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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1954)
s VOLUME 32, NUMBER 7 10c COPY VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON PHONE 191 THURSDAY. FEB. 13. 1»M March Brings Annual Meeting of Soil Work Starts I LIONS MOURN i Tax Levy D owd In S200 for District Held Wednesday On Production DEATH OF GOAT On Proposed Polio Drive 01 Stage Show School Budget At the annual meeting of the i as district sup rvisers. | The Vernonia Lions club’s Clatskanie soil conservation dis Primary purpose of the district j meeting attendance arrangement, trict. which took place last mgnt is to apply cood farming practices . whereby a member who was ab- at Clatskanie, cooperators I for the conservation of soil, water i sent from a meeting without a heard the accomplishments of the and timb r resources. Several j valid excuse was given the task Campaign to End Baby Contest to Meeting Date Set district and also the obj etives goals will be sought during this | of caring for the club's goat, will This Week: Totals Be Feature Event of th? organization. Shalmon Li year, among them a complete con. F or March 11 to > have to be worked out otherwise. Available Then bel, Mist, and Harold Bergerson, servation survey on 20.000 acres Of Presentation The reason'.’ The goat died Vote on Proposal Th? current March cf Dimes Vernonia, represent this valley in the Nehalem valley, if aerial Work started early thi? week I during the rec nt heavy snow, so The proposed new budget f r photographs become available. ca ‘paiqn was benefitt d by a i on the musical variety show, ' You accordingly, members, especially school district 47, which is pub who attend regularly, .ection of at least S200 when Other goals for 1954 include I Can’t B-at Fun." with the arrival those lished officially this week, ca: - it •■••as conducted here last Wed- increased productivity of pas ! herp of Miss Sue Ric? who will mourn the loss because they won't ries a figure for the tax levy f. n day evening as one of th? last tures, better land use and man i direct the production. The show i have th? chance to watch the fun the ensuing fiscal year that undertakings of the drive. An agement, encourag • reforestation 1 will be presented February 26 when an absent member gets the should be welcom 'd by residents «/"»-'t figure of the amount was of cut-over hill lands, give each and 27 by the American Legion goat. of the district. The figure is n available from Chairman Jim However, one club member, $5,985.83 less than th? amount Last Friday was the day to interested farm woodland owner Auxiliary at the Legion hail. les earlier this w ek but will i win as far as Vernonia teams a management plan for his wood ’ The show will benefit the Aux j Mayor Lyman Hawken, is pro- called for in the budget for the pr vcably be listed next week. were concerned when two grade land and continue field trips on iliary's hospitalization and child 1 bablv quite happy ovt r the death. 1953-’54 year. He was supposed to have custody • i expects to end the march at and high school games played in adapted grass s and legumes on ' welfare fund. A comparison shows that th? Miss Rice is a graduate of of the goat this week because he th , nd of this week. The trap tne afternoon and evening at the hill land, bottom land, ditch tax levy this year is listed f >r i Mississippi college and has been missed last week’s meeting and t benefit conducted last Sun- Wash ngton gym resulted in four banks and waterways. $73.012.02 while last year it was interest d in Little Theater work, his t xcuse was not acceptable to ftt at the O-A bail park brought victories. Technical assistance is avail $78,997.85. Estimated expend ;r tother $15 for the fund. Tiie Playing in the afternoon, the able in planning drainage or ir radio. TV and publicity and pro- the club. tores propos 'd for 1954’55 show sb- t was arranged by the Ver- Washington school team met Rai- rigation systems, terraces or di 1 motion of civic entertainments. On the other hand. Lion presi increases in some places and no- .a Tiap club. ni r to reverse an early season version ditches to all farmers re She has had special training for dent, W. A. Davis is unhappy lower costs in others. Costs for because he paid the purchase instruction, maintenance and re The recent b ngo party spen- defeat by conquering the visitors questing it, with the actual work i this particular production. price of $7.50 for the animal. s d by the Vernonia women s 35-33 in the main event and by b ing done by the farmer at his CLUB SETTING USED pairs. auxiliary agencies and ar»< men’s bowling associations winning the preliminary 36-16. expense. Such assistance is also "You Can't Beat Fun" uses the capita) outlays decreased whi! 1 nefed $62.73 toward the dimes Larry Akers and Dale Frye were available for problems in soils, Hidie-Ho Club as its setting. Ten incr ases are listed for other esti. e- -paign. For their donations high for the first t am game with agronomy including pasture seed prominent local m n will appear mated expenditures. Total ex t ic party, the associations have 10 point-- each and Donald Sav ing and woodland management. in special costumes representing penditures will be about $ 11)0J < ■ essed appreciation t > King’s age scor'd 10 in the preliminary The district was originally or the Broadway Butterflies and the less for the new prop«. al. Gr-oery. Bob’s Union S.rvice. for top place. ganized in 1947 and included 56,- Butter and Egg Men who are at The largest difference to ac D • s Tavern. Lew s Place, Bill’s The high school Loggers en 600 acres and 360 farms in the tending this gay spot wh re count for the property tax re A program arranged to com T. ■ ern, Dessy’s Tavern and Al tertained Scappoose that evening diking districts at Clatskanie. Ad. everyone goes and anything can duction comes from estimated r. ■ memorate the founding of the li. . Jay’s Cafe, Pal Shop. Ver- to Win anoth r game 57-52, in ditions since then including this happen. ceipts, which for next year are Parent-Teacher organization was n >’ a Drug, Mill Market and their Lower Columbia league valley, have increased the acre A master of ceremonies keeps list d at $89,615.44. an amount L,->.-.<ers, Brunsman Hardware play. Th? Logger’s led the visi age to 212,430 and the farms to things moving as he introduces carried out Monday evening at $4,526.67 above this same item on the Washington school and in so San’s Food Store and V.rnonia tors 31-22 at the half also. Nan- 1050. a variety of acts. Twenty-four the 1953-'54 budget. doing, portrayed the accomplish Bensry. sen was high scorer of the night teenagers will be selected to ap — — — n - ments of the PTA here sine the The dimes had marched down for Vernonia with 15 and Dave pear as chorus girls and five out grade school unit was organized tr length of the counter at Ma and George Johnson each tallied | standing local speciality acts will in 1948. V e’s cafe almost three times the same amount for the Indians, i be spotlighted in the show. These Participating in the program b Wednesday morning of this speciality acts will include musi In the preliminary Scappoose ( were: Mrs. L. L Wells, president, w . to bring the total collection dropped that encounter 59-40. cians, singers, dancers and im Mrs. Stephen Waite. Mrs. Harry tbi'e to $94.70, very likely the personators. Lineup: G. H ath (und Anyone in this area is eligible ) Sandon, Mrs. A change that would have re . ::est amount to be collected The recent county united fund 52 Scappoose Vernonia 57 Mrs. Harlow f; zrum. Mum-al sulted in curtailed mail service any business plac? in the F 15 D. Johnson to compete and there is no age J drive was completed with an Braun 11 numbers included a clarinet duet from the Vernonia post office on limit and those participating do i < 'tty. Nearly all the 947 dimes F achievement of 90 per cent of 8 Gabrielson O’Brien » Sundays and holidays has been not have to be members of the I by Joyce Thompson and Susan the total quota that had been five ben contributed a few at G 15 G. Johnson Fulton 10 avoided because of the points sponsoring organization. Persons Koch and musical interlude by set, the board of directors w.rv a l ne by patrons of the cafe. Mrs G 3 Giiligen Nanson 15 brought out in a recent letter ob- interested in taking part are Rick Bush. V .e hopes the d.mes will march G informed a short time ago at then 9 Hudson Bass Grade Superintendent Darrold j.cting to the change and written urged to contact Mrs. Alice Ade, t' the $100 mark by the end of annual meeting at St. Helens Substitutions: For Scappoose Prochl, at the short business by Postmaster Emil Messing. th ■ week. by calling 1483. Disbursement of 50 per cent of Giiligen, Nulter 2, Mulligan; Ver- met ting, told the association of a The letter was written in th? amounts due participating YOUNGSTERS TO VIE nonia. Bush 2, Cunningham 10, Monday afternoon meeting at an answer to word from the de Higley. A baby contest will also be held Rainier where preparation was agencies has been paid, 25 per partment in Portland that the de. The Loggers will go to Neah in conjunction with the produc started for the grade school music cent of the balance will be paid cision had been made to stop all kahnie Friday night for a non tion. From the entrants in this festival March 27 and for two June 1 and the remainder on league game and will play Sea- star routes to effect all savings contest will be selected the king high school festivals this spring. August 1 after all pl dges ar? paid. sid ? here next Tuesday. The i possible unless such trips are and qu en, the prince and prin One of the high school festivals With the exception of Cla s- Washington team has three games i necessary in older to relieve con cess and duke and duchess of will be at Rainier for county , ~ nal rites were performed here remaining in the season's sched- I gestion of malls. The star route toyland. Boys and girls under school choruses and the other at i kanie, which went $495 over its S a lxday at the Bush Funeral ule before the county tourney? the in Question here was that between quota of $3500, all other munici six years of age are eligible for St. Helens for bands. h -e chapel for Harold Claude next with McBnd? there Friday Scappoose and Vernonia. this contest. Polling places for An outline of the PTA accom palities in the county wound up D.w who passed away Thursday. and with John Gumm and Clats The reply pointed out that i them will be located in plishments since 1948 appears on short of their quotas. St. Heleni February 11. at St. Vincents hos- kanie h?re next week and the business houses do not observe with a quota of $18,035, at the places. page 2. p ’. . Portland. He had been in week following. many holidays and that the Long- time of the last report had col All childr'-n will be introduced f hospital for the past three Bell Lumber company is almost to the audiences and there will lected and pledged $11,62163. wt-cks as the result of a heart Scappoose, quota $2700, collected entirely dependent on mail ser be a special coronation c.remony 3vl£ck. and pledged $1903; Vernon a. vice for communication. The cur on the last night when the win T *e deceased was born D:cem- quota $3450, collected and pledg d tailment of holiday service would ners will receive crowns and lov b. 22. 1895 at Concord. New I $2,164.71, Rainier's quota $3700 leave patrons without receipt or ing cups. Children entered in H.---pshire and passed away at I collected and pedged $3,327.32. dispatch of mail for two days in the cont st will have their pic tri age of 58 years, one month succession when holidays fall on tures displayed in Miller's win New officers elected at the Men repres nting the fire de st . 19 days. He was a veteran Four-H club leaders will hear either Saturday or Monday. dow. partments of four Columbia coun meeting arc: presid nt, Russel! World War I. serving with Mrs. Hildah Highbe, B.avcrton. Later word from the Portland i RULES GOVERN CONTEST ty cities met at Clatskanie Mon Martini; secretary, Walter Huaer tkf 85th aviation squadron. tell of her trip to National 4-H d partment indicated the pro day evening of this week to or Scappoose and treasurer, Jewett The tiny tot contest is not a - irviving are: his wife, Zelma Ciub Congress in Chicago at the posed curtailment saving would A Bush, Clatskanie Jam s H beauty or health contest, but is a ganize the Columbia County Fire an:. a sister. Gladys Smith of Columbia county 4-H leaders as amount to only $96 and that the Clawson was the retiring presi Fighters association. Th? move popularity contest and there is R . ¡side, California. dent. sociation meeting on Sa urday, service would be retained. no entrance fee Children do not to form the group will bring about closer cooperation among coun ' immittal services were per- F.bruary 20, at the Washington have to have rehearsals or special fo’-ted Monday at 1 o’clock at school, according to Mrs. Aldon costumes. Further infoi mation ty fire departments and provide Mist. president. The ’A amette National c metery in Ashley, about entering the contest can b • better organization of the mutual P ’tland with the Vernonia Le- meeting will begin at 1:00. obtained from Miss Rice at the aid program. Mrs. Highbe was one of the c n post in charge. Rev. F. M. Cities represent d were Ver McDonald hotel or Mrs. Lona K ’. officiated at the rites here. two club leaders select d to rep Weidman by calling 1433. Mrs. nonia, St. Helens, Scappoose and - resent Oregon at the National Weidman is chairman of the Aux Clatskanie. Officers named were Assistance with the preparato n Club Congress in 1953. Arthur Thomas Johnson of Ver- | iliary committee in charge of the Mike Baschel, St. Helms, presi of state income tax r.tuin forms Mrs. Ashley states there are a noma was fined $2941.40 in cir- l dent; Wayne Dexter, Scappoose contest. will be made available at several number of important matters tc cuit court last week for violation ' Other committee women handl vice-president; Art Jarvey, Clats places near here during the month be consider? d during the business of the motor vehicle weight law. j kanie, secretary-treasurer and ing details of the production are: of March to help taxpayers b - meeting. This is the meeting Johnson was accused of over advertising. Mrs. Alice Ade; cast Manford Johnson, Veinoma, re fore the final date for filing re which was originally scheduled loading his truck 56,828 pounds porter. chairman and committee, Ger The group will meet again on turns on April 15. .'ceil Lane passed away on the for January 16, but was post His l gal limit was 76.000 pounds. trude Schalock, Isabel Culbertson V in Seaside after a short 1.1- poned because of bad weather. It was testified that Johnson and Betty Mailer and tickets, j March 8 at Vernonia. The schedule lists the follow ncss of 24 hours. He was taken refused to permit his loaded Marie Atkins and Freda Biggs. ing: St. Helens, court house, tc the hospital after becoming truck to be weighed, so the of March 8-11, inclusive, 9 a.m. to To Remember Date if while watching TV Wednes- i THOSE WHO ARE IN IT ficers computed the weight by 4 p.m.; Rainier, city hall, March Washington school 4th grad • 19, 1 to 5 p.m.; Hillsboro, court da; evening and passed away Max Buckner and Bobby Dean scaling th? load, and according to students will provide a program house, March 22-26 inclusive, 9 T- urrday. Fulton joined the marines Thurs the computation the truck was in keeping with the observance a.m. to 4 p.m. and Forest Grove, carrying 132.828 pounds. He -ic was a resident most of his day and left Friday for San of Washington's birthday when a city hall, March 29-30 inclusive, was fined $100 for the violation | . cf Mist, as were his parents, 1 Diego. school assembly takes place next 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. plus $2,841.40 for the excess M. and Mrs. Dave Lane, who Monday at 2:45. Teachers in pasted away years ago Corporal Dewey Hunt arrived weight. It is understood John A 17-pound one-ounce ste?l- charge will be Mrs. Rose Steen son will app< al the case. 7-’e went to Seaside to live some home Saturday from Panama on head t»pp d the weight list of and Mrs. Mathilde Bergerson. Student Pledged 10 cr 12 years ago where he has a 30-day furlough. fish caught and officially weighed s.-.-e -'-sided A University of Or gon co - ca f..r 'h<- < urr« nt VFW steelh' nd Mail Delayed Tuesday -7c leaves three brothers: Merl Gen Wall, son of Mr. and Mrs. License Approved from Vernonia. Miss Frances derby. Th? catch was made by cf Wheeler. Ernest of Kalama, Charles Wall, arrived here Mon At Monday evening's me.ting, Wilfred Holce in the Salmonberry Delay in carrying out delivery Kaspar, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ca tomia and Clyde of Warren- day evening from San Diego for city councilmen approved the ap F bruary 10 and was the largest of mail here Tuesday resulted Frank Kaspar, has be-n pledged -. two sisters, Mrs. A. C. Caples I a !3-dav leave. plication of Terrence McCarthey of four he caught last week. His when the mail truck driven by by the Oregon chapter of Phi <■' Seaside and Mrs Minnie Stoops for a license to operate Dick's prize was a casting rod. E. G. Ro diger was late in mak Beta national professional frater of Vancouver, Washington, be- Jarr.e? W Elliott, son of Mr. tavern. Pending approval by th? Other fish weighed in were ing the trip here from Scappoose. nity for women in music and *.dfs many nieces and nephews. and Mrs. E A. Elliott. Sr., is home state liquor commission, he will caught by Earl King, a 14- A washout on the Scappooss- speech. Miss Kaspar, a viaduat T*e funeral was held Tuesday on leave after serving 18 months purchase the business from Duane pounder, and Albert Blount, a Verncnia road a short distance of Vernonia union high school, is Seaside with burial at Oc an on Guam and Kwajalem Islands Smith, who formerly lived here ninepounder. Last week was west of Scappoose caused the a freshman in music at the uni with the navy. V c ~ cemetery. and operated th? bu'iness. th.- seventh in the derby. delay. « [ versity. Four Vic lories Tallied Friday Program Marks Founding Date Mail Service Change Avoided UF Fund Drive Near to Goal z Final Rite Read Here Saturday Fire Fighters Form Association Leaders to Hear Delegates Speak Agents Offer Aid With State Forms Circuit Court Fine $2941.40 Former Resident Of Mist Dies 17-Pound Fish Week's Winner