fi THURSDAY, DEC. 24, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General NEW, heavy duty twist link tire chains. Fit tires from 6.25-16 to 7.60-15. $7. Inquire 14 Arkansas Ave., O-A hill. Phone 1071. 52» I REMINGTON standard type- j wi iter and Westinghouse refrig- ' orator for sale. Inquire at Sea- i Wright’s Vernonia Cleaners. 52» | MEN and WOMEN: We n ed re- pr-sentatives in your locale to help fill out an organization for bmm?ss surveys, delinquent ac- count listings, polls and public opinions . . . Ideal part-time work . . . Choose your own hours. . Your nearest telephone may ti< .our place of busin. ss for sur. vi ,s not requiring the signatures of those interviewed . . . Send $1 foi administrative guarantee fee, application blank, questionnaire, plan of operation, and all details on how you may manage a survev group for us . . . GARDEN STATE ar NATIONAL SURVEYS. P.O. B' < 83, Cedar Grove, New Jersey. 51t3c CARPENTRY WORK: Repair, re modeling. new construction. Rea sonable rates by dav or by con I tract. E. J. Parkhurst, 1042 Weed Ave., or see Pete Brunsman. 50tfc I FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Three rooms and bath. Electric range, oil heat. River view Apartm:nts. 36tfc i ‘ ilAKETS foi sale. A. F. Scha. lock, phone 1322. 50t3c LEGAL NOTICE SEWING machines. Electric. >• and bobbin. Nationally ad- vi.’jsed. $139 value, $59.50. No 1. 'i n payment, $5 month. Used m hin -:. from $5. All fully guar- ; ’< ed. N< w Way Sewing Ma- c. hne Cent r, 138 E. Main. Hills, boro. Phone 3331. 50t3 ’.'E NEW 17-inch Hoffman table -del e.i:y-vision amber screen -vision Svt. Will sell at whole- - price. Call 617. 50t3 S1 ND, gravel, crushed rock, fill Call 3811, A G. Ostrander. 26t52c APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, i • stitching. At Vernonia Clean- June Willis, phone 1211. 23tfc AUCTION Every Friday. We have a good market for your live- :<. k, furniture, tools, poultry. W< buy, sell, trade, every week d. .y, paying cash for livestock, fl. Titure, machinery, tools. Alt- rr . n’s Auction Mart. Forest Grove. I hones: 7615 nights. 5320, Walt A man, Auctioneer, selling live- sti k or general farm sales any where. lltfc F OR SALE—Cars, Trucks :;s. trucks WILLYS 4 door sedan. Only 3000 miles. Overdrive. Radio and Heater S1795 I$'53 CHEV. 2-door sedan. R&iH. Beautiful condition $1765 '£53 WILLYS 4 wheel drive sta tion wagon Excellent con dition $1095 195 FORD 2 door. Light blue. very clean $950 £46 OLDS 4 door sedan. Cus. torn model, all equip ped $525 1S46 CHEV 4 door sedan. Com plete overhaul $495 IMS CHEV 2 ton truck. Long wheelbase. New motor. Perfect condition $695 VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY .7 Years in Business in Vernonia i ' ne 342 Vernonia _______________ 52tlc U3 i.9 BUICK sedan. Good trans- ; ration. Phone 1692 50t3 FOR SALE-—Insurance PELL HUDSON Insurance, tele- ; hone 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 r enths at low rates. Also fire : surance. Geo. Bell, H Hudson. 37tfc ( VRD OF THANKS MRS. G. P. POTTER wishes to take this means of thanking her ’»a ids and neighbors for their prayers, kindness and cards dur ing her illness. 52;; IN MEMORIUM IN LOVING memory ot our dear f s who passed away. Husband i- d father. Harry, three years > the 19th and daughter and -• -ter, Marjori?, one year the 2. ’ d. Our loved ones are away but th rished in our memories. Mrs. Harry King Earl and Bob 52» Windstorm Cause Surprise Honors Bowling Results INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Of Damage Sat. 50-Year Marriage Lost Won RIVERVIEW — Nate Huntley and Mrs. Mary Teel of McMinn ville spend Sunday at the Louis Huntley horn >, helping to cele brate the birthday of Mrs. Hunt- I ley- WANTED | Sunday visitors at the home of | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mahar were ALDER LOGS WANTED Mr, and Mrs. Clark Cain and Will pay premium price for family and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henrickson and family of Port really good logs. land. JURGENS MILLS Max Millis arrived Thursday ty Beaver Springs Road—Rainier spend the holidays at the home of his mother. Mis. Blanche Mil Phone 6-8256 lis. 25tfc Mrs. Helen Sauders and daugh HIGHEST cash prices paid for ter of Portland spent the week cream and eggs at your door— end at the home of her parents, picked up once or twice weekly— Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Jerman. call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone Stay Here Planned 126._________________________ 14tfc During Holiday Time ONE 30x40 plate glass mirror. Perfect. Like new. $23.00. Call 617. 50t3 NOTICE: No sale Christmas wek. Ai. tion every Friday including N< v Year’s day. Cash paid for furniture, tools, livestock, ma- c very, any day. Altman’s Auc- t Mart, Forest Grove, Phones 50t4c 7615 and 7612. i t • ; J 1 I | ; | Birth Date Cause for Visit at Home Here NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PEBBLE CREEK LIVE STOCK DISTRICT. ORDERED BY LEGAL VOTERS THEREIN | AT FT rrTTM nr nrrrMnrn WHEREAS at an election du'y held at the polling place for the Vernonia No. 3 voting precinct on December 1. 1953, in accord ance with the procedur set forth in Chapter 513 Oregon Laws for 1949, the following described lands, to-wit: South half of Section 9: South half of Section 10; South half of Section 11; and all of Sec tions 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22. 23, 26, 27, 28, 29, 33. 34 and 35, and the east half of Section 32 in Township 4 North of Rang? 4 West of the Willa mette Meridan were ordered to be incorporated as a grazing district for the pur pose of making it lawful for livestock to run at large therein; and WHEREAS th? boundaries of such area is given as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 35. Town- shiD 4 N. of R. 4 W.W.M., in Columbia County, Oregon; thence westerly along Town ship line to the Southwest corn r of the Southeast quar ter of Section 32 Township 4 North of R 4 W.W.M.; thence northerly along sub division lines to the North west corner of the North east quarter of said Section 32; thence W st along Sec tion line to the Northwest corner of said Section 32; thence northerly along sec tion lines to the Northwest corner of S.etion 20 Town ship 4 N.. R. 4 W.W.M.; thence Easterly along Section line to the Northeast Corner of said Section 20; thence Northerly to the quarter cor ti r common to Sections 8 and 9. Township 4 N.. R. 4 W.W.- M ; thence Easterly along subdivision lines to the quar ter corner common to Sections II and 12 T. 4 N.. R. 4 W.- W.M.; thence South along section lines to the place of beginning. NOW THEREFORE, in com pliance with the r quirt ments set forth in said Chapter 513 Oregon Laws for 1949, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on and after the sixtieth day from the date of the first publica tion of this notice, it shall be lawful for anyone owning or having the custody, possession or control of livestock to permit th" same to run at large within the boundaries of the lands above described, the name of which shall be "Pebble Creek Livestock District.” This notice is publish« d once each week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in Columbia County, Oregon, as required by law. and the date of the first publication thereof is December 17, 1953. (County Court Scali C W Wickman County Clerk of Columbia County. Oregon 51t3c NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of An drew M Parker, deceased, by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Columbia county, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the sani" to me at Clatskanie. Ore gon with vouchers and duly veri fied within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publication De cember 3. 1953. Date of last publication Decem ber 31. 1953 Alb rt L. Parker. Administrator John L. Foote, St. Hel?ns, Oregon. Attorney, 4915 BIRKENFELD — There was quite a windstorm here Saturday evening about 6 o’clock. It was of short duration but did some damage. Shakes from Jepson’s shop wore scattered all over, shingles were blown from sever al houses, Elliotts T.V. antenna was toppled over and the lights were off from 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Miller, of Portland were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Udsy. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Parman and Dick of Scappoose, spent Sat urday night and Sunday with Ml. and Mrs. Art B'llingham and boys. Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Mills were ' in Portland Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Don Jensen, Don- . nie and Karen called on Mr. and [ NATAL — Mrs. Alvin Wright and son, David from Manzanita Mrs. Cecil Elliott Saturday even are here visiting her parents and ing. Mrs. Don Jensen spent Tues other relatives over the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Nobl? Dunlap day night last week with Mrs. I wer? in Forest Grove Sunday and Ted Bellingham. called on Mrs. Maude Barlow at Anna Hanberg and Mrs. Bel the Masonic home. lingham were in Clatskanie last Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson week. | were Tuesday motorists to Clats Marie and Marjorie Bellingham | kanie. were in Portland Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack called Mrs. Martha Rosenberg was on Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Pugh and taken to the Good Samaritan family on evening last week. hospital in Portland last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott and [ LEGAL NOTICE Mrs. Fred Udey went to Port- j land Monday. Cecil and Mrs. .' NOTICE OF STREET Udey have been having eye ' VACATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN trouble and each call'd on their! That th? City Council of the City I own physician for check-up of of Vernonia has passed a resolu their eyes. tion of its intention to vacate the [ Arby Mills was in Portland on following portions of the follow Friday for general check-up. ing streets: Sewing club met with Mrs. 1. The south one-half of G Street, Howard Jones last Tuesday even commencing at the west sid? of ing. All members wer? presen. Washington Avenue and extend except Jane Gabrielson and sh? ! ing west to Rock Creek. was ill and unable to attend. 2. Wash'ngton Avenue from the Christmas gifts were exchang d south side of G Stre.t and ex and secret pals were revealed. tending south to Rock Creek. Little Dianne Stuve mad? her NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that first appearance at the meeting. a public hearing will be held on Little Jepson was also Monday, January 4, 1954, at 8 there. It was Beverly Jepson’s o’clock p.m. in the Council Cham birthday so birthday cake and bers in the City Hall in Vernonia. ice cream was served by the hos Oregon, on this matter, at which tess. Next meeting will be Janu time any person desiring to ob ary 5 with Mrs. Fred Buseh. ject thereto may be heard. Any person may file with the City Pilau is a rice dish, stewed Recorder objections to the pro with meat and spices. I posed vacation any time prior to January 4, 1954. DATED this 8th day of Decem ber, 1953. Sam L. Hearing, City Recorder ____________________________ 50t4c King’s Grocery Bob’s Service Mill Market Clatskani? 42 33 28 9 14 23 23 47 NATAL — On December 19, th? Ira Peterson home was a scene of a surprise party held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Davis of Vernonia for their 50th wedding anniversary. Those at tending were: Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. John Danielson, Mrs. Mae Krieger, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schray, E. Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Cloice Hall and Allyson, Diane Harvey, Stella Woolsey, Mis. Mary Garlock, Mrs. Alma Garlock and the gu?st of honor and Mr. and Mrs. Peter son. Hostesses Mrs. Fred Schray and Mrs. Ira Peterson. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff mo tored to Portland Monday of last week where Mrs. Wolff checked in with her doctor and was pro nounced okay and given a final release. Industrial leagues bowls We« nesday night, their regular night. Twrrp league bowls Sunday. De- comber 27, at 2:00 p.m. City league bowls Sunday evening, December 27, at 7:00 p.m. Asafetida is a drug prepared from plants of the parsley family. De Soto was buried under the bed of the Mississippi River. CITY LEAGUE Dessy’s Team No. 4 Sundland’s S. P. & s. 47 25 Vi 22 17Vi 9 304 34 38 Vi TWERP LEAGUE Lew’s Place Dusenbury’s A.B.C.’s Vernonia Bakery 12 II 10 7 8 9 10 13 Vernonia Card Room REX AND JOHN McRAE, PROPRIETORS CLASSIF1ED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Words over min- imum. 2c each. Three inser- tions for the price of two. be given out until after paper is mailed. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK'S PAPER. NO information on classifieds will THE EAGLE assumes no finan- cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub- lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv, in which the typo- graphical mistake occurs. 1 [ 1 i 1 ' . ■ ; 1 1 We are wishing you a most Merry Christmas CHRISTMAS JOY TO YOU AMHol II \\ lini E I \MIIA o||; V * V w w V w Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kamhoiz. Publishers V w w .Melvin Schwab Mrs. H. A. DeWitt w V Ann Cameron Mrs. Austin Dowling w V Mrs. Pat Remnant Mrs. Cecil Elliott M V Mrs. B. A. Kirkbride .Mi's. Sam Devine V V Mrs. J. M. Peachey V y V Î. > 5 > » > > »5 >» > » ».•>. >1 >. > THE VERNONIA EAGLE «V' R. D. Eby, M.D. I I