4 THURSDAY, JAN THE 7, 1954 EAGLE, AROUND THE FARM .Although Christmas is over there are still some Columbia «ounty residents that are think­ ing about Christmas trees. They are the folks who make Christmas tree growing a part of their farm business. At this time we have no idea how many Christmas trees might have been cut in Columbia coun­ ty during the season just over. Oregon is estimated to harvest about one million of the 29 or 30 million trees that are cut annually over the United States. Columbia county would have a good-sized ».hare of this million trees. Most of the Christmas trees used over the nation are Douglas fir. but some of the other species such as the true firs command higher prices than the Douglas fir. Of the trees that remain un­ sold at the end of the season, many are of such poor quality that harvesting and shipping are wasteful in that the owner does not realize the full potential of his production. These trees could have been left in the woods and improved by pruning before cut­ ting. This is being done as more and more of the trees harvested