Sisterhood Initiates ** ew Member Tuesday ■Irs. Evelyn Heath was hos- s to the P E O. Sisterhood on esdav evening of last week at "rich time Mrs. Myra Sorenson • a . s initiated into the group. Mrs. Dorothy Sandon gave her ¿ram on the “History of the '■ -dern Handkerchief.” The first ’ ikv dates back to the 15th cen- v and was a plain. 45-inch ..¡arc. Gradually the size de- c ased and decorative designs re added until the hanky as we sow it today came into use. Auxiliary Entertains Legicn at Yule Party State President Lona Pickell 1 ■ .1 Grand Secretary Edna Pierce I be the guests of the ladies ixiliary No. 2324. Fraternal ">'der of Eagles, at a special -*■ cting which will take place ■ day night. December 18, at 8 : *i. All members of the auxiliary - urged to att nd the meeting. Annual Yule Party to ike Place December 20 The Eagles lodge will hold its •.iual Christmas party Sunday '.ernoon. December 20. A pot- .uck dinner will be served at 2 4 4 • ! Auxiliary to Fete High Officers Friday Program Is Plan 01 Mist Club The American Legion Auxiliary entertained the Legion and their TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. families Tuesday evening at a MIST — Mrs. Carl Enneberg An exchange and Mr. and Mrs. George Jones Eric Carlson, Ann Beth and Jack, Christmas party. of Garibaldi visit *d her parents of gifts was h. id and there were were recent dinner guests of Mr. over the week end. Sunday the treats for the children. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach at Birken family met for a re-union dinner. feld. Ten members of the Legion and Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mrs. L P. Wikstrom has b en Carlson, Anna Beth and Jack of Auxiliary attended open house at doing some painting m her home Garibaldi; Mr. and Mrs. Carl the Veterans hospital. The gift th" past week. Nealeigh. Eunice and Ronnie, and shop was a sight that will not be Mrs. George Jones had a very Thousands of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride soon forgotten. gifts were on display. These gifts serious sick spell one night last and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Carver of are donated by th • units and then week. Th? doctor was called in Fair Oakes, California are the . given to th. veterans for their haste. She is a little improved at this time. Barents of a son. Lloyd Russell, families. Christmas is keeping everyone six pounds, 6*4 ounces, born De A grocery shower was held re busy at this time. It will soon cember 4 Mrs. Claude McCarl. J cently for a needy family. be here, too, so we wish you all grandmother, is with the baby a very merry Christmas. and mother. The Young People’s club is Claude McCool of Marian Forks Club Hears Report on planning a program in the near visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale future. Saturday. He is convalescing Early Vernonia History from a three-week stay in the Mrs Austin Dowling and Ber The Vernonia Study club met nard Emanuel hospital due to a spinal were in Clatskanie Friday. ! at the home of Mrs. Reatha Horn strain. New r liters have moved into Mr. and Mr«. Turner Daniel, ' D.cember 3. Mrs. Amy Katnholz the little cottage owned by the Mrs. Flora Whitmire and Mrs. I was in charge of the program Irving Knowles. Byron Kirkbride motor, d to Mr .and Mrs, Walter Mathew Hillsboro and Forest Grove Sat. which was a report on early his were in Portland recently. tory of Vernonia. urday. WMS met last Wednesday at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walter The Christmas party will take 1 the home of Mr. . Howard Jones. and Larry Mundav of Portland place at the home of Mrs. Lillian were in Treharne Sunday visiting Greenman December 17 and th friends and relatives. They visited social committie will be in charge Gifts Exchanged at Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale in the of the program afternoon. Pinochle Club Party Mrs. Dorothy Dougall of Port The Friendly Pinochle club land visited her daughter. Mrs. Dancers Slated to Ruth Pierce, at the Bert Tisdale held its Christmas party at the Hear Guest Callers home Friday. j horn • of Mrs. Al Sauer. An ex- Glen Hawkins will be the guest I | chang" of gifts followed the de- call r for the Nehalem Valley , licious Christmas dessert served Circle Sets Date of Squares Friday. December 18 at I : by the hostess and the plav. Party, Gifts Exchange . * * the Birkenfeld gym. He will also I High core was won by Darlene Nehalem Circle 881, Neighbors cal! for the Do-Si-Do club Sat May and low by Judy Davis The of Woodcraft, members will en urday at Natal when that group n xt meeting will be at the home joy their annual Christmas party will hold its Christmas party. of Mrs. Fred May. December 17 at the IOOF hall. Les Cope and Ralph Lindsey of A pot-luck supper at 6:30 will he Longview will call at the Marsh- I Pennyroyal is a strong-scented followed by a program and gift land grange hall near Clatskanie herb of the mint family. exchange. Saturday. December 19. THE EAGLE. THURSDAY. DEC ORE. VERNONIA, Three Names Selected For Prize Awards 17. 19S3 3 BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia. Oregon The thre? who were given floor prizes Saturday at the an nual ladies day sale at Brunsman Hardware were Mrs. Homer Gwin. Elsie Sherman and M rs. N Hog- berg. Winners so far for last wvek's profit sharing numbers wer. Lena Blount and Nellie Tip ton. PHONE 853 NEHALEM VALLEY Hajji is a title conferred upon Mahammedans who have pilgrim aged to Mecca MOTOR FREIGHT _________________________ i XHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH!ft FOR CHRISTMAS | $1.69, $1.98 TREE LIGHTS, SPECIAL Each lamp burns independently 1 I TINSEL H GARLANDS. TREE BOXED CHOCOLATES ORNAMENTS. 1 TO I POUNDS CANDLES ON SPECIAL Large, Scented Candles, burn 250 hours I [ I | I ¿íZHZHZMZHXHZHZriZHZHZHZHZR I Í I I I I • » I I I I I » « « EXPENSIVE 1 I I 4 4 j I 4 4 Reunion Brings Family Together SLIP-UP! If someone is injured bile on your premises fl vill you be financially I I able to pay for any dam- 9 • .¿es awarded against! I i ,ou? Will you be able} I 4 „ J afford legal defense? | I < fl < 4 I i I I 4 • 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 I I i I 4 i I i The answer is “Yes”. } 1 you have Residence j ¡ability Insurance. Ask I lis Hartford agency I I i » • bout it! I i I I VERNONIA INSURANCE I I Bill J. Horn, Agent I I 4 I I i I I I 905 Bridge Street Phone 231 — Vernonia : I »I 4 t I I You Get More HERE 4 *4 i I ♦ I I I Powered for Performance! I I 1 X r I baby of the ; Even the ‘family knows he’ll get i more for his food dol- • ¡ar at Mill Market and I » Lockers, Tcp quality I I I plus low prices makes I the Mill Market and I i I I I I • I • I I • I I Lockers your i i I • ii i I t i • « • I I i I /-¿eAA with POWtR iUKtl. AUTOMATIC WINDOW —d »AT CONTROLS with money-saving gas mileage I In every way, Chevrolet now brings you even more of the things you want. More beauty with brilliant new styling in Body by Fisher and bright new color har monies outside and inside the car. More power and finer performance with new high-compression engine power in all models. More comforts and conveniences including the richest new interiors in Chevrolet history and such new features as Power Brakes and Automatic. Electric Window and Seat Controls. And, thanks to advanced Chevrolet engineer ing, all this with new economy, too. The fact is, you'll find that no other car offers to many things you want at such low cost. That means the low first cost of the lowest-priced line in its field. And it means money-saving economy of operation and upkeep, as well. Stop in and take a good look at the best looking Chevrolet you ever saw! - : one stop on the parade} for values. Remember } I —if you can’t make it i in person just phone • i MILL MARKET AND LOCKERS II Remember— I I DELIVERIES TWICE • DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. I PHONE 1391 t /-(/ist (/n, -¿Ae . the new car that combines great new performance number j • ■ I I i our order in for free I I I ♦ delivery. i • I I I I I I I I I I I ] Engineered for Economy! ever built . I • Power brakes for easier stops Now Chevrolet brings you Power Brakes to make stopping wonder fully easv and convenient. Optional on Powcrglide models at extra cost. New, automatic window and seat controls The touch of a button adjusts front seat and windows. Optional on Bel Air and "Two-Ten" models at extra cost. Mere Things more people wont. Ihot's why MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! New styling that will stay new New interior richness There's a new. lower, smarter look about this new Chevrolet. All around the car, you'll see new styling that brings you Fisher Body at its beautiful best. Fine new upholstery fab rics with a more liberal use of beautiful, durable vinyl trim. New color treatments in harmony with the brilliant new exterior colors. Thrifty new power in all models New, lower price on power steering Now, in Powcrglide mod els. is the more powerful “Blue-Flame 125" en gine. Gearshift models offer the more powerful Blue-Flame 115." Chevrolet Power Steering now reduced in price! It does 80% of the work to give you easy, sure control. Optional at extra cost on all models. SYMBOL OF fMBLEM O« SAVINGS EXCELLENCE VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY Standard Oil Producta Phone 342 “A SAFE PLACE TO TRADE” Your Chevrolet and GM. Dealer Vernonia, Oregon s