Sod Waterways Part of Program Permanent sod waterways to tarry run-off water and prevent erosion can be established as one of the Columbia county agricul tural stabilizat.on and conserva tion cost sharing practices for 1954. This practice provides for the government to share part of the HELLO... TO EVERY MEMBER OE YOUR FAMILY . . . MERRY CHRISTMAS Ma, Oscar and Shirlee I L s >‘VSES AS ;..E90f’iE Jtf CtN*.«' 5; CA.f HAVE »? --I All C.~- ANO AT --E fAMi r.nt' -Mf ISTlMATtP WCSTN OF -5 N.BAN « SES A-CNt AS C>ES • c eoe oco ooce T-5SE »ST V.;- C-ASCE 0» ASS 2* .SS»” sê A 5 0* ' SM Ç» s.?* •:.’AS.. f.* CAN-Av E A SES--E«ê 0» *13(791 s J5S '-As 'E*ö '0. It" as US.SAMNSS &ÛND t<- »EEs. NOM .Wtt MTTSU THAN eve«// "rrALWAYS WORKS" 1 Harriets Little Bakers’ 4-H club had a party Monday, December 21, at Donna Savage’s home. Games were played and gifts exchanged. Refreshments of cool- ade, cookies and ice cream enjoyed. The next meeting will be Janu ary 4 at Mrs. Heath.s home. A contest conc.rning measurements used in cooking will feature that meeting. who OPPfeC'°,e P I ® I ~ Errors attract attention. Proof of that was Viry evident after last week’s issue of The Eagle had gone into the mail and sub scribers had the oportunity to read it. Apparently one of the gremlins r.sponsible for misar ranged type “was at work be cause just two pieces of type, the figures in a price, were trans posed. R aders were not slow to notice the result and inform this office of it. To make the matter more mys terious. the ad in which the price in error app ared, was one that had been printed correctly in three previous issues. Those things will happ n in a print shop and The Eagle shop is no exc ption. The ad was that of the St. Helens Pulp and Paper company wanting logs and quoting the price of $51 a cord. Because of that $/(&.’&$(& gremlin, readers 5 ? Light F "Jts the Hater OLIMPIA eetWING COMPANY. OLYMPIA. i 5 THE VERNONIA EAGLE Marvin Kamholz Editor and Publisher Official Newspaper of Vernonia, Oregon Entered as second class mail matter. August 4, 1922 at post office in Vernonia, Oregon, under the act of March 3, 1879. Subscription price $3.00 yearly in the Nehalem Valley. Else where $3.50. May Your Holiday be a Clad One Nehalem Dairy A hell box is a printer’s waste bin, used for damaged type, etc. By Marvin Kamholz »1 *»'• ç __ W-' *" iV-4 v- \ ss ' ORE. THURSDAY. DEC 24. 1953 cords and only in very minor d?- tails did he suggest changes. Only one warnin'! came from the audi tor and that was to use caution in estimating the amount of taxes that will be collect d when next year's budget is prepared. To overestimate tax collections now when payments are getting slower, would hinder the making of a satisfactory budget, he pointed out. Thre-* people here have been fortunate in recent weeks as far as money is concerned. They have held dollar bills which car ried winning serial numbers in the current give-away program of a Portland paper and have received $25.00 each. The lucky peopl" have been Bilil Braun. Mildred Tupper and Cleve Robertson. It paid them well to check the serial numbers on their bills. Always So Enjoyable I VERNONIA. Many farmers in Columbia county are expected to take ad vantage of the financial assis tance offered under th local agri, cultural conservation program for the installation of underground drainage systems, according to Don Coin Walrod. county exten sion agent. Assistance is limited to th? in stallation of tile or other approved underground conduit, such as lumber box drains or peat soils. No assistance is given for repair ing existing drains. Maximum cost sharing farmers can exp.ct is 10 cents for four- inch til* installed with increased amounts for larger sizes of tile. If the tile is over eight inches, 50 per c.nt of the cost installed would be allowed. The govern ment cost share of lumber box drains is 13uz cents installed. Farmers must receive approval of th? county agricultural conser vation program office in St. Helens before the practice is started in order to qualify for the I assistance. will see the ad this week again with the correct figure being quoted at $15 per cord. I U9H OW° T hins OF ANS NCAIBEt Bakers Attend Yule Theme Party Monday Wedgewood ware is not always blue and white. I E AG LE. ACP Offers Aid For Drainage cost of establishing waterways at the rate of 90 cents per thousand square feet of area s.eded. To qualify, certain things must be done, such as shaping and smooth. ' ing in preparing a good seed bed. having a soil test made and ap plying the lime fertilizer materi als recommended. A minimum of 30 pounds of nitrogen per acre would be suggested to insure j rapid growth. When seeding wat.rways it is best to drill seed shallow and in figure eights so that drill marks will not run parallel to the flow of water. Seeds r.commended by County Extension Agent Don Coin Walrod include alta fescue, creeping red fescue or mixtures of the two. Under some condi tions and with approval of the . committee, other se.ds might be allowed. Establishment of sod waterways will be particularly applicable to farms in hilly areas where the re moval of surface water over sod- covered strips will prevent ero sion.. Farm owners planning to use cost-sharing programs during 1954 are urged by A.S.C. Secretary Donald Grieves to sign up at the office in St. Helens prior to De cember 31. i TH E That’s A Fact WASHINGTON. USA The handling of the office work relating to affairs of the City of Vernonia earned a compliment Monday evening from Bill Holm, partner in the auditing firm of I. D. Wood and company, Port land. This firm annually audits the books of the city and Holm met with councilmen Monday to cover in d tai] the audit completed early this fall for the fiscal year of 1951-52. Holm wasted no time in ex plaining the audit and the details relating to the handling of city affairs as determined when the audit is made. The audit goes into considerable detail as to methods followed, whether those methods are satisfactory or not and suggests ways to improve where the auditor thinks im provement should be made. His report for the fiscal year completed June 30 lauded the handling of city business. He was pleased with the accuracy of re- & w V ! Don, Mildred and Donna Bayley : ^Season’s Greetings^ ri ri To All Our Friends and Neigh bors—We Extend to Each and Every One of You Our Wannest Wishes for a Very Merry Christ mas and A New Year of Health and Prosperity. ay you prosper in the wealth with which Christ OUR WARM AND SIN- mas abounds... SINCERE BEST WISHES- CEREST GREETINGS GO OUT TO YOU AT THIS Peace love of life kindliness HAPPIEST SEASON OF and the brotherhood of all THE YEAR. people A A I I Jones’ Grocery Store JÄH Bill’s Riverview Tavern ri ri ri ri ri ri ri ri Nellie Tipton Larry Gamer Richard Gwin Robert Montgomery Henry Bass Fred May SAFEWAY ri Ml ri ri i 1 12