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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1953)
« THURSDAY, DEC. 17. 1953 EAGLE. THE VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General WANTED IF YOU are planning on giving homemade articles for Christmas I have such gifts as lovely organ dy aprons, practical, pretty print aprons, painted teatowels, pillow cases, pot holders and luncheon < loths and bun warmers with baskets and trays. I also have a few things for the new baby you have to get a little gift for. Made by Mrs. Odam. See them at Mrs. Lamping's home, 758 Weed Ave. ______ 511 lc TWENTY INCH tricycle, condition. Mrs. Charles No. 7, O A hill Phone «44. Good Wall, 49t.3 MEN and WOMEN: We n°ed re- pi sentatives in your locale to help fill out an organization for business surveys, delinquent ac count listings, polls and public opinions . . . Ideal part-time work . . . Choose your own hours. . . . Your nearest telephone may be your place of business for sur. ■/< s not requiring the signatures Of those interviewed . . . Send SI for administrative guarantee f.e, application blank, questionnaire, plan of operation, and all details on how you may manage a survey ■ up for us . . . GARDEN STATE a id NATIONAL SURVEYS. P.O. B< < 83, Cedar Grove, New Jersey. ______ 51t3c ONE 30x40 plate glass mirror. Pei fed. Like new. $23.00. Call 617. 50t3 ALDER LOGS WANTED Will pay premium price for really good logs. JURGENS MILLS Beaver Springt Road—Rainier Phone 6-8256 25tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126, 14tfc CARPENTRY WORK: Repair, re modeling, new construction. Rea sonable rates by day or by con tract. E. J. Parkhurst, 1042 Weed Ave., or see Pete Brunsman. 50tfc FOR RENT FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Three rooms and bath. Electric range, oil heat. River view Apartments. 36tfc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF STREET VACATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN I CHOW puppies. A. K. Creg. Will That the City Council of the City of Vernonia has passed a r solu ho:d for Christmas. C. B. Has- kt .7, Cherry Grove. Phone 528 tion of its intention to vacate the ton. 49t3 following portions of the follow- ing streets: N' 'TICE: No sale Christmas week. 1. The south one-half of G Street, Auction every Friday including commencing at the west sida of N< v Year's day. Cash paid for Washington Avenue and extend lu : niture, tools, livestock, ma- ing west to Rock Creek. cl iery, any day. Altman's Aue- 2. Washington Avenue from the ti< n Mart, Forest Grove, Phones south side of G Stre t and ex 7615 and 7612. 50t4c tending south to Rock Creek. NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN that S EWING machines. Electric, a public hearing will be held on I und bobbin. Nationally ad- I Monday, January 4, 1954, at 8 v< Used. $139 valu ■, $59.50. No o’clock p.m. in the Council Cham < n payment, $5 month. Used bers in the City Hall in Vernonia, . -bines from $5. All fully guar Oregon, on this matter, at which ir‘eed. New Way Sewing Ma time any person desiring to ob < • le Cent r, 138 E. Main. Hills. ject thereto may be heard. Any ■ ' Phon ■ SISI 5ot3 person may file with the City E NEW 17-inch Hoffman table Recorder objections to the pro t del ea .y-vision amber screen posed vacation any time prior to t • vision set. Will sell at whole January 4, 1954. DATED this 8th day of D.cem- sale price. Call 617. 50t3 ber, 1953. SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill Sam L. Hearing, City Recorder d '. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 50t4c 26t52<- PARAKETS for sale. A. F. Scha. Io .8, phone 1322. 50t3c Al RON SHOP, clothing repairs, i '■•¡stitching. At Vernonia Clean- t. June Willis, phone 1211. 23tfc AUCTION: Every Friday. We h: '. e a good mark t for your live- st< k, furniture, tools, poultry. Wt buy, sell, trade, every week d< •, paying cash for livestock, fu nture, machinery, tools. Alt- rr. :’s Auction Mart, Forest Grove. Phones: 7615 nights, 5320, Walt Altman, Auctioneer, selling live- stock or general farm sales any- where. lltfc FOR SALE—Real Estate I FARMS duced for quick sale: 25 17 in cultivation. Year- stream; 7-room house, now $3100. Very good ICE i acres, und Price terms. 1.0 ACRES. 40 in cultivation; year- round stream, 7-room modern h -use and 2-room house plus large barn and other bldgs. Price $12,000, good terms. SAWMILL with 52 inch saw. 125 H P. gas motor, 4x32” edger with 40 HP. Case Motor; 4 i ectric motors. Priced at $8500 G'tod terms. DON BAYLEY BROKER M«. Donald Hotel Vernonia. Ore. 5Otlc ALL MODERN 2-bedroom home 2 aer.-s, on river. Furnished unfurnished. Must sacrifice . ash Call 6119 51 tl FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks '39 BUICK sedan. Good trans portation. Phone 1692. 50t3 ■41 EORD 1‘i-ton L.W.B. flat bed truck. Only 6000 miles on new motor and clutch assembly. Two-speed rear axle, 4-speed transmission. Rigged for logs or lumber. Call 6119, 51tl FOR SALE—Insurance BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Co,, writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. 37tfc An omnivorous animal eats both animal and vegetable foods. NOTICE OF ORGANIZATION OF PEBBLE CREEK LIVE STOCK DISTRICT. ORDERED BY LEGAL VOTERS THEREIN AT ELECTION OF DECEMBER I 1. 1953. WHEREAS at an election duly held at the polling place for the Vernonia No. 3 voting precinct on December 1. 1953, in accord ance with the procedure set forth in Chapter 513 Oregon Laws for 1949, the following described lands, to-wit: South half of Section 9; South half of Section 10; South half of Section 11; and all of Sec tions 14, 15, 16. 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 29. 33, 34 and 35. and the east half of Section 32 in Township 4 North of Range 4 West of the Willa mette Meridan were ordered to be incorporated as a grazing district for the pur pose of making it lawful for livestock to run at large therein; and WHEREAS the boundaries of such area is given as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of Section 35. Town ship 4 N. of R. 4 W.W.M., in Columbia County, Or‘gon; thence westerly along Town ship line to the Southwest cornrr of the Southeast quar ter of Section 32 Township 4 North of R. 4 W.W.M.; thence northerly along sub division lin -s to the North west corner of the North east quarter of said Section 32; thence Wist along Sec tion line to the Northwest corner of said Section 32; thence northerly along sec tion lines to the Northwest corner of S.ction 20 Town ship 4 N.. P. 4 W.W.M.; thence Easterly along Section line to the North last Corner of said Section 20; thence Northerly to the quarter cor- n r common to Sections 8 and 9. Township 4 N., R. 4 W.W.- M.; thence Easterly along subdivision lines to the quar- t i corner common to Sections 11 and 12 T. 4 N„ R. 4 W.- W.M.; thence South along section lines to the place of beginning. NOW THEREFORE, in com- 1 pliance with the r.quirements set forth in said Chapter 513 Oregon Laws for 1949, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on and after the sixtieth day from the date of the first publica tion of this notice, it shall be lawful for anyone owning or havin'» th»’ co^todv. possession or control of livestock to permit th’ same to run at large within the boundaries ol th.' lands above described, the name of which shall be "Pebble Creek Livestock District.” This notice is publish d once each week for three consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in Columbia County. Oregon, as required by law, and the date of the first publication thereof is December 17, 1953. (County Court Seal) C. W. Wickman County Clerk of Columbia County, Oregon 51t3c The Congressman, his wife and 14-year-old son are driving east and will leave immediately after Christmas so as to reach Wash ington in time for the convening of th: second session Repres.ntative Walter Norblad closed his Salem. Oregon office this week and all future corres pondence should b« addressed to mm at the House Office Building, Washington, D.C. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Lost Won 14 38 King’s Grocery 30 22 Bob's Service 27 25 Mill Market 9 43 Clatskanie CITY LEAGUE 9 43 Dessy's 26 >2 25 4 Team No. 4 20 32 Sundlands 36 *r 15S S. P. & S. TWERP LEAGUE 6 10 Duscnbury's 7 9 L ew ’ s Place 8 8 A. B C.'s 11 5 Vernonia Bakery WOMENS LEAGUE 41 Dessy’s 88 Safeway Store 26 Vernonia Drug 13 Sam’s Food Store had their Women bowl Ts Christmas party Tuesday night at the bowling alley. R fresh- ments ware served and gifts ex- changed. LEGAL NOTICE_______ 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator >f the estate of An drew M. Park r, deceased, by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Columbia county, and has qualifi d. All persons having claims against said estate are f hereby notified to present the same to me at Clatskanie, Ore gon with vouchers and duly veri fied within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publication De cember 3, 1953. Date of last publication Decem ber 31. 1953. Albert L. Parker. Administrator John L. Foote, St. Helens, Oregon. Attorney. 49t5 CLASSIFIED RATES MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum, 2c each. Three inser- ' lions for the price of two. be given out until after paper is mailed. KENTUCKY BLENOEO WHISKEY 86 PROOF. 65X GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. THE OLD SUNNY BROOK CO., LOUISVILLE. KY. \^Record-Breaking History-Making LOST AND FOUND 1951 OLDS super 88 4-dr. sedan. Hydramatic. radio, heater and beautiful 2-tone finish. Full guarantee $1795 1946 OLDS 4 dr. sedan. radio and heater $545 1947 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan, 2-tone green. 35.000 actual miles $695 1941 FORD coupe $125 1950 FORD 2-dr. sedan, Heater. nice Guaran- condition. teed S950 1946 l'l-ton truck, flat bed. New motor, thoroughly re $695.00 conditioned. 49tlc VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY 27 Years in Business in Vernonia Vernonia Phone 342 SOtlc Representative Closes Office at Salem I Bowling Results LEGAL NOTICE LOST: Blue parakeet. Answers to name of Joey. Talks. Very friendly. Phone Reward. 49t3c I On Drycleaning i Cash and Carry at Ouij New Store on Bridge St. | i TRY OUR HOME MOTH SERVICE • Pickup and Delivery Road Test the Elegant New Action Car That Shattered 196 Records for Performance, Stamina and Endurance! Here’s the car that prorrx what others just promise . . . clinch»» what others claim! Come see and drive the new '54 Dodge that rewrote the official AAA * record book. You will discover the flashing per formance of PowerFlite Drive—newest, smoothest, most powerful of all automatic transmissions . . . the matchless steering Tuesday and Friday S&H Green Stamps Call 1211—No Discount • LAUNDERED SHIRT ease of full-time Power Steering . . . and the surging power of the stepped-up 150- h.p. Red Ram V-8 engine—winner over all 8's in the .Mobilgas Economy Run. It's the one new car that gives you proof of performance far ahead of its field. 3 great series: Royal V-8. Coronet V-8 and 6. Meadowbrook V-8 and 6. Mora To It—More In It—More Of It! SPECIAL EACH PowerFlite fully - Automatic. No clutch, no lag or hesitation, no jolt or jerk. SEAWRIGHT’S Cleaners and Tailors Power Steering full-Time takes more of the work out leaves all the pleasure in! Red Ram V-8 full of Power — the most efficient engine in any American car. HAWKEN MOTORS •Th. A (’'•'•icon Automobile Association it the supreme authority on American per formance records. RowerFiite and full-time Power Steering are optional equipment. Sp»o*eot>am. eqi/ipiwgnt and pr<or lubfOCf tp dtong» without optic«. — 868 Bridge Street h.’ -d The Long-Bell LUMBER COMPANY Vernonia Division I L ----- - THE HOUSEWIFE'S FIRST CHOICE ALWAYS Order today from— SAM'S FOOD STORE Free Delivery Phone 7S1 Meals Prod-:» Fine Grocer«) Z H Z H Z H Z H Z H Z M Z M Z H