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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 10, 1953)
2 THURSDAY, DEC. 10, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA. ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poole and < tuldren left Monday to visit over the Christmas holidays with her Mster and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nash Alessi, at San Jose, Cali fornia. WIN turkey, chicken, ham! Bingo party Saturday. December 12. Legion hall. SOtlc PYTHIAN SISTER bazaar and food sale. Saturday. December 12. 9 a.m Seawright's Cleaners. 50tle Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Darling of Harrisburg returned to their home Monday after spending 10 nays visiting at the home of their xwi and wife, Rev. and Mrs. Don Darling. PYTHIAN SISTER bazaar and food sale. Saturday. December 12. 9 a.m Seawright's Cleaners. 5011c •Joy T lirai rv DEC. 10-11 THURS. FRI. IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE ■..•hard Carlson - Barbara Ru>h DEC. 12 ATURDAY TREASURE OF SIERRA MADRE Humphrey Bogart Wa tei Hu.stoi SUN. MON. DEC. 13-14 TAKE THE HIGH GROUND (Color) Richard Widmark G ■■ ■ i • TUES.. WED. DEC 15-16 LAW AND ORDER (Color) Ronald Reagan . Dorothv Malone Plus BELOW THE SAHARA ™ C hristmas 1 Christmas Program to Take Plty.e at Natal Laundry and Dry Cleaning IN THURSDAY BACK THURSDAY DIAMOND RING $75.00 CICAZETTE LIGHTER $6.50 A. L. Kullander Red cedar wood is used most commonly in making lead pen- cils. Bring T o ben BRICKEL’S BAREER SHOP Oregon Laundry WATCHMAKER — JEWELER and Dry Cleaners The Friendship Pinochle club met Friday at the home ci M s. Beeley. High score wi'nt Margaret VanderZand n and low to Marie Sauer. The next meeting will be it the horn? of Mrs Al Sauer, L< cemb.r 11 and will be the Christ mas party, with exchange jf gifts. The South American Inis were known as Children of ths Sun. BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon FOE. DANCE Birkenfeld Gym — Satt - day, December 12. Swiss orchestra from Poitlar. Enjoyable So Always New Officers of Star Elected NATAL X There kill be a Christmas program Decembe: 23 at th.' Natal hall? Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack and family were in Hillsboro Satui- day. Mis. George Mathews and Mrs. Robert Mathews called on Mrs Bert Eastman last Thursday. Callers at the Ira Peterson home Saturday w re Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hanson of Scoffield. Saturday callers at the Dunlap home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lindsav and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Waddell. © Mt. Heart Rebekah lodge met in regular session Thursday ev?n- ing, November 26. with Jan; Pace. N.G., presiding. The most important business transaction was the election of officers. Alice Buckner was unanimously elected NG. for the coming year. Other officers chosen were G. Strong, V.G.; Elizabeth Frye. recording secretary; Hazel Cook, financial secretary and Verda Cook, trea surer. Pians w. re made to hold the annual Christmas party this rhursday evening. December 10 at which time names of secret pals will also be revealed. Gladys Strong and Ella Wood were appoint.d on the decora tions committee and Edith Mc Farland is chairman of the re freshments committee. Her* Sunday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sid Sorenson were Mr and Mrs. Warne Empey and children from Springfield While here th y attended the r Kaption for Mr and Mrs. Frank Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Empey are making their home at Springfield APRON and cooked food sale, Sundlands. December 19. V.F.W. Auxiliary. 49t2c WIN turkey, chicken, ham!<. party Saturday. December 12. Legion hall. 50tlc Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Death were in to see Holly Holcomb Sunday afternoon. He is in Emanuel hos I pital due to a broken ankle. WIN turkey, chicken, ham! Bing party Saturday. December 12. Legion hall. 50tlc Holly Holcomb had the misfor tune of falling last Saturday even ing, breaking his left ankle bad i ly. He was given medical at II tention here, then latsr was taken on to the Emanuel hospital where his doctor says he will remain for at least three weeks. Election of officers for the en- suing year was one of the high lights of the evening at Nehalem Chapter No. 153. O.E.S., Wednes day of last week. Elected were: Florence Brunsman, W.M.; Pete Brunsman. W.P.; Lucille Tomlin. A.M ; Thos. F. Tomlin. A.P : Mona Gordon, secretary; Janet Bridgers. treasurer: Alvilda Hearing, con ductress; Lillian Davis, associat conductress. Installation of elective and ap pointive officers will be held De cember 16. Members and fri-nds are invited to attend at 8:30 p.m . Masonic Temple. Florence and Emil Messing, W. M. and W.P.. honored their of ficers and courtesy ladies Wed nesday evening thanking them for their cooperation and work through this year and giving them beautiful handworked gifts. Members having birthdays in October, Novemb r and Decem ber were greeted and also given gifts. Delicious birthday cakes and salad were served by the re freshment committee. Officers will practice Sunday December 13, at 1:30 for installa- tion. Club Entertained at Beeley Home Friday Election Fills Chairs of Lodge heart _,ew«u - grewed o„d bori.» 9'««'"’ of our premium hop • Olympe Betr o„d - Í I MR AND MRS. FRANK TAYLOR A host of friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Taylor had ths privilege on Sunday, De cember 6 of greeting them on the occasion of their 30th wedding anniversary, at a reception held in their honor at the Odd Fallows’ hall. Receiving the guests as thev ar rived w._ re Mesdames Eva Hear ing and Dorethy Peterson. Mrs. Florence Messing was in ch»r<te of the rift table. Mrs. Allie Dick son and Mr . Clara Kirk bad charge of the < uest b-.ok The cuke was cut tv Mrs. Inez Powril and Mr.--. Grace Curri ■ Coffee was poured by Mrs. Martha Puck of Eueene a cousin of Mr. Taylor's and Mrs Anna McMillan of Stev >n: on. Washing ton, a sister of Mr. Tavlor. Tea was o<'Ur''d by Mrs. V.’la Wheeler of Hebo, also a sister of Mr. Tay lor. Presiding o'-er the punch bowl was Mrs. Bess Nichols of Vernonia. Entertainment was provided ty Mr Nancy Chalmers and ?>lr . Harold Lone who sang tw duets accompan d by F’ovd Bush, wh-> also contributed incidental music Several d ano numbers w< re giv -n bv Ricky Bush and accordian music be Jerrv Bush. Numbers were announced by Harold Lone. Out of town relatives who greeted the honor guests were; Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor. Maple ton. brother and sister-in-law ot Mr. Taylor, and the;r daughter, Miss Mary Taylor: Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Phelps, S?al Rock, cousin; Mr. and Mrs. Audrev Turnbull Eugene, niece; Mr and Mrs. S. L. Taylor, McKenzie Bridge, brother and sister-in-law of Mr. Taylor; Mrs. Anna McMillan. Stevenson. Washingte n. Mr Tavlor’s sist! r; Mr. and Mrs. P. E Buck, Eugen'’, cousin; Mr and Mrs. E. K. Wheeler Heb . sister and b-otheT- in-law: Mr and Mrs. Gi!“*s Fowler. Aumsville, nephew, and their son and daughter, Alfred and Susan; Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Ketten- burg. Eueene. sister and brother- in-law: Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Mil ler, Portland nephew and ni»ce; Mrs Maude Sykes. Hood River, niece Ml O1 v ! T.o lor, Thurs ton. sister-in-law. Friends from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. C. W Stubbs, of Portland who cclebrat d th-ir 53rd anniversary in October. They are the parents- of Mrs. Dorothy Petersen. Other visiting friends wer.1 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stubbs. Aloha; Mr. and Mrs. Warr.; Em- p- y and sons. Gary and Gorden, of Eugene; Mr. and Mrs E Machin. Jr., of Portland: Mr P. Richmond. Eugen. . Mr. Mrs A. Zinikcr and son. Sher wood; Mr and Mrs Wm. Stubb--, Pvitla.nd, M- and Mrs. John Kirk, with John Jr., and Susan. Port land; Mrs. Myrtle Bunker. La Grande; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stubbs and children, Aloha. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor were mar ried in Eugene December 9, 1903 where Mr. Taylor serv?d for two terms as sheriff of Linn county. They later moved to Portland, coming to Vernonia in 1937. "It'a the Water OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY, OLYMPIA ,, WASHINGTON, USA SUNDLAND ELECTRIC Mahogany Finish Console $234.95 Jmiuding fedtral l ax and VI arrantv Engineered by PHILCO To Outperform Any Set Near it in Price! ‘••■'»’»"■J . . , muco 41ou Just out — the Philco 4100 Its vours for 1954 at the lowest price ever for an all -channel 21-inch Philco console 349 Wherever UHF stations are on the air. Philco All-Channel television is the sensation of the industry. In addition to finest performance now. it insures full coverage for the future. New 1954 Philco mod els are now here—come in for a demonstration and see for yourself picture performani-e that is the talk of the t own. 95 Incluaing Pelerai Tax and Warranty » K ©: Pulpwood Wanted Douglas Fir, Hemlock, White Fir Per Cord, F.O.B. Our Mill - - Deliveries Accepted Monday, Tuesday and Friday from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday from 7 a.m. to 3 pm. on'y A A On Our Easy Terms! Sundland Electric & NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ St. Helens, Oregon Phone SOG TELEPHONE 591 STORE HOURS 8 to 6