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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 15, 1953)
Church Wedding Unites Couple I Birthday, Anniversary Commemorated at Party A birthday party was held at the horn? of Mr and Mrs. Ho ward Buffmire for th lr grand daughter. Cathy Quinn, who cele brated her third birthday, Oc tober 4. It was also Mr. and Mrs. Quinn's „ _ seventh wedding anniversary. Lovely gifts were received and also gifts from those who were unable to attend. Ice cream and cake were served also favors for the children present. ‘4iss Jean Kirkbride, daughter 1 '4r. and Mrs. Byron Kirkbride ■ ' sme the bride of Thomas H. < ■ tbins of Bridge. Sunday, Oc- tobrr 11, at the Assembly of God church in Myrtle Point. Rev. Jay E. Beebe officiated. '■/aid of honor was Mrs. Freda K -.p. aunt of the groom and best man was Jeff Hendrick, uncle of tht groom. uests attending the wedding Dan Cribbins, grandfather; M - Jack McLean, grandmother; Daisy Prow, aunt of the groom; M and Mrs. Thomas W. Cnb- .- ’f and son. Jim. and Mr. and ~r Byron A. Kirkbrid.. Rosalie. Jt> ' an ar.d Walter. Announcement Given Of Couple’s Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Edward Aspinall anounce the marriage of their daughter, Darleene. to Robert Godard, son of Dr. Robert Godard of Kelso, Washington. After a * i amulet is a charm worn as short wedding trip the couple I will be at home at 2535 Harrison, pr' ection from witchcraft. Milwaukie. MZNXHXHXHXMXMXHXHXHXHXHXM X I M H X Z H M X H H X TO ANYONE HAS H NEVER BOWLED. THE PLACE H X YOUR FIRST GAME WHERE $1.00 H IS H X WILL STILL H H BUY SIX X WHEN ACCOMPA H NIED BY SOMEONE TO GO M X WHO HAS BOWLED H o - H X H Open Bowling Friday, ¥ Frost Kist Ice Cream H X Saturday Evenings ¥ Extra Thick Milk H H Open at 2:00 P.M. On X Sunday Shakes. H H 3XHXHZHSHXHXMXHXHXHXHXHXK* DESSY'S Bowling Alley DESSY'S Tavern FREE —•.-- -•— ! Locking for I Grand Lodge. Knights of Py thias and Grand Temple. Pythian Sisters, which both met at the Multnomah hotel in Portland Sunday, Monday and Tuesday of this week, were attended bv Ralph M Aldrich and Charles E. Miller, representing Harding Lodge No. 116, and Laureta Lamp ing and Lesta Garner, represent ing Vernonia Temple No. 61. The ladies also went on the tour of the K.P. Homo at Vancouver con ducted by Portland Dokeys Sun day afternoon and attended the representative’s dinner Sunday evening. Business sessions for the Knights were held Monday and Tuesday in the junior bailroom and the Sisters met simultaneous ly in the Empire room. On Monday ev nine, a banquet and ball was held in the Grand Ball room at which the delegates also enjoyed an excellent floor show by professional ntertainers. Installation of new officers cli maxed the sessions Tuesday after noon Next year's sessions will be held >n Sal m. home of the new Grand Chancellor, Don Jud son. Auxiliary Prepares For Card Party Final plans for the V.FAV. Aux iliary card party were made when the group held its last meeting. The party will b? held at the I.O.O.F. hall October 24 at 8 p.m. The "Household Guides” have arriv d and will be on sale by Auxiliary members. At the meet, ing was a large turnout for the initiation of Madeline Hecken- liabl into membership. R freshments were served by Mary Lee Dübendorf and Rosalie Roediger. Club Schedules Dance Saturday at Legion Hall The Vernonia Study club met October 1 at the home of Mrs. Ben Brickel and at that time Mrs. Bob Lindsay reported on in dental new developments health. The next meeting will be Thursday. October 15. at the home of Mrs. R. D. Eby and Mrs. Don Campbell will r. port on th? book. Just Call Me Lucky." Club Entertained At Redmond Home The G. G. Sewing club met Thursday, October 8. at the home of Nora Redmond. Those present were Dorothy Walker, Joann Sa vage, Myrtl ■ Cox and Lduise Harun tt. The hostess served chili and a large assortment of crackers and cheese. You’ll find it in the Classified Pages of Your Telephone Directory It's easier on your feet when you shop with the handy in dexed Classified Pages of your Telephone Directory as a guide. All the businesses, services and products you neeJ are right at your fingertips. When you're looking for something, you'll find it more easily in the Classified Pages! Families End Stay At Park at Natal Delegates Go to Grand Meetings Club Schedules Next Meeting This Evening Do-Si-Do square dance club numbers and then friends will go to th” Legion hall here Satur day, October 17, for an evening of dancing. Glen Hawkins will call and ail square dancers are wel come. THE NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Hal V.iora s were ~ 1* __ Friday and 2 ____ Satur- day guests at the DecVere Her shey home. Mr and Mrs. Max Oblack mo tored to Portland Sunday after noon and back that evening. The Bailey families are leaving Dass park and it is understood they will be going down towards Seaside for employment. Sunday dinner guests at the Sam Devine home were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hirtzel and children of Portland. Other callers Sun day were Mrs. Dean Porter and children of Waldport and Bill and Stanley Devine. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell square danced in St. Helens Sat urday. The Ring and Swing club m t there. I VERNONIA. EAGLE. ORE. Mr. and Mrs. Dell Eastman and daughter. Dianne, came from Forest Grove Sunday to see his folks, the L. B. Eastmans. One of the successful hunters during the huntuig s ason was Clarence Kyser. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hughes and her mother. Mrs Minnie Johnson, I THURSDAY. OCT 15. 1953 came down from Forest Grove Monday. The Hughes were see ing about their lumber busines.. The Francis Burnham family from Portland visited her brothe, and uncle here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd label from Fairview were visiting relatives here over the w««ek end. *HXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXH£ FOR BFTTFft HEALTH ■r Bazaar, Pomona Planned by HEC BIRKENFELD — H.E C. met with Mrs. Gen" Larson Tuesday with nine members present. Plans for the bazaar were made and for Pomona, which meets here in November. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bellingham went to Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Julia Vadnais of Madras is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bellingham. Mr. and Mrs. Barry, former residents of Birkenfeld, called on fri.nds Tuesday. They came out here to do some hunting. MORE MEAT N H X M G-C Mill No. 2 Operates flgain M MIST — Garlock-Closner mill No. 2 started operating again Monday after being down for a few weeks. They haul their lum ber to Vernonia. H X H Meat is a body builder, a nutrition "must.” Serve it at least once a day to make sure you and your H family are getting needed proteins and minerals! H For choicest cuts do your buying here . . . Fine H meats priced to meet your budget. KING’S Grocery - Market Phone 91 At the Mile Bridge Douglas Fir 8~Ft. Lengths Hemlock White Fir $15.00 Per Cord Delivered DELIVERIES ACCEPTED MONDAY, TUESDAY AND FRIDAY FROM 7:00 A M. TO 11:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY FROM 7:00 A.M. TO 3:00 P.M. ONLY ST. HELENS PULP AND PAPER ST. HELENS, OREGON .. .for the finest for the finest picture quality program ; I m CBS Tf|,fviS|OfJ Portlan^ POWERFUL BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Thursday, October 15th is the day! Pint 4 5 Qi. A few of KOINTV’t outstanding program»: I Love Lucy Don't miss a single one of the star-studded programs being brought to you by Portland's newest television station KOIN-TV. Enjoy the assured picture quality, the increased coverage of VHP telecasting. Jack Benny What’» My Line Burn« and Allen FULLY AGED Blue Ribbon Fights Initially KOIN-TV will telecast from 3 30 p.m. through midnight. Hours of telecasting will increase as new programs become available. Amo« 'n' Andy We hope you enjoy countless hours of enjoyment Pride of the Family from KOIN-TV. The Jackie Gleason Show Wettern Football Oregon largest - selling straight bourbon ! THIS WHISHT 1$ < TE*»S 010 • I» PWOOF • THE 010 HEAMITA6E COURANT, fMNAFOAf. KENTUCKV Red Button« H UXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXI f PULPWOOD WANTED ■ H X H Riverview H "Where Your Money Buys More" ”1 btN'ä BARBER SHOP Expert Tonsorial Work Vernonia, Oregon II irmiiagi : .3 REMEMBER the fine it pro frans that you too -yoowHIfiod on KOINTV TUNE CHANNEL 5 • KOIN-TV