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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1953)
f, THURSDAY. NOV. 26, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE, Bowling Results CLASSIFIEDS FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Insurance l.OCKER MEAT: grain fed baby beef anrf cow. Wholesale choice 25c to 42c per pound dressed, Morris Ealconbury, Riverview. 47t3 BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele phone 773. We have a reliable Co., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 months at low rates. Also fire insurance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. 37tfc SLIGHTLY USED modern furni- tore. Simmons daveno and chair, Hollywood b d. Coleman oil heater. Inquire Joyce Gates, I hon ' 1624. 47tl<- ONE SINGER hemstitch r ma- < hme. Inquire Seawright’s Clean. . |. 46t3c DO YOUR Christmas shopping th» easy way, in your home. For lovely toiletry and cosmetic gifts, please call your Avon repr senta- tives for an oppointment. Mrs. Katie Mae Howard, East side, 1105 State St., phone 278; Mrs Gerald Russell, West side, 959 Io . phon - 1197. 46t3c DICKSON’S CLEANERS SCAPPOOSE }'■ ne Vernonia 913 for pickup at our home or leave at Lee’s Sri vice Station, Pittsburg inter section. 46tfc LOVELY SPINET SLIGHTLY USED At a Bargain! S» eral Small Uprights, Used J4j> ndid Values. Buy Them at PORTLAND MUSIC COMPANY 514 £-. W. Third Avenue Portland. Oregon H/.Y AND STRAW, grain and ft” d grain. Fair prices as to qut ity and quantity. Will con- ri < r beef oi milk cattle in trade. E.” er Bergerson, Timber Rt., Ver nonia, Oregon. 36tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill d ’. Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 26t52c A J RON SHOP, clothing repairs, hl“stitching. At Vernonia Clean er. June Willis, phone 1211. 23tfc i j ; ’ i [ . WANTED i LOGS: We are now buying alder, i ash and maple logs. Good prices, | prompt payment, your inquiries I given fast attention. B. P. John Funiture Corporation, 5200 S.W. Macadam, Portland 1, Oregon. ; Atwater 0151. 43t3c I - 1 . .... . ............. ■ CHILD CARE in my home. Rea. sonable rates by the hour, day or week. Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Supervised by Mrs. Bill Vlcek and Mrs. Jack i Reynolds. Phon? 1517. 48tl ALDER LOGS WANTED Will pay premium price really good logs. for JURGENS MILLS Beaver Springs Road—Rainier Phone 6 8256 25tfc HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby giv.n that th? undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of Ernest H. Steen deceased, by the county court of the state of Ore gon for Columbia county, and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are her by notified to present the same to me at Vernonia. Orepon with vouchers and dulty verified within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first publication No vember 12, 1953. Date of last publication Decem ber 10, 1953. Rose Steen, Administratrix John L. Foote, St. Helens. Oregon, Attorney. AUCTION Every Friday. We hi e a good market for your live- st<- furniture, tools, poultry. We buy, sell, trade, every week d< paying cash for livestock, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF furniture, machinery, tools. Alt- THE STATE OF OREGON FOR mi s Auction Mart, Forest Grove. COLUMBIA COUNTY Ft nes: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt In the Matter of the Estate ot A ¡an, Auctioneer, selling live CARL LEVI GOODBURN, De stock or general farm sales any ceased . where. lltfc NOTICE OF HEARING OF FINAL ACCOUNT FOR SALE—Cars, Trucks Notice is hereby given that the ’49 OLDS 88 Club coupe in per und rsigned, as Administrator of f< ‘ condition for sal -, The price the estate of Carl Levi Goodburn, of this car has been cut below deceased, has filed his Final Ac 1 < k value fur quick sale. Inquire count in the County Court of the V’ rumia Eagle office. 48tlc State of Oregon for Columbia County, and that Monday, De 1851 OLDS sup?r 88 4-dr sedan. cember 28, 1953, at the hour of Hydramatic, radio. heater 10:00 o’clock A M. of said day and beautiful 2-tone finish. and the court room of said court Full guarantee $1795 has been appointed by said Court «51 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan. as the time and place for the Crean color. Radio and 1 hearing of objections thereto and heater. Complete guaran the settlement thereof. $1395 Dated and first published: No- 1Î46 OLDS 4 dr. sedan. radio vemb r 19. 1953. and heater $545 Date of final publication: De «47 CHEVROLET 4 dr. sedan. cember 10. 1953. 2 tone green. 35.000 actual Dawavne Marvin Goodburn miles $695 Administrator FORD coupe $125 David O. Bennett «50 FORD 2-dr. sedan. Heater. St. Helens, Oregon nice condition. Guaran Attorney teed $950 VIRNONIA AUTO COMPANY CARD OF THANKS 27 Years in Business in Vernonia phone 342 Vernonia WE WISH to extend thanks and ____________________________ 48tlc appreciation to our many friends for the cards and flowers which CLASSIFIED RATES were sent us in memory of our beloved mother. MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chaney words or less. Words over min- and family mum. 2c each. Three inser- Mr. and Mrs. Walter H ! om for the price of two. Lawrie. Jr., and family CARD of Thanks & Notices: 80c. I Sgt and Mrs. Donald M RO information on classifieds will Holtham 48tlc be given out until after paper INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Tam Won Lost King's Grocery 27 13 Bob’s Union 25 — 15 Mill Market 20 20 Clatskanie 8 ... 32 CITY LEAGUE Dessy’s 30 __ 6 Team No. 4 17'. 221 j Sundland Electric 12 28 S. P. & S. 11 Mi 23’ 2 TWERP LEAGUE Lew’s Place 3 —J Dusenbury’s 3 1 A. B. C.’s 1 3 V?rnonia Bakery 1 3 Glisan Lumber company of Portland was unable to ke. p their bowling match with King’s Grocery due to sickness. The match will be bowled at later date. Seaside woodworkers of Astoria replac d Glisan Lumber and defeated King’s Grocery 2523 to 2456. L. P. Busch of Forest Grove defeated Dessy’s 2242 to 2125. Sale, Program Bring in $200 Return Made From Trip East Nevada Trip to End This Week I MIST — Mr. and Mrs. Georg? i Mathews are expected home this I week from a few weeks vacation ' on a trip to Nevada. Mrs. L. B. Eastman called on ; Mrs. Austin Dowling one day ■ last week. The Wikstrom’s dog was hit by a car Saturday and was hurt so badly it had to be killed. Mrs. Mary Garlock spent a few days in Portland last week. The Bern Bliss family was up from Tillamook Saturday night. They were cn the program and also visited her folks, ths Ray Garlocks. Mrs. E. Norton and son from Eugene were recent guests of the L. B. Eastmans. It is 38 years since they have be;n here. Mrs. Robert Mathews called on th? Dowlings Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Haberman were over from Clatskanie Satur day evening and were dinner guests of Mr. and Mis. George Jones. They were accompanird by a friend. Mrs. Maud Rogers came up from Seaside Saturday to attend the program and sale given in the gym by the M.H.C. She re mained over till Monday to visit her daughters. Miss Margie Wickstrom was home last week from Clatskanie on account of being ill. She works at the Humphreys restau rant. She returned to work Sun day again. i Mr. Gillesppi the Watkins dealer, was in the vicinity Tues day from Wauna. MIST — The program, sale, etc., given by the Mist Helping Circle Saturday night in the gym was a big success and drew a large crowd. The program was excellent and the games were well patronized. The sale of articles brought a good pric? and a fine lunch were all enjoyed. Th? Circle made a little over $209.03 which will be used for the good of the community by paying for the street lights and also keeping up the cemetery. The Circle thanks each and every one who had any part in the Circle Elects Same program, donated articles, work, Officers for Year time and talent and any others MIST — Mrs. Austin Dowling who helped in any way. Mrs. Chas. Sundland was on the entertained the M.H.C. last Thurs day. Fourte n ladies enjoyed the • sick list last week. Mrs. L. P. Wikstrom und her day. A fine dinner was serv’d daught r ware in Forest Grove at noon, after which the business meeting took up. Some unfinished several times last week. The L. P. Mathews family is business was worked on, but not . planning on being Thanksgiving finished y t. The same officers j guests of their son, Robert, and were retained for another year, i Myrtle M-ithews, president; Ches- , family Thursday. The Garden club mat last Tues tine Corll, vice-president and ; Eleanor Libel, sccretarv-treasur- : day at the Robert Mathews. Several guests droppad in to er. The next regular meeting | wish Mrs. George Jones a happy will be the third week in De- | cember, the I7th. at the home of I birthday last Monday. Mrs. Shalmon Libel. It will be i the birthday pal dinner and tree, j Floyd Libel was here from Fair- I vi.w one day last week. He i brought down a T.V. set that j was his mother's birthday gift, i They have it set up at Shalmon ! ; Veterans with homes and farms Libel’s home at present. Clara Libel fell last week at l financed by the Oregon veterans’ home and farm loan program her home at Seaside. Her daugh paid state property taxes on 8,192 ter took her to the doctor then pieces of property in the amount to the daughter’s home in As of $724,015 for the 1953-54, toria, the findings were several cracked ribs and a few other director H C. Saalfeld of the ae partment of veterans’ affairs re bruises. Th” Roy Hughes were in Forest ported this week. The average veteran's tax was Grove over the week end. $88.38, a 9.8 per cent increase j over last year's $80.47; 13.8 per | cent higher than his 1951 tax of Son, Family Expected For Week End Holiday $77.62, and 25 per cent more than th ’ $70.33 he paid in 1950. NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Clyde In Columbia county, 130 veter Henderson are expecting th ir ans with homes and farms finan son and family, the Norman Hen. ced by the state loan paid $9,- dersons, from Portland to spend 413.78 on their real property. the Thanksgiving holiday. The veteran doesn’t pay these Mrs. Wayne Pugh and daugh tax s direct to the tax collector. ters of Clatskam > called on Mrs. j Ho pays one-twelfth of them Oblack Saturday. every month to the Department Callers recently at the Bill , of Veteran«’ affairs along with Pring'e home were Mr. and Mrs. his monthly loan repayment. The Reaves. John Titus of Portland. departm nt in turn pays the tax Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Olstedt of collector, and does it in advance Jewell and John Small and his of the November 15 deadline in mother. order to give the veteran the ad vantage of a three per cent dis count. WANT A GOOD BALL PEN | —AT A REASONABLE PRICE? ; Sei- and try the Wearevvr Members of Club Meet FL1PIT For Observance of Date I i * I TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Truman Davenport have returned home from Arkansas City, Arkan sas where they had been called to the bedside of Mr. Davenport’s brother-in-law, who was seriously injured in a car accident. Mrs. Rosa Weaver, Billie, Harry and Betty arrived in Portland Saturday morning to stay for a visit with relatives and friends, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weaver met them in Portland and brought them home. Mrs. Weaver came at this time to visit with h r daughter and husband who have been here visiting the past few weeks. Mary Lola Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Smith, was christened Sunday, November 22, st the Methodist church at Banks. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller are god father and god mother. Five-Week Ohio Trip Completed TREHARNE — Mr. and Mrs. Art Kirk returned home Satur day from a five-week visit in San Duski, Ohio, with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shafer. The Kirks are grandparents of a girl born to the Shafers November 1, named Renee I and weighing five pounds, 15 | ounces. The Kirks drove to Ohio and back. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller visited with Mrs. Miller’s mother, Mrs. McClure, at th? Good Samaritan hospital Sunday. Mrs. McClure is there for observation and was treated for the flu. is mailed. TO ALL the wonderful people NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY who work d to save mv home at ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED Trvharne from fire, may this ex AFTER WED NOON EXCEPT press my most sincere thanks. FOR NEXT WEEKS PAPER. Your many offers of places to BLIND ads with answers to be stay were very much appreciated. handled by the Eagle: Mini- Many thanks to Gustaf Hult and FOR RENT rum charge 80c. No informa- ■ the Pittsburg fire station crew. » on given relative to such ads. Mrs. la-iia Stanton 4811 NICE. CLEAN apartment for rent. Newly d.■curat d. 37b THE EAGLE assumes no finan- | cial responsibility for errors North Street. L. M Porterfield FOR TRADE »hat may appear in ads pub 48tfc EQUITY in 1953 Meadowbrook • bed in its columns, but la four-door Dodge sedan; 12.000 FURNISHED APARTMENT for case where thia paper is at miles on speedometer, for good, rent. Three rooms and bath. fault, will reprint that part of older car First house on lift. Electric range, oil heat River- an adv in which the typo 7lh St., Riverview. 48t3 view Apartments. 36tfc graphical mistake occurs. Promises are easier to make i Th? h’ghcat peak under the than they are to fulfill, but people ; SMALL, clean, unfurnished house / 1ru-an flag is Alaska’s Mount | continue to make them careless- J for two. See Mrs R. D. Eby. 34tfc M Kinley at 20 300 het ty. • No • • • Herman nt- Quick Drying lArri C m t: d*s Pn t* Longer Lasting Ink Supply. THE VERNONIA EAGLE Printing — Office Supplies i START THE DAY RIGHT WITH MILK PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Morning, noon, night, between meals, milk is the perfect drink for you and your youngsters. For a cool, refreshing, healthy beverage — drink the best — NEHALEM DAIRY MILK. Telephone 16212 I \ Vernonia, Oregon Timber Rt., Bex 56 NEHALEM ORIRV PRODUCTS CO. Grade A Pasteurized Milk & Cream «J PHONE 471 ¿HZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZH3 H H H H H X H H H H H H Price Down H H 1948 DODGE 4-door sedan Radio, Heater, new Paint $ 797 $265 H H H 1951 DODGE Coronet 4-dr. sedan. H 2-Tone blue, Beautiful $1497 $499 H H 1950 NASH Statesman Super. H Radio, Heater, Overdrive. H Only 958 miles on new motor. $ 977 $326 H H 1953 WILLYS Station wagon. M H 6-cylinder Hurricane motor, overdrive, new car condi- H H tion. Only 7600 miles $1647 $539 H H H H Saie Buys WRITTEN GUARANTEE RECONDITIONED M | BEN’S BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon Call or Write • H | | J ' TREHARNE—Mrs. Floy Odam and children returned home early [ last week from visiting back cast with friends and relatives the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Jo? Miller called on Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbnu. Friday evening and visited Mr. and Mrs. Lin R vnolds and child ren Monday evening. i Grandma Johns of Portland ! and Mrs. Lena Stanton visited | Grandma Rogers Monday. Mrs. j Mertie Cline of Forest Grove also i visited her recently. Mrs. L:na Stanton was in the ; neighborhood a few days. She [ j will spend Thanksgiving in Port I land with her son. Russell, and family and will return here to stay when living quarters are : r?ady for her. Mrs. Gilbert Meier visited with htr mother and brothers and sister Monday and Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Weaver where Mrs. Rosa Weaver and children are staying. Mrs. James Smith. Mrs. Joe Miller and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride motored to Forest Grove a few days ago on busin .ss. Mrs. Kirk- bnde drove the Smith car. Mrs. Martin Rainwater visited grandma Rogers Tuesday. For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products ; Vets Pay $9413 In County Taxes TRF.HzXRNE — Mrs. Pauline Tisdale entertained the birthday club in honor of her daughter. Mrs. Sam Beck’s birthday. Mrs Ruth Pierce of Portland was co- hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Cletis Barker of Houston. Texas ar-* the parents of an eight pound boy, Kenneth Larry, born Nov mber 2. Mrs. Barker is the former Geraldine Daniel. Return Made from 1 Two-Week Trip East i H NEW • 1 4-Door PLYMOUTH Cranbrook 4-dr. sedan. 2 1 2-Tcn DODGE pickups. H H M H SUBSTANTIAL DISCOUNTS— BANK TERMS M H W H H HAWKEN MOTORS Ï8S8 Bridge St. Vernonia, Ore.z 2HZHZHZNZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHX