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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1953)
6 THURSDAY, DEC. 10. 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. CLASSIFIEDS ORE. i WANTED ROASTING HENS: Dressed. Call 1183. Mrs. Joe VanderZanden. 49t2 LOGS: We are now buying alder, ash and maple logs. Good prices, prompt payment, your inquiries given fast attention. B. P. John Funitur? Cc-poration. 5200 S.W. Macadam, Portland 1, Oregon Atwater 0151. 1 ■' year very Wall, 49t3 ONE 30 x 40 plate glass mirror. Pnfect. Like new. $23.00. Call «17 50t3 PARAKETS for sale. lock, phone 1322. A. F. Scha. 50t3c SPINET PIANO Big savings for qu> k sale to responsible family. Tn de-in acceptable. Cash or ter •ns. May be seen in Vernonia. W> :e L. A. Glazier, 153 S. High, Salem, Or. gon. 49t2c C»:OW puppies. A. K. Creg. Will ho d for Christmas. C B. Has- ki Cherry Grove. Phone 528 i >n. 49t3 ALDER LOGS WANTED Will pay premium price really good logs. for JURGENS MILLS Beaver Springs Road—Rainier Phone 6 8256 25tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc WANTED oo5dohnso NOTICE: No sale Christmas w tek. CARPENTRY WORK: R pair, re I Au lion every Friday including modeling, new construction. Rea New Year's day. Cash paid for sonable rates by day or by con furniture, tools, livestock, ma- tract. E. J. Parkhurst, 1042 Weed chi-.ery, any day. Altman’s Auc- Ave., or see Pete Brunsman. 50tfc tim Mart, Forest Grove, Phones /i. and 7612. 50t4c CHILD CARE in my home. Rea S I: W ING machines. Electric, sonable rat s by the hour, day or round bobbin. Nationally ad- week. Monday through Friday. vr ■ .sed. $139 valu'1, $59.50. No 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Supervised by do n payment, $5 month. Used Mrs. Bill Vlcek and Mrs. Jack 50tlc no : nines from $5. All fully guar Reynolds. Phone 1517. nì eed. New Way Sewing Ma FOR TRADE ch e Cent r, 138 E. Main, Hills, bora. Phon? 3331. 50t3 EQUITY in 1953 Meadowbrook ONE NEW 17 inch Hoffman table four-door Dodge sedan; 12,000 model easy-vision amber screen miles on speedometer, for good, t‘ vision set. Will sell at whole- older car. First house on l.ft, 48t3 aa e price. Call 617. 50t3 7th St.. Riverview CALF for sale. Pebble Creek P. -ry. Phon»- 16212. 50tl LOVELY SPINET SLIGHTLY USED At a Bargain! F>* crai Small Uprights, Used Si ndid Values. Buy Th m at FOR RENT NICE. CLEAN apartment for rent. Newly decorat-'d. 376 North Street. L. M Porterfield. 48tfc FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent. Three rooms and bath. Electric range, oil heat. River view Apartments. 36tfc PORTLAND MUSIC COMPANY 514 E. W. Third Avenue Portland, Oregon MODERN, 3-room house with i utility room. Electric heat, , re See lirigerator, ‘electric stove. Bill French or phone 847. 50t 1 H‘.Y ANU S'IH a W, grain and fetd grain. Fair prices as to qutlity and quantity. Will con sider beef or milk cattle in trade, f ■• er Bergerson, Timber Rt., Ver nonia, Oregon._______ 36tfc MODERN 2-bedrm. home. Phone 1322. A. F. Schalock. 50tlc S 'ND, gravel, crushed rock, fill d Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 26t52c APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, ti‘ titching. At Vernonia Clean- • June Willis, phone 1211. ____________________________ 23tfc AUCTION: Every Friday. We h; • a good market for your live- rt< k, furniture, tools, poultry. We buy. sell, trade, every week de paying cash for livestock, Ii-’iture, machinery, tools. Alt ai,. s Auction Mart, Forest Grove. Phones: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt A 1-nan, Auction« r, selling live stock or general farm sales any- where,______________________ 11 tie FOR SALE—Real _E.tat_e FARMS PRICE r.dueed for quick sale: 25 -.res, 17 in cultivation. Year- und stream; 7-rootn house. Price now $3100. Very good terms. i 0 ACRES. 40 in cultivation, vear- und stream. 7-room modem ' use and 2-room house plus large barn and other bldgs, ce $12,000, good terms. S AWMILL with 52-inch saw, 125 H P. gas motor, 4x32" edger v. ith 40 H P Case Motor; 4 « ctric motors. Priced at $8500 G <xi terms. ON BAYLEY BROKER . Donald Hotel Vernonia. Ore. ____________________________ jQtlc ALL MODERN 2 bedroom home • i 2 acns, on river. Furnished >’i unfurn shell. Must sacrifice ft cash. Call 6119. 50tl FOR SALE I naurance r ..L HUDSON Insurance, tele- ; ' re 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3. 6 9 r- • is at low rat.s Also f.:e unee. Geo Bell. II Hudson _____ _____________ _______ 37tfc ’ LOST AND FOUND LOST Blue parakeet Answers nam • of Joey Talks. Very iitrdiv Phon' 1632 Reward 49t3c OLDS super 88 4 dr. sedan. Hydramatic, radio, healer and beautiful 2-tone finish. This year's varsity basketball Full guarantee $1795 squad of 12 men includes four 1946 OLDS 4-dr. sedan, radio and heater $545 lettermen from Coach Jack Ry- 1947 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan. nold’s 1952 players, two of them 2 tone green. 35.000 actual holding letters for two previous mile» $695 years of play and two of them 1941 FORD coupe $125 letters for on- year. That was 1950 FORD 2-dr. stdan. Heater. some of th. data on the ’53 aggre nice condition. Guaran gation he released late last week on the prospects for this season. teed $950 Along with the 12, he pointed 1946 l'j-ton truck, flat bed. nut that Ozzie Ray is squad mana- New motor, thoroughly re t r and Joe Taylor is statistician. conditioned. $695.00 The two-year lettermen are co- 49tlc captains for this vear’s teain. Heighth, weight and other data VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY , is given below: 27 Years in Business in Vernoma Name class Ht. Wt. Yrs. Phone 342 Vernonia Nanson 5’11” 159 2 Sr. 165 2 Sr. 5’94” Braun _______________________ 50tlc 170 1 5T0" Bass Jr. ‘39 BUICK sedan. Good trans B. Higley 19! 0 5 6" Jr. 159 0 6’4” portation. Phone 1692.______ 50t3 Cun'ingh'm Jr. 0 Jr. 5” 10' 151 O'Brien 5T0" 170 0 Jr. ’41 FORD 14-ton L.W.B. flat Ray 5’11" 190 0 Jr. bed truck. Only 6000 miles on Taylor 6’2’’ 162 1 Fulton So. new motor and clutch assembly. Bush 3 162 So. 5’8 4” Two-speed rear axle, 4-speed Fluke 125 0 So. 5’7 4’ 141 0 transmission. Rigged for logs or R. Higley So. 5’34” lumber. Call 6119. 50tl 1951 rOR SALE—General CHILD’S tractor, 4 to 10 w«ze; 20 inch tricycle. Both g» d condition Mrs. Chari s No. 7 O-A hill Phone 844. Four Lettermen Bo wlin gtRes ults Streams Rise Due Heavy Rain On Varsity List j FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF STREET VACATION NOTICE IS HEREBY''GIVEN That the City Council of the City of Vernonia has passed a resolu tion of its intention to vacate the following portions of the follow ing streets: 1. The south one-half of G Street, commencing at the west side of Washington Avenue and extend ing west to Rock Creek. 2. Washington Avenue from the south side of G Street and ex tending south to Rock Creek. NOTICE IS AI.SO GIVEN that a public hearing will be held on Monday, January 4, 1954, at 8 o’clock p.m. in the Council Cham bers in the City Hall in Vernonia. Oregon, on this matter, at which time any p. rson desiring to ob ject thereto may be heard Any person may file with th' City Recorder objections to the pro posed vacation any time prior to January 4, 1954. DATED this 8th day of Decem ber, 1953 I Sam I,. Hearing, City Recorder I 50t4c -———------------------------------------ | IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR COLUMBIA COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate ot CARL LEVI GOODBURN. De ceased. NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, as Administrator of the estate of Carl Levi Gixidburn. deceased, has filed his Final Ac count in the County Court of the I State of Oregon for Columbia County, and that Monday, De- cemb.r 28. 1953, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A M. of said day and the court room of said court has been appointed by said Court as the time and place for the I hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. Dated and first published: No- vemb.’r 19. 1953 Date of final publication: De- 1 ccmber 10. 1953. Dawayne Marvin Goodburn ; Administrator David O. Bennett St. Helens. Oregon Attorney ! , • ' • I I I INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Won Lost King’s Grocery 35 13 Bob’s Union Service 29 19 ; MIST — The river and creek Mill Market 24 24 j are pretty high due to the heavy Clatskanie. 8 40 rains of last week and Monda • CITY LEAGUE morning ther ■ was snow on th > Dessy’s • 40 8 ground to the depth of >3 inch. Team No. 4 254 22’a Mrs. Wayne Pugh came over Sundland's 19 29 from Clatskanie and spent Thurs S. P. & S. 114 364 day afternoon at the C. O. Han sen home TWERP LEAGUE Shady Lane was up from Sea Dus-:nbury’s 10 side last week one day to see Lew’s Place 6 6 friends. Vernonia Bakery 4 8 Guests at the A. Ashley horn.* A B C.’s 4 8 Lew’s place, bowling in the Saturday evening were Mrs. Guy commercial leaeue at Forest Bellingham. Rev. and Mrs. Lar Grove, was bumped out of first son and son and Mr. and Mrs. place last Thursday night. Tht Norman Hansen. Mrs. Jack Crawford and Mrs. t am still holds hi"h game with 1074 pins and high scri *s with Jane Petticook called on Mr- Chas. Hans n one day last week. 3057 pins. Mrs. Crawford is feeling much better. Virgin olive oil is that obtained Claud Johnson is out and about when the olives are first pressed. I his duties again. I CARD OF THANKS For the Best In WE WISH to extend our sincere j Appreciation fur the beautiful | cards, calls and flowers in our hour of sorrow in the death of our daughter and sister. Rose Sandoral. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Junken Mr. and Mrs. V A Short Mr and Mrs. A. S. Junken Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Junk n | Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Junken I 50tl NICE = u z Whatever your food needs, we have them at rt s c pi ices that make the budget dollar go farther x plus first class quality. Stars will shine when I you trade at NEHALEM MARKET. F GOOD WE WISH to express our thanks and gratitude for the sympathy and kindness of our friends at the time of the passing of our brother and uncle. F. M. Parker A. L. Parker Walt Park r 50t 1 NEHALEM z s. O x I 1 I I MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 BEST BRANDS WaiVHHN dOHS ~ HIIIIVHHN dOHS — kdlYHHK dOHS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed administrator of the estate of An drew M. Parker, deceased, by the county court of the state of Ore gon fur Columbia county, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate arc 1 her“by notified to present the same to me at Clatskanie, Ore gon with vouchers and duly veri fied within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publication De cember 3, 1953. Date of last publication Decem ber 31, 1953. Alb rt L. Parker, Administrator John L. Foote, St. Helens, Oregon. Attorney. 49t5 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby giv n that the undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Ernest H. Steen deceased, by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Columbia county, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are her-by notifi *d to present the same to me at Vernonia, Orepon with vouchers and dulty verified within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publication No- ! vember 12, 1953. Date of last publication Decem ber 10, 1953. Rose Steen, Administratrix John L. Foote, St. Helens, Oregon, Attorney. OR THE BEST IN ’ 4 | I t iWe Recommend: i : : MILL MARKET i i AND LOCKERS i » Remember— ! When buying phonograph records or calling long distance... service is faster when you CALL BY NUMBER The phonograph record you want is quickly located — when you ask for it by number! When you make long : distance calls by number—your service is also quicker. I For best service remember to keep numbers handy and always CALL BY NUMBER ! DELIVERIES TWICE j ! DAILY: 10 a.m - 3 p.m. { <__ PHONE 1391 oiehih m I < Al ’’Tk t A creditor ne.d not accept more than 25 pinnies in payment of a bill. HERMnAGE- OLD Phone 471 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOI llllO.X WHISKEY For Delivery to Your Door No fuss, no bother with carrying milk bottles. We <lo all the work for you. Why not call us today and let us start leaving our Grade A Milk on vour doorstep. REMEMBER- ‘IT’S THE BEST’’ NEHALEM ORIRV PRODUCTS 10. Grade A Pasteurized V Milk A Cream ; PHONf 47» i Pint s2" 4 10 4/5 Qt. OrcproH s largest -selling straight bourbon! THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEMS 010 • SS MOOF . THE 010 HE1WIT4GE COMPANY, FIARKFOlT, «EHTUCK t