THURSDAY, DEC 24, 1953 THE ■2 EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. Grangers Meet for Annua) Yule Party Our Great America A ty Illness Causes Stay in Hospital rt COtM NATAL — Mrs. Ike Dass has -pent several days in Longview to be with her mother. Mrs. Cook, who has been seriously ill and Theatre Joi/ SEASON GREETINGS THUMB.. FRI. DEC. 24 25 WINGS OF THE HAWK Van H.flin - Julia Adams Plus WALT DISNEYS PROWLERS OF THE EVERGLADES SATURDAY DEC. 26 THE SWORD AND THE ROSE (Color) Richard Todd . Glynis John SUW_ MON DEC. 27 28 THE GREAT SIOUX UPRISING (Color) .left Chandler - Faith Domerque TUES.. WED. DEC. 29-30 THE GOLDEN BLADE (Color) Rock Hudson - Piper Laurie Plus BLACK FURY in a hospital for medical care. Ronda Edgerton was an over­ night guest of Maxine Oblack on Tuesday. Forest Grove motorists Thurs­ day were Mr. and Mrs. George Mathews. They were accom­ panied by Mrs. Robert Mathews and Mrs. L. P. Mathews. Mrs. Noble Dunlap was a For­ est Grove visitor last Wednesday. Mrs. Clyde Henderson called on Mrs. Dorothy Jones one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Vicors of Portland were Saturday over night guests at th: Hershey home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff and Mrs. Kenneth Tupper attended a wedding reception, Dec.mbcr 5, at Helvetia hall, honoring Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hayes. Mrs. Hayes is a niece and cousin, res­ pectively of Mr. Wolff and Mrs. Tupper. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wolff were recent Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Davis in Ver­ nonia. The occasion was Mr. Wolff’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Knute Johnson are happy over the arrival of a granddaughter Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilham who reside in California. -TO HAMiNÓ 1WFIR FOOlftALX AMt«iCAN ' COilttfe WFR ¿NlMAL*. COUNTRY 5 TOP couwc fifvw* ACT €» CAUEP TÍótRÍ, 7 CAUfP BFARC, 7 VUU.DCATÍ, 3 LIONX, ■? PANlWS, 2 BobCATS ANp 2 COU6ARS good wishes A no At pfvan puioN. -rut •MA«ON-P»VON* UNE se mro A DiSVUTF 0fTNffN IMF BAtTlAlORf AMP WNN F am " F< A n P (6 IHf WÑ1 FOUNPAftV BFT^/FFM ’• Pt f*>J 50 VAN IA A m P MACtylfNO 1C PFWfTWi UOUStN* FC® rTS ¿JOCHEO** 5 WHUf lOAPlfAJ fDLPVJOOP AION6 1V*f MAiNF CQA-ÇT A PAVTR COMPANY 0UIL1 A WOO PS CAMP ON A . TUf nCWftN* CAAAP W»1H (DMPtFTf FAClITtf/ FOR HOu«N6 ANP FFFPiUÄ A LOÄilNM CRrU g AOVFP FRPM .> £ ? ft tide Seoson ond o suc­ cessful New Year. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dove will leave today for Springfield where they plan to spend the Christ­ mas holiday with relatives of Mrs. Dove. He will go to Salem the 28th and 29th of this month to attend the Oregon adminis­ trators conference. DANCE Saturday. December 2S. Legion hall. Dan LeGore s or- 5211c chestra. Mr. and Mrs. Clint Seibert and Jenny and David returned here to thsir home on Rock Creek Friday from Fresno, California. I Remaining in California as stu­ dents of Fresno Union Academy are Martyn, Ruby and Leland. Mr. and Mrs. Seibert plan to re­ main here. Mrs. Jim Hamilton of Hayward California visit.d Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Schwab all of last week. She is the former Diana Peas- nall and a sister of Mrs. Schwab. YEARS EVE carnival NEW dance. Bill's Swingsters. Adm. S1.25. By Legion Auxiliary. 51f3c Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davies and children left here Tuesday even­ ing for Saciamenio, California where they will spend Christmas with a sistei of his and other members of the family as well as Mr. and Mrs. Ed Salomonsen, who left here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Salomonsen will vacation in the south for the remainder of the winter. DANCE Saturday. Dictmbir 23. Legion hall. Dan LeGore's or­ chestra. 5211c Mr, and Mrs. Frank Selig of Lack r Vill, California arrived last week in Vernonia for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Alice Nich­ ols, and sister, Mrs. Julia Davis, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Selig will remain in Vernonia for a few more days, then will return to California wher. he is an auto­ mobile dealer. A sophism is a false argument intentially used to deceive. H. H. Sturdevant HAPPY HOLIDAY to all of you. May no e’eud appear to disturb its serenity. BEST WISHES Mill Market and Lockers WESLEY BOLMEIER AX’D BILL NELSON i ti 3»3i3»31 3S»3i 3i’3i 3i 3i Xi 3i3» 3i 3\ 3 í 3¿ 3»3« 3t3i i » y .-’Z 5 An UXüCUNP O*UNf «Í 4 700,000,000 vMORTM Of FORfTT PWX'UCK A y FAR *N "UX UMlTfp ÍTATC«. TUi< K FÖUAl TO ONf TWiRP 1X VAUX OF TMtí COUNTRY'< ANNUAL AT CWF TOWN TOPICS Carrier Ill, Substitues on Yuletide ¡oy Ir IIt I We extend our wishes ♦or o delightful Yule- Mrs. Georgia Rogers left Sun­ day for Salem to be with her family during the holidays. for your Carl would like to thank the members of Winema and especi ally the H E C. for their coopera tio’n during the years he served as master. Mr. and Mrs A. M. Perry were out from Portland last week end Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lippsntritt have moved their belongings to their home in Seaside. Z1MEPICA5 $T *t*‘f'/«WED LAMP SufiVt/ A.3<>.3)3,3»3\3<>.?.»S<3l>.3<5<3i^i?. i / i « 3« 3i 3< 3.3. ? s } * t *• ” ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft «»->. -