Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974, October 15, 1953, Image 1

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    Library, U of O
New Building
Proposed for
Post Office
Location at Corner
Of Second, Maple
Held by Option
10c COPY
Land Transfer Vote to
Take Place November 10
The high school district board
of directors, at their Tuesday
evening meeting, decided upon
the dat? of an election when a
decision will be made concerning
the transfer of a small parcel of
property located between the
grad? and high school.
Official publication of a notice
of the election is scheduled later
this month. Need for the trans­
fer arises because the land is
being used by district 47 as a
playground for primary grade
youngsters, but ownership is held
by the high school district. The
land measures 120 fret by 460
Board members were informed
Tuesday of an error in construc­
tion of storm sewer drains which
now prevents emptying of roof
drainage from th? new building
into the storm sewers recently
installed along the new sidewalk.
The original plan called for
piping the roof drains into the
storm sewer catch basins, but
no allowance was made for ad­
mitting the water below the lewd
of the s wer grates as originally
planned and to make the change
now will require the breaking up
of at least part of the new storm
sewer catch basins.
Work rrmaming this fall for
the front of the structure is the I
planting of a hedge along the I
walk and shrubs along th? build­ i
ing, fill work along the frontage
where the walk does not extend |
to the curbing and construction
of flower beds beside th? walk
leading into the building. The
paying field ar.a east of the
football field is being seeded
this week.
Mrs. Ann Westerberg has taken
ovr the financial and office s c- i
retary work to replace Mrs. Imo­
gene Borgelt who resigned a short .
time ago and completed work
Tu.sday of last week.
Notification was received hers
Tuesday morning by Emil Mess­
ing, postmaster, of th? signing
of a proposed lease that will pro­ I
vide n'.w quarters for the Ver-
nor ¡a post offifee. probably at the
tirr ? when the lease expires on
th* pres-nt location in the West
Oregon building.
Word of the proposed lease also
contained specifications for th? I
size of the building to b: erected
and the space at the rear for a
pa.-xing and loading area.
? building specifications are
feet by 44 f.ct 8 inches to
prt ide 1611 square feet net floor
space. It will be located on the
northeast cornzr of the intersec­
tion of Second and Maple streets
and in addition the spac? at the
bac* is to be 12 by 27 feet. Floor­
ing will be asphalt til? over a
Wrestling deluxe will be pre­
sented here Friday. October 16,
concrete slab.
Preparation for the kickoff of when the fairer sex, worn1- n, will
Rental for the space to be used
United Fund drive next Sun­ show why they are to be treated
by the post office is stipulated
at $1440 per year, payable month­ day was complet -d early this with care. The program, to be
ly to Robert Charles Wilson of week by Bill J. Horn, who heads prcs.nted at 3 pm. at the Legion
the undertaking as far as th? Ne­ hall, will include six women
Cor allis who proposes to build
the structure. He is the builder halem valley is concerned. He wrestlers.
Starlet of the females is Violet
th? post office quarters now outlined the nlan for contacting
I people relative to giving to the
world's lightweight wrestl­
in us: at Philomath and holds
an notion from Frank Hartwick, united nlan. which is designed to ing champion. Violet is the most
individual scientific wrestler in the worn n’s
Portland, on the property here I concentrate
ws?;e this building will be lo- drives made bv many agenci.s division and ha.- never be 70 de­
into one.
feated bv anvon? of her weight.
Contributions will b? asked for She depends on speed and science
T;c present leas? held by the the United Fund which includes rather than rough tactics.
pc* t office on the space in the 21 different organizations.
Other women in th ■ matches
West Oretcn Electric bui!d:ng the case of many p opH, payroll will be Gerry Hunter, women's
<v.: r s in February. 1954 and it deductions will be suggested to middleweight champion of Ore­
is anticipated that the new quar­ handl? the matter more easily. gon, Fran Bauler world’s most
ter: will be available at that time In other instanc?s, p rsonal so- unique wrestl'r, Bonni"' Lauder,
for .he move.
licitations will be made by mem­ Scotland's only girl wrestler, and
bers of th? committee he has May Barker of Chicago.
Highspot in the evening's pro­
L ¿eases Available
Horn pointed out that contri­ gram will be the tag team match
A drivers license examiner will butions p opl: living h-re make In this match, two girls are on
hr '? duty in Vernonia Friday, in the Portland area do not help each t am and it is up to the re­
October 23, at the city hall bs- the drive in this county and ask id feree to keep all four from com­
tween hc hours of 10 a m. and that local res.dents help with the ing into the ring at the same
local drive.
Work Outlined
For Fund Drive
Legion Bills
Women Wrestlers
Authority on
State Bonds
Doubts Issue
Sewer Use Revenue
Said Insufficient
To Meet Repayment
Another set-back in the city
plan to finance and construct
a sewer system for Corey Hill
and a sewage disposal plant for
the entire town arose earlier this
week when a letter was received
by Recorder Sam Hearing from
Fred H. Paulus, secretary of the
stat? bond commission.
The commission had recently
been supplied with the engineer­
ing report prepared earlier this
year by N. W. Haner and As­
sociates outlining the proposed
sewer system and disposal plant
as well as the probable cost and
a method of repayment of bonds
and interest for the money that
would be needed to do the job.
The commission’s letter indicated
I doubt ¡hat the sewer use charge
I would b? sufficient to meet
payments of principal and interest
and that a pledge of water re­
venues as well as sewer revenues
would be required to make the
repayment-plan wholly self-sup­
Also indicated was the belief
i of the commission that water
system revenues could not be
u cd to m£et the deficiency.
An attempt will be made to ex­
plain the proposed plan more ful­
ly to the commission by City
Attorney Carrell F. Bradley and
Hearing at a meeting for which
they were seeking a dat? Tuesday
Donors for
Blood Asked
Arrangements were being made
this week for the coming visit of
the Red Cross bloodmobile which
is schedul.d to stop here Wed­
nesday of next week. October 21.
This visit of the unit is being
handled by the Masonic lodge
and donors will make their con­
tributions of blood at the 1.0.0 F
hall where the unit will set up
for the afternoon. The bloodmo­
bile will be here from 2 to 5
The lodge has enlisted the as­
sistance of th-1 Eastern Star, Ver­
nonia Study Club, Rebekahs and
P.-T.A. in handling registration
of donors. Present plan is for
members of these organizations
to contact either personally or by
phon? as many people as possible.
Those not contacted, but who
wish to give blood, may make
arrangements for a time to go to
the unit by calling Bill Wilson at
West Oregon Electric, Mrs. Glen
Hawkins. Mrs. Ed Buckner or
Mrs. L. L. Wells.
$125 Taken by
Masked Robber
Third Win for
Loggers Listed
Friday Night
Indian« Draw Srr<-'11
End of 14-0 Score
For Visit Here
Coach Bill Vlci'k's Vernon i
Loggers made it three in a row
on the home field last Friday
night and maintained their record
of having no defeats handed them
on the local turf whin they m»‘.
and downed a fighting tribe
Indians from Scappoose 14-0 ini
a sloppy, wet field.
Fumbles played hob with both
teams throughout the game with
the Indians suffering four ar.J
the Loggers seven. The start­
ing minutes of the first quart
went bang as far as the visiting
tribe was concerned. The Log
gers fumbled the first time th /
got their hands on the ball o-i
their own 15 with the visitors
Penalties then came to the a J
of the locals, driving the ball all
the way back to the 47 where th ■
Indians were forced to kick. A
hard-charging Vernonia I i n *
blocked the kick and took over
there. Once again bad luck ap
peared in the form of a fumbt*
with an Indian recovery. The res’
of the quarter was strictly a de­
fensive battle between the tw .
Second quarter play was slow
until the final minutes when the
Indians drove to th? local's 25
where they fumbl 'd with th ■
Loggers recovering. The Vernonia
eleven took th? ball from that
point and drove it all the way
downfield to the visitor's 25. Half
play ended with a pass intercep­
tion by the Indians on their own
one-yard strip •.
A haul of $125 was the take of
a masked thief who held up the
service station located near Pitts­
burg at the St. Helens road
junction last Wednesday even­
ing. The robbery took place about
6:45 p.m. according to police in­
formation, which also indicates
few clues upon which to base a
search. Only definite informa­
tion obtained was that the thief
wore a red shirt and whipcord
More di finite information that
i may lead to their apprehension
was obtained for several hunters
who are thought to have taken
articles from Hahn Hardware
Sunday when the store was open­
ed as a convenience to one of the
LOWER COLUMBIA LEAGUE m n who requested a deer tag. DRIVE SCORES
Because Jack Barry, who lives
The Loggers took the kickoff
St. Hcl ns
1.000 across the street, observed the starting the second half and drove
.750 shoplifting and obtained the help all the way to score. The counter*
.666 of Rogs r Quirin, who was in the | came with a beautiful pas* front
.666 vicinity, the license number of Homer Full r into the waiting
.333 th? car in which the men traveled arms of Speed Lusby and covered
.250 was obtained as well as the name overall 58 yards. The try for
point was good with a pass to
.<»00 of one of the individuals.
City police also report that the Kenny Nanson.
Vernonia, Warrenton and St.
In the closing minutes of third
Helens won their grid games Fri- theft of $40 worth of tools from i
day night at the ' xpense of Scap. the Texaco service station early ' quarter play the Indians wer«
forc' d to punt to th? local's 45
poose. Rainier and Seaside and in September has been solved
by so doing the Logger team bet- The men taking the equipment i from where the ball was relumed
to the Scappoose 48. On the firs’
t< red its league standing position were arrested October 3.
play from scrimmage Ricky Bush
percentagewise. With three win:
saw daylight and dashed 48 yard*
and one loss to dat? the Loggers
right through the middle of th •
list at .750. a jump from the .666
visitors for the s cond Ixtggv
they held last week.
TD. The try for point was good
Warrenton met Rainier and
Speed Lusby skirting right
with the expert field work of
Rodrigues, who turned in 85-yard
The Columbia county division 1
During fourth quarter play Ver
and 60-yard runs for scores, won
of th Oregon Education associa­ nqma drove once again to th'
the match 20 to 14. Seaside still
tion met here under a new plan Indians' 17 where they bogged
remains at the bottom of the list
because the St. Helens Lions rode which was inaugurated for coun­ down when the visitors recovered
roughshod over the S'agulls ty teachers Monday of last week. a fumble. Game ended with a
Under the plan the county school­ pass interception by Fuller on the
rapping them for a 40-7 victory.
masters club, the men teachers,
Clatskanie's standing in fifth and the classroom teachers asso­ Loggers' three and a run bar c
place doesn't change from last ciation, women teachers, assem­ to the ten.
week because the Tigers played ble at a joint dinner and OEA
Columbia Prep in a non-league meeting.
contest. The Prep team won 14-
Following the joint affair, pre- |
sid d over by Pat Cody, OEA I
president, the schoolmasters and |
classroom teacher* met in sepa­
rate sessions. Eugene Dove is
AT/2 Earl Wantland arrived
presid: nt this year of the school­ at the home of his mother, Mr-
Alvin Wantland, Sunday even­
Entertainment was provided by ' ing. He was called home from
Members of the high school a trio of high school men. Wil­ Japan by the death of his father
band will make official appear­ liam Johnson. Bill Ferguson and landing at Travis Air Base in Cal
His family mat him in
ances in uniform from now on be­ Jack Reynolds, and a high school forma.
cause of the arrival here Tuesday student group under the direc­ Portland Sunday evening.
of the suits, which had be:n tion of Johnson.
Speaker for th? joint session
Mr and Mrs. Carl Snyder cf
ordered for sum time, but were
was Dr James Millar.
Treharn- hav? received word from
late in arriving.
their son, Floyd, that he has fin
The first official use here is
i.shed his schooling in Connect
scheduled on the evening of
cut and now is in Virginia on th?
October 23 when ths Loggers will Meeting Date» Set
meet Warrenton in the last home
The exteutive committee of the USS Cobbler.
game of the season. This game Vernonia P.-T.A. will meet this
Sgt. and Mrs Lonnie Just a.•»
is also to b: the annual home- afternoon at 3 30 at the high
coming event of th? high school. school and the P.-T.A. Monday. arrived in Portland Monday after
Work was started Wednesday October 19, at 8 p.m. at the same receiving hi* discharge from th •
to construct closets for storage place. The latter will be the first service. He had been stationed ai.
of the uniforms when not in use business meeting of the year. The Ft. Bliss at San Antonio since re
and on construction of cabinets program will be the forming of turning to thi* county from Kor» a
for band instrument storage. This discussion groups on parents edu­ in early September, 1952.
cation and special problems ot discharge came October 9 to enJ
work is being done by Rev. H L
his three years in the army.
school or community.
Team Holds 2nd
League Standing
Teachers Meet
Under New Plan
Uniforms for
Band Received
SENTER Hank Ba»* Linger conversion special»*: attempt* io *pht the croiibart in pract ce. Hold-
is Ricky Bush, promising v phomore who ha* s en much action in the local eleven backfield.
T-e Logger* w;ll journey to Wy-East this Fr day night fa play that team.