2 THURSDAY, OCT. 22, 1953 THE EAGLE, VERNONIA, ORE. TOWN TOPICS Car Accident Lions Plan for Project at Pool Cause of Trip A project that will provide, when completed, an improvement U the facilities at th - city park swimming pool was decided upon Monday evening at the regular weekly meeting of the Vernonia Lions club. Club members heard the pro- fx«al of its project committee headtxi by George A. Remnant, that cement steps be constructed from the street level to the b ach al the pool to replace the gravel incline. proj; ct plan also calls for <«><ds and iron railing at the sides of the steps, Jack Nance was charged with the job of esti. mating the cost of the proposed work and supervising the con struction. The According to plan, the Tow-r <rf Babel was tot; high enough Ui reach Heaven. THIS 36-pound Chinook caught last Thursday in the Trask by Les Galloway, using a 27- pound test wire leader He played the fish over an hour to make the catch. Photo made as the fish was weighed in at Mill Mar ket end Lockers. Benefit Halloween Dinner Sat., October 31 • Menu : 'Roast Turkey and the Trimmings $1.50 75c Adults Children Washington School Cafeteria. 5-8 p.m. OAKES i RADIO and TV CENTER ! I Now i showing and installing ¡ 1954 Models of Admiral TV I sets. Also Radios and Record • Players. • : i ADMIRAL SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 774 I ♦ : I t I » ! ! SHOP NEHAI.EM — SHOP NEHAI.EM — SHOP NEHAI.EM Three Reasons Why You Should WIHlOtl sunna! o T z ' um1 rums' Why don’t you give us a trial, too. You’ll notice T the difference almost immediately in the quality z X foods you receive at low prices. Remember — We deliver at no extra cost to you I X NEHALEM MARKET AND GROCERY For Delivery Every Day Phone 721 o z I Mr. and Mrs M P. Kuahn and children of Elgin spent last week end with her parents, Mr. and TREHARNE — Mr and Mrs. Mrs. M. B. Steers, Sr., on Stoney Truman Davenport were called Point road. I Guests this week of Mr. and II east to Arkansas City, Kansas to Mrs. L. Carmichael are Mr. and be with his brother-in-law who Mrs. E. B. Carmichael of Washou was seriously hurt in a car ac gal, Washington and Mr. and Mrs. cident Sunday morning. They Walter Carmichael of North Bend, left Monday evening for Kansas Washington, brothers of Mr. by way of Swest Home where Carmichael. they stopped for Mr. Davenport's GRANGE CARNIVAL November I 21. 7 p.m. Free turkey door priae. sister-in-law who accompanied Public invited. Grange hall is on them. 1st road on left past Vernonia Lee Rogers returned horn. Mon 44t4c day night by bus and was on the golf course. Mr and Mrs. Murvel Frank re mail route again Tuesday, Mr. turned here a short time ago and Mrs. Bert Tisdal? drove to after being away five weeks dur ing which time they drove to Portland Monday night to visit Enid, Ok.ahoma to see her par Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walk.r un ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Sparks. til Mr. Rogers bus was due. They Mr. anc Mrs. Judd Greenman brought him home from Portland. were at Medford last week end Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride where they visited their son. Hale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lester Mc and family. Nair in Vernonia Saturday even Mrs. C. S. Hoffman of Mc ing. Kenzie Bridge was a guest here Mr. and Mrs. Mac Edwards and last we-k end at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. W. Skuzie. family of Napa. California, visit .d with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Whit F. L. CLUB annual Halloween mire and Mr. and Mrs. Turner barn dance October 31. I.O.O.F. Daniel’and family over the w;ek hall, Swingsters. 43t2c end. returning horn- Monday. Mr. Bert Fleskes was among the Edwards is a cousin of Mrs. Whit top 20 per cent of his freshman mire and Mr. Daniel. class in the English Placement Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stevens and exam at Pacific University where Marie Watson of Selah, Washing he is enrolled as a pre-med. stu- ton vis ted the ladies brother, Al- dent. Bert was graduated from d.n Watson, and wife, Faye, over Vernonia high school in 1950. th.- week end. Three car-loads of young people from the First Christian Church It took Moses 40 ygars to reach attended the showing of the pic the Promise Land. ture, "The Robe,” in Portland Monday of this week. Those at Da Vinci, th artist. was first tu tending with the young people mention the pres.ncs oí two dif were Mrs, L. L. Wells, Mrs. Chas. ieren gases in the atmosph?re. Hickman and Mr. and Mrs. Hu bert Smith. Magellan’s ship was named The Mr. and Mrs. Ira Howe and i Victoria. daughter, Mrs. Tommy Hazl.tt, and children were guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Leake Monday. Mrs. Marie Frazee plans leave n.re Saturday for Detroit, Michigan -Where she will spend two weeks visiting at the home of her son and family, Mi. and Mrs. Jim Fraz If proper con nections can be mad? she will probably make the trip by plane. V.F.W Aux. card parly I.O.O.F hall October 24, 8 p.m. Public invited. Refreshments. 42t2c F. L. CLUB annual Halloween barn dance October 31. I.O.O.F. hall. Swmgs'ers. 43i2c Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cockrell re turned her last Saturday from a threc-w.ek trip on which they traveled about 3.000 miles. They I went as far as Butt , Montana and ritjrned by way of Boise and Payett -. Idaho, visiting two daughters, a sister and two brothers of Mrs. Cockrell and nieces and n phews of Mr. Cock rell. They left h re Octob r 3. time at I ( I | i FIVE YEARS AGO From The Eagle. October 28. 1948 The formation of a youth re creation group under the sponsor ship of Floyd Otis was under taken a few days ago and there are now 97 high school students who have signified interest in the idea. Mary Stevenson and Bill Shipman are helping to get the organization underway. The date of November 5 has been established for a hearing which will be conduct.d by the public utilities commission on a proposal increase of rates for the A. F. Schalock water system v.hich serves Riverview. The hearing is being held because of a new tariff schedule and which was filed with the commission and which constitutes an increase in rates. The county community chest campaign, which begins Novem ber 1st, has set the Nehai.m Val ley quota, at $750. Vernonia, Mist, Birkcnfeld are the included communities. Mrs. B:n Brickel heads the local drive. TEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle, October 28. 1943 Blanton, who Mary Edith weighed only I'z pounds at birth, w cao two c w vz luvuui.j ~. — 21 - was months old October and now weighs 3S pounds. She is still bring cared for at the Lloyd Maternity home, The honor roll for the 1st six weeks period of the year was re- leased by Principal Wallace Mc- Crae this week. Seniors were: Eleanor Corll and Lorraine Ma har; Juniors. Delores B.rgstrom, Phyllis Bonsilaw, Tommie Lou Holcomb, Shirley Ray and Max Millis; Patiicia Berg was the only Sophomore. Freshmen hon- or roll members w.re Minam Corll and Elna Morris. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From The Eagle. October 28. 1938 Mahogany Finish for sale Underwood Number 5 Standard Typewriter, Reconditioned and Guaranteed $37 50 i The Vernonia Eagle Printing — Office Supplies Telephone 191 Joy Theatre OCT. 29 !0 THURS.. FRI. HOUDINI (Color) Tony Curtis - Janet Leigh SATURDAY OCT. 31 ANDROCLES AND THE LION Jean Simmons - Victor Mutui e NOV. SUN. MCN. (Color) Susan Haywaid - Robt. Mitchum TUES.. WED. NOV. 3-4 THE GLORY BRIGADE Victor Matu. - Alvy Moor. $234.95 Engineered by PHILCO To Outperform Any Set Near it in Price I Wherever UHF stations are on the air, Philco All-Channel television is the sensation of the industry. In addition to finest performance now. it insures full coverage for the future. New 1954 Philco mod els are now here—come in for a demonstration and see for - yourself picture performance that is the talk of the town. A *, Just out—the Philco 4100 It’® your® for 1954 at the lowest price ever for an all-channel 21 inch Philco conaole. rrrfrroZ '»rraritv On Our Easy Terms! Sundlantí Electric & Appliance NEHALEM VALLEY APPLIANCE DEALER' TELEPHONE 591 Z WHITE WITCH DOCTOR including federal lax and Warranty live in America Yes. it’s "Lucky” for hunting and fishing and “Lucky" for the best in refreshment—age-dated Lucky Lager beer! You see, Lucky Lager is made I h tter so it tastes better. Try Lucky Lager today...and you’ll agree: "IT’S LUCKY when you live in America!” TYPEWRITER SUNDLflND ELECTRIC 21-inch ITS LUCKY when you Officers were num d Octub.-r 29 for the Veterans of Foreign War post, newly organized he-e Howard Reeher is commandet A spinning wheel was on dis play at th? Vernonia post off last week featuring in its con- struction the use of 10 differeni kinds of wood. The machise, manufactured by Emil Messir.i,, is being us. d by Mrs. C. R Walt., to make yarn from the wool of Angora rabbits. YESTERDAYS I STORE HOURS 8 to c