i Kecent Bride Honored By Shower Thursday \ bridal show.r was held for Kenneth Lindsley Thursday ; 'ernoon at the home of Mrs. D* wey Hunt. Many beautiful •id useful gifts wert> received by t guest of honor. Those attending were: Mrs. El- •i ' r Dutton, Mrs. Robert Allen ■ • i baby, Mrs. Rex Normand. • ■ ughters Pat and granddaughter ■ ; wnda Goodman. Mrs. E. L. .-•iyd, Mrs. Jewell Lloyd, Mrs. - E. Rose. Mrs. Fred Hunt and Mughter Baibara. Mrs. W. J. ~dsl y, Mrs. Mae Krieger, Mrs. '• -sy Laird and sens, Mrs. John D-rtnand and daughters. Refreshments were served by ‘hostess after the presentation • ■ gifts. Nehalem Club Showers Member The Nehalem Social club, O.E.S., met at the home of Emma Bush Wednesday evening. February 10, with president Lillian Davis pre­ siding and 36 members present. Final arrangements were made to hold a "Luncheon is Served" lunch.on at the Masonic Temple Friday, March 26, at 12:30. The social event of the even­ ing was a delightful stork shower for the honor guest. Francis (Mullins) Hershey. She received loads of lovely gifts. (Baby car­ nage loads.) Delicious refreshments were served by the hostess. Emma Bush, assisted by Louise Hahn, Lucille Tomlin, Edna Linn and Isabel Culbertson. The next m 'ettng of Nehalem Social club will be h.ld Wed­ nesday evening, March 10th. a*, the home of the Worthy Matron, Florence Brunsman. Ail Eastern Stars are invited. Valentine Theme for Club Party Followed Valentines was the theme of decorations for the party of the Friendly Pinochle club held Fri. day, February 12, at the home of Mrs. Cora Lang . Dessert lunch­ eon proceeded an afternoon of pinochle. High score went to Margie DeHart, who was a guest, Roberta Becky winning low. The next party will be held at the home of Marie Sauer Friday, Feb- ruary 19. Wedding Read for Couple at Stevenson Forrest Reynolds, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds, and M iks Maxine Nance of Vernonia were married Monday, F bruary 1 at Stevenson, Washington. Mrs. Mbert Reynolds and Mrs. Harry Weaver accompanied the couple. They will make their horn.- here on Rose Ave. FOR QUICKER SER VICE ALWAYS CHECK THE TELEPHOME DIRECTORY BEFORE ASKING 'INFORMATION FOR A NUMBER i Peterson Home Scene Of Shower Friday I I DON R. JUDSON. Grand Chan­ cellor of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, will pay an official visit to Harding Lodge, Knights of Pythias, on February 22. This will be an interesting and pro- fitable meeting, and every mem­ ber is urged to be present. Don Judson is a young man and one of the most brilliant Grand Chancellors !he Oregon Knights of Pythias Lodge has had. Pythian Founding Broadcast Topic 1 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. THURSDAY, FEB 18. 1954 A stork shower was held for Mrs. R. A. Peterson at her horn? Friday evening, given by Mrs. Carl Huens. She received many gifts and refreshments of sand- wiches, coffee and pr ? was served, Those attending were: Mei- dames Elsie Welter, ( Gertrude Schalock, Eda Parker, , Annie Robbins, Gladys Sozoff, Alice Luttrell, Bonnie Cook. Pearl Hunt. Myrtie Rose. Agnes Barker. Jane Shaw and the Misses Dolly and Betty Davis and Barbara Hunt. Gifts were sent by Ruby Fowler, Emma Magoff, and El- vesta Dutton who did not attend. Raising of Funds Planned for Kitchen The Mountain Heart Rebekah Social club met at the home of Noble Grand Alice Buckner Feb- ruary 9. The topic of the meeting was to work hard, and have as many pot-luck lunches, dinners and food sales as possible, th. money to go into the kitchen fund for the new dining room and kitchen at the Odd Fellows hall. The fust food sale will be March 6 at Sundland’s and th<> n xt social meeting will b-' March 2, 8 p.m.. at the Vice Grand's Itoni., I I Gladys Strong. On Sunday. F bruarv 22, the Supreme Lodge. Knights of Py­ thias. will broadcast a radio pro. Sisterhood Hears gram originated in the city of Founder’s Program Washington, D.C. and is to cele­ I Mrs. Glen Hawkins entertained brate the founding of the order the P.E.O. Sist.rhood at her home in Washington, D C. on February Tuesday evening of last week. 19, 1854. It will be carried over The Founder’s Day program station KPOJ, Sunday. F bruarv commemorating the seven 21, at 10:30 to 11:00 p.m. founders of P.E.O., was presented This program will also com­ by Mrs. Wm. Heath and Mrs. memorate the first anniversary Robert Lindsay. cf the formal launching of the The chapter will meet next Lodge’s highway courtesy cam­ Tuesday evening. February 23, at paign. the horn? of Mrs. Wm. Bridgets. Ownership of Place Changed TREHARNE Mr and Mrs. Edwin Justice and family bought the George Kirk place and moved into their new home January 30. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whitmire and Mr and Mrs. Truman Daven­ port motored to Portland Satur­ day and Sunday to visit Mr Whit, mire’s brother. Gtadie, who is in St. Vincent’s hospital recovering from a back operation. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murkling of Vernonia visited Mr. and Mrs Jerome Whitmire Saturday even­ ing. The ladies quilted. Mr and Mrs. Ben Davis of Ti­ gaid visited his cousin Mrs. Chas Justice and husband and Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk one day last week. Le? Kirk and son, Frances, of Buxton, visited his folks and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Georg ■ Kirk and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Justice, Sunday of last week. Mrs. Charles Justice, Mrs. Hal­ oid Petersen of Marquam and Mr. and Mrs. George Kirk mo­ tor'd to Hillsboro Tuesday of last week. Committee for Term Appointed Wednesday The regular meeting of Ver­ nonia Temple No. 61, Pythian Sisters was conduct'd February 10. with M E C, Lesta Garner pre­ siding. She appointed her com­ mittees for the term Carrie Broxson. Grand Chief of Oregon, will make her official visit to the temple Wcdn sday, February 24. and a 6:30 dinner will be served at the I.O.O.F. hall preceding the meeting. Refreshments were served by Grayce Bundy and Lesta Garner. Son Called to Bedside Of Father Due Illness MIST — Grandpa Monroe is II His son from Walla Walla. Wash ington and wife arrived Monday, having been notified of the ser­ ous illness of his father. Mrs. Joe Roeser is in the hns pital m Hillsboro, having under gone surgery. Mrs. Irving Knowles is m Port land spending some time. She went last week. We are v tv sorry to h ar th it Robert Lindsay is ill in the hoi pital in Hillsboro and hope for ;» recovery soon. XHXHXHXHXHXH FURNITURE NEW USED Carpet Sweeper, good S1JM End Tables Sl.75 & MN Nest of 3 Tables MJM Daveno—Perfect S39.9. Swing Rocker, good S17 M Mirrors—New. reg. S2.00 $1 1 Odd Chairs From 91.71 Lamp Shades From 75c Chrome Extension Table 4 Chairs S22.5C ALSO — Dining Tables. Buffets Irons. Beds. Springs. Mattresse-i Lamps. Chests. Heateri, Ranges COMPARE OUR PRICES COME IN AND SAVE Vernonia Bargain House 847 3rd St. Up from Baker? MXHXHXHXHZHX Members of Club Asked To Remember Bazaar TREHARNE — Trcharne Birth- day club members are reminded to r member the club bazaar February 25 at Mrs. Floyd Odam’s. visited Mrs. Byron Mrs. Isola Morris in Vernonia on Thursday afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Falconer and Mary Tnursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Kirkbride visit.d Mrs. Mattie Ja­ cobson in Riverview Friday after­ noon and again Saturday evening Mr. Jacobson returned home from the hospital Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith and Mary Lola motored to Banks Sat­ urday and visited relatives. Mrs. Art Odam of Veinonia visited Mrs. Joe Miller Tue.-day. February 9. Mrs. Jim Smith also visited Mis. Miller. AT SUNDLAND ELECTRIC NOW Dr. William A. Pollock Optometrist Dr. L. K. Pollock Mahogany Finish Console Dentist Including tedrral Tax and Warranty Engineered by PHILCO To Outperform Any Set Near it in Price I 1917 Pacific Ave. Over Bus Depot Forest Grove. Ore.—Phone 941 mr\- « 1« » il lur - :W-- ' »HUGO 4100 Wherever UHExtationH are on the air, Philco All-Chaiuiel television is the sensation of the industry. In addition to finest performance now, it insures full coverage for the future. New 1954 Philco mod­ els are now here come in for a demonstration and see for yourself picture performance that is the talk of the town. Just out--the Philco 4100 It’s yours for 1954 at the lowest price ever Sundland Electric & Appliance NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ TELEPHONE 591 VERNONIA, OREGON