C THURSDAY, OCT 15, 1953 THE EAGLE. VERNONIA, ORE. CLASSIFIEDS Social Security Deer Sought on (Note: This, another of a series of articles on social security, tells which circumstances will cause I RIVERVIEW — Tom Solomon cancellation of benefit payments. The articlle comes from the Port and Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Solomon of Roseburg hunted east of the land social security office.) FOR TRADE FOR SALE—General When you become entitled to mountains from Wednesday until Monday. GRAPES for sale at The Old WILL TRADE $3000 equity in monthly old-age or survivors in We k end visitors at the home surance payments, you will re Home 1 mi. tast of Cornelius on Hillsboro home for pioperty in or of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mitchell ceive a check each month unless Tualatin valley highway No. 6. near Vernonia. Inquire 642 Third certain events occur. The law were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darbv 40t3 gives some ev.nts that will sus and. four sons of Oak Grove and Rebecca E. Goodin, owner. 42t2c St., Vernonia. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cooper of pend the payment of monthly ! Tacoma. ONE folding leaf breakfast table. WANTED checks for one or more months. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Wood Mrs. L. If. Cates, house 88 O-A WANTED: Long Fir Piling. AT- It also specifies other events that | spent several days last week in hill, near Mill Market ar.d water 9433. Niedermeyer-Martin end your right to receive pay S attle, spending part of the time ' visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Gus Lockers. 42t3 Co., Portland Trust Bldg., Port ments. These events are given Sabby. land 4, Oregon. 40t3c below and you must report Mrs. Ed Buckner. Mrs. C. N. 'TOMATOES, sweet corn and them promptly to the social se Rundell and Mrs. Merle Cline squash. J a roes Gardens, ph. Hills HOUSEWIVES wanted—Address curity administration if any of spent Monday in Portland visit boro 24FI3 evenings. 42tl advertising postcards. Must have th m happens in your cases when ing Mr. and Mrs. Em 'ry George. good handwriting. Write Nation you are drawing monthly bene "Mrs. Rundell remained for a longer visit. 'TWO-PIECE overstuffed set in al Engraving, Watertown, Mass. fits. Mrs. Cl?on Woodruff and boys 40t7 Ray S. good condition. $30. First, if you are not yet 75 of Portland spent the w"ek end 4H3 Stanley, Treharne. years of age and you are receiv at the home of her mother, Mrs ALDER LOGS WANTED ing monthly payments either as Alice Mills, while her husband ACCORDIAN Lessons. Inquire went desr hunting at Rockaway. retirement, as a dependent, or as Will pay premium price for from Mrs. Woolsey, 976 Second Mrs. Lloyd Callister. son Ron a survivor, the benefit is not nie and Mrs. Clara Hill spent the really good logs. Ave. Phon- 1493. 41t3c payable for any month in which week end at Albany at the home ON ACCOUNT of illness am you earn more than $75 in a job of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hill. They JURGENS MILLS forced to sell my small herd of covered by the law. Monthly visited friends at Brooks and Beaver Springs Road—Rainier | Woodburn on their way home. registered Nubian milk goats. benefits to members of your Phone 6-8256 Young laying hens. E. R. Thorn family are not payable for any X-ray equipm.nt may join the 25tfc ton, Riverview or phone 253. 41t3 month in which your old-age pick and shovel as aids to the benefit check is not payable. gold and silver prospector. ONE gas Kenmore stove, two HIGHEST casn prices paid for After you b-come entitled to cream and eggs at your door— ye. rs old. Inquire 991 Ros - Ave. picked up once or twice weekly— monthly payments, you must no William Vealey. 4113 call or write Forest Grove Cream tify the social security adminis AUCTION—Livestock and miscel ery, Forest Grove, Oregon. Phone tration if your wag.s are more 14tfc than $75 per month for such em laneous Saturday, October 10 and 126. ployment. One notification only 24, 1953. Clatskanie Community : is necessary and your benefit Auction trading barn. Op n daily. - FOR RENT i i m it. hi E. <i C ita ante on 5-RM and 3-rm. apartments. Both will be suspend ’d until you ad U. S. 30. 40t3 ! places have bath, wired for elec. vise that you are no long r work stove, Two sleeping porches with ing in this manner. H . LITTLE automatic floor fur- Certain types of work are not ach. 4-rm. house with shower. no e. Large siz *. Also two oil covered by social security and Helene Hand, 1302 State Ave. ba - < Is with control valves and you would not have to report 41t3 nt; d. Inquire 475 South First such earnings If you are doubt A ■. 40t3 APARTMENT for rent. Three ful about this, be sure to discuss j 7ONS ch at seed. Adaptable rooms and bath. Electric range, it with your social security of If you are under 75 and | t, p >or, acid soil. Get ap- oil beat. Rivervb w Apartments. fice render substantial services as a ' 36tfc x.niately I ton gain per acre a higher protein value than SMALL, clean, unfurnished house self-employed person as an owner I Also nuik.s good horse hay. for two. See Mrs. R. D. Eby. or partntr in a trade or business J covered by the law and your n t | i 2nd crop clover hay, 60c 34tfc earnings average more than $75 ! , for rabbit«-, or cattle. Elmer geri-c n, Tirnb'-i’ Rt.. Vernonia, i 4-ROOM house. John St ele, 4th a month during the taxable year, ■ 42t3 benefits are not payable for one ; gon. 40t3c and Nehalem Sts. or more months in that year. I V.'OOI. scatter rug, never FOR RENT or will sell: 2-b'd- Self-employment earnings of : us d, standaid size, wine room house, bath and garage. $900 or less for th? taxable year ; I’arga. n at $5. 1205 Slate Half acre. $30 p.r mo. Ph<.ne will not aff ct your paym nts. Pittsburgh. For details For each additional $75 or part ' 4013 11F03. write owner, A. J. York, 923 N. of $75, one month's be lefits may ! 11'4 FORD 6 pickup. Good motor E. B ach St.. Portland or phone not be payable. Generally, you i i'l tires. Body rough. Cheap TRinity 7293. 42t3 perform substantial services when 1 ti. pollution See it at Midway you actively engage in the opera Apartment No. 5. 40tfc tion of your trade or business. If you are drawing social security H/ Y AND STRAW, grain and benefits and you become self- ft" d grain, Fair prices as to employed. you should discuss quality and quantity. Will con- your situation with the social s ■- gidtr beef or milk cattle m trade TREHARNE George E. Kirk, <■ i er Bergerson, Timber Rt.. Ver who has been in the Emanuel hos curity administration b.cause in ner a, Oregon. 36tfc pital th" past tw<> weeks for an dividual circumstances differ. If you are under 65 and are appendectomy and removal of INSULATION AND WEATHER adhesions, will be home- Tuesday receiving monthly benefits as STRIPPING. "Th more comfort, of this week. He is getting along the wife or widow of an insured tl i '.ess cost.’’ No money down, fine. Mrs. Sam Beck visit -d h r par person, the payment may be made •. payments. E. L. Blake Con ents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tisdale only while you have in your care st i id ion Co., box 93. Clatskanie, over the* week end, returning home a child who is also entitled to Oregon. Phone 312. 28tfc Sunday and taking Sue and Mary, monthly benefits. When any p r- th ■ Beck’s daughters who stayed son receiving monthly payments with then grandparents while Mr and Mrs. Beck went hunting dur as a dependent od as a survivor ing vacation week. Mrs. Bert marries, th ■ payments are ended. Tisdale went home with them Wife's benefits end in case there I 1 MODELING, home . improve- also to sp-nd th week. is a divorce. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riggle1 of > ' ' house leveling, founda A child's survivor ben. fit ends Buxton were Sunday visitors of t ■ ■ additions. All work guaran- Mr. and Mis. Carl Wienecke and in the month bebfore he or sh1 t' d. No money down, easy grandma Rogers. reaches age 18. If the child mar Arnold Wi-neck? of Hillsboro ries before reaching age 18, his t’ - E. L. Blake Construc- -nt Thursday night with Ins ti a Co., box 93, Clatskanie. Ore- sp benefit stops. If a child is brother and family. g< rt. Phone 312. 28tfc Betty Davis visit d at the Carl adopted by someone besides cer Snyder home Sunday. tain relatives, his paym. nt will AT RON SHOP, clothing repairs, Mrs. Carl Snyder spent last end an. of course, in the case of h titching. At Vernonia Clean- week in b d with the1 flu. any beneficiary who dies, month i June Willis, phone 1211. ly ben-'fits are ended. All of 23tfc these events must be reported to AUCTION. Every Friday. We the social security administration h«ve a good market for your live- promptly in order to avoid diffi. st< k, furniture, tools, poultry. cultv and possible p’nalties. Ue buy, sell, trade, every week Those who wish to file claims day, paying cash for livestock, ROCK CREEK Vernon Lind- or obtain social security informa- fir Titure, machinery, tools. Alt- slev and Russ Juola had a power rr . > Auction Mart. Forest Grove. saw and other logging equipm nt during one of his regular weekly i Pt 7615 nights, 5320 Walt stolen from th? isolated timber Columbia county visits Mr. Cum- I tract where they were working A • an. Auctioneer, selling live- for Dane Brady mins may b.1 contacted on the j si- k or general farm sales any Herb Counts was back from second floor of the St. Helens I where. lltfc R, s burg for a few days. Mr. Courthouse, any Monday. 1:00 i and Mrs Don Hanson and son of to 3:00 p.m , or local residents 1 Portland were also visiting the FOR SALE—I nturance may wish to visit or write the horn - folks over the week end. Portland office local, d in Room May Kriegers mother. Mrs 1 'LL-HUDSON Insurance, tele- l ' ■ 773. We have a reliable Jessie Reed, of Portland spent 104, Old Post Offifce Building, this last week with her. This C< . writing cars for 3, 6, 9 week sh • has Bud's small daugh Portland. Oregon. e . nths at low rates. Also fire ter Janel. with her. Harold Krieger brought his i .:ance. Geo. Bell, H Hudson 37tfc tractor back to do several weeks logging on his place her1. X Eola DeVaney spent several FOR SALE OR TRADE days at her horn-- here She has H been working in Oswego. SELL OR TRADE 1944 l'»T Mrs. Ben Westerberg is the I'» c. ;e with large van (suitable new secretary in the high school office. house trailer or “crummy ") pick up or tractor Ph Hills- I- •> 24FI3 evenings. 42tl Hunting Trip I I I 3-Week Trip to Ohio Completed NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Dee Ver? Hershey returned Friday night from a three weeks trip to Ohio to visit relatives and stop ping at various places. Ethel Waddell of McMinnville spent the week end here. She came to help her brother, Ralph celebrate his birthday. Guests at the Henderson home during the week end were Mr. and Mrs. C. Kraig and family of Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. N. Hen derson and family and Mr. and Mrs. McNiels. all of Portland. Bowling Results INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Won King’s Grocery 13 Mill Market 10 Bob’s Union Service 8 Clatskanie 1 Lost 3 6 8 15 CITY LEAGUE Won Dessy’s 16 8 S.P.&S. Team No. 4 8 0 Sundland’s Lost 0 8 8 16 WOMEN'S LEAGUE Dessy’s Safeway Sam’s Vernonia Drug 16 11 7 _ 6 ITS LUCKY when you Recovery Made From Operation live in America Equipment of Loggers Stolen SHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZXHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ»« M SEEING IS BELIEVING AND M CARD OF THANKS WE WISH to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy and for the beau- tiful floral offerings during the recent bereavement in the death t>f our husband and father. Mrs C A Mills and family 42tlc Buyer Demand High For Stock at Auction Demand for stock has increased recently and now stands at a high point according to Jack Alder, one of the owners of the Clats kanie Community Auction. He pointed out that prospective sellers have a good opportunity to dis pose of stock now becaus • of the greater demand S veral buvers have indicated they will be at I the auction this Saturday. FIX' Meats- Groceries egeteble« YOU DON'T NEED ANY SPECIAL GLASSES TO SEE YOU'RE GOING TO SAVE MONEY HERE. JUST ASK ANYONE WHO TRADES HERE — THEY'RE OUR BEST ADVERTISEMENT. SAM'S FOOD STORE H H H H Free Deliver; Phene 761 HZHZMZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZMZHZHZHZHZHZHÏ