Ut-h y, U of 0 VOLUME 32. NUMBER 9 10c COPY VERNONIA. COLUMBIA COUNTY. OREGON PHONE 191 Team Loses Decision To Tigers Clatskanie's tournament-bound basketball team took the decision from the Loggers here Tuesday night to make it their second vic tory in two starts, the first com ing last Friday 75-72 and the second here Tuesday night 74-54 Both were tied for top spot in district play up to that time. The two victories for the Tigers assure them a place in the class A state tournament as represen tatives for district 14. Columbia county with seven wins and one loss. THURSDAY. MARCH 4. Bids Asked by Council for New Tank Work Engineer Estimate Places Cost at $20,000 for Job City Councilmen. meeting M n day for their first March sess:"t>, heard S A. Ross, city engineer from the firm of N. W. Han *r and Associates, compare deta ,i of several different types of settl-* ing tanks that could bc install. I to use with the city water pump mg system. His work in engineering a tank that would be suitable for th? I FRIDAY GAME CLOSE POSTAL business was transacted for the f'rst t;me last Thursday facing the lobby was completed after the move was made. D. L. I city plant yet cost within the morning in th;s new build'mg a: Second and Maple :• reets into Skoog. traveling mechanician, supervised the change, most of I Last Friday's encounter wasn't I amount available for the work which post olPca eou-pmet- was moved Wednesday evening. which was carried out by off ee employees. as easy for Clatskanie as the has been done to replace the tan i Corrsid rable work io arrange equipment and refin sh woodwork Loggers led near the end only to now in use. The present tank be tied at the final gun . The was constructed of wood and m overtime scoring ol! the Tigers very near the end of its us»'.fjl life, making replacement neces won that game for them by the sary very soon. narrow margin of three points. Ross was ordered to prepare 75-72. plans for a new tank late last vea« Columbia county's 103th birth The organization of a better of the proposal drew favorable Mrs. Isabelle A. Berg, 46. Bir- Anticipation for the second and has been working on the joh day Will be observed in conjunc business bureau, which had been comment. kenfeld. died Tuesday after a I meeting Tuesday brought out a since then as well as se 'king est. tion with the annual Columbia a topic of discussion for over a Purpose of the organization is long illness and the funeral ar capacity crowd with even stand- mates as to costs so that the city county fair from August 5 to 8. would have a fairly definite ide t rangements will be Saturday at 2 week previous to the meeting to provide a clearing center from p.ni. at Birkenf’ld gymnasium. ing room occupied. Ken Nanson of the amount of expenditur.* it was announced this week. I Mrs. Berg was born August topped the scoring for the night necessary when the job was The 1954 fair will be the Co was accomplish'd Tuesday even which either approval or rejec ing when about 15 owners of tion will be given for individuals 5. 1907, at Spokane, Washington. I with 20. but the Loggers as a opened for bids. lumbia County Centennial Fait The proposed new tank will be and fair board members are businesses here met. or groups wishing to contact busi She spent her childhood in Colton I team experienced one of those The meeting was arranged early which they larger than the one now in use, where she attended school. Her evenings during happy to cooperate with the coun ness firms respective to obtaining home had been in Birkenfeld weren't at the peak of perform will be constructed of metal in ty historical society and others last week to take place at the financial assistance. ance. stead of wood and will make pos since her marriage. interested in observing the 100th Commercial bank where aspects The individuals or groups in Spectators who may wonder sible double th«* pumping capo anniversary of the counts s Survivors include the widowei I question would be those from out | Robert L. Berg; five children. i about the change of officials city of the plant. By doubling founding, members of the fail of town and the bureau is desig Patricia of New York city; Shir that was not known about here the pumping capacity summer board announced last week. nated to determine whether the ley. student in Portland; John until game time are informed pumping hours can be reduced While definite plans have not requests they will make are A., student at Oregon State col that a protest has been lodged Ross presented figures to ind> been formulated it is tentatively worthy of consideration from thi lege and Nicholas and Erick, of , with the state athletic head cate that the tank alone would planned that Saturday. August 7. people who are contacted. Birkenfeld; b*r father, A. E. An quarters on the matter of princi cost $14,500, an agitator mech will be the centennial day at th» Licensing operations of the Ore» It was emphasized Tuesday that derson of Colton; three sisteis. ple only and not as a possibility an ism $1200 and piping $1500 fair when it is planned that a gon liquor control commission the bureau would have no author Mrs. E. L. Haff Jr., of Portland, of replaying the game. Contingencies and a base for the pageant depicting the history ot during 1953 resulted in distribu- ity to restrict the canvassing of Vaiborg L. Anderson, New York The change of game officials tank could not be estimated de the county will be given as an lion of $654,080.50 to cities, coun- businesses even though it did not City, and Mrs. A. W. McDuffie of was requested by Clatskanie, was finitely, but it is believed the entertainment feature of the fair. ties and the general fund of the approve the purpose for which made without knowledge of the total will be $20,000. Hyattsville, Md., and a brother A committee with members state. The commission reports the canvass was to be made. high school here and did not be Councijmen ordered Ross to I Rognar F. Anderson, Colton. selected from all areas of tile that warrants totalling $391,483.- Headquarters for the bureau come known here until a few prepare a call for bids so the In lieu of flowers, the family county will b? named to formu 95. r presenting 60 per cent ot will be located at Brunsman work can be started this spring. requests contributions be sent minutes before play started. late definite anniversary plans, license fees collected, were dis Hardware and a committee of six Fire Chief Sam Cagle exhibited to the American Cancer society NOT MENTIONED A rodeo is planned as the ma- tributed to cities and counties in businessmen were named. Of a sample slick-r and demon January. Columbia county and jor evening entertainment <>n othei this committee at least three mem The request for a change was strated a gas mask to councilmen days of the fair, fair officials cities therein rec ived $6,036.46. bers will be required to act in made Monday afternoon, yet no who approved the purchase ot ¡2 Forty per cent of the earned announced. making a decision. If favorable mention was made at a league of the coats for the fire depar*’ Columbia county came into be- license revenue, or $260,989.30, is to the request, a card showing meeting that evening, athletic of ment. Other types of gas maski. being channeled to th? general ing on January 16. 1854. approval will be issued. ficials here say. The protest will be examined before purchase fund, plus revenue from out of The six men who signified will filed objects to the change with of any of these units is authorized state licenses and sale of lists, ingness to act as the committee The w-hole community is in out notice being given. No ob bringing the total distribution to are: Jack Thompson, Joe Groche. vited to participate in the World jection has been voiced to the the geneial fund to $262.596.55. I Art Gardner, Guy Thomas. Sain Day of Prayer service to be held manner in which the game was Distributions are made in ac Hearing, Jr., and Pete Brunsman. at the Vernonia Bible church Fri handled. cordance with th? liquor control I Quarter scores were 19-13, 33- day, March 5. at 1:30 p.m. Wo act which specifies that 60 per 27 and 51-40, all with the Tigers men ’ s organizations of seven Ver Seven boys, members of Ver- cent of license fees return to the nonia churches are cooperating leading. Clatskanie won the pre nonia Bov Scout troop 201. par- locality in which the licensed out Coastal waters will be clos f liminary 56-52. Lineups were: in the program. ticipated in a Scout court of hon- let is locat.d and the remamder to angling for a period of two This is Vernonia's part in a 74 Clatskanie or which was conducted last go to the general fund. Vernonia 54 months commencing on March I, I | world-wide movement that will F Thursday at Aloha. Going to the 7 Sorensen Braun 11 according to information relea.- I f affair from here were 15 boys and O'Brien 8 by the Oregon game commission Mrs. Wilma Thompson's hus cause prayers to be given every F 11 G louse seven adults. C 18 Harrison Fulton C Regulations adopted by the game band, Louis A. Thompson, just ar hour around the whole world. Mrs. Bruce Bass will be chair G 8 Het mo Nanson 2C commission in January becam • The seven who received ad rived home from a trip around Bass 7 G 15 Lahti vancements to second class were: the world He left Longview- man of the dav. effective on February 6. and There will be child care pro Substitutions: for Clatskanie- Byron Hawkins. Lee Harmon. Jim last October as third officer on superseded all regulations pre Nanson. Dale Fry-», David Linn. a Liberty ship, the S. S. Seanan, vided for parents with small Baisley 6, Higgins 4, Jolma 4, viously in effect. Cora Hall Akers, a resident of Pillar I, for Vernonia, Bush, 2. Albert Davis, and Douglass Eg- carrying grain to Pakistan, Fronv children who wish to attend Steelhead angl rs have inquired Vernonia for the past year, was Pakistan the ship sailed south gert. about the possibility of continu taken by death Saturday of last again to the tip of India whe e mg to fish in coastal waters unt I week. February 27. She had made they picked up sand as the cargo March 15, assuming that regu her home here with her daughter To Speak Saturday for New Jersey where it is used lations adopted in January, 1951. Mrs. Geneva Killingberg, and for hardening steel. “How Business Looks in 1954 would remain in effect throug ■ prior to that time had lived at Mr. Thompson then returned io to a Lumber Manufacturer" will the winter season. That is n t Pocatello, Idaho for 35 years. this country by way of the Suez be the topic cf speech to be given the case. The deceased was born at Mc Canal and Mediterranean Sea, Saturday morning by Judd Green Steelhead fishermen need n t Dowell, Kentucky May 30, 1877 finishing the circle by crossing man at the annual mc-'ting of hang up their gear because of the and death came at the age of 76 the Atlantic. He flew home from the Western Forest Industries as years, eight months and 27 days. coastal closure In the wester > New York last Friday night, ar sociation at Gearhart. He is vice, part of th * state, the Clacka Surviving are: her husband. A. riving in Portland Saturday morn president of the National Lum J Akers; th ret daughters, Mrs mas Molalla, Sandy and Ho i ing. He plans to be at their ber Manufacturers association Rivers offer good possibilities. Killingberg. Mrs. Myra Brunkau home in Clatskanie for a few The three-dav meeting opens to Several other smaller streams sup of Portland and Mrs. Betty Jones months. Mrs. Thompson ii the day. port a steelhead fishery. of Pocatello and sons. Lee. Clyde Kindergarten teacher at the and Walker Akers of Vernonia, Washington grade school. Paul of Blackfoot. Idaho and Examiner Due Here Holce Win» Prize brothers. Matt and Walker Hal) A drivers license examiner will of Greenup. Kentucky. Winner of the last week ot th » be on duty tn Vernonia Friday. current VFW steelhead derby i Services took place at the Hall March 12. at the city hall between Grant Funeral Home at Pocatello Wilford Hole«* with a 14-pound, the hours of 10 a m and 4 p.m. 10-ounce steelhead taken in ths Persons wishing original licenses Salmonberry. He also weigh- i or permits to drive are ask'd to Annual Sale Planned in a 10-pound eight-ounce cate i Through information which be- file applications then. last week. Harve Christens» > Thursday. Friday and Saturday came known here a short time weighed in a 14 pounder caught of next week. March 11. 12 and ago, an item published February in Rock creek to almost equal th * 13 are the dates set for the ninth 18 regarding the case of Arthur Firemen Practice top week's catch. annual anniversary sale at Thomas Johnson was in error. W. T CRAVES was 11 year» of age February 19 when thia photo Volunteer fire department mem Brunsman Hardware. Every lady The item stating that he was bers were railed into action Tues visiting the store during that time fined $2941 40 in circuit court for was taken «• Sundland'i where he was th« honor guest at a party Discharge Received day evening about 15 minutes be will receive a gift. to crlebrate the event.. Mr. Craves was born February 19. 1173 Wholesale violation of the motor vehicle fore seven to participate in a firms ar.* participating in the weight law was misleading in Calvin Bass arrived home last at Sheridan and came to Vernonia to start work with the Oregon- practice fir? drill under the direc event by helping make the gifts that the case has not been heard week after receiving his d. »charge American when the mill fir:« b«gan operation. He has a sister available. tion of Chief Sam Cagle. from the service. in Florida who is 98 years of age and on# in Sheridan, age 84 in circuit court Observance of Centennial Due Death Follows Better Business Bureau Organized Tuesday Night Long Illness County Receives $6036 from Fees World Prayer Day Arranged 7 Boys Advanced At Honor Court World Circling Trip Completed Resident Here Taken by Death Item Errs on Law Violation Fishing Rule Closes Waters