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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1953)
2 THURSDAY. OCT. 22. 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA. TO WN TOPICS Social Security ORE. Grain Combining Job Done at Natal Place Miss Laura Mae Saibert. daugh A birthday party was given ter of Mr and Mrs. Clint Seibert, for Mrs. Robert Lindsay last now in nurse's training at Para Tuesday at her home. Several dise Sanitarium at San Diego, ladies enjoyed the afternoon visit California is keeping up in her ing and playing robber bingo. music work, too. Recently she Mrs. Lindsay receiv.d many love sang "Open ths Gates of the ly and useful gifts. A door prize Temple" at the First Presbyterian was given to Mrs. Noble Dunlap. church in San Diego. She has Guests at the Hershey home also been appointed to select and over the w-eek snd were Mr. and train a number of girls in group Mrs. Dalton Hershey and son of I singing, She is gr.atly enjoying Vancouver and Mr. and Mrs. Hal this opportunity although her heavy schedule of six hours of Vicors of Portland classes, five hours of study and Sunday evening callers at the i two hours of work makes an ex- THURS . FRI. OCT. 22-23 Ira Peterson home werz Mr. and - ceedingly full day. OFF LIMITS Mrs. Byron Winslow of Gaston. F. L. CLUB annual Halloween Bub Hope - Marilyn Maxwell barn dance October 31. I.O.O.F. SATURDAY OCT. 24 4312c hall. Swingsiers. V.F.W Aux. card party 1.0.0.F HAPPY GO LOVELY hail October 24. 8 p.m. Public (Color) 42t2c invited. Refreshments. f). Niven - Vera Ellen • C Romero George Remnant attended the Thursday session, last week, of SUN. MON. OCT. 25 26 RIVERVIEW — During the va ths Oregon Banker's association THE GREATEST SHOW He also attended cation week, Mr. and Mrs. Ever in Portland. ON EARTH ett Kouva and Mr and Mt Au* the banquet Friday evening. (Color) tin Rice visited relatives at Poca V.F.W. Aux. card party I.O.O.F. James Stewart - Betty Hutton tello, Idaho, going from there to hall October 24. 8 p.m. Public Cornell Wilde 42t2c Salt Lake City where they at- t invited. Refreshments. 7XXES-. WED. OCT. 27 2S tended a conference of th.- Latter F. L. CLUB annual Halloween barn dance October 31. I.O.O.F. Day Saints church. They visit d SPLIT SECOND hall. Swingsters. 43t2c and Hoover Las Vegas, Nevada Alexis Smith - Keith Andes Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moreland of dam. driving on to Los Angeles and home by way of San Fran Medford were week end guests of Mrs. and Mr. Guy Thomas. cisco. BRING A CAKE and ccme to the cake walk at Vernonia grange hall 8 p.m. on October 24. Free dancing. Sandwiches and coffee served by grange. 42t2c Mr. and Mrs. George Remnant were gu sts last Saturday at the Bank of California’s annual foot ball p:.rty. Following the game, the buffet dinner was held at the Heathman hotel. Entertainment was provided by the KO1N string orchestra, with Brunetta Musso- * lina and Walt McKinney assisting. The Remnants were then guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Christensen of Hillsboro over the week nd. BRING A CAKE and come to the cake walk at Vernonia i grange Free hall 8 p.m. on Ociober 24 LYMI dancing, Sandwiches and coffee 4212c served by grange. MATA I. — Richard Peterson has been combining grain on the l<ew Choate place. Mr. and Mrs. Max Oblack. Larry and Maxine, spent Satur- < Lay afternoon and evening in Krrtland. Jo if Theatre 2 Couples Go to LDS Conference Always So Acceptable .......... * Light 01 BEEF w I The movie newsreel became a daily featuie during Pt -sident Wilson s administration. "Its the Water «IVM7IA lit WING COMPANY, OOM FIA, WASHINGTON, U S. A. *• XHZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHT The Gutenb -rg Bible was pub lished in 1445. i i OAKES RADIO and TV CENTER “ For A Year Around Treat Eat Now showing and installing 1954 Models of Admiral TV tets. Also Radios ar.d Record Players. , ADMIRAL SALES AND SERVICE PHONE 774 T. > Winter weather makes no difference to us in the regard to fresh fruits and vegetables as our shelves are filled all the time. Vegetables for the salads, fruits for the dessert, whatever your needs may be you can be sure Kings has them. Come in today and look over our attractive dis play. I» X KING’S Grocery - Market H ME Phone 91 Riverview M X MZHXHXHXHXHXHXHXMXHXHXHX^*. I I “V here Your Monet But* More’ At the Mile Hridre For Grade A Pasteurized Dairy Products (NOTE: This is the last in a senes of articles from the social security offic? in Portland. It concerns the special occupational groups now covered.) In addition to the self-employed which we discussed in our last article, several other groups were covered by social security begin ning January 1, 1951 One of these groups was household em ployees. People working in do mestic employment in a private home are covered if certain condi tions are met. As a household work.r. you ge: social security credit only when you work for one employer on some part of 24 different days during the calendar quarter and you are paid $50 or more in cash wagfs in a calendar quarter. In cases you are employed by mors than one household employer, this same test applies to your work for each household. Your work foi employers, however, cannot be combined to m°et this requirement. For example, if you worked for four different em ployers but do not work for any of thsm 24 days or more in a quarter, none of your employment is covered. A housewife may obtain special form to report wages paid to domestic employe, s if it comes within the above test. She may obtain these forms by writing to the Director of Internal Revenu?. Portland. Oregon. In view of the 24-day requirement it might be advisable for the household employer to keep a time record showing the days the household worker was employed. Another covered group ars the farm workers. Working on a farm is covered only if certain rather rigid requirements are met. Pleasz note that only the farm employ.e is covered. This farmer himself is not. In order to have farm employ ment coverage, a person must first serve for one individual farm employ , r a qualifying quarter. You tain it by being employed by the same farmer from the be ginning to the end of a calendar quarter. Th.n, if you do agricul tural labor for the same employer in the next quarter under a full- time arrangement on 60 or more days for cash wages of $50 or more in a calendar quarter such employment is covered. As can be readily seen, this requirement eliminates practical ly all seasonal farm labor. Rough ly sp.aking. it covers only the employee who works consistent ly practically day in and out for one employer throughout the year or the major portion of the year. In addition to the above groups employees certain government are now covered bv social se- curity. Certain federal employees are now covered by social se- curity. rath r than civil sersice retirement. State and local go vernment employees may partic.. pate under social security cover- 8-Ft. Lengths Hemlock I Our Great America & Ü-5FP TÖ LI (MT A MAJOR ieA6lC GABBALI PARK fC* one Nwe inniño woul P u (S* t -r*e AVffcASe ONW - fam i1/ Hove FC* ABOUT Five IOOWOUT TCMÄÄ ERECTtt> »4 TUe UNfTFP BSlABl SWrO IN 1905 ON ft* mcmn - tain hem emuviur. au . ne . tooAy Wit Art -MOUSANBS C» flrt 1OU«RS M X *uwy o '- wtiv ANoeeecTtp e/ roeerr IHTUSIFttS «V M WATtH' WA« Trt hams or rue SITA» BOAT CMVATTP OU w jewrr ixxef. rt ^ aiiep iwcw. bufealo on ocioeeR i — In 1974. PioJrra eoAPeuiipees Bunt A woooeu ivzví Muts io ^G vrru a wetiWAy rumhini S un D ír > t to psc - vw AU AU-WÎATHER WAfiCH ROAP ACBCSS THE SWAMP/ «P RiyfR UALIE/ IN HORTHERSl LOUISIANA Fro*rt«d < AMKRICAN KRin PRODUCT* IME.rriUM. IM.----------------- age if certain requirements and agreements are met. Employees of non-profit organizations pre viously excluded may come under social security provided the or ganization desires it and at least two-thirds of the employees indi cate their desire to participate. This is the final article in this series. If you need additional information, be sure to visit the nearest field office of the social security administration. Mr. Cummins may be contacted on the second floor of the St. Helens Courthouse, any Monday 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. or local resi dents may wish to visit or write to the Portland Social Security Field Office located in Room 104, Old Post Office Building. Port land, Oregon. Legion Plans Bingo Party Series Soon * A series of bingo parties for which participants may expect win turksys, geese, chickens u ,d hams is being planned to be^ i November 14 at the Legion h_ . Preparation for the parties was made at the last Legion meet.. wh.n Harry Culbertson was na ed chairman of the commit'."--- which will be in charge of t. “ parties this year. New waterproof glues are c bining with other innovations to make wooden military vehc» bodies that could go into imme i. ate production in a national err gency. the Most Powerful one man chain sawever developed the new HOMEL9TE model 5-30 No other sow can match it . . . for power per pound or for speed in cutting. Cuts 20 inch trees in as little as 20 seconds. Cuts down and cuts up any tree, any size quickly and entity. TED'S SAW SHOP RIVERVIEW AT FIRST PHONE 775 VERNONIA, ORE. Call or Write PEBBLE CREEK DAIRY Telephone 16212 Vernonia, Oregon Timber Rt.. Box 56 -H ermitage I’ * BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY PULPWOOD WANTED Douglas Fir I White Fir FULLY AGED S15.00 Per Cord Delivered DELIVERIES ACCEPTED MONDAY. TUESDAY AND FRIDAY FROM 7:00 A M. TO 11:00 P M. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY F.IOM 7:00 A M TO 3:00 P.M. ONLY ST. HELENS PULP AND PAPER Oregon s largest •selling straight bourbon! ST. HELENS. OREGON VNIS $6 PROOF • THE Old HERMITACE COMPANY. FRANKFORT KENTUCKY