Knights of Pythias, Pythian Sisters Elect Officers for Year Local Pythian groups have lect.d officers for the coming year as follows: For the Pythian Sisters: past chief, June Willis; most excellent ' h«?f, Lesta Garner; excellent ‘enior, Alice Weed; excellent iunior, Mary Sawyer; manager. Darlene May; secretary, Jennie Stanley; treasurer, Margaret ’one; protector, Rose Miller; guard, Faye Davis; pianist, Laur- eta Lamping; press correspon dent. Fern Kulland.r; trustee, •lettie Peterson and staff captain, x'abel Culbertson. To lead the Knights of Pythias ' ill be: Oren Weed, chancellor command r; John Barger, vice- ■hancellor; Ed Garner, master of works; Ben Fowler, prelate; Jscar Weed, secretary; R. M. Ald- ich, treasurer: Bruce Watson, ••naster-at-arms; Larry Garn r, inner guard and Frank Willis, outer guard. Wilbur Wilson has been ap pointed district deputy for the Knights also. The above officers will assume office at a joint installation on January 11 with Edith McFarland acting as installing officer for the and Paul Meyers of St. THE VERNONIA ORE. THURSDAY. DEC 24. 1953 1 donation. First prize winner for th i year's Christmas business window FIVE YEARS AGO display is Mrs. Oscar Vike at From The Eagle. Dec. 23. 1948 the Terminal cafe. Sam's Food Store was judged second. This Ralph Aldrich. O-A Lumber contest is an annual affair spon corporation. Merle Cline and sored by the Vernonia Business Clyde May. representing the Co Women. lumbia Tree Farm and M. A. Oakes. 1WA Local 5-37, wer • at FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Salem Thursday and Friday to From The Eagle. Dec 23. 19JI attend the fifth annual industrial One 12,000-gallon storage tar. ■> safety conference. for diesel oil and a 6.000-gallo i Christmas Seal sale returns tank for stove oil are to be in were slow in coming in. For this stalled at the Shell Oil plant. ar a $464 had been received from William Briot, manager said. seal letters up to this time. Mrs. Lee Engcn, city librarian, Howard Rundell landed an 18- announced the purchased of It pound steelhead Saturday below adult fiction volumes for the 1. Birkenfeld. brary from the display of book, exhibited during national boo TEN YEARS AGO week. From The Eagle, Dec. 23, 1943 Ed Condit, Lee Hall. Oscar Going to the Hillsboro blood Weed. Charles VanAlstin *, Jac doning center last Friday to give Tomlin. George Bak t and Rev blood were: Mrs. Ray Zimmer- H. R Scheuerman were appointed dahl, Mrs John Ruediger, Mrs. as a sacking committee to pre Irene Baucom and Mrs. Virgil pare sacks of candy that will b" Powell. Mrs. M. B. St.ers, who given away at the community is a member of the motor corps, Christmas tree program Friday drove her car but did not make a evening. YESTERDAYS Helens, grand vice-chancellor of Oregon, will install the Knights. This ceremony will be open to the public and an evening of en tertainment is planned for those who attend. Both groups will hold a regu lar meeting before that date. The Sisters met December 23 to hold their annual Christmas party with gift exchange. This was also the birthday party for those having birthdays in October. No vember and December. The Knights will meet on December 28. Officers for Star Installed EAGLE, MR. AND MRS. DENNIS DAVIS Married 50 years Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Davis wen- honored Sunday, D.cember 23. At a ceremony, which took on the occasion of their 53th wed place Wednesday evening of last ding anniversary when all of I week. Dtcember 16. the officers their children, grandchildren and to fill the chairs for the year great grandchildren were pr sent , 1954 were installed for Nehalem at their home on Clatsop street chapter No. 153, Order of Eastern to wish them well and help cele- Star. brat.. Taking the office of worthy i The goldenweds received many matron for the coming year was gifts from fri nds and family and i Florence Brunsman. Others hold a decorated cake for the event ' ing positions with the official was served for dessert after Sun- family for the coming year are: worthy patron, Pete Brunsman, ' associate matron, Lucille Tomlin; a.-sociate patron, Thomas Tomlin; ; sercetary, Mona Gordon; treasur NATAI. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. | er, Janet Bridgers; conductress, Wells have moved in the Pringl? Alvilda Hearing; associate con recently vacated by ductress, Lillian Davis; chaplain, residenc ' Celia Laird; marshal, Eva Hear the E. Kyser family. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack wert ing; organist, Bess Nichols; Ada. Stona S rafin; Ruth, Ella Cline; | in Portland on Monday evening Esther, Isabelle Brunsman; Mar and enjoyed a movie before r - I j turning home. tha, Dorothy Peterson; Electa, Mr. Ike Dass and son made a Elizabeth Serafin; warder. Isabel Culbertson and sentinel, Sam trip to Portland last Friday. Allan Holding sp nt Wednes . Hearing, Jr. Installing officers were: worthy day night with his cousin, Larry I i matron, Martha Burdett; worthy Oblack. Mr. and Mrs. Hank Wilson and patron, James Burdet; associate matron, Edna Linn; associate pa family are spending a few days tron, Walter Linn; chaplain, in Portland. Mrs. Bill Wolff is the grand- Marie Hawkins; marshal, Alli? Dickson and organist. Amy Kam- holz. officers were: worthy matron, Florence Messing; wor thy patron, Emil Messing; associ ate patron. Pete Brunsman; mar shal Mona Gordon and conduc tress, Minnie Hughes. Program numbers were presented during the evening and included, songs by the faculty three. Bill Fergerson, Jack Reynolds and Bill Johnson, and songs by B.r- nard Dowling. day dinner. Present for th.’ day were: Mr. and Mrs. Orin Davis, Mr. and Mrs. John McLeod and Frank. Wayne and Joe of Yamhill; Mr. and Mrs. I.ce Davis and J:m and Jerry of Gaston, and Mrs. Kate Spauling r of Forest Grove. Mr. and Mrs Davis were mar ried in Effingham county, Illi- nois in 1903 and came to Oregon in 1920. They have been resi dents cf Vernonia since 1925. Residents ol Home Change i I f I | * Y<ars may ronic and year« .1 may so but Santa Clam is with us forever. Me'« coming again this year, with a full nack. So sweep out your chimney and I mother of a new baby girl, by adontion. born Decemb-r, 6. Th littl? one came to make her home with Mrs. Wolff’s son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stuve of Birkcnfe’d. Sh w’ighed in at 7 pounds. 10 ounces and has been named Dianne Arlana. t Floyd Deeds of Salt Lake, Utah arrived last Wednesday and -pent I a few days visiting his folks, th? Noble Dunlaps. Callers at the Knute Johnson home last week were George Als- bury and Johnny Wilson of Los Angeles, California. / Sounal / Practical A Siirs»\ / Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway.\ / Call Spokane, Portland and Seattle Railway \ Z/today to schedule your shipment or plan your tripX C. L. JOHNSON. RAILROAD STATION General Offices: American Bank Bldg., Portland. Ore. SPOKANE. PORTLAND and SEATTLE RAILWAY SYSTEM Ship »nd Travel "The Northwest's Own Railway" r pct ready for the jolly visitor, ; who lia« had special order» from , us to bless your home with a very Merry Chri«tma«. X X Steers Variety Members of Society Exchange Gifts St. Mary's Altar Society met at the home of Mrs. Joe Vander- Zanden December 16. The Christ mas party was held with an ex change of gifts. The care of the church and the January meeting will be by Mrs. C. Anderson and the hostess for the January 16 card party will be Mrs. Frank Schmidlin. First and only low-priced car to bring you all these new features and advantages! N ew ! N ew ! Nad POWER BRAKES First in the Low Price Field! AUTOMATIC WINDOW AND SEAT CONTROLS Chevrolet Power Brakes make stop ping wonderfully easy and conven ient. Optional at extra cost on Power glide models. Touch a button to adjust front win dows or seat. Optional on Bel Air and "Two-Ten” models at extra cost. NEW POWER IN "BLUE-FLAME 125” ENGINE Most Powerful in iti Fieldl Most powerful Chevrolet passenger car engine ever built! Teamed with Powcrglide, optional at extra cost. N ew ! N ew ! N ew ! NEW POWER IN “BLUE-FLAME 115” ENGINE NEW STYLING IN BODY BY FISHER FINEST, MOST COLORFUL INTERIORS Out Powari All Other low Priced Corri Another Chevrolet taclutirul in the low Price Fitldl All around the car. and from every angle, you see new beauty in the only Fisher Body in Chev rolet's field. Here are the most luxurious interiors on any low-priced car. New interior color harmonies are keyed to brilliant new exterior colors. In gearshift models, the more power ful "Blue-Flame 115" engine also gives you finer performance with money-saving gas milcage! More Chevrolet "Firsts"! N ew ! LOWER PRICED POWER STEERING Another Chtrroltl Firtf'l The first Power Steering in its field now reduced in price! Op tional at extra cost on all models. To our customers and to our fellow business Associates, Qreetings... The Pal Shop Nad CHEVROLET'S EXCLUSIVE POWERGLIDE Now for All Model 11 Now you can have smooth, thrifty Powerglide on any model Teamed with the "Blue-Flame 125” engine, it's optional at extra cost. CHEVROLET^ Mara >•»•<•»• MOTO p»ap*» won, < W*|r MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS than any athar tari VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY Standard Oil Products Phone 342 “A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE” Your Chevrolet and G.M. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon