10c COPY V ILUME 31, NUMBER 43 VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON PHONE 191 THURSDAY. OCTOBER 22. li. i I Non-League Tilt Friday Lost 20-7 County Tax Valuation Up For Total of $16,448,135 Two Business Firm Changes I Are Arranged Columbia county’s tax valua- I Th? booklet listed the value of tion jumped $201,469 between taxable property for 1953-54 as: 1952 and 1953 to reach a total of tillable land. 29,285.57 acres, $16,448.135, according to a sum- I $1.889,370: non-tillable land, 228.- mary of the 1953-54 tax roll is- I 273.78 acres. $1,972,315; timb r •Vy-East Outclasses Thomas Variety Sold sued last week by O. A. Ridenour, ! land, 4.259.04 acres. $151.630; ~ogger Eleven; Pass After Completing county assessor. structural improveemnts on un Defense Overcome 26 Years in Business The tax hummarv, a 10-page platted land. $2.608,075; platted pamphlet, outlined the tax situa lands, $842.480; structural im The Vernonia Loggers took it Two transactions have taken tion of the county, listing valua provements on platted lands. $1,- or the chin last Friday evening I tion, a statement of taxes levied 644,010; and mineral reservations, plac" h re within the past few w’.cn they made th"' long trip to days that will result in changes for the year and a breakdown of $18,880. V -East whirs they met that mill levies. This placed the total real pro- of ownership for two business tff m in a non-league conference A comparison with last year’s p.rty tax valuation at $9,126 760. I firms within a short time. Of- t ' and were defeated by the summary showed that the in Personal property was listed as. j ficial announcement of one of the sc- e of 20-7. crease in total valuation was manufacturing machinery and ’ ernonia just couldn't se?m to brought about through boosts in ■ logging equipment, $1.718,930; I changes was made earlier this started and was outclassed in nearly every kind of taxable pro- | boats, vessels and other water week by Mr. and Mrs. Claude P"- tically every department by party. craft, $21,415; merchandise and Thomas, owners of Thomas Va th* Wy-East eleven. stock in trade. $1.449.080; farming riety store, who have disposed Vy-East scored first in the implements and quipment, $778,. of the business to Mr. and Mrs. starting period when they caught | 860; furniture and fixtures in M. B. Steers, Jr. The latter will t- Loggers napping on pass de- comm rcial use, $480,335; horses assume operation of the store fr nse and completed a long, 30- and mules, numbering 526, $12,- vi d toss which end'd up in the 470; cattle, numbering 12,334, the first of November. er - zone for their first TD. The $578,835; sh ;ep and goats, num Mr. and Mrs. Thomas recently The fall handicap golf tourna r i of th? first half play was a bering 2,309. $10,695; swine, num- | conducted a st or?-wide sale and nip and tuck defensive battle with ment has been completed at the b ring 566, $4,845; poultry, num re -her team able to start any Vernonia country club with win bering 23,004; $14,840; fur-bear I since then have sold th? business. ners as follows: ! Included in the transaction is the sustained drives. , ing animals, numbering 2,303, $9,. Ken Nanson 1st: Tom Corrigan. ■ building in which the store is lo Third quarter play was the 075; miscellaneous, $365. 2nd; Ben Brickel 3rd in th? cham big Quarter as far as both of Valuation of personal property cated. pionship flight; Bill Nelson 1st totalled $5,079,745. th squads w.re concerned. Once The former owners would have place in th' consolation flight. ag; n the same long pass play Soldier's exemptions brought complet 'd 26 years here in the Trophies were awarded to the p .- ed havoc with the locals when deductions of $98,170 but Public variety store business in March of various winners. another Wy-East TD scor'd from Service corporation property ad next year. They opened the busi- In addition to the above win 2 ards out. The Wy-East squad ded $2,339,800 to th? total valua 1 ness originally in the building ners. low gross and low net t-rn kicked off to th? locals who tion. A county tax levy of 7.7 in which the Schaumburg paint awards w.re won bv Joe Magoff, lc; the ball roll to their own 25 mills is Expected to produce $125,- store is now locat d, but moved Bill Nelson, Wesley Bolmeier ana v lout gaining possession of it 650.63 in county taxes. in a few months to the present Kenny Nanson. These winners w i Wy-East taking ov-r there location. People who have re The summary showed that resi were awarded golf balls. or a recovery. From that point sided here for many years will dents of Vernonia will pay the The next tournament will b? drove it over after a drive, recall that previous to th? time the winter handicap which will high st mill levy of any incor st -ring from three yards out. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas moved their porated community in the coun start soon after th? first of Jan store into the building it was ~ ie Loggers’ one and only tally ty with a tax rat? of 142.4. Ver uary. This will be open to any occupied by the Gordon furniture c-.r'e on a 55-yard jaunt by Speed golfer in the community that has nonia's taxpayers are financing store. L ‘by. Th? try for point was a new high school, accounting for an established handicap or can Previous to their variety busi • i with Ozzie Ray converting. establish a handicap by turning the high tax rat.. ness, th" Thomases owned and Clatskanie residents will pay in score cards to th? club house operated a garage on Second the sicond highest tax rate of 126 between how and the first of th" street where the Nazarene church year. The golf course is in bet mills. is now located. They will con- Third highest tax will fall upon ter shape than it has been all tinu" to mak? their home here. year and this should prove to be Scappoose citizens for a total of 1 The other change of business 120.1 mills. an add d incentive to get the which has taken place in the past golfers, and duffers out. There Rainier taxes will total 106.8 few davs concerns the Palace "vo hunters were injured by is still lots of good golf weather mills for residents outside the cafe. Mrs. Jack Barry, former u. '.shots near here Saturday and left. cemetery district and 109.8 for I operator of th? business, has dis ar.-ther was killed Sunday on Goble taxpayers posed of her interest to Mrs. i those insid. . < • e.i mountain as the hunting will be charged 84 8 mills for Luella Anderson who planned to tr last week end in this part of their government, while Prescott reopen the business today. t- state. Both injuries took place citizens pay 99.1 and Columbia nc: here. City citizens, 92.9. iis. Frances St. Onge, 25, of St. Helens residents face a tax S H lens was wounded in the I levy of 96.9 mills. f.- while hunting n?ar Bak?r Through information releas d : Valuation of cities in the county pc it lookout by a bullet fired in a communication received here with last year's valuation in par by George Koski, also of St. the latter part of last week The | enthesis w?re: K ens. She was taken to the Salvation Army points out that it j Clatskanie, $387,030 ($381,530); Th? need for more equipment F” sicians and Surgeons hospi- is not included in the current j Columbia City, $88,755 ($87,745); for the grade school cafeteria is t :n Portland for treatment. Unit.d Fund drive which began Goble. $31,995 ($17,7151; Prescott. the reason for a benefit dinner Th 2 second mishap to occur Sunday. Word of the Army’s de $33,845 ($27,380); Rainier, $640,105 which is scheduled to take place S. ' irday was a leg injury for cision to conduct its own cam ($681,950); Scappoose, $301,870 October 31 at the Washington J.1 R. Lowe. 30, of Portland paign came from Harry L. Lar ($270,735); Vernonia, $315,345 school lunch room. The decision w was hunting in the Stoney sen. divisional commander. Port ($323,300). to h ip with the project was made • it area on Timber route. He land. Rainier showed a drop of more Monday evening at the first fall brought here for emergency The decision, as made by Army tm?nt, th?n taken to St. Vin officials and the county commit than $40.000 in total valuation business meeting of the P.-T.A. ci -t’s hospital in the Vernonia tee, was released in view of th? while Vernonia fell n-arly $7,000. Monday evening at Ithe high All other communities war? given school. < -munity ambulance. fact that some publicity has ap Th? association will give the *>'hile hunting on Green moun peared to the effect that the higher valuation. The booklet showed that resi grade school its assistance in mak ts ■ early Sunday morning, a Army was included in the United dents of Goble, like last year, will ing th? dinner a success. .«?•: took the life of Jack East- Fund. pay no city tax. but must pay a Members of the P.-T.A. heard 29. of Astoria. The shot total levy of 84.8 mills. Mrs R. O. Wickersham. Portland, w;.s thought to have been fired The summary illustrate the state chairman of the parent edu b; Jack Cummings, also of As- Jambore« Date Set steady climb of taxes in Columbia cation committee as guest : • ; 3. I This year's LCL basketball county during the last five years. speaker at the meeting. Her to jamboree is scheduled to take Total taxes were listed as 1948-49. pic was •'Study and Discussion place h're again this yiar Decern, SU68.117.71; 1949 50. $1.420.730- Groups for Parents." ber 4. Eight high school teams 27; 1950-51. $1,478,805.57; 1951-52. will compete, each team playing $1.548,90191; 1952-53, $1.636.153.- Convention Attended 04; 1953-54, $1,666.707 11. two quarters. Fall Handicap Won by Nanson Two Injured, One Killed by Shots Salvation Army ; Not in Drive i Tuesday Meeting To Hear History 7 te next meeting of the Colum- b.a County Historical Society, v ■ Th is dated to take place next Tu ?day. October 27, will bring ■ ribers of the organization to th:s section of the county. The s..- ety will conven-* at the Ver- r • -;a grange hall. T ie affair will open with a pot- ;< dinnir at noon and a busi- - o meeting and local history - gram will follow. The history p. gram is being arranged by Os car Weed The annual election of officers so scheduled for this meeting. Girls Plan Dance The high school Girls League w «pensor a homecoming dance zftrr th? Warrenton game Friday evening. Music will be supplied the Swmgstsrs and the affair 9pen to the public. I Benefit Dinner Due Cafeteria Electric power consumers served by West Oregon Electric will be without electricity from 1 to 5 a.m. Friday morning, tomorrow officials of the cooperative an nounced Wednesday morning. Reason for the outage is the completion of work at the Ver nonia substation which will com plete the job of changing a switch that will mak? it possible to tic in the new transmission line be tween this substation and the one located at Sunset junction. Power users in the entire Ver nonia area will be subject to the outage including residents at Bir- kenfeld. Mist, Pittsburg, Timber rout ', Timber, Hayward, Bacona, Top Hill and Keasoy route. Loggers, Rainier Tie for Second LEAGUE STANDINGS St. Helens Vernonia Rainier Warrenton Clatskanie Scappoose Seaside W 4 3 3 2 1 1 0 L 0 1 1 1 3 4 4 Pct. 1.000 .750 .750 .666 .250 .200 0O0 Friday’s Scores St. Hol ns 19, Clatskanie 0. Rainier 26, Scappoose 6. Astoria 35, Seaside 12. Warrenton 19, Neahkanie 13. Wy-East 20, Vernonia 7. Vernonia’s sole ownership for second place in the Lower Co lumbia I 'ague last week is shared with Rainier this week as the re sult of last Friday’s games. The Logg.rs, playing Wy-East in a non-league fray, didn’t drop from second place even though they lost 20-7, Rainier shares second this week because th ■ Columbians overran Scappoose Friday 26-6 for their third league victory, thereby handing Scappoose its fourth de feat this season. Warrenton also holds the same standing as last week as last Fri day's game for the Warriors with Neahkanie was out of the league. Warrenton won 19 to 13. St. Helens maintain d its posi tion at the top of the list by handing Clatskanie a third loss this season, 19-0, although the Tigers were able to hold the Lions’ power in check for th? first quarter and allowed only one touchdown for St. Helens up to the mid-way mark. Students to Go To Conference Both the high school Timber line and th? Memolog will be re presented Friday and Saturday at the 27th annual Oregon high .-.chool press conference at the UniV"rsity of Oregon, Eug.ne. To attend this year’s sessions Three delegates representing I will be Kathleen Sauer and Mary- mill and timber workers returned lyn Good, representing the M mo- last week end from Vancouver, log, and Margaret Buckley and B. C. wh"re they attended the June Cunningham from the Tim berline. Miss Mary Harding, ad annual IWA convention last week Going from here w?re Jim Cox, visor for the Memolog. will ac Vernonia, on the other hand, ! Jr., and Mrs. Cox and Sherman company them. Th? conference will featur? gen has a record of three wins and Fisher. The two men represented eral assemblies presenting repre- IWA Local 5-37. Charlie Duncan one loss and is tied with the Rai nier Columbians for second place represented Camp Olson at th? s"ntatives from the newswriting, literary and advertising fi?lds. to dats. The Ixiggen defeat’d convention. Students will also meet Saturday Seaside, Clatskanie and Scappoose morning for roundtable discus and suffered a loss at the hands Jury Name» Listed sions conducted by staff members of the St. Helens Lions. Ver nonia will also be out for blood The October t rm jury list foi of high school publications with to remain in the second plac? slot th? circuit court for Columbia | high stat? and national ratings. in the league, so this should be county was released the latter | quite a game, which is rated by , part of last week by the county , New Job Taken the armchair quarterbacks as a clerks office and lists the names J Don Helm, who was in charge tossup. of three people from this part Local fans will see fancy ball of the county. Edward Garner for part of the past summer at carrying with the efforts of Carl was the only Vernonia name listed the Pittsburg guard station, has Rodrigues, speedy Warrenton on the trial juror list. Mrs Laura been transf?rred to Dallas where back and one of the leading scor Carmicha?! and Clifford Fowler he is working as inspector for the ers in the league, and Bill Braun, both are serving on the grand forest service. He left for his new pest early this week. Logg-r speedst r. jury. Loggers, Warrenton to Tangle Here Friday Night | i Coach Vlcek's Loggers will tak? , on the Warrenton eleven on the local field Friday night at 8:00 p.m. in their fourth Lower Co lumbia leagu*» encounter this sea son and the last game to be play ed on the local turf. This will be homecoming for the Loggers and a gooq crowd is expected both from Vernonia and Warrenton. To date the Warriors of War renton have a league standing of two wins and one loas, the only loss being suffered at the hands of St. Helens The Warriors have taken wins from Rainier and Scappoose and will be out for blood Friday evening for the con- vettd second place berth in the league. Outage for Power Users Announced County Fire Record Lists 9 for Season 2.4 Acres Burned During Summer; State Record Good Forest fires reported for th» 1953 fire season hit an all-tim • low for Columbia county ar. I the state record, as far as matt- caused fires is concerned, als > dropped to a number less thai has been true for ov.r ten years Figures giving the county total came Wednesday from Dennis Ma whirter, assistant district warden at Pittsburg and from the Keep Or?gon Green association head quarters at Salem for the stat • data. For this county only nine fires have been reported up to dat ‘ this year and they have burned only 2.4 acres. Last year’s re cord of 20 fires and 47.32 acres was considered very good by forestry men, especially for th • extremely dry summer season of 1952, but the record so far this season is even b tter. The record for 1951 was 34 fires and 112 acres and for I95j, 14 fires and 29 acres. Causes given for the fires in 1953 were given by Mawhirter as two—logging; two—smokers and one each from lightning, debt-..» burning, incendiary and miscel laneous. Figures compiled by both stat? and federal units show that j total of 1,543 fires occurr d in the forests of Oregon this past season and one of the very significant facts is that only 473 were man caused while the balance of 1.97 ' were caused by lightning. Dean Paul M. Dunn, chairman of th* KOG association released the in formation and also indicated that this will be one of the best fire- free years since 1941 when th* association program was organi? ed. Causes given for the 273 total are: smokers 156, logging 60. slash and debris 66, campers 57. incendiary 23, railroads 19 and miscellaneous 92. Last year’s man-caus d fires totaled 1,04.» Scouts Without Leader Service Boys of this community wh> are interested in Scout work ar without the services of a Scout master for the coming year an official of the I.O.O.F. lodge an nounced Tuesday night after th • matter had been discussed at th • Lodge meeting that evening. Th? Scoutmaster post becam • vacant a week or so ago when Merle Graham resigned and sine that time someone to take the post has not been found so that it may not b? possible to carry on th? program this y?ar. Scout troops are granted new charters each year in October for the ensuing year, but so far th • lodge, which sponsors the Ver nonia troop, has not applied for a charter for the coming year. THOSE WHO ARE IN IT Staff Sgt. Leeman Lindsiey sur prised his parents Sunday even ing by arriving on a 20-day delay enroute furlough. He is being transferred from Mare Island Na val base to a recruiting stat.**n at San Francisco Donald Blount who is station *d in Japan was promoted to PC*, rec ntly. Death Call Received Mrs. Paul Naviaux left here Tuesday for San Francisco when she was called because of the death of a son. Glen Morgan. Sh made the trip with Mr and Mrs LtWU Morgan of Portland, foe