A Happy Thanksgiving to you! Ku doubt, you are busy making plans for the Thanksgiving din- nr of a hug ■. golden brown 'urkey, sage dressing and all the other traditional foods for this day's menu. Plenty of food for the holidays, that's the forecast by the bureau if agricultural economics for th" V. S. d partment of agriculture. Fresh fruits, potato?«, sweet potatoes and beef supplies will ue even larger than last year. 'On the oth r hand, there will be ena * i k, processed fruits and urces. Families should be able to eat r imost as much turkey as in No- aea'jer and Decern br last year. <-H Officers to Train Saturday A specal training meeting for fflcers of 4 H clubs in Columbia ounty will b- held Saturday. •November 21, at the McHrid? Stade school beginning at 10 30, tnnounces Harold Black, county • ¡.tension agent in charge of 4-H * lub work Part of the meeting will be devoted to special group sessions with Miss Jun Goetze, infer- mat ton specialist. Corvallis, work r»g with news reporters. Mrs. Elmer 1 x»yd. Deer Island, with »eoretaries. and Helen Sellie emmty horn• < xtension agent, and Harold Black with presidents and *• ice-pres idents. •Wh.it Makes A Good 4-H Club Meeting” will be discussed at a general session of all those pr.- aent John Whipple. Columbia county judge, will speak to the I roup on “What It Means to Be an Officer of a 4 H Club " Groups fames and s nging are also b'ing plann d The noon meal will be sack > inches. w ith those att/nding pro- v ding their own lunches Club ascrrtai ies are requested to bring tlreir sicretarv books to the meet- The date of Jesus' birth is placrd 1 | | I 1 ' | i ; I NOV 21 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY $ 4 10 '.TURD; '. Returns of the Columbia coun­ ty PMA committee election held m Mist Thursday, November 12. show that Wm. Armstrong of Marshland was elected chairman; W. A. Kessi of Scappoose, vice- chairman and Floyd Leever of Gobie. regular member. Joe Ban­ zer of Mist and J. C. Skeans of Rainier were elect ?d as alter­ nates. All the committeemen are weli known farmers in their communi­ ties. Armstrong, Kzasi?, Skeans and Leever were reelected while Banzer is a new member. Th? committzemen will take office on January 1, 1954 and will be responsible for the coun­ ty administration of the agricul­ tural conservation program, price support activities, federal crop insurance and numerous activi­ ties which may b? assigned dur- S AROUND HOME... operation of the county office arj have responsibility for approval cf conservation practices carried oil in Columbia county. TH ’OUCH ing the year. The committee will also ar­ range for the training of the com­ munity committeemen, direct the MF ' T PRICES EFFECTIVE THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE.Left