columbia, will leave Spokane cross border and journey through July 9 at 7:30 a m. accompanied Green Mountains of Vermont to by three adults who will chaper- 1 Albany. (New York state capitol i; one the 34 delegates. 14 from to Catskill for lodging. Sunday Oregon, 10 from Washington. 8 cross Rip Van Winkle bridge to from British Columbia and two Hyde Park for vis.t at Franklin from Alberta. Delano Roosevelt estate and Delegates arriving the prev church services; down scenic ious evening will be provided Hudson river valley to New York i lodging by the Spokane commit- • City. tee. There will be a send-off I The seven days in New York breakfast at 6:30 Friday morn- | City (July 18-24> will afford ing. July 9th. ample time for close observa The proposed itinerary to New tion of the United Nations in ac York City is as follows: Friday tion visits to A.A.U N ; bnefing- July 9. 7:30 a.m. leaving Spo at U. S. Mission to N N ; visit to kane, Washington via U.S. 10; International House where stu Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, cross bor dents of some 70 countries re der to Kingsgate; via Cranbrook side; and interviews w ith officials B.C. to Lethridge, Alberta for of U.N. delegations of various lodging. Saturday, via Medicine member nations. Entertainment Hat to Regina for lodging. and visits of cultural and educa Sunday, Saskatchewan and tional value in the New York Manitoba along Canadian high metropolitan area give further way No. 1 to W.nnipeg for lodg enjoyment. I ing. Monday, recross border to The proposed return bus tour : Thief River Falls. Minn. Bemiji leaves New York via Lincoln (Paul Bunyon and th ■ Blue Ox); tunnel on July 24 for Valley i Duluth for lodging. Tuesday, Forge and Philadelphia, Inde I across Northern Wisconsin and ! pendence Hall, Liberty Bell, the | Michigan: Sault Ste. Marie for • Betsy Ross house, etc.); lodging lodging. in vicinity of Norristown. Wednesday, recross the border f Sunday, chapel service enroute to travel v a Sudbury to Ren I to Gettysburg; tour battlefield, frow vicinity for lodging. Thurs- i Baltimore for cruise on Chesa peake Bay and lodging. Mond ay J Mt. McHenry; Sovereign Grand Lodge, I.O.O.F.; Washington, D C.; Mt. Vernon; Lincoln Mem orial; Washington Monument; Jefferson Memorial; Arlington National cemetery with the Un known Soldier's Tomb; and Lee ■ Mansion; lodging. Tuesday, the White House. I Congress, the Mint; Archives, etc.; I to Grafton, West Virginia for i lodging. Wednesday across Ohio | to vicinity of Warsaw, Ind for { lodging; On Thursday, via Chica go to vicinity of Waterloo, Iowa I for lodging. Friday, via Clear Lake, Iowa and Sioux Falls. South Dakota to Mitchell for lodging. Saturday through Bad Lands to Rapid City and Black Hills for lodging. Sun. J day. Mount Rushmore Memorial; | via Sheridan, Wyoming to Grey- I bull for lodging. Monday to ; Yellowstone Park for lodging at i Old Faithful Inn. Tuesday, via I Bozeman to Butt-, Montana for I lodging. On Wednesday via Mis- I soula, Montana and Coeur d' Alene, Idaho to Spokane and journey’s end. Eagle Aeries to Go to Milwaukie 0 . Two to Receive Degree Work Monday Evening | ITINERARY FOR DELEGATES TOLD including f ederal Tax and W arrant^ Engineered by PHILCO To Outperform Any Set Near it in Price, MUCO 41» Wherever UHF stations areon the air, Philco All-Channel television is the sensation of the industry. In addition to finest performance now, it insures full coverage for the future. New 1954 Philco mod els are now here—come in for a demonstration and ** for yourself picture performance that is the talk of the town. Just out—the Philco 4100. It's yours for 1954 at the lowest pnee ever for an ell-channel InrluOint 21in< h Philco console. 7.u and Warrants S179.95 On Our Easy Terms! Siiiitllantl Electric & Appliance ‘NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ TELEPHONE 591 VERNONIA, OREGON