2 THURSDAY. MAR 4 1V54 THE BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon VERNONIA. I ; , | I I ' j Eye Operation Said Successful MIST — Mrs Chas. Webber | came home from Port.and Sat- Iurday where she has been stay ing near her father, A. R. M- - j as he had an eye operation. Mrs ( Webber reports he is doing fine I She returned to Port.and Mon- I day. He is to have the other eye I operated on soon Mrs. Annie Wai .ace from Sea- ‘ side and Kate Coffee from War renton visited Joan Melis Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. How ard J< res and Mr. and Mrs Norman Hanson were in Portland Saturday even I ing to see Mrs Robert Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Tiderman : IF YOU LOSE your from Jewell visited at her sis ert. j home and have to re- the Chas. Hansens, Saturday. Mesdames Jepson. Irene Jones j place pail of it out of Mary Ann Devine, from Birken jvoui own pocket, that feld and Phyllis Busch and Vir luill be an expensive ginia Hanson were in Portland Friday. 1 project. Ethel Waddell was home from McMinnville over the week end And that’s what will It should have read in last J happen if fire catches weeks paper that Sgt Billy Kyser was home. He's out of the army Jvou under-insured. Bet- now. * ter let us check your Mrs. Ausln Dowling hasn't linsui ance p r o t e c tion been too well of late and Satur day made a trip to visit the doc * now! tor. Earl Knowles was in Portlanu Saturday. Rev and Mrs J Lr.r.qu st were I visitors Sunday of her uncle. H. I Jepson. Mr and Mrs. Chas. Sundland j j were recent visitors of their son Bill J. Horn, Agent Donald, and family in McMinn ville. Phww* 231 — Vernonia [ Mrs Robert Berg's sistsr and ■ FCS Bridge Street 4 4 ' I two boys from Washington. DC are here on a visit at this time. i VERNONIA • INSURANCE! : ^NZHZHZHZHZHZHXHZHZHZHZK^ X H H Z H M £ H Z H H H H X H No matter what foods you choose you can be H Z sure you’re receiving the very best in brand H names plus substantial savings when you shop X H H at Kings. Whether your choice is — CANNED FOODS PRODUCE DAIRY FOODS MEATS H HOUSEHOLD ITEMS H M H M Vernonia Temple No. 61, Py thian Sisters was hostess to the Grand Chief of Oregon. Came Broxson. for her official visit here Wednesday evening. February 24, at a 6 30 dinner and meeting that followed. MEC. Lesta Gamer presided. Entertainment before the meet ing included: clarinet solo by Joyce Thompson, two vocal solos by Dan Lawler accompanied by Mrs. Thompson: two selections by the Oxi German band com- posed of Bill Johnson. Marvin Wiggins and Bill Ferguson. F.fteen visitors were present from North Plains, among them D-strict Deputy Berruce Mathie- sen and Past Grand Chief Haz< 1 Hollenbeck. Doris Gamer and Oiive Person were initiated into membership and refreshments were served after the meeting. The Cclumb-a County Count., of the Parent-Teachers association met at the John Gumm school .n St. Helens Monday. March 1 Both morr...-.g and aftern-tor. *es- »sans were he<d w.th the mom- .r.g sess-or. devoted to group d-s- eussxjn of prct.em.i of interest to the officers of the local un.ts. A norr..nat.cn committee named the following for county count., officers for the next year. Pre-de-r.t. Mrs Ucyd Harr.»or. of Clatskanie. vce-presadent. Mn. L L Wells of V*mon.a. sec retary. Mrs Vernon Cr.-oq^ettc of St. Helens and treasurer. Mrs. Car! Davs Ra.nxr Principals nominated to serve | on the executive council were C. J Cardiff of Clatskanie and Otto Peterson of Scappcxose Election of officers w .1 be hex! at the next meetmg April 5 at C-a'jxar.z* At this time other nominations may be made from the floor. Announcement was made of the FTA-OEA conference to be held at McBnde Saturday. March 6 1 reg.stratxm beginnmg a: #30 a - m. Work shops will be held on the subjects of taxation. school support. curriculum and teacher supply and demand get the bc-t and more for your money by png hci e ! H Z p- H Z H Z H KING’S Grocery - Market Scheduled to take place Friday and Saturday of next week, March 12 and 13, ik a rummage sale that is being arranged by the Vernonia Study club The sale, an annual affair, ts being held to raise funds which will be added ta money to be used for a library building The sale will take place in the building across the street from Bush Furniture. I I ROCK CREEK — Mrs Geo Martan mad? a business trip to St. Helens. The Keasey extension unit will meet at the home of Mrs. Ted DeWitt Wednesday. March 10 Everyone on Ktasey route is us- vited. Mr and Mrs. Don DeW.tt came down from Moses Lake. Wash- mgton on the three-day week end. Mr and Mrs. H. A. DeWitt drove them horn« since Don had the mufortune to acquire the mumps. Mr and Mrs. C. V. Brown with Roger ar.d Martha brought the elder DeWitts home from Seattle and visited for a few days. Roger was able to visit the high school and renew acquaintances there. New Plant Processes to Convert Leftover Wood to Useful Products Workshop Led Monday At County Council Mrs. L. L. Wells and Mrs. Cha M.nger attended the Columba County Counril of the PT A at | John Gumm school at St. Helens Monday. Mrs. Wells led the work shop on study discussion groups The next meeting of the Council will be held April 5 at Clatskanie | Keascy Unit Meeting Set for Next Wednesday »Jog Theatre THURS.. FRI. MAR. 4-5 ALL ASHORE i i (Color) Mickey Rooney - Dick Hayme. SATURDAY MAR. S P ants are now under construe- | f.bre and cellulose. He credited the lumber indu»- | toon or operat.ng in the Duug.as TEXAS STAMPEDE ’ Charies Starret and Sons of the fir regno of Oregon and Wash try with another major utiliza- | 1 ington which will convert left- I t.on development. He sa.d the J Pioneers 1 Plus over wood into many new pro- . successful nation-w de promotion | | SINGING IN THE CORN ducts, ranging from fert.-.zers to of proper uses for lower grades of j lumber, sponsored for the iaut | Judy Canova new w oed pane 1s. Many hundreds of new jobs eight years by the West Coast J SUN.. MON. MAR. 7-8 1 will be provided by industry and 1 Lumbermen's association, hast SALOME million» of dollars will be and created a market for some two I (Color) are invested in these modem pro biilion feet of tr.ese grades. This R ta Hay. orth - St.wart Granger cess pg factories, accord, ng to s ngle achievement, Morse be Roy E. Morse. Longview, chair lieves. has enabled loggers to man of Inc us tr. al Forestry as bring out som > 25 par cent more sound wood from every acre be sociation. cause there are markets today •Research by private companies for the utility-grade lumber this and public laboratories.“ Morse wood makes. slated, “have opened up many new fields for use of leftover wood for the manufacture of new products for the Amer.can public. Many frms see in the improved utilization an opportunity to strengthen the northwest's econo- I my by providing more jobs and I MIST — Quite a few from this j hundreds of new products from vicinity attended the cpm house i wood once used only for genera- ! dance at the new garage in Clats tion of steam and power, or for j kanie Saturday night. domestic fuel or not used at all." * Irving Knowles was a Clat’- Morse cited as examples a plant kan.e visitor Saturday. soon to be built at North Bend ' Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kulju spent a which will convert planer-mill couple of days last week from shavings treat d with synthetic I resin into a new particle board, f Portland visiting their parent, Mr and Mrs. C. O. Hansen. first of its kind in the nation. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hansen ar.d Another plant in Lane county i son. Norman, were business visi- i has been built by a sawmill firm | tors in Clatskanie Saturday. and is improving a process for | Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haberman I converting leftover wood into a i and their friend from Clatskanie mulch land extender w.th fertili but many dollars, deposited were Sunday guests of the George zer properties injected, he sa.d. regularly at this bank, can help Jones family. Extraction of high grade in you build security, and have Mrs. Wesley Monroe came home dustrial wax from Doug as t.i | bark, a process developed by ire ' from The Dalles where she has the other good things you want. Oregon Forest Products ¡abort- I been for the past two weeks. She tory at Corvallis, will get larg< j says Grandpa Monroe is much pilot plant testing in the east o_, ■ better and will be home in a few days. the Kellog company and if tes . are satisfactory a million dollar The Wayne Reynolds are living factory will be built in westeiri in the house known as the Ede Oregon. Wallace place, since their house The lumber leader cited th? burned down. tremendous increased use of wood Melvin Saxton is on crutches leftovers by the pulp industry because of a twisted knee. Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation He said 700.000.000 board feet of Mr and M rs Chas. Sundland wood, once of little value is now were Portland v sitors Munday. chipped every year at 150 saw- mills and plywood plants for the kraft pulp mills. Softboard and hardboard mills, us ng several processes of both wet and dry' manufacture, con vert millions of pounds of lef* overs from prime w-ood process ing plants in this region into hun. dreds of jobs and millions of dol- ' lars worth of consum- r goods. j In must cases, not one tree has I to b? cut for these varied manu facturing enterprises, he said, for all the.r raw material comes from scrap wood left after lumber and • OUR NEW’ SPRING TAILORING LINE IS NOW ON DISPLAY plywood is cut from the log. Morse forecast that another de cade would see a thriving wood < • WE OFFER EXCELLENT SERVICE ON QUALITY DRY CLEANING chemical industry subsisting on ■ leftover wood, as well as many , • THIS IS OUR 37TH YEAR IN THE CLEANING AND TAILORING new factories using n«w proces- | ses developed by research. Experiments with new machines : to remove bark from logs, he ! suggested should be watched, for j cheap removal of bark will .pen | up a larger area of use fur all the ' Garage Dance Attracts Crowd ONLY A DOLLAR ^1 X Vernonia Branch Commercial Bank ef Oregon No Charge for Pickup and Delivery Every Tuesday and Friday NOTICE . ■A bridge anti pinochle! I uncheon will be served! 1 I it 1 p.m. Wednesday! M I.Maiyh 1U at the Ve'r-I X Inonia Country Club. In-1 H Ivite vour friends and! I nake reservations b-vl I 14 I.Mondav. March 8. M Rivcrv tew Z Phone 91 M "Where toer Mow, Ray» More" At th« Mil« Bride* Z ÄZH JMZMZKXHZHZMZHZHXHZHX/’ Sale to Help Fund For Library Building Grand Chief of Oregon Feted ORE. Council Hears New Nominations TOWN TOPICS W aumbers for rr.« pro fit-sharing drawing at Brunsman* Mat Saturday were Wayne Welch. Wayne Reynold*. Verle Barker Mn Lee Faulk and Sxi Sorensen. The rrmanung unc.a.med t umber up to Wednesday *as MIK T. L. CLUB DANCE Marra 13. IX3.OJ kalL Ha. Cook. «tie Mr. and Mn Ha.« Graves and fa-n<y of Port.ard Mr. and Mrs Tom Grave* and family of Port land and Moms Grave» of Geld Beach v sited the W. T Grave» ever the week end. This is the •a-rt time m five yean the tnree brothers have been together Mor- ns will stay over a few day». VERNONIA STUDY CLUB w 11 -art a rumcage tale Marco 12-13 •cross s root frem Baars Funu- n»re. Benefit Library building toad. >t3e Among • beat who were bl For es* Grow? Saturday to attend the Barbershop quartet program were Mr and Mrs Bill N .enols, Mr and Mrs B Ferguson. Mr and Mn. Bi.l Johnson. Mr and Mn Jack Reynolds Mr and Mn Floyd Bush. Mr and Mn Torr. Bateman Mr and Mn George Hahn. Mr and Mn George Rem nant and Mr. and Mrs Marvin Kamr.ulz. F. L. CLUB DAMCE. March 13 .O.OF ball. Hal Cook. »tic EAGLE. * . ............ ........... 1 S & H GREEEN STAMPS