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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1953)
Cjub Entertained at ‘ nompson Home Friday Couple United In Chapel Rite THE The Friendly Pinochle club •n t October 23 at the home of *■*■**• Bob Thompson. Guests of Autumn flowers in rust anu ••e evening were. Mane Sauer. M-.rgaret VanderZanden. Rober- I gold tones decorated the chapel Beeley, Aggie Gibson, Julia I of Grace Memorial Episcopal -vis, Cora Lang: and Darlene chapel in Portland Sunday, as Miss Nancy Fletch“r. daughter of May. Mr. and Mrs R. B. Fletcher of •Iigh core was held by Agnes Vernonia, became the bride of -' ."»son and low by Cora Lange. William King Chalmers in a late The next meeting will be at afternoon wedding. Mr. Chal the home of Mrs. Art Davis Oc- mers is the son of Mr. and Mrs. t'sber 30. I W. R. Chalmers, also of Vernonia. The bride wore a floor length Shakespeare years old white gown of tiered nylon tulle ■en he died. over satin, with a lace cap and fingertip veil, and carried a white Bible with a spray of white or- chids. Mrs. Gerald Millis, ma- tron of honor, wore a dress of I I creamy pink brocad • and Mrs. I Harold Long, attendant, wore light g recn brocade. Th? girls wore matching hats and contrast ing iewelry and carried large bouquets of pink dahlias and car nations. Jack King, cousin of the groom, J act d as best man and Gerald Mil ■1 lis was attendant. Harold Lang I J assisted. • The receiving line was held in <1 MR. AND MRS. LAWRENCE McMAHON the foyer of the church and im I ? our insurance agent mediately I following, the bridal Th? Assembly of God church lis and Mrs. Esther Ruth of Long- 4 i for more insurance party and wedding guests drove was the scene of th? wedding ’ view as bridesmaids, both sisters ) to the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. G. October 4 when Miss Ro I Patricia Robertson was flower while your home is go- Moore, grandparents of the bride, bertson becam • the bride of Law girl and Vernon Dennis Robert- i <: for the reception in Portland. rence A. Mahon. She is th? daugh I son was ring bearer. They are a I Ig up in flames. The bride is a graduate of Cot- ter of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Rot :rt. . niece and nephew of the hrid '. <1 tev Junior college in Missouri and son who gavt h r in marriage anil d Her attendants wore ballerina Now, before disaster the groom attended Pacific Uni he is th? son of Mr. and Mrs. V. : length I dresses of nylon net over s’ . r.-ity and Oregon State college. G. Mahon of Wallula. Washing taffeta with nylon net matching •Í strikes, is the time to After a trip down the Oregon ton. stoles and each carried a nosegay coast, the couple will be at their The double-ring ceremony was of pastel flowers and woie match- 'take sure you have ade- home on Mist route. i performed by R v. W. A. Mc ng floral coron.t headpieces. The uate insurance. Play I Bride before an altar bank 'd with matron of honor was in soft blue I ivy, two boquets of white and and the bridesmaids in pastel I safe. Call on us for a Circle Entertained at cream color d gladioli and astrs shades. Meeting On October 15 » aned lighted by a pair of candela Best man was Thmas Bates, erotection check-up to- o friend of the groom. Ush rs were The Friendship Circle met at bra. The bride wore white nylon Paul Robertson and Cleve Robert- . ay. ■ Freda Biggs’ horn? October 15 for its r-gular pot-luck dinner. tulle ov.r net and taffeta with i son. brothers of the bride. I J Mrs. Shirley Bass, accompanied The business meeting conducted lace ballerina length. Her finger i I by the chairman, Laura Mar- tip veil was of illusion net fall by Joyce Jon s, sang "B'cause,” michael, was short and an after- ing from a cap of se.d pearls and “Always" and “The Wedding J she carried pink rosebuds with Prayer.” noon of visiting follow.d. ■ white stephanotis and a white A reception followed th • cere Members present were: Ruby I mony in the recreation room of I Biggs, Ella Wood. Blanche Milks, Bible. Attending th? bride were: Mrs. the church which was decorated Mary Steers, Ruth Steers, Laura I « Virgie Pugh, a sister, of Gary, i for the occasion with white and Carmicha.) and the hostess, Pre- I Bill J. Horn, Agent I Mississippi, as matron of honor pastel pink cr-pe streamers ano da Biggs. « 905 Bridge Street The next meeting will be No- and Mrs. Tharis King of Corval- I ivy. Th? tab.? was decorated Phone 231 Vernonia vember 19 with Ruby Biggs act- ing as hostess. ■ , i I I i VERNONIA • INSURANCE From where I sit... // Joe Marsh VERNONIA. Limit Shot at Summer Lake -ate Starter? ! EAGLE, ORE. THURSDAY, OCT From where I sit, it's no won der our youngsters think Miss Gilbert’s such a wonderful per son (even though they know they'll have to make up that day). Her tolerance, her friendly way with people of all ages re flect in everything she does. For instance, at my house Miss Gil bert prefers tea but always re spects my preference for a glass of beer. As a real person ... in any community. Miss Gilbert be longs at “the head of the class.” MIST — The MHC met Thum i day with Mrs. Wesley Monroe RIVERVIEW — Louis Huntley, . There were 17 members and two Gerald and Claude McCool spent I visitors present. The hostess the week -'nd at Summer Lake j served a fine dinner at noon and where tach got his limit of geese. I following that, quite a session > Mrs. Robert Poole and Mrs. ! business was taken care of A Jewell Llovd spent Wednesday in few more details regarding the oncoming program and sale th • Portland on business. before Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Olin Robbins and Saturday i were worked out and reports giv Marvin Brewer visited Laura, en. An hour or so of sociability John and Ezra Brewer at Cor was enjoyed after the meeting vallis Saturday. The next regular meeting will b one week earlier, on account of • Thanksgiving and it will be at Films of Trip Viewed I the horn ' of Mrs. Austin Dowling At Session of Circle I unless otherwise changed. I Neighbors of Woodcraft, Circie ■'ll, m t in regular social session Thursday evening, October 15. and enjoyed films of pictures tak- en by Mr. and Mrs. George W. J ihnson on their recent trio to North Dakota and parts of in- I RIVERVIEW — Mr. and Mrs t rest Members are reminded of the next business n»'eting Eben John, daughters Donna an which will be November 5 at the 1. a, and Dick Ingram of Portland visited at the home of Mr. and Am rican Legion hall. Mrs. C. I. Anderson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riggle of final Degree Work Tophill and Mrs. Ida Kilberg of Taken Tuesday Night Timber visited at the home of Two candidates for member Mr. and Mrs. John Krinick Mon ship in the I.O.O.F. lodge were day. Mrs. Vincent Gow >n of Port given the third degree of initia tion Tuesday evening it th regu. Blank ly. Washington visited het lar meeting of the group. Taking parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Olin, the work at that tim ■ were Nels Friday through Sunday. Hogberg and F. C. L nt?.. R >y Allen, Mrs. Elbert Mothers head and Melvin Mothershead >f with roses and an ivy twined Graham, Washington spent Sun. heart in the background above day visiting at the homes of Mi the three-tiered wedding cake. and Mrs. Charles All. n and Mr Th ■ guest book was supervised by and Mrs. Ed. Buckner. Marv Helton of Longview and Mrs. Pearl Wilkerson and Mrs th - gift table bv Claudine Gibson Ruby Biggs spent Monday at and Donna Robertson, sist ir of the bride. Mrs. Marie Frazee Forest Grove on business. Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Colby and cut th? cake. Barbara Raney and Erlene Dt nnan sTV.’d. and Belts daughter and Mrs. Vida Jones of Lou Sutton and Lois Frank were Newberg spent the w?ek end visiting the latter’s sister and in charge of punch and coffee. Mr. and Mrs. McMahon left for brother-in-law, Mr. and Mi's. C a short w.dding trip down the I. Anderson. Oregon coast to D?po? Bay and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Huens and Coos Bay. They are residing on i children spent the week end visit Second treet here where he is ing his sister and family, Mr. and employed at the mill and she at Mu. Grady Yandell, at Ione, th? W st Oregon Electric Washington. Portland People i Here for Day ANNOUNCING Lop)fight, /9.5.Î, Lniled Stales Brewers Foundation Brilliant new design opens new era in trucking! Sec how new lower work-saving design saves you time and effort! Pick-up and panel floors are as low as 22*4 inches from the ground ...knee-high for loading ease! Lower running boards for easier entry! Lower hood for greater visibility! New low center of gravity for extra stability, safety, handling ease! 1^ Mine styling ! New grille, integral fenders, sparkling chrome! New colors! New sleek lines! New Dodge “Town Panel" combines brilliant beauty with the greatest cubic capacity of any ’/z-ton panel! New two-tone interiors! New Dodge styling will build prestige for any business! X Ww! 2 jreaf engine, line-ups ! POWERFUL NEW V-« » — FAMOUS THRIFTY 6ÌI H X H X M X H X Z H X M X M Z M X M Like good meat? If so, why not trade at King's Grocery and Market. We feature the very best in delicious fresh meats in our cases daily. Not only do you receive the best in meats when you trade here, but you budget-wise housewives will find that you’ll save money also. Why not drop in today and look over our taste-tempting dis play of fresh meats. You, too, will become one of our steady customers. When you see the qual ity and low prices. Ask the person who trades here—he’ll tell you. KING’S Grocery - Market H X H Phone 91 M X 94 Riverview At the Mile Bridge America’« Greatest Array of Truck Power! In addition to cost-cutting 6’s, Dodge now offers the most powerful V-S engines of any leading trucks! Available in 114-, 2-, and 2*4 - ton models . . . standard in 2'4-, 3-, 3 *4-ton! Hemispherical combustion chamber for high efficiency! Free book tells how high engine efficiency saves you money. See us for your copy! New ! Real easy-chair cornforF-pickitc window visibility ! New Dodge cabs offer real easy-chair comfort! New cab heat ing and ventilating available’ New sealing against dust, drafts! New easy-to-see arrangement of instruments! New convenient glove-box location! New higher, wider doors! Big. one-piece windshield! Total cab vision area of 2261 sq in. . . . more than any leading make’ New value throughout! Shorter conventional tractors make 35-ft. trailers legal any where—3,000 to 5,000 extra O.CW. in 3-, 3*4-. and 4-ton con ventional models—and Power Steering available in 4-ton trucks! IE!' Em Ertittf ratals...nt still »ncel «nth tkt Imst! Sit thia liiay! HAWKEN MOTORS . 968 Bridge Street Phone 501 I Circle Continues Plans 1 For Annual Program It's the Principal of the Thing! Every autumn our High School has a contest to see who can get the most ads for The Recorder— the school magazine. The winner becomes honorary Principal for a day. Skip Roberts won last week, and his first (and only) official set as “Principal” of the school was to announce in a loud, clear voice: “I hereby declare today a school holiday!” Knowing Miss Gilbert, the real : rincipal. it was no surprise to •'ie that she laughed as hard as anybody else . . . and said to go ■ght ahead. 22 195.1 VERNONIA, OREGON