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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1954)
Operation Performed In Portland Tuesday Return Completes Term in Service From the in Kamholz Sportsmen wh . like to fish can do something about the problem of decreasing salmon runs in ciasta! streams by taking the time to sign the initiative petition available h re. For years the annual run of steelhead has been decreasing in the upper reaches of coastal streams, the blame fur which is placid at the doorstep of the commercial fisherman. Sportsmen say the commercial mens’ nets are the cause because they tak the fish in large num bers. leaving few fish to reach the upper spawning grounds and they are correct in their thinking. Those who like to tak the steelhead by the hook and line method have been trying for years to do something about the situa. tion without too much success. Tnat’t mean they should not try again and try again they are. The petition proposes a ballot measure which would prohioit taking salmon or trout by any method except hook and line in any coastal stream south of the Columbia. If the nets are taken out, salmon runs will increase immeasurably and the sports man. who far outnumber com mercial men, will again enjoy a diminishing sport. Every fish.rman. who is a reg ister.d voter, should sign the i petition, which is available either . at King's Grocery or the N halem Service station in Riverview. I The coming of the n w year has brought several changes in the business and professional pic ture as far as this community is concerned, some of which are announced officially this we.k. I There are indications of others pending that may tak ■ place soon, for which announcements will be made at the proper tim.. Those which have definitely taken place have result ?d in the opening of an office by a doc tor who has chosen this commun ity in which to locate and the change whereby the Pi oble Creek Dairy is now owned by Heruy 1 Anderegg. Dr. L. K. Puyntz, the n.-w doc tor for the community, and Mr. Anderegg are welcomed as part of the business and professional life of the ai . a. Water Control Aid Available Farmers can now receive finan cial help in stream bank protec tion, channel clearance, enlarge- ment or realinement of drain ways, and construction of dikes for the prevention of erosion and flood damage to farm lands, says Don Coin Walrod, county exten. sion agent. This practice is one of many \ included in the local agricultural conservation program dealing with water control. Although this practice is limited to small watercourses, it is applicable to many watercourses in Columbia . county. The maximum financial assis tance which can be given is 50 per cent of the cost of clearing, moving of earth, and protective mechanical and vegetative mea- j sures installed, including riprap and revetment. It is necessary to make applica tion for assistance at the county Agricultural Conservation Pro gram committee office in St. Helens before starting this prac tice. emphasizes Walrod. Chair man of the committee is William Armstrong, Clatskanie, and Don ald Greeves is office manager. TREHARNE — Mrs. Lin R.y- nolds, Mrs. Jane Miller and Mrs. Rob rt Reynolds of Vernonia mo- tored to Forest Grove Monday Mrs. Lin Reynolds has been suf- feting from sinus infection. She underwent surgery Tuesday in Pi rtland for removal of a tumor in her 1 ft sinus. Mrs. Reynolds is some better, but suffering some oa;n yet. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wienecke had as callers Sunday her sistei Mrs. F'va Tolk ’, and son Bob, of Manning; W. H Wien.eke. North Plains: Mr. and Mrs. Herman BIRKENFELD — Mr and Mrs. D.lmar Jepson arrived home on Wednesday night. Delmar is now out of the service. They w 11 make their home here in B.rkcn- feld. Mrs. T.d Bellingham spent Wednesday in Vernonia with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Lolly. Winema Grange H.E.C. held its first meeting ot th * year at the home of Mrs. Francis Larson. Th. business of the day was prepar ing the year books for the com ing year. After the meeting the played robber bingo. Next meeting will be February 2 at th horn? of Mrs. M. P. Mills. Cecil Elliott and Alt Belling ham went to Astoria on business Tu esday. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Walker of Staten, are spending a few days here. Eddie is tearing down some buildings for John Win slow. I f Seaside i nd Gus Huit ORE. Hillside Slide Area Viewed at Astoria THURSDAY, JAN. 14, 1954 THE VERNONIA EAGLE Marvin Kaniholz Editor and Publisher RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. j Lloyd Callist *r and son drove to i Astoria Sunday to view the slide I area, returning via Clatskanie. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Fowler. * Mrs. Cora Biggs and Carolyn Cot- 1 ton vis.ted Mrs. Pea:! Biggs at i Wauna Sunday afterno. n. Mrs. R x Normand and si n. i Rix. Jr., visited Ralph Anderson i in Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walti r Parker I sp nt Wednesday in Portland a j sisting Mrs. Julia Wirtz b, .ettle- I ing the estate of h r late hus- | band. .Afterwards they took her | to the home for the aged, where I she makes her horn . Mrs. P. H Jaffarian and Mh.< Ruth W Parsons of Seattle ' brought their mother. Mrs. S. J. i Parsons, home after she had visited them since the latter part of November. They came Satur day and th" Seattle ladies re turned to their home Sunday. 5 ’ ■ Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon | Entered as second class maii | August 4, 1922 at Mie post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. 1 i NATIONAL EDITORIAL | 1 ' Top Grades Only of U. S. Government Graded Beef Excess bone and gristle cut away MORE MEAT VALUES ^irloin Tip Steak lb. Round Steak, beef lb. Rump Roast, beef lb. Pot Roast, blade lb. lb. pot Roast, arm Boiling Beef lb. Ground Beef, lean lb. Corned Beef, boneless lb. Spiced Prawns 7-oz. Nates Fresh Oysters pint Fresh Smelt lb. 98c 89c 79c 55c 59c 69c 39c 49c 59c 59c 43c VALUES IN LAMB Leg Roast Shoulder Boast Breast O' Lamb Lamb Rib Chops Large Loin Chops Small Loin Chops lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. 75c 53c 19c 75c 75c 93c Halibut Steaks Cut-up Fryers Canned Picnics Veal Roast T-Bone Steak Beef Rib Roast Pan Ready Fun Ready Crown Brand Boneless Shoulder Top Grades Standing lb. 49c $2.99 $1.00 lb. 65c j lb. 98c lb. 69c » I With Beans Derby Brand CHILI CON CARNE 2 LUNCH BOX SPREAD YELLOW CLING PEACHES .ttX. MEAT BALLS & GRAVY 3 EMPRESS PRESERVES Delicious Sandwich Spread 16- oz cans Qi. Jar No. 2' a Can Boy-ar-dee Brand IS1 i-oz. Can Big Variety Also Peach Jam 20-oz. glasses 45c 59c 19c 29c $1 GRAPEFRUIT | Navel Oranges Green Cabbage I I I | TREHARNE — Dr. Marble, I v.terinarian, was in the neigh 1 borhood one day last week get ' ting the cattle located to test for | bangs. He came back Monday | and did th? testing. He will be back again Friday to test back i Edgar Jones was a guest of , St phen and Waiter Kirkbi i I Saturday and Sunday . Marvin Stevens returned horn . Tuesday from the Jon is hospital in Hillsboro. | Mrs. Lin R vnolds received word from Oklahoma that hei 1 father. John Weaver, was sum ■ I better and it was thought that > he could go home for a while, but : Mrs. Reynolds received later word that h • was worse again. Mrs Rosa Weaver and children j left Wednesday evening for For' I land where they boarded the I train for Miami, Oklahoma to be with the children's grandfather who is very ill. VERNONIA. SIRLOIN STEAK Arizona Marsh Seedless I | EAGLE. FOR EXAMPLE: Trip Started East for Car BIRKENFEI.D — Mr. and Mrs. Art Bellingham went to Portland Wednesday to get their tickets for South Bend. Indiana. They left Mondav afternoon by train. Their oldest boy, Douglas, ac companied thi m on their trip. Thev expect to pick uo their new car and then lournenv to Con- neticut to see Mrs. Bellingham’s brother, Georg. Richardson, be fore returning home. Mr and Mrs. M. P Mills called on Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott Monday evening. Arby Mills ent-red St. V invents hospital Wedn.sday for surgery. Cecil Elliott and Pete Banzer went to St. Helens on business Tuesday. Mr and Mrs T«d B spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mr« Don Jens n at Yamhill Mr and Mrs Don Jens-n and family of Yamhill spent Monday in Birk nfeld visiting friend . • •••nd Mrs Virgil Slv of North Bend. Rev. and Mrs F. M. Knoll visited grandma Rogers Sunday Mr. and Mrs Leo Violette of Port Orford and Mrs. Louis Vio- lette if V rnonia visited grand ma Rogers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayn Ak *rs are the parents of a boy born Thurs- day evening, January 7. Mrs Jim Drips is taking care of the mother and baby. ; THE Cattle Tested By Veterinarian Parsnips F resh lb. 10c From Calif- 8 t, 49e All you can get in toter bag Firm Heads lb 79c 3C lb. 15c Newtown Apples Avocados, pre-ripened each 2/25c Fresh Broccoli lb. 17c Potatoes. Economy 10-lbs. 39c Potatoes. Economy ... 25-lb». 97c Potatoes, premium 10-lbs. 47c Potatoes, premium bulk lb. 5c Cream Corn. County Home No. 303 tin 15c qt. 29c Ice Cream. Cotillion pt. Hoyal Satin Shortening 3-lbs. 89c tall can Cherub Milk. 14c No. 2 Honeybird Cherries 29c Baby Whole Beets No. 2 Garnet ■ 15c No. 3 Taylor Sweet Potatoes 32c Stonecrock Sauerkraut No. 2‘/i 16c 5-oz Chuu King Soy Sauce 19c Chop Suey Veg. No. 303 Chun King 33c Corn Beef Hash. Libby No. 2 33c Sliced Dried Beef. Rath 2’.i-oz. 35c Libby Deviled Ham No. ' i can 22c Libby Potted Meat No. can 15c C-oz. Libby Lunch Tongue 39c Libby Vienna Sausage 4-oz. 23c Nu Made Mayonnaiie qt. 69c 24-oz. Sleepy Hollow Syruo 54c Nob Hill Coffee l ib 9Uc 2lb $1.79 Airway Coffee l ib. 88c 2 lb $1.75 Edwards Coffee 1-lb 95c 2-lb. $] ,89 51c Edwards Instant Coffee . a-oz. Coconut Puffs 6'ii-oz. 29c Jane Arden 37c 1-lb. Tea Timer Crackers 1H-Ib. Mrs. Wright's Bread 24c Cottage Cheese pt. Blossom Time 29c 33c 1-lb. Sunnybank Margarine 24c qt- Fresh 3.1°. Milk 14-OK. 3/25c Rik Rak Cleanser Babo Cleanser can 2/27c 32c 19-oz. Parade Detergent 25c White Magic Soap 23-oz. 45c All Detergent 24-oz pkg Quick Elastic Starch 12-oz. 13c Liquid Starch. Fauntleroy qt. 21c Flour Kitchen Craft Pillsbury Gold Medal Drifted Snow • • • • io lb. pk, 89c Lac-Mix Dry Milk , 29c Now Is The Time To Plant ROSES 2 Y nr Old Lg. Variety Peanut Butter Beverly 20-oz. size 49c Tissue Paper Silk Per roll Prices Effective Thru Saturday. January 16 SAFEWAY I