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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 26, 1953)
2 Club Entertained at Home in Riverview YESTERDAYSI I Home Opened at FIVE YEARS AGO Natal for Party From Th« Eagl«. Nov«. 25. 1948 THURSDAY, NOV. 26. 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. ORE. TOPICS OF THE TOWN A carnival held at the Legion thoM who were h«re I morning for Spokane where they hall last Friday earned $155.10 for the Vernonia library building fcr the reception Saturday for planned to spend the Thanksgiv ing holiday with his parents. ■Ms. Paul Gordon were Mr. and fund. Harry Anderson of Calgary. ■Mrs. Frank Hartwick. Portland. Mrs. Frank Hartwick, Mrs. A. They rema ned for the week end Canada was a guest last week end J. Hughes and Mrs. Gordon Lar at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. • Jh friends son represented this area at the i L. Kullander He was a golf CARD PARTY November 28. 8 monthly Red Cross board of direc pe. St. Mary's Parrish halL partner of Mr. Kullander while tors meeting at St. Helens. they vacationed at Phoenix, Ari Ew w ye n e welcome. 48tlc George Johnson, Wm. Shafer Mrs. R. D. Eby left here Tues zona for the past several years. and Harry Culbertson formed th? J Mrs. Lois Walkins of Salem Knights of Pythias committee in i day morning to spend the Thanks giving holidays at Ford Ord. Cali visited here Saturday at the Os charged of arranging this years fornia with her son. Marvin. car Weed home. She is the daugh annual speaking contest. This is the second year the lodge has wtM> is taking his basic training ter of A. Lewis, who was an early resident of the valley, and was backed the contest her:. loere. a student at the pioneer Wilson Mrs. Paul Gordon and Mrs. TEN YEARS AGO I school which was located on the From Th« Eagle, Nov. 25. 1943 A. J. Hughes returned here Thurs- | site where the Bennett mill op- MR AND MRS. JAMES RUSOW liy night from a three-week trip Aviation Cadet Holly V. Hol ' erat.d years ago. Pioneers of to Hawaii They crossed to the comb, Jr., completed his basic this area will recall the location. ,»jrnda and returned on the Lure- flying training at Gardner Field, 1 Mrs Watkins’ visit here was her California and is taking advance Itne vn a planned tour which in- first in 58 years. flying training. He was accept.d < ujdrd side trips by plane to Elmer Bergerson filled his spe- as an av.ation cadet at Portland ■x-veral islands in the Hawaiian I cial elk tag in Tillamook county .-uup On their return, they re. Bronze and yellow chrysanthe- in July, 1942. a few days ago wh.n he shot a «■ ained in San Francisco for sev Junior class members who will five-point on the lower portion I mums decorated the First Metho, eral days to visit friends before have parts in this year's play of Buck mountain. He and Rich dist Church in Coos Bay for the are: Douglas Culbertson, Helen I returning here. ard Meyer and another friend 4 o’clock wedding early in No DAMCE Birkenfeld Grange halL lowered the elk on ropes ap- vember of Miss Dian? Carole Fowler. Marvin Turner, Mary 1 liovriTib* r 21. Music by Bill's I proximately a quartr mile and Hartley and James W. Rusow. son Beth Lish, Shirley Ray, Th?lma j Fwmg&ters. Lunch. Adm. 51 00 packed it about a mile in meat of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Rusow Hobin and Marjorie Lolley. ten of North Bend The groom and FIFTEEN YEARS AGO , sacks. Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Horn and his parents formerly resided in From Th« Eagle. Nov. 25. 1938 daughter left here early Tuesday Oscar Weed was officially Vernonia. Altar Society Plans The Rev. Walter Warner r ad named justice of the peace for Card Party Saturday the double ring rite in the pres Vernonia in a communication Mrs. Tony Smejkal was hos ence of a large group of guests. A from Governor Chari.s Martin. tess for St. Mary’s Altar Society reception followed immediately School district 47 issued Wednesday at the parish hall. : at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed of a special school election for Father Delphlanche attended ward Hansen in Coos Bay. the purpose of electing a clerk to and presented a new Censer and The brid., the daughter of Mr. fill the position left vacant bv and Mis. Harold Hartley of th? resignation of Mrs. Floy K. TUES.. WED. NOV. 24-25 boat. A card party will be held at Sunnyvale Road. Coos Bay, wore Hammack who has left to make I CONFESS the parish hall Saturday evening. a white iace bridal gown of chan her home in Oklahoma. ^Montgomery Clift - Anne Baxter The next meeting will be held tilly lac • and taffeta. Her finger The Little Theater group plan TMURS_ FRI. NOV. 23-27 by Mrs. Joe VanderZanden D - tip veil was held by a crown of ned presentation of three plays cember 16 and she will also care lace and lilies of the valley and during the month of Januaiy. LONE HAND for the church for December. she carried a bouquet of stepha- Dir.ctors for the plays were Mrs. (Color) notis surrounding a white orchid. Judd Greenman. Miss Evelyn Joe McCrea - Barbara Hale She was given in marriage by her Cook and Miss Thelma Ramsey. Couple to Mark 50th SATURDAY NOV 28 Anniversary December 6 father. Miss Georgann Bradburn was CHAMP FOR A DAY maid of honor and bridesmaids Arranged to take place Sunday, Alex Nicol - Audrey Totter December 6, is an open house at were Miss Jeana Beth Hartley, Charles Winninger the I.O.O.F. hall for Mr. and Mrs. sister of the bride, and Miss Mary SUM.. MON. NOV. 29 30 Frank E. Taylor, who will celc- Elaine Byars. Robert New, formerly of Ver FRANCIS COVERS THE I brate their 50th wedding anni- I versary. nonia, of Empire was the bes: BIG TOWN Th? event, to which friends of man. Ushers Charles Carl- Donald O’Conner - Yvette Dugay 1 the couple are invited, will be bom and Robert Lemarson. Candlelighters were Gary and I held from two to four that after- Larry Hartley, twin brothers ut | noon. the bride. Miss Lynn O’Dell, as vocal solo ist, song "O Promise Me” and Phone 3713 Easy Terms "Through the Years." Ed Brad shaw of West Lynn, Oregon, ac companied Miss O'Dell and play ed the traditional nuptial music. Factory Authorized Sales and Service For the wedding Mrs. Hartley, mother of the bride, chose to wear a brown faille afternoon dress with brown and amber acces Will Travel Within 20 Miles Radius sories. Mrs. Rusow wore a green dressmaker suit and black acces L. E. Ellis Mist Route Vernonia sories. Both mothers wore cor sages of gold and purple orchids. The young couple went up the coast for a honeymoon trip. They will return to Coos Bay before going to National City, California to reside where the bridegroom, a Boatswain's Mate 3 c is sta tioned with the Navy. For tra veling the brid? wore a grey The Missus Keeps Posted suit, pink accessories, and the orch.d from her bridal bouquet. The bride was graduated from Ever since our electricity »II Looks like she figured 1 »till Marshfield high school and has cut off laxt year on account of me needed some checking-up and forgetting to mail in the pay been employed by the Coos Bay slipped that postcard in the last ment. the Missus haa been aort Hospital association. Her hus batch of letters. ■f leery about going me Irttera From » here I sit, an occasional band graduated from Vernonia to mail. check-up is a good thing. Check high school and has had two tours At firat she’d ask if I mailed ups on just how tolerant we are of duty tn Korea. them, then double-check my coat of other people’s preferences and porket at night. She atopped tastes, fur example. I like a glass that, and I figured she was con of beer with supper, you may vinced I’d learned my lesson. prefer cider — but if I ever try to Then yesterday, I got a post switch you to my choice, simply card at the office in a familiar "address" me with a reminder of handwriting. I turned it over and your rights. by golly it was from the Missus A reception was held at th? beraelf! It read: "Thanks, Joe, Vernonia Bible church Sunday 6rw mailing my letters." Well! Just out—the Philco afternoon honoring Mr. and Mrs. 4100 It'« your« for 1954 at the lowest price ever George Tunnell on their 51st wed lopyri fht, I9u3, I niltd Staley Br caers Foundation for an all-channel ding anniversary which occurred 21-inch Philco console SHOP NFH 4I.EM — MIOP SHIM EM — SHOP M II\l EM November 2. Th.y were unable to celebrate their 50th anniversary last year on account of illness. The cake was served by Joan Peters, coffee by Patti Bass and punch by Nadine Tunnell. Many fi .-nds call d ti congra tulate th.'til and extend good ! wishes. Awg Church Rite Unites Couple efoif Theatre The Fnenship Pinochle clu . met Friday at the horn“ of Mrs Claude Gibson. A birthday party was held honoring Roberta Bit- ley. High score was won by Eleano Thompson, low by Julia Davit The next meeting will b? at th" home of Roberta Be.ley. NATAL — The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach was the scene Sunday of a lovely birth day dinner honoring Mrs. Maude Rodgers of Seaside. Another guest from Seaside was Mrs. Hass. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathews and Bobby from here attended. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lynch of Scappoose, Mr. and Mrs. Don Hall of Morton, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brady and children of Vernonia and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jones and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Birkenfeid have b^en recent house guests at the Bill Pringle home. The Mist Helping Circle mem bers wish to thank all who do- nated to the bazaar and took part in the program or helped in any other way. It was all truly ap preciated and helped to make the affair a huge success. i ■ | j 1 | j , ; WATCH VALUES Two Hunt Elk During Week End Spent Here RIVERVIEW — Jack Olin and James Van Baarl of Portland spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin while hunting .lk in the vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gibson spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Claia Barnett at St. Helens. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kouva and baby attended th? district con ference of the Latter Day Saints church at Astoria Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long and son Larry of Longview visited at the horn'1 of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Rundell Wedn?sday. I i ( • | ' ( expansion band •35” 17 Jewels expansion bracelet •35” PAY ONLY »1 DOWN »1 WEEKLY A. L. Kullander WATCHMAKER — JEWELEF CARD PARTY November 28. 8 p.m., St. Mary's Parrish hall. Everyone welcome. 48tlc BUZZY’S T-V DuMont - RCA As Low As $234.95 \ From where I sit .../^ Joe Marsh including federal '¡'ax and Warranty Engineered by PHILCO To Outperform Any Set Near it in Price! Wherever UHF stations are on the air, Philco All-Channel television is the sensation of the industry. In addition to finest performance now. it insures full coverage for the future. New 1954 Philco mod els are now here—come in for a demonstration and see for yourself picture performance that is the talk of the tn»n. Anniversary of Couple Noted foe Incluaina trarrai 7 a. and narramy $179.95 Youngsters Gather at ! Party Event Monday If you ar« rushed and can I mak« it to the (tore it's timpls when you trad« her«. Just pick up your ph>>n« and giv« us your order. Wall till it promptly and «xperily and deliver at your door al no extra charge to you. NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 niVUN johs — k :< ivhjs . iohs — KUB HHN dOllS Cleo Breedin celebrat d her 7th birthday Monday evening by a party held at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis I Huntley. The ev nine was spent playing games, after which both. I day cake and ice eram wa= I served. Those pres nt were: IDicki?, Barbara. Sandy, Joy and Bobbi? Perry. Mik?, Bobby Lou | and Gregory McCool. Juhe and | Lynda Carter and Kimnve Breed- ! in and the honor guest, Cleo Breedin. t PM .CO X a » Sundland Electric & Appliance •NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER’ TELEPHONE 591 STORE HOURS 8 to 6