TWV1ODAY. PEC M. 1953 •W THE EAGIJf, AROUND THE FARM VERNONIA, ORE. BY DON COIN WALROD County Extention Agent Dates Set for Two Meetings county committee, Two meetings for 4-H The trench »ilo built and filled i from thr ttue year by Jr«» Skeans »nd Son» ' plantings of this type may quali livestock club leaders will be held -«aught uur eve the first tunc that fy for I’MA cost sharing pay in Columbia county next week, wr »aw it early this summer announces Harold Black, county ments. Naturally we were interested m 1 extension agent in charge of 4-H When the crop is harvested, «•wing how much spoilage there j club work. wtuiM be and what the silagv another tree will start from the The first will be at the county weuld be like. and Jess agreed to same stump. Because they are ! courthouse in St Helens on Tues- tri u» know when It was open rise ailu ha» been open about apt to suck r. it is best that black 1 day. December 29 at 100 p.m. two week» now. and we had an locust not be planted near irriga. i The other will b? at Clatskanie ^iwutunlty to examine it when tion nr drainage ditches or w here I in the soil conservation office on calhng «M> the Sheans about then 'arm fish pond A« we recall, the roots are apt to be cut by December 30. It will begin at Both ends of the i 8:00 p m. 'h*. lietwh 1» 16 fret deep and M> cultivation '»I k>ng with the bottom 13 cut roots w ill then put up suckers. The program will be the same Sort wide and the top It feel These trees do best in deep rich [ at both mretings. It will include • Mr Thr wall» are concrete and soils, but they will grow almost I a discussion of the 4-H dairy >•> w thr bottom anywhere in the stair One dif < beef, sheep, pig. rabbit and poul- tn tilling this »Ho. a 03 cater Kiltar wa» put into the trench ficulty experienced with posts is ( try projects, suggestions for pro- awt u» d tv» pack the silage until that stapl-s are hard to drive be • grams at club meet ngs, club ac- «hr salo was full enough that it cause the wood is so hard Con Itivities and the new record book. oMdd tw run out. Then a D 4 sequently short staples work best The new procedure to b.J used hi •a» used to tuush the Job cd , ordering material for livestock hktuig and pas'kurc After filling Barley is an important feed I clubs will bj explained. ■.tw espsswxl surface of the » lagv wrw catered with a light weight gram fur Oregon and with many Don Walrod. county extension »«alkiart type at Papct and then acres of wh-.atland being diverted . agent, will d scuss feeding and • iwt or morv ml sawdust over to barley, it could become even I management as th.y apply to 4-H thr pacser Tbt j club projects. A demonstration Spvdaae on the open mwtwn of more important next year ttw ado was very sligni. being prwe of barley here in Oregon : on making a rvj>r halter will be »a thaw two inches. Jess sa d is about the samx as the price of given. darte w as less than half a manure corn tn the mid west For prac Black states that all those in- •pavoder kwat on the part that w as s^wwed S* nw towrr type sikw tical purposes, the feed valur terested in a 4-H livestock club we have se n had much mure of the two is about the same are w elcome ■ywokutv than that, but w« do not With this more favorable teed • ■-wii to intpty that the type sd situation. Oregon livestock men »do ba» that much bearing cm have a better opportun ty to pro Motvewfuyg the crop at the duce more eggs and meat, es «vegan stage, putting it m when pecially pork, as we are a defi Ar drs asaltvr is about A' per cient area m bs-th of these items. rem. lf»>vvugh packing. and •* ‘iiuxw of air and w aler fcwi the Wr i—port about 15 per rent of Wm. Armstrong, chairman of nrtoev are some of the points our eggs ftv'.m the midwest and C 7 j. _ ’ • - " :.: - .taat we believe lead to the making about id tv TV per cent of our .-yrrly PMA> cv.— rr ttee. announ • t (Ved sxlagv The addlx’n of pork, accord -tg tv Ovg n Stat: a. pavert v alive nta.v be additional college econoCTusds. ces that the farmers of Cvlurrbiu uwatriMKce that there will be blithe • county who wish tu ftl." their m - One way of consider - g the hog «gwakage prvduot vn situation m ght be this. t^al requests fvr ths I #04 pro- 5t present pr’ces a Pac ' c X t' ; gram should do so at the county tXaoluig stuck toe reforest» ua. wwtdbrvavs. Owwcmas tree west hog plus the barley -reeded ! eftire before Derecabar JI r4a«*tu»<. *ud fbrtu wood lol u.s.*s for its grvwth us cheaper than a The system ce ng 'is d th s m avadabJe wow atad w'l be u" - ysar .s different from other years U1 March IX These trees are «nd-west hog corn p-us the ovaaJMbhr on a eval basis front the freight necessarv tv get that bug m that there wl LI be both taittal dal - nunrn tveax CorvaJl'o. At tv Ok-.-gvn Irw dentially -noBt of ».gn-upts *hcn end Deem bee J'. •.aw »tart vf the season, mne spe- t.he pork that does come mtv Ore I and iate sign-ups which take • ww of Crees were available for gon comes in the fvrm jf throughout the year Atty vv I ■lawto.i« here at West-rti Oregon. UaMr requests will be e ; .g:bi.- sub- bogs. Already« fix » have Pipxvnten may evrsaier bur:ey I jure tv the avniiabii. ty of funds. swwxi drpJwtvd. so we would sug Chatman Armstrong also <v»i chat any mtcrvstvd #» fvc daury cattle at arty time that aui’ o«der trees rqgM *w a» stated thM since ut w . be pcs d is choupe'- tha.” any vthir gr* n ■*h* debver v date cun be spec on a total d gestible -lutrvrot ba * s. ble tv fi e ate equests. a.' farm- bod sis. However, the tact that t I ers should only those •snare posts Bixgfel be grow® 'icedis tv bo rolled or C'-’acsely : cvcserx*tu,’n acactic.s most ur- gent.y tuteded .n the farm. Farm vgfci .vs the tarw s<s a crop- fetvee g’-vu-d tut teed -g shx’ud be re the cost or trouble ers sevud be .-aretu. w sign up aso that wiZI cot ”«ed trewtu<^ cog’’ utd imvwived m th.» pfeeedure may | f it only those pcacturss they «+ as LVwqglMa t*r V.’ack '■ < «’ cvmg. te ■nnwv were su^ifestvd fcv HjJtrft 't more pew:tuna' for the g-aj« dau vsjew tv. buy hus ba. .'» or TwOper. sttsce wnu..' 'orvavr A libfckvv. is a peB.s.'b;« spews to barley W'..x*rd f vd from a cons>- , avu.JuC.e at the reuntv extension rierc a. fe-d piaws. Baziiry cun ' oft oe. along « taMnartxMi ;n' —r for the »r’me< wfcv us in- wtwafcrd M a crop So be '«used be used tut as m-acfr as W pec cent ' sheets , t tuk-.-’g and hand ng > tut b.'ire posts. The of the grian ration Dvr daurv cwtue. su.mpi s. ja.ngiis iw #e *ent d.. ectJ?« to the 'uboratury jc they • wd of tb<* >>ac< locust » ««>•« i Ctrfumb.u county tanners pai-- oun be brought to the e.x*ension •w-aditr aod tware posts trwn t, 1 tivpu ng i' the sgriicu. utuj c,m- «VMMi >e «xp eaed tv ( W 1 .«•■ eiturv. s. rvu’.ivn yrogrum w... t nd that j AO aju * thro* »■«■c iiseu. • ere vf X> ,’C vrorv ««rare 1 n urn be <t vt ev»i. shunng pt -set cos oJ for '-be reireits of Raa- k uvuar. wees grow ve< v equn • that sei brscs be r-adw ni SU/TJpsV to bx ro’-urmeit t tit.’ ap«»9 Finn ting them reiiH.vwly e-us *’t i.n iUJTTpltfS iro wft ion. ' nu. timtf Mw tOMVCitari oe< bops fi.-ui.’ bo I «u/nples s.s m W.. *5« --<ro rod i.’r iBrying Aik ■** t eC up« ’., wiids hr Tnak.* will be covered bv the pruct c ' rhese tesCs are tv be nadir by the IUWD4 • samp,’?» tu gart wrrw >cw*.'h cu* and grow nore IFf so, testing idbenwvry Jt Crm tir* frtsftjre >«n»X)n4 wuL «ana/gfHwi »Xbe. •• .se 'Jtwy ire pjo St J t <•'< ..nut. Muwttwr Ktrnpitfs «1IJUad. apt fc-> be some w hut eavwAvsfk Curbcns tv be used n senang iuc breu m« tou warm or m« fest •tresanu sauvk » ivu ,n>or -'nrs sumpies bo '-r uibur'ibirrv snr Dry tng m 4. eve »tone >urse< v W ■..■» ippi inu. v f« naxirurut« warm room ¡a - j »futtury j or in r-tttn •tr .’thttr 4Ttif5u’u» itfUt ; TWC Ov AîMtÙ» MU I AKOUND HOME... j ! j ’ i [ i | Farmers Told Sign-up Date V tlhf jBrtkrè • By Helen Sellie Home Extension Agent Does your family observe “in herited.” traditions xt unristmas time’ I believe most families observe customs from year to year which helps in making the time of the year especially mean ingful and helps to strengthen family ties. America has a rich source of traditions for Christmas observ ance as people settling here brought along customs from their homelands. Many of the most observed customs have come from the northern European na tions. but thes • have gradually besn Americanized until they are becoming typically our wn Now as never before in our country's history, we need to stress and build the traditions and cere- mcci.ais which mace of our scat- tired families a close-knit group and give our newcomers a real place in the community. "Lutefish and lefse” play aa m port art part tn the menu of the Norwegian far- i es on Christ, mas eve .After walking around the Christmas tree with jv-n<d hands, s r.gmg Christmas carcts. the Chratmas story from the chapter of Luke n the B-b.J s» rose and then finally the Chr-st- ■nas j. fts are diBtnbutid. One of the lovely custcms cvmmg from England has been the rt-'eadmg aloud tv the family • of Dicken's “A Christmas Carol ' either on Christmas evs or on Christmas day. Lionel Barry more who has so often delighted us with his portrayal of Scrooge once said of him. "Scrooge is just I an exaggeration of someone we've all met. A lonely, unhappy old man trying to get some interest out of life by pretending to be a tough guy—and just fur a little while getting away with it! But his toughness is only skin-deep, I really. That’s proven by the ease with which the crust was broken when once the Christmas ghosts got to work on him: The Ghost l of Christmas Past, which was his ! memory, the Ghost of Christmas i Present, which was his intuition; the Ghost of Christmas Future, which was his imag nation. "A Christmas Carol” typifies to people everywhere the break ing away from the selfish grasp- ing so often manifest during th® year and the emerg nee uf the goodwill, thoughtfulness and k>v® which is the true Christmas spirit Join The MARCH OF DIMES January 2 to 31 '^.C^ISTMAS KirmTMS Pebble Creek Dairy 1 JJrarr 3og “7 Ïapjnnr55 . iUk» THE STAR Br-t/ tt Y ;a Vernonia Service Station i »ixij« .. widh titaMfcÄ» fw yXfcf firwcJisii X’l.t • w f mb i I •-*■ r a,«i y J t ? ■ ,'<t . r’lfS T,JCsf ..'d QpiX’i '■.dj? lu ■ i ■ S: 1 m . rd - ; tient I ilrhristmas Cheer dll mur MEJUÏY CHR-'SrAiAS ?A I TH Y HAPPY 5TÎF YEAHÎ Â A V 9 » *r. V w- * * w v 9 9 THE LONG-BELL LUMBER COMP ANT Bf W VERNONIA DIVISION A A A A À puy 3i Ürtft irf t dttlîli. Vf iiJT Siamis f :r iHSCijyviti ip»; Hi» ¿'irrung l ” «piraciun if tu» Slip* t£ }«fMW JO-' wiil. W io iif M a// w if 9 Polly's Variety LY Hl'i'Sti.N 1 ■! » ■