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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 14, 1954)
‘ irst ’54 Meeting Held by Social Club The Social club of Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge held its first meet- *ig of 1954 at the home of Ma thilde Bergerson. Tne new president. Isabella Anderegg, presented to Irene Minger, past president, a lovely hostess set from the social club. Refreshments were served. The rext social meeting will be at the home of Noble Grand Alice Buckner February 2. Double Wedding Rites •’ erformed Friday Eve. A double wedding ceremonj’ • as performed at the E. F. Leake •■nine last Friday evening wh.n Shirley Phillips became the bride Lee Moore and Billie Ellis and ’»on Dors’ry were married. Nineteen members of the im mediate families drove from Hood r ver for the evening. BENS BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon 5 MILK ,i i Knights, Sisters Install Monday Committees for Chapter Named Joint Ceremony To Seat Officers Joint installation of officers for The first meeting of the year Harding lodge. Knights ___ of Py for Nehalem chapter No. 153. thias. and Vernonia Temple No. held Wednesday 61. Pythian Sisters, took place O.E.S.. was Monday evening at the LO.O.F. evening. hall. Committees appointed were: For the Temple, Edith McFar Rainbow board — Nelle Thomas. land was installing office.' nil I Eva Hearing. Janet Bridgers. Mo was assist'd by Silvia Wolff as grand aanior and Isab.-i Culbert na Gordon and Maryon Peters mother advisor; finance — Doro son as grand manager. The new Temple off.cers are- thy Peterson, one year, Lillian past chief, June Willu; M.F..C, Davis, two years and Isabelle Lesta Garner; E.S., Alice Weed. Brunsamn, three years; visiting E.J., Mary Sawyer; manager. Dar and relief — Lucille Tomlin, Al- lene May. secretary, Jennie Stan ley; treasurer, Margaret Cone; vilda Hearing and Florence Bruns protector. Rose Miller and guard. man; instruction — Allie Dick Faye Davis. son, Dorothy Sandon and Glen Hawkins; examining — Mona Paul Meyer, grand vice chan- cellor of Oregon from Avon lodge. Gordon. Inez Powell and Walter St. Helens, was installing officer Linn; historian — Allie Dickson; for the Knights. He was assisted endowment — Minnie Hughes by C. Pate, also of Avon lodge, Edna Linn and Harry Sandon and acting as grand master of aims. telephone — Stona S rafin, Isa For the Knights the new offi belle Brunsman, Dorothy Peter cers are: past chancellor, E. E. son, Ella Cline and Elizabeth Garner; C.C., Oren Weed; V G . Serafin. Attractive programs for the John Barger; prelate, Ben made their appearance. Fowler; master of work, E. E. year Garner; secretary, Oscar Weed; They were compiled by Florence treasurer, R. M. Aldrich; master Brunsman, W.M Attention was focused on a of arms, Bruce Watson; inner guard, Larry Garner and outer lovely myrtl-'wood baton holder made and presented to the Chap guard. John F. Willis. Visitors from St. Helens in ter by Emil Messing, Jr. Past cluded Margaret Meyer, past Patron. The refreshment committee grand chief of Oregon, who gave a short but interesting and in served delicious sandwiches and structive message. Dr. and Mrs. coffee and a pleasant social hour M. D. Cole were present from followed. K"lso Temple. Mrs. Cole was the first most excellent ch;-f of Vernonia Temple and is now grand treasurer of Washington. Between installation ceremonies, two trumpet solos were played by Dane Allen Brady, accompt. med by Floyd Bush. Mrs. Lloyd Thomas was musician for the in RIVERVIEW — Mrs Marian stallation. R.frcshemnts weie Wantland and son. David, were served at the close of the meet called to Turner Thursday be ing. ‘e»’ cause of the serious injury of her brother. Bill Taylor, who fell 165 from a tree which he Alaska Trip Planned was rigging. He is in a Salem hospital. At First of Month Mrs. C. N. Rundell spent the TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. week end in Portland visiting her Bert Tisdale and Buster Rogers children, Mr. and Mrs. Everett visited friends in Portland Sun Rundell and Mr. and Mrs. Emery Georg?. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buck day. ner, son Linn, and Glennie Hawk Mrs, Ruth Pierce left Saturday ins drove in and brought her for Newb.rg to visit friends be home Sunday afternoon. fore leaving for Alaska with her Mr. and Mrs. Leo Violette are brother, Don. February 1. spending his vacation at then Mrs. Prutzman visiied Mrs. home here. He is working at Bert Tisdale Thursday afternoon Mrs. Byron Kirkbride, Stephen Port Orford and they are living in a trailer house there. and Walter and Mrs. Walter Cox Mr and Mrs. Chet Anderson and Virginia visited Mrs. Bert and children of Tillamook spent Tisdale and Ruth Pierce Thurs the week end at th home of her day evening. parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Ander Carol Buckley called on Mr son. I and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride Mon day morning. 165-Foot Fall Causes Injury THE PERFECT DRINK ■I WHICH GOES WITH I EVERY MEAL I Breakfast, I Ml IK Will lunch or supper.l hit the spot withl and old alike. And|| say MILK,” we young It both when we ".can the best which is sup- : lied to you by the Nehalem Dairy. Phone 471 for delivery MIRV PRODUCTS (B., ; :o your door. i Grade A Pasteiirizod Milk & Cream J * PHOME 471 PM N IR V 'H ö r SHUT NPH 1LEM — SHOP NEHALEM Do-Si-Do square dance club members and their friends are scheduled to go to Natal Saturd r. night of this we; k for a dance for which Glen Hawkins will be the caller. A pot-luck lunch will be served during the evening. A business meeting and planning for the coming year will occupy part of the evening. z » i i ■ i I IN FLAVOR NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY LUMBER COMPANY Pinochle Club Plays At May Home Friday The Friendly Pinochle club met Friday at the home of Mrs. Fred May. Mrs. Joe VanderZanden received high score and Julia Davis low. The next meeting will be held the 15th at the home of Mrs. Bob Thompson. Vernonia Division As Low As I $234.95 I When Too Busy i To Shop Phone 1391 Including heder al lax and Warranty Engineered by PHILCO To Outperform Any Set Near it in Price I Wherever UHF stations are on the air, Philco All-Channel television is the sensation of the induKtrv. In addition to finest performance now, it insure« full coverage for the future. New 1954 Philco m<»d- els are now hen1 -come in for a demonstration and see for vourself picture performance that is the talk of the The Commercial Bank of Oregon i i i HILLSBORO. OREGON DECEMBER 31, 1953 RESOURCES S 6,812.362.72 10.584,575.19 2.389,781.19 60,000 00 178,124.45 270,899 30 6,227.37 14,218,476.15 $34.470.446 37 I LIABILITIES ' > PITAL - - PLUS • DIVIDED PROFITS "JSERVE FOR CONTINGENCIES 7-TAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS DEPOSITS BANKS ' ¿ERWOOD VERNONIA $ 1.000.000 00 116,036 86 100,000.00 Branches at CLOVERDALE ST. PAUL WEST SLOPE HOOD RIVER $ 2,316,036.86 32.154.409.51 $34.470.445 37 NEWBERG ’ TILLAMOOK : WHEELER I Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Reserve System Benefit to Aid March of Dimes The Long-Bell The Nehalem Valley Squares will djnc? Friday •>z>n.n!, Jau- ary 15. at Birk nfelri for the bene fit of the March of Dimes. Be sides Glen Hawkins, the regular caller, several guest callers will also be ther? for this occasion. CONDITION ?*SH AND DUE FROM BANKS U S. GOVERNMENT BONDS '/ NICIPAL BONDS AND WARRANTS F7OERAL RESERVE BANK STOCK N'K PREMISES ’ RNITURE. FIXTURES AND EQUIPMENT —'{ER RESOURCES \NS AND DISCOUNTS (NET) 14, 1954 Nehalem Squares to Dance for Dimes Aid KH lVliaN dOUS — UM IVHSN «IOHS — KH IVHHN «IOH8 OF ORE. THURSDAY. JAN I /l The wise shopper knows j that we will fill her! order as if she herself j were doing the select-1 ing. receiving the very I best in foods. Ask the 1 ! women who trade here i i and they’ll vouch for our service. This ser vice is free to the custo mers of the Mill Market and Lockers so why don’t you try us today! MILL MÄRKET AND LOCKERS Remember— DELIVERIES TWICE DAILY: 10 a m - 3 p m. PHONE 1391 .Just out—the Philco 4100. It’s yours for 1954 st the lowest price ever for an all-channel 21-inch Philco console. tnrlurtln* ruin'll Ta* and Warranty $179.95 ( I I I I On Our Easy Terms! Sundland Electric & Appliance •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER1 TELEPHONE 591 3 BIRKENFELD — Sewing club met with Mary Ann Devine Tuesday night. The meeting had NATAL — A March of Dime-, been scheduled with Phyllis benefit dance will be given at Busch but due to the high water the Natal hall Saturday. Manh going into the Buscn nome the 23. On Friday evening the squar meeting place was changed. There were 10 members and one dance club will dance at Birke:: feld. All proceeds will go to tr..‘ visitor, Mrs Bill Wolff, present A baby shower honoring little March of Dimes. Deanne Stuve. daughter of Mr. Mrs. Robert Mathews entertauie • and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve, was given ■ the Missionery society Wednes by the members. She received day. many beautiful gifts. Next meet Jimmy Mullins was quite sic* ing will b<> with Mrs. Bud Larson January 19. Saturday evening. A physidav The home extension meeting I was called. was held Friday at the home ot | Mrs Lawrence Jepson. Mrs. Robert Berg is still in St. Vincent’s hospital in Port land. Reports are that she is responding to tr.atment. Shirlev Berg came home to help her father with the care of the home and her two little brothers. Mi. and Mrs. jack Brittner called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ud"v Wednesday night. Mrs. Fred Udes went to Port land Monday to visit her daugh- t r in the hospital. Mrs. Walker of Vancouver, B. C. is here visiting Mrs. Guy Bellingham. For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 STATEMENT VERNONIA. 1 reatments in Hospital Reported Successful NATAL — Mrs. Robert Ma thews entertained last Tuesday honoring Mrs. L. B. Eastman on her birthday. Twenty-two ladies and thre? children came for the dinner with a birthday cake as center of attraction. The H.E.C. met last Wednes day with Mrs Noble Dunlap. Mrs. James Smith was in Forest Grove last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Sam I) vine were in Hi’It boro Monday. s k For UNIFORM Club Schedules Dance At Natal Hall Saturday EAGLE. Gathering at Natal Home Marks Birthday SHOP NEHAI.EM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM ALWAYS Mt Heart Rebekah lodge will hold its last meeting before the installation of new officers this Thursday evening with Jane Pace. N.G., presiding. Joint installation of officers of the Rebekah lodge and Odd Fel lows lodge will be held Friday evening. January 15, with Jua nita Edwards, district deputy president, and Orval Edwards, district deputy grand master, act ing as installing officers. During th" last three mo Vhs of the past year there were sev eral resignations. Those filling the vacancies were Juanita Ed wards. R.S.N.G., Irma Chance, Warden, and Ella Cline. L.S.V.G. THE VERNONIA, OREGON