C THURSDAY, NOV. 5, 1953 EAGLE, THE VERNONIA. ORE. Youngster* Entertained At Halloween Affair CLASSIFIEDS À I RIVERVIEW — A Hallowzen party was held at the Jewell Lloyd home Saturday evening, Nancy Lloyd, Carolyn Heath and Darlene Bernardi acting as hos tesses. Attending were: Judy Cantwell, Janice Pearson, Billye Knoedler, Joyce Sullivan, Carol McKinney, Dane Brady, Jr., and Larry Akers. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacobs and daughter of Clatskanie visited her mother and brother, Mrs. Ethel Hall and Tommy Hall, Sunday, Mrs. W. J. Lindsley, Lee Lind- sley, Mrs. Dewey Hunt and sons visited Pvt. George Stanton at the air base hospital, Portland, Fri day. Mrs. W. J. Lindsl.y, Lee Lind sley, Kenneth Lindsley and Mrs Dewey Hunt and sons were re cent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pearson at Elma. Washington. Mrs. J. E. Rose, son, Bobby, and grandson, Jackie Greenwood, spent three days last week visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Derrel Rose and Mr. and Mrs. James Staiglit at Springfield and Mr. and Mrs. Mance Rose at Eugene. FOR RENT FOR SALE—General ORDER doll clothes now for 3-ROOM house for rent. Com- < ’hristmas. For ramole and styles pletely furnished, Rock Creek and sizes see Mrs. Hunter at I read, mile north of Vernonia. 45t3 Knigty's Beauty Shop or call 662. | J. P. McFarland. 45t3 ' NICE, roomy 4-rm. apartment. Electric stove and electric wat r NINE window shades in good heater. Call 1104. 45t3c order» Call 826. L. H. Cates, rear Mill Market and Lockers. REMODELED and repainted 4- 45t3 room house fully modern. Wired for electric heat, or equipped for GENTLE Shorthorn cow for sale. oil or wood. Has electric wat r Fresh with heifer. Good milker, heater. Partly furnished if need 'lltree years old this spring. C. ed. One block from high school. 470 North St. Inquire of Pete N. Rundell, Riverview. 44t3 Brunsman. 43t3c IAH wood-electric stove. $175. APARTMENT for rent. Three Inquire Mrs. L. Choate, 141 B rooms and bath. Electric range, St, or at Vernonia Trading Co. oil heat. Rivervi.w Apartments. 36tfc 44t3 HAVE good, used washing ma- i SMALL, clean, unfurnished house S'-- Mrs. R. D. Eby. < hints and refrigerators. Sund- for two. 34tfc land ELctric. 44t2c WHITE FACE locker beef, on foot or dressed. Carl W.bb, Tim ber Rt. 44t2 SLIGHTLY used spinet piano. Can be s.-.-en in Vernonia. Terms or will take old piano in trade. Write Day Music Co., 808 S.E. Morrison, fhirtland 14, Oregon oi phone FI5389. 43t3c FAR AK ETS for sals. Si 1 a lock, phone 1322. BABY SITTING. 3.5c hour be fore midnight, 50c after. Phone 1064, Mrs. W. C. Hartman. 44t3 HOUSEWIVES wanted—Address advertising postcards. Must have good handwriting. Write Nation al Engraving, Watertown, Mass. 4()t7 ALDER LOGS WANTED Albert 43t3 Will pay premium price really good logs. ROASTING and stewing heavy reti hens. Louis Carmichael, St« 1 Point Road. 43t3c HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— picked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone 126. 14tfc FOR SALE: New bricks, 3’jc. t ■ Vernonia 382. il. M. Draper. 43t3c CLASSIFIED RATES 1DVELY SPINET SLIGHTLY MINIMUM charge 40c for 25 words or less. Words over min imum. 2c each. Three inser tions for the price of two. CARD of Thanks & Notices: 39c. NO information on classifieds will bo given out until afier paper is mailed. NO CLASSIFIED OR DISPLAY ADV. WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER WED. NOON EXCEPT FOR NEXT WEEK S PAPER. BLIND ads with answers to be handled by the Eagle: Mini mum charge 80c. No informa tion given relative to such ads. THE EAGLE assumes no finan cial responsibility for errors that may appear in ads pub lished in its columns, but in case where this paper is at fault, will reprint that part of an adv. in which the typo graphical mistake occurs. POETRY accepted only as paid matter. Rate: 5c per type line. USED At a Bargain! Fn .oral Small Uprights, Used F; ndid Values. Buy Th: m at IgRTLAND MUSIC COMPANY 514 £-. W. Third Avinue Pori land. Oregon I1' d gram.- Fair prices as to im- ity ami quantity. Will con- ,i«’fi beef or milk cattle in trade. Elmer Bergerson, Timber Rt.. Ver ne a, Oregon. 36tfc I -ULATION ANI) WEATHER STRIPPING. "The more comfort, less cost.” No money down, i: y payments. E. L. Blake Con- si < tion Co., box 93, Clatskanie. O »gon. Phone 312. 28tfc SAND, gravel, crushed rock, fill <• ’ Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. 26t52c © o APRON SHOP, clothing repairs, h stitching. At Vernonia Clean- • June Willis, phone 1211 23tfc 41 CHEV cabover truck. 2 speed Cheap. Sam Devine. Mist r< nt»- 45tlc ■ LANDCRUISER Studebaker G . o, heater, overdrive, direction, ites. $100« L E Ellis. Mist Rt F •• ne 3713. 45t3c Insurance ILL-HUDSON Insurance, tele- ne 773. We have a reliable C writing car* for 3. 6, 9 iths at low rates Also fire «□rance. Geo Bell, H Hudson 37tfc 9 H WANTED AT ONCE Unpeeled Fir Piling Delivered at Our Landing on North Rose five. LENGTHS FROM 20 TO 50 FEET WILL ALSO BUY SUITABLE STUMPAGE AND TAKE OUT. 9 See Joe Wilson at Yard or Leave Name and Ad dress at Eagle Office, Norris Pole an Piling Co Now showing and installing 1954 Models of Admiral TV sets. Also Radios and Record Players. ADMIRAL SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 774 KAb&c Pries Down 695.00 $233 00 NASH Ambassador Brougham. RSiH. Motor Overhauled. Overdrive and guaranteed. $ 795.00 $265.00 DODGE 4 door sedan. RStH. New paint. Excellent shape. Guaranteed S 795 00 $265.00 1951 DODGE 4 door sedan. 2-tonv. Motor overhauled. Guaranteed $1575.00 $525 00 1946 FORD 2 d«>or sedan. New Paint. Valves ground. S 497.00 $175 00 NEW 1953 DODGE Coronet sedan. 4 door 1953 DODGE Cranbrock sedan. 1 • • Ion Pickups. $ C l he/t/ntC' ( xa Timber Rt., Box 56 1948 2 F 45tJ KIXHXHXHXHXWXHXHXMXHXHXHXK H RADIO and TV CENTER Vernonia, Oregon 1948 I At the Mile Bridge mxhxhxhxhxhxnxhxhxhxhxnx * OAKES Telephone 16212 PLYMOUTH club coupe. R H Low Mileage, Sharp. Guaranteed 4 door ■’Where Your Money Buys More” H ermitage OLD BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY I I LLY AGED NEW Heater. overdrive. Heater. Substantia) discounts on the- cars du - to 1954 models now in show re< :n BANK TERMS ON BALANCE HAWKEN MOTORS 868 Bridge St. — Vernonia, Ore HEE Oregon s largest-selling st ra igh t bou rbon ! Ull H Riverview H CREEK DAIRY 1947 I Phone 91 PEBBLE No Tresspassing For Rent Absolutely No Admittance No Minors Allowed No Peddlers Allowed No Hunting No Fishing or Hunting Without Permission NEW KING’S Grocery - Market TREHAPNE — Mrs. Rose Mary Smith entertained th Trehame birthday club ladies at her home Thursday, October 29, in honor of her birthday. Mrs. Pauline Tisdale will entertain the ladies at hr hi me Thursday, November 1 at a proxy birthday party Call or Write PREMIUM PURCHASES I her home. The Christmas party will be at Mrs. Dorothy Reynold.; in Vernonia Dicember 17. JHXHXHXHXHXHXHIHXHXNXHXHJ Schedule of Meetings Decided for Club I For Grade Ä Pasteurized Dairy Products her daughter, Mrs. Sam Beck. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride will en tertain Thursday, November 19 at BIRKENFELD — Mr and Mrs. Cecil Elliott returned home Fri day afternoon. They report ex cellent weather and good roads all the way. It was a little nippy in Denver but summer weather every place else. They visited relatives in Los Angeles and Hill City, Kansas. Then went to Den ver to be present at the wedding of Darrell Elliott and Miss Elsie Briggs of D nver, Sunday, Oc tober 25. It’s a seven pound, 12-ounce boy for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lar son, boin Monday morning. Lawrencz Jepson took some cattle to Portland Monday. I Mr .and Mrs. M. P. Mills w re I in Portland Monday on business. Sewing club met last Tuesday with Marjorie Bellingham. Seven members were present. A baby shower was given Mrs. Betty Ann Thompson for her new daughter. Gail Marie. Th y also presented Wilma Jensen with a gift, as she was leaving the community. The next meeting will be with Mary- Ann Devine. NATAL — A large crowd tended the halloween party the Natal hall Saturday night. Ira Peterson was in Portland Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap were Clatskanie motorists last Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Wadd 11 enjoyed the square dancing at St. Helens Friday night. Mr .and Mrs. Carl Radditz of Mountaindale were Sunday cal lers at the Ira Peterson home. Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Dass happy over the arrival of a new g andson born October 11 to and Mrs. Walter King, who side in Pennsylvania, been named Mitch: 11. Presid.ntal electors meet on the Monday following the second Wednesday in Dec mber. t i i i i ¡ è I ¡ i I I I Party Attracts Crowd To Natal Saturday MIST — Bernard Dowling stop ped at Norman Hansen’s home Sunday to see their new tele- vision set. The Brook family also has a new television set. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Melis and two daughters, one from Long view and the other from Seattle, were guests of his folks, the A. R. Melis’*, during the week end. The Otto Lyons from Scio were also guests of the Melis and Knowles folks. Bernard Dowling was in St. Helens Saturday and Monday in the inter st of the J-H Lumber company. Mrs. Minnie Johnson went to Forest Grove again last week for a while. Shes been ill at her daughter’s bom? for some time. She went to stay a little while with her sister, Mrs. Phil Pop ham, but a call came again last week end for Mrs. Hughes, as her mother wasn’t so w 11. Mrs. Wayne Puch and daugh ter, Darlene, were over from Clatskanie and spent Sunday evening at the Norman Har.s n home. VERNONIA EAGLE F OR SALE—Car*, Trucks FOR SALE New TV Sets Placed In Homes at Mist STOCK SIGNS 1 • MODELING, home improve- in« Its: house leveling, founda- t mi •». additions. AU work guaran- tt d. No money down, easy It ms. E. L. Blake Construc- tn box 93 Clatskanie. Ore- pi- Phone 312. 28tfc F for JURGENS MILLS Beaver Springs Road—Rainier Phone 6-8256 25tfc REPRESENTING Curtis Circula te ■ Co.: Saturday Evening Post, Tories Home Journal, Country Ge tieman. Jack and Jill, Holi day Edw. R. Thornton, agent, phone 253. 43t3 ■' 'TiON Every Friday. We tu.ve a good market for your live- atoi k, furniture, tools. poultry, Wf buy, sell, trade, every week di) paying cash for livestock, fu* nture, machinery, tools Alt tW fl’S 's Auction Mart. Forest Grove. T' (nes: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt A ’.’nan, Auctioneer, selling live- •t< c k or general farm sales any- w tre. lltfc WANTED Parents See Son On Denver Trip 1$ 4 fi*»$ 010 • 16 PIOOF • THE OLD HEIMITA6E COMPANT. FRANKFOIT. 4ENTUCKT H H M X H X w X H rt