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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 3, 1953)
6 THURSDAY, DEC. 3. 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General WANTED USED TV set, ‘53 model 21” Capehart, Limed oak console. lake nsw. Cheap for cash. Call 49tl «119. LOGS: We are now buying alder, ash and maple logs. Good prices, prompt payment, your inquiries given fast attention. B. P. John Funitur? Cc-noration. 5200 S.W. Macadam, Portland 1, Oregon. Atwater 0151. 48t3c GIRL’S Hawthorne deluxe bi- cjrcle, $30. Call 961 during office hours. 49t lc ROASTING HENS: Dressed. Call 1163. Mrs. Joe VanderZanden. 49t2 CHRISTMAS TREE stumpage. Call collect, KEnwood 6751, Port land (ft | WHITE FACE feeder st?ers, 700 IF* YOU are planning on giving to 800 pounds. Bill Culver, KEn- homemade articles for Christmas wood 5944, Portland, Oregon. 49tl I have such gifts as lovely nrgandy aprons, practical, pretty ALDER LOGS WANTED print aprons, painted teatowels, Will pay premium price for pillow cases, pot holders, and really good logs. luncheon cloths and bun warm er;; with baskets and trays. I al I JURGENS MILLS I so tiav.e a few things for the new Beaver Springs Road—Rainier b-il<y you have to get a little gift Phone 6-8256 for. Made by Mrs. Odam. See 25tfc th« m at Mrs. Lamping’s home, i T.8 Weed Avenue. 49tlc HIGHEST cash prices paid for CHILD'S tractor, 4 to 10 year cream and eggs at your door— ; 20-inch tricycle. Both very picked up once or twice weekly— fiuod condition. Mrs. Charles Wall, call or write Forest Grove Cream No 7 O-A hill. Phone «44. 49t3 ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 128. 14tfc FPJNET PIANO—Big savings for quirk sale to responsible family I LEGAL NOTICE Tr.ide-in acceptable. Cash or I NOTICE TO CREDITORS lei "is. May be seen in Vernonia. t I Notice is hereby given that the W I. A. Glaziei, 158 S High, Salem, Oregon. 49t2c undersigned has been appointed administrator of th? estate of An CHDW puppies. A. K. Creg. Will drew M. Parker, deceased, by the ho'r. for Christmas. C. B. Has- county court of the state of Ore Jn . Cherry Grove. Phone 528 gon for Columbia county, and has («■«ton. 1 49t3 quatlif]?d. All persons having claims against said estate are l.OCKER MEAT grain fed baby hereby notified to present the b” anj cow. Wholesale choice same to me at Clatskanie, Ore- 2!»‘ to 42c per pound dressed. gon with vouchers and duly veri .is Falconbury, Riverview. fied within six months from the 47t3 date hereof. SUGHTLY USED modern furni- Dated and first publication De I cember 3, 1953. tii‘>'. Simmons daveno and chair. Hu .ywood b d, Coleman oil Date of last publication Decem ber 31, 1953. ht.'er. Inquire Joyce Gates, ph< r>? 1624. 47tlc Alb1, rt L. Parker, Administrator John L. Foote, St. Helens, Oregon. DICKSON S CLEANERS Attorney. 49t5 SCAPPOOSE NOTICE TO CREDITORS P- ne Vernonia 913 for pickup Notice is hereby giv.n that the nt iur home or leave at Lee's S, • . ice Station, Pittsburg inter undersigned has been appoint.'d section. 46tfc administratrix of the estate of Ernest H. Steen deceased, by the county court of the state of Ore LOVELY SPINET SLIGHTLY gon for Columbia county, and has USED qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the At a Bargain! same to me at Vernonia, Orepon F>* .nal Small Uprights, Used with vouchers and dultv verified Sp ndid Values. Buy Them at within six months from the date hereof. PORTLAND MUSIC COMPANY Dated and first publication No 514 £-. W. Third Avenue vember 12. 1953. Portland. Oregon Dat ■ of last publication Decem ber 10, 1953. H‘Y AND STRAW, grain ana Ros? Steen. Administratrix io d grain, Fair prices as to John L. Foote, St. Helens, Oregon, Attorney. «lit;- ty and quantity. Will con- «a r beef or milk cattle in trade IN THE COUNTY COURT OF F ! er Bergerson, Timber Rt . Ver THE STATE OF OREGON FOR ner..a, Oregon 36tfc COLUMBIA COUNTY SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill In the Matter of the Estate of fl 1 Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. CARL LEVI GOODBURN, De 26t52e ceased. NOTICE OF HEARING OF A’ 'ION SHOP, clothing repairs, FINAL ACCOUNT fi titching. At Vernonia Clean- Notice is hereby given that the » ' June Willis, phone 1211. und.rsigned. as Administrator of 23tfc the estate of Carl Levi Goodbum, AUCTION: Every Friday. We deceased, lias filed his Final Ac f a i a good market for your live- count m th? County Court of the k. furniture, tools, poultry. State <>f Oregon for Columbia We buv. sell, trade, every week County, and that Monday. De day. paving cash for livestock, eenib.r 28, '953, at the hour of fi -nt lire, machinery, tools. Alt- 10:00 o’clock A M. of said day < Auction Mart. Forest Grove. and the court room of said court Ph nos: 7615 nights. 5320. Walt has been appointed by said Court Ah ■nan. Auctioneer, selling live- as the time and place for the k or general ---. --- farm ............. sales -Ls any- hearing of objections thereto and the settlement thereof. lltfc Dated and first publish 'd: No- vemb r 19, 1953. FOR SALE 1 naurance Date of final publication: De- 1 (SURE vour auto under low cember 10. 1953. dard rates oi at 20 per cent Dawavne Marvin Goodburn i per cent saving under Tern- Administrator > ance Mayflower Inter Insur- David O. Bennett • ee Exchange. G raid Russell. St Helens, Oregon . i ?t. 959 Rose Ave., phon" 1132 Attorney 49tlc FOR TRADE FELL HUDSON Insurance, tele- phi :ie 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 8, 9 m< 'ths at low rates. Also fire -jurance. Geo. Bel), H Hudson. 37tfc EQUITY in 1953 Meadowbrook four-diH»r Dodge sedan; 12.00V miles on speedometer, for good. older car. First house on left. 7th St.. Riverview 4«t3 LOST AND FOUND FOR RENT LOST Blue parakeet, Answers to ram» of Joey. Talks Very ft1« idly. Phon? 1632 Reward. 49t3c NK. E. CLEAN apartment for rent Newly decorat'd. 376 North Street L. M Porterfield. _______ 48tfc LXJST. Will person finding two- bown plastic billfold please turn to 924 State St Reward FURNISHED APARTMENT rent. Three rooms and bath Electric range, oil heat. River F view Apartm-nts. 36tfc 49tlc 2 Events Given Joint Observance | Daughter Born to i Couple November 29 Homes Opened to Guests Thursday RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dimick of Beaverton visited NATAL — Ethel Waddell spent MIST — Mr. anj Mrs. Chas. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Olof RIVERVIEW — Mrs. Glenn Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jacobson Sunday. Mitchell returned this week end Thanksgiving with her folks, the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allen are I after spending three weeks car- C. L. Waddells. Hansen and Sandra were in Port land for Thanksgiving day din- the parents of a daughter born 1 ing for Mr. Mitchell's sister, Mrs. Thanksgiving dinner guests at n:r at their daughter's, Mr. and November 29. She weighs 7 Phil Andregg, who was very the Noble Dunlap home were pounds, 4 ounces and is named Mrs. Ted Kulju’s. There were 17 ill. Mrs. Cassie Livingstone, Mr. and guests present. It also was a Kathleen Augusta. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Solomon Mr. and Mrs. Henry Parker, Mrs. Robert Lindsay and Richard birthday celebration for Mrs. Ro son Leo, and Mrs. Annie Roberts and son. Bill, of Roseburg spent Peterson. bert Roeser. Sunday night at the home of his of North Bend spent the week Mr. and Mrs. Reed Holding en ■ H. Jepson was a Portland visi end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Solo joyed Thanksgiving Day dinner tor a couple of days last week. mon. Tom Solomon. Thanksgiving dinner guests at with their daughter and family, Laura, John and Ezra Brewer the Max Oblacks. of Corvallis spent Thanksgiving the Chas. Allen home were Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Devine spent and Mrs. Robert Allen and Mr. ’ and the we ?k end at the home of their mother and stepfather, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dutton and child Thanksgiving day with her sister BOWLING RESULTS ga-son and family, the Lloyd Stunkard-., ren. and Mrs. Olin Robbins. INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Mr. and Mrs. Mance Rose and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Huntley, near Astoria. Won Lost Mr. and Mrs. Dee Vere Hershev two sons of Eugene spent the son Bobby, and granddaughters, King’s Grocery 31 13 week end at th? home of Mr. and Cleo and Kimmie Breedin, spent and boys were in Portland on Bob’s Service 25 19 Mrs. J. E. Rose Thanksgiving day at the home of Thanksgiving day, the guests of Mill Market 24 20 his brother and sister, Nate Hunt- his mother, Mrs. Elsie Hershey. Clatskanie 8 36 ley and Mrs. Mary Teel. A recent visitor at the C. L. CITY LEAGUE Waddell home was Russell Peter Dessy’s 36 8 son of Newberg, a former Ver Team No. 4 24*» 194 Grange Club Sponsors nonia resident. Sundland Electric 16 28 Shower for Bride Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pringle and S. P & S. 114 324 Billy were in J-*well Thanksgiv TWERP LEAGUE BIRKENFELD — Mrs. Gene ROCK CREEK — Several fami 2 ing and were dinner guests of Dusenbury’s 6 lies have television now. The Itzen (Aileen Johnson) was the their daughter and son-in-law. Vernonia Bakery 4 4 honor guest at a bridal shower Brady families gather quite often Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Olstedt. Lew’s Place 4 4 at the Dan? Brady horn- to enjoy given by the Grange H.E.C. ladies A. B. C. s 2 6 Mr. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and Friday afternoon. Aileen is now the one there. Ben Westerberg has had quite a bit of difficulty living in Corvallis where her girls spent the holiday at the FOR SALE Real Estate in placing the antenna for good husband is attending college. She Gene Northrup home in Banks. is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Northrup ALL MODERN 2-bedroom home I reception. were Monday evening callers at on 2 acres, on river. Furnished I The Ted DeWitt’s are home Mrs. Claude Johnson. Thanksgiving guzsts at the the Max Oblack home. or unfurnished. Must sacrifice : again after a two-week visit with Mr. and Mrs. Ira Peterson mo for cash. Cali 6119. 49tl various relatives in eastern Ore Claude Gibson home were Mrs. Clara Barnett of St. Helens and tored to Mountaindale Thanks gon. FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks Th? Keasey extension unit will Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson, Jr., giving day and were dinner guest; at the Carl Raddatz home. 1951 OLDS super 88 4-dr. sedan. meet at the home of Mrs. George of Treharne. Martan the second Wednesday of Hydramatic, radio, heater December for a Christmas party Licensed-Bonded Lunchroom Livestock Sales and beautiful 2-tone finish. and exchange of gifts. Full guarantee $1795 The log cabin started several 1946 OLDS 4 dr. sedan, radio i SATURDAY, DEC. 5 years ago across from the Harv I and heater $545 Miscellaneous 12:30 P.M. Livestock 1:00 P.M. 1947 CHEVROLET 4-dr. sedan. Christensen home has finally For consignments see John Wilmarth or call home phone, 2-tone green. 35.000 actual been made livable by the Langs ton family, That nr ans four Clatskanie 2437. miles SS95 new pupils for the Rock Creek 1941 FORD coupe S125 AUCTION TRADING BARN—Clatskanie, Ore. 1950 FORD 2-dr. sedan, Heater, school bus. BUY — SELL — TRADE — CONSIGNMENTS Mrs. George Martan has b en nice i condition. Guaran- in Portland for some time to be Open Daily E. of Clatskanie on U.S. 30 — Sell Your Unwanted teed $950 Items. Buy Your Needs at Your Own Price. 1946 I11-ton truck, flat bsd. near her mother who had an op- SURPRISE SPECIALS — SAVE PLENTY — PHONE 1600 New motor, thoroughly re eiation. conditioned. S695.00 SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM — SHOP NEHALEM 49tlc 3? VERNONIA AUTO COMPANY M 27 Years in Business in Vernonia Phone 342 Vernonia 48tlc Bowling Results TV Sets Provide Entertainment AUCTION Reunion Takes Place Thursday ; Featuring... z ‘41 FORD 14-ton L.W.B. flat bed truck, Only 6000 miles on new motor and clutch assembly, Two-speed rear axle, 4-speed transmission, Rigged for logs or lumber. Call 6119. 49tl RIVERVIEW — A family re union was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hudson on Thanksgiving. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Glenn of K?rns- ville, Mr. and Mrs. Vern McCold and two sons of Portland, Mr. CLASSIFIED RATES and Mrs. Pete Wells and daughter of Grants Pass, Mr. and Mrs. MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 Kenneth B?ll and children of words or less. Words over min Logsd n, Mr. and Mrs. George imum, 2c each. Three inser Woods and George Bell. tions for the price of two. Those enjoying Thanksgiving CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. dinner at the E. L. Lloyd home NO information on classifieds will be given out until after paper were: Mr. and Mrs. Myrt Jenkins and children, Erlen? Snell and is mailed. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY Budd Pitt of Portland. Mr. and ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED Mrs. Mane? Rose and twin sons AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT of Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Derrel FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. Rose and children of Springfield, THE EAGLE assumes no finan- Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ros?, son cial responsibility for errors Bobby, grandson Jackie Green that may appear in ads pub wood. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Lloyd lished in its columns, but in and family, Virginia Ray and case where this paper is at Marlene Shaf.’r. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Douglas of fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo Onalaska, Washington spent Thanksgiving dav at the home of graphical mistake occurs. Í Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Taylor. ! Hudson House ■ i Olives — String Beans — Corn a. Peas ' ! ■ “ OS NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 00 KaiVHa.N dOHS — wa IVH3N dOHS — KaiVHS.N dOHS £ hxhxhxhxhxhxkxkxk 3: hxhzm X H z H H H X H X H H M HOT H SPECIALS FOR COLD DAYS H £ z H X H Serve the whiskey that’s “Cheerful as its Name” M Z H X H Old Sunny Brook adds a “cheerful” note that makes a gather ing sparkle! LI H H H H \\ ith the cold weather, hot dishes become the order of the day. For all the various vegetables, meats and dairy products needed for these dish es, SHOP AT KING'S. We have nothing but the best for you. the consumer, at prices that can’t be beaten. H M I Help Given for Time of Illness KING’S Grocery - Market H Phone 91 M Wb»r< Your Riverview Money Buys Mor» At the Mile Brider H H Pmt N 4/3 Qt- H H , $ J 10 4 » M M 2 KINTUCKT MXHXHXMXMXHXHXHXHXMXHXHX.r ■ I t N D I D WHISKIV MF9004 6SUG8MN 9fuT8U SHUTS. THE OtD SIJ9*IY BROOM CO . tOUISWAE KT.