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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 5, 1953)
Sisters View Program. Music Kindergarten Class Celebrates Event The kindergarten celebrated another fifth birthday this week when the strains of "Happy Birth, day to You" were sung to Gen Brady by the children in the morning class. Gen’s mother, Mrs. Terry Brady, assister by ' Gen’s aunt. Mrs Larry Brady, , furnished ice-cream, cup-cakes with lighted candles, candies and decorations. Little brother Leslie was also a visitor. I ''n Wednesday evening Oc- f -er 28. 19 Pythian Sisters from ’■ rnonia visited D.phi Temple -r,‘ 13 at Forest Grove. They • ’joyed a very interesting • inder’s day program which v- .- followed by a delightful pro- ."irn of music featuring accor- v _n, violin and mouth organ music. ‘farvin Emerson, newly-elected '• and Prelate, Knights of Py- ■■ as, was present and was hon- ! j , ■d with a clever degree by the >?phi staff and was also pre- ■r d with a gift. An amusing visit was made by • nalloween witch who proved :• oe a member of Dephi Temple c • ??rly disguised. ’cmonia Temple No. 61 wiil t again next Wednesday, No- v. Tiber 11, at which time roll and homecoming will be ob- i-'-ved. A program will be pre- •ted. This is also the time for br.-ging in canned fruit for the h"*ie at Vancouver and for ba- . ■ t articles to be turned in. j • I Relief Society Program Heard Logging Firm Work Changed RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. Leo Balcom ar.d children have moved from th" Raines’ house on "th street, going to Molajla where h? will continue logging opera tions. Mr. and Mrs Everett Rundell of Portland visited at the C. N. Rundell and Ed Buckn ;r homes Saturday. Glen Hawkins visited his father Bert Hawkins, at the Veterans hospital in Portland Sundav. Armistice Observance Mr .and Mr-. Kenneth Parker Dinner Scheduled , and children of N halem visited Th. annual Armistice day din his parents. Mr and Mrs. Walt . ner is scheduled to take place Parker. Saturday. again this year at the Legion hall next Wednesdav. November 11 The pot-luck dinn r will be serv Davis Home Scene ed at 6.30 p.m. and all veterans Of Club Meeting and their families are welcome to Th? Friendly Pinochl' elub met attend. at the home of Mrs. Art Davis October 30. On arrival, the hos tess served a dessert lunch on Guest Caller Engaged color'd Halloween tabl covers. For November 6 Dance Card play ng followed, the high Leonard Williamson of Seaside score going to Ji dv Davis and will b - guest caller for the Ne low score to Roberta Beeley. halem Valley Souares at their Hostess for the next m eting dance Friday, November 6 at will be held at th? home of Mrs. Birkenfeld. Frank Lange. Society Plant Event For November 7 Mrs. Frank Schtnid’in was hos teas to the St. Mary’s Altar s<>- efitv Wednesday at the parish hall. A card party was planned, to be held November 7. Mrs. Ralph Valpiani and Mrs. Al Sauer an' in charge of arrangements. The next meeting will b? at the Parish hall November 18. w: h Mrs. Tony Smejkai acting as hostess. Mrs Valpiani will car" for the church for the month. Two Return Sunday From Hunting Trip NATAL — Max Oblack and Bill Prtngl' returned Sundav • from Estacada where they had . b»en hunting. Mrs. Nettie Titus of Seaside spent several days w'th her | daughter and family, th Bill Pringles. Sunday visitors at the Devine | hnm? were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hirtzel and children of Portland , Evening callers were Mr. and i Mrs. L. Stunkard and Marvin of Astoria and Lois Stunkard of Corvallis. THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE, THURSDAY, NOV 5. 195J Pomona to Meet fit Birkenfeld BIRKENFELD — Columbia county Pomona meets with Wine- ma Grange Saturday. The Winema Grange bazaar held last October 24 turned °ut very well. Ben Holboke received the deep fryer and Clinton Baker held the lucky ticket for the se cond prize which was a pair of sh ets. Mrs. Larson wishes to thank all who helped with the work and who donated. Also, she wishes to thank all who came. A report on the amount taken in has not been received. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Mills of North Plains, parents of M. P Muis, are celebrating their gold 1 « « « i I » I i i I « I i i I i i i i i i « Licensed B. nded Mrs. Sam Hearing, Jr., was hostess to th? P.E.O. Sisterho* t October 27. Mrs. Hu Ida Eif strom. Oregon State organizer, w.u guest for the evening. The next meeting will be Tuesday ever ing at the home of Mrs. Ben Brickel. Mrs. Wm. Bridgers will present her program on pea.' ■ participation and Mrs. Elma Ma. tmson will give her report mvth' supreme convention. Livestock Sales SATURDAY, NOV. 7 12:30 P.M. Livestock 1:00 P.M. For consignments see John Wilmarth or call home phone. Clatskanie 2437. Clatakanie, Ore. AUCTION TRADING BARN 3UY — SELL — TRADE — CONSIGNMENTS Open Daily E. of Clatskanie on U.S. 30— Sell Your Unwanted Items. Buv Your N ?eds at Your Own Price. SURPRISE SPECIALS SAVE PLENTY — PHONE 1600 I RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs. wank Hudson visited th? Relief Society program of the Latter .*>; v Saints church at Astoria Sunday evening. Mrs. Hudson •<-.* one of the speak rs. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Solomon and baby of P.ichmond, Cau- i'oia visited his parents, Mr. and l'<*s. Tom Solomon, Sunday and ’>nnday. Soots Rose and Ev T2tt Shaw Portland visited at the home o Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rose Sun- ’4rs. Laura Williams and four J • dren visit d at the home of c - sister. Mrs. Helen Sanders Portland over th" week end. I T rector to Speak at F rst Leader Banquet Dr. Jam s Millar. Portland di rt -tor and lecturer for the Good • • renship Foundation, will speak 4-H cluo leaders in Columbia • ■ iers’ banquet on Thursday No- < mber 12. at the First Luth ran church, St. Helens, auuounces Aldon Ashl.v, president of ■■■' haders association. The ban quet will begin at 7:30. The banquet is b"ing sponsored ; th? Portland General elec tee company and th Columbia c runty 4-H leaders’ association, leadership pins will be presented t’ the leaders during the prog- r; i. A candlelighting cerrmony ’• also being plann.d. C ub Hears Report At October 15 Meeting "ba Vernonia Study club met the horn? of Mrs. R. D. Eby Tober 15. Mrs. Don Campbell ;.s sch.duled to give th.? report • • "Just Cal! Me Lucky”, by Bing Crosby, but due to her illness. Bob Linsay eave it for her. T icious refreshments were serv er by th: hostess. The next meeting will be at t't home of Mrs. Harry Culbert- • • • November 5, with Mrs. Eby hf ing the program. | I ■ Majestic Mt. Hood, Oregon —typical of the scenic splendor in Western America where Lucky Lager is the largest selling Ixjer in the entire West. . ITS LUCKY when Traditionally you have come to associate America with the finest and with the opportunity for every one to enjoy the best of everything. In this great country, brewing is an art unsurpassed anywhere in the world, and you will find that Lucky Lager is not only a great American beer—but it is one of the world's finest. So smooth, so mellow, so refreshing that millions of Americans agree: "IT’S LUCKY when you live in America.” In Western America, more people enjoy outdoor living. And they de mand a beer that fits in with fun and recreation — a smoother, more refreshing beer. They choose Lucky I-ager, which many claim is the ideal American beer. Try it and see for yourself why...“IT’S LUCKY when you live in America! ” Satur Sisterhood Hosts State Organizer Lunchroom AUCTION Miscellaneous en wedding anniversary day. Seattle’s giant government locks link salty Puget Sound with the fresh waters of I^ike Union and Lake Washington. Daily, jaunty pleasure craft and giant ocean going vessels alike flow through this world-famous waterway. Today the whole world looks to the West for leadership — in transportation, business, industry and brewing. Lucky I-ager, with its three great breweries, m one of the leaduig brewing organizations of America. LUCKY LAGER ONI Of THt WORLD S PINKST BURS Uckr •»•—<’9 C«ne«RV - Vm<w««r.