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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1953)
«5 THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1953 THE EAGLE. Homes at Natal Entertain Guests VERNONIA, CLASSIFIED FOR SALE—General FOR SALE—Real Estate TWO work horss. Also one regis tered Southdown ram. J. A. Ba e-on, Warren church road. Tele phone 1400W3. 39tl DUPLEX, hardwood floors, Vene tian blinds, 4 rooms tach side. Electric heat and hot water heaters, Plumbed for automatic washer. Across from grade school. See Reggie Watson or Clem Bruce. 39t3 41IR SALE: Three cows and bull. Two cows will be fresh around £k-L bcr 1. Ed Siedelman, 6 miles uni n P bble Creek road 39t3 NICE, four-room house. If taken at one ■?, a real bargain. Owner sick, must leave. Address Ver nonia Eagle 37’3 HIGGINS aluminum folding camp trailer, $400. V< ry goid shape. Her ngton model 721 30.06 with •I ”;: $70.00. Jimmy Johns 1249 Bridge St., phon- 1166. 3813 PAN AMERICAN trombone with • •ase and lyre. Excelk-ni, condi- -r Reasonable. Mrs. William Pringle, Mist Rt. 38t3c ONE pair portable white enamel laundry trays. One Champion Studebak r 2 -door 1910 sedan. CtaD 28 House es, O-A I.ill. n -ar Mill Lockers. 3813c iI FOR SALE BY OWNER: Four- room two-bedroom horn with bath and utility. Concr te foun dation, hardwood floors, all in sulated with permanent shake sid ing. Located two miles east of Hillsboro near new Brookwood school. On lot 60’ by 309’ with lawn, flowers, garden and young fruit tre's. Price $6250. Inquire at 642 Third St., Vernonia. 37t3 HOMES VERY GOOD 7-room modern •UDJEMAN oil heater, 55,000 house. Full basement, wired for BTT Very good condition. In rang?. One bedroom down, 3 quire 642 Third St, 37t3 up. Lots of built-ins. Over- looks swimming pool. Price liif.J OLIVER If G crawl r cat, $5850 easy terms. armored for 1 o g gi n g . Four VERY neat 5-rm. m idem house chokers, loading lines and guy j plus sleeping porch. Wired for Imt? and tongs. Logged less than range. Price $4500, good terms. AW),000 ft. Price $1950. Ed Tipton, HAVE A home and income: very H»rx 293, Vernonia, Ore. 3713 neat duplex across street from grade school; 2 bedrooms on HAY AND STRAW, grain an<r each side. Live in on?, reot Fair prices as to Seid grain, other; 75x100 lot, double gar qua'ity and quantity. Will con- age. A very good buy at $6000. •idtT beef or milk cattle in trade. Good terms. Ehnrr Bergerson, Timber Rt., Ver- nciia. Oregon. 36tfc GOOD 6-room modern house, 1 bedroom down, 3 up. Wired for JLXTVELY used piano, excellent range. Part basem nt. Price tone and condition. Terms. A $4250, very good terms. terrain for sonieon*. Write Day EXCEPTIONALLY neat 4-room Music Co., 1108 S. E. Morrison St., plastered horn?. Extra large Portland 14, Oregon. 33t7c garage, can be remodeled into apartment. One block from INSULATION AND WEATHER- grade school. A very good buy Js'J’JilPPING. “Th mor? comfort, I at $5250. Terms. Un cost.” Na money down, «-;»• , paym nts. E. L. Blake Con- GOOD 2-bedroom home, 2 lots. Very neat. Price $3000. lru« :i('n Co., box 93, Clatskanie, FARMS O-egon. Phone 312. 28tfc 6 ACRES, 8-room house, 40x70 SAND, grave’, crushed rock, fill chick house, 14-stanchion barn, rii t Call 3811, A. G. Ostrander. N halem river borders on 2 sides. All kinds of fruit and ber 26t52c ries. A very good buy at $8,- ■{(.MODELING, home improve- 000. Very good terms. r»w - ts: house leveling, founda 25 ACRES, 17 cleared. Out 3 mil s. tt>- idditions. Ail work guatan Year round stream, 7-rm. house. ti «: No money down, easy Price $3500. Good terms. tiir.s E. L. Blake Construc- 18 ACRES on paved highway; 7- , I mjx 93. Clatskanie, Ore- room house, double garage, gyn Phone 312. 28tfc woodshed and chick hous? and barn. Six-ycar lease on MTtON SHOP, clothing repairs. 340 acres goes with place. Price hfrr.ititching. At Vernonia Clean $5800, good terms. ers June Willis, phone 1211. DON BAYLEY. BROKER 23tfc MacDonald Hotel — Vernonia AUCTION: Every Friday. We 34tlc haje a good market for your live- st«» k , furniture, tools, poultry. WANTED W< buy. sell, trade, every week day, paying cash for livestock, YOUNG invalid lady would like tuimture, machinery, tools. Alt- old dolls. Write to Eagle office. 39tl nv' s Auction Mart. Forest Grove. Phr mcs: 7615 nights, 5320. Walt BULLDOZING. Reasonable Allman, Auctions er, selling live- rates. Marvin Meyers, Timber st«« k or general farm sales any- Rt„ phon-? 1648. 38t3c whet e. litfc DRESSMAKING, alterations, re FOR SALE Insurance lining coats, hems. Anything in the sewing line. Do not make BELL-HUDSON Insurance, tele- childrens dresses. Phone 253 or i r e 773. We have a reliable call 451 S. Rose Ave. 37tfc Ct’., writing cars for 3, 6, 9 mv nths at low rates. Also fire PIANO pupils at niv home. Also ma ; c rance. Geo. Bell, H. Hudson. have cabin for rent. Mrs. Alice 37tfc Mills, end of First St., Riverii.w. 37t3 FOR SALE—Cars. Trucks HOUSEKEEPER for family of three. Modern conveniences. $75, room and board. Dane Brady. 35tfc 1B41 CHEV. See it at Vernonia Service Station. M B. Steers, p» <.ne 1612, Maple Hill Turkey farm. 37t3c ALDER LOGS WANTED TWO-TONE ‘50 Chev Bel Air. R« j-gie Watson. house 24 O-A hill. Phene 1414. 37t3 Will pay premium price for really good logs. FOR RENT a 1 • modvin home Furnished. w c. McFarland, 1 ’« miles up lb k (. 'reek road. JURGENS MILLS Beaver Springs Road—Rainier Phone 6 8256 39t3 25tfc THREE R(X)M house partly fur- ■Mted. Piefi't HM1I faiini'. V »*» 1« ping room. Mrs. Alice M . «nd of I t St, Riverview 39t2 HIGHEST cash prices paid for cream and eggs at your door— pu ked up once or twice weekly— call or write Forest Grove Cream ery. Forest Grove, Oregon Phone 126. 14tfc H < KENT A thro -room mo- d* . neatly furnished hous.'. 162 : A St S« ' Mrs. Bob McNair, 162 38t3< 1 A S’. Phone 793 SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SERVICE Crawford Auto Wreckers. 3-ROOM house* for rent. 1 mile 1 775 S. Highway. St. Helens. Ore Phone 650 l$tfc north nn Ro<k creek road J P M< Farland. 37t3 1 APARTMENT tor rent. Three n-ms and bath. Electric rangt*. oil hrat and Frigidaire Riverview Apartments. 36tfc SMALL, clean, unfurnished house for two. Se.- Mrs. R. D. Eby 34tfc NATAL — Mr and Mrs. Otto Carlson left Wednesday for their home in Neotsu after s veral weeks here while Mr. Carlson worked on the Lee Construction. Mr. and Mrs. Andr.w Oblack of Molalla were Saturday night guests of the Max Oblacks. Lois Stun ka rd was an over night guest Friday of the Devines. Mrs. Wayne Pugh called on th- Sundbcrg family in Clatskanie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawton Waddell ROYAL . THE VERNONIA EAGLE were in Vancouver recently ta visit her mother. Mrs. Mickey. Mrs. Reed and son. Frankie, of Bunk:r Hill called on Mrs. R. Lindsay recently. Mrs. Bill Carmichael and Joyce were Sunday callers of Mrs. Oblack. PHONE 853 NEHALEM VALLEY MOTOR FREIGHT Always in Good Taste Olympia Beer . . . symbol of hospitality for 57 years . ; . odds distinction to those informal parties or drop in. Serve it tonight. Two-State Fire Record Lowest Since Records of Losses Kept Then b- sure you drown campfire wh n you leave it for any length of time. 3. Loggers should check a power equipment against spread ing fire. Loggers should also make sure they have fire tools handy at ev'ry side. 4. Slash and brush burnin should not be done except by permission of proper state fir? authorities. 5. Hunters and sportsmen, above all people, should be sure camp fires are out, smoking is done only in safe areas and not while travelling in woods, and that fire is treated with the respect its pow ?r demands. Private and state for st fire protection men throughout Wash ington and Oregon are rubbing their rabbit feet for luck. Not since man has kept records of - forest fire losses have these two states had such a remark ably low acreage burned by forest fires. Unusual is the fact that lightning fires almost equal man- caused blazes. G.neraily man caused fires run nine to one over lightning. In Oregon, through the end of August, losses on state and private lands were 803 acres from 247- man-caused and 259 lighltning fires. In Washington only 740 acres had be- n burned through August, from 652 fires, forty per cent of these being lightning fires. A fire in Clark County in mid September took almost 100 acres, which will raise that figure. Losses on U. S. Forest Service land in the two-state region through August 31 totalled 720 acres from 773 fir s, only 115 man-caused. ‘ The big danger," .-ays Roy r Morse, chairman of the Industrial forestry Association, "is that the peop! > might get too self-confi dent and too smug. That's when w.- always have our worst fires, when people get careless.” The forest leader urged contin. uance of simple precautionary m asures. He listed them in this order: 1. Use your ash tray if you must smoke when travelling. 2. Be sure you build campfircj in a safe place away from hazards. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE is hereby given that the Stat.- Board of Argicultur?. Milk Marketing Administration will hold a pubi c hearing before W S Weidel, examiner on the 29th day of September, 1953 at th hour of 10:00 A M in Ro. m 36. State Office Build ng. Portland. Oregon for the purpose of receiv ing further testimony and evi dence regarding cost of production processing, distribution and re vision of resale prices in Zone No. DATED at Portland. Oregon this 11 th day of September. 1953. W S. Weidel, Administrator Milk Marketing Administra i tion. • 39tlc OLYMPIA BREWING COMPANY, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, U Son, Family Se^n On Trip to Idaho NATAL — Mr. and Mrs. Noble Dunlap motored to Boise, Idaho recently where they met their son, Floyd D eds, and family. They spent a f w days in Boise with the Deeds. Mrs. Max Oblack and Mrs. Sam Devin- were in Forest Grove on Tuesday. Ethel Waddell spent Sunday here. With her was Ethel Kyser. The girls came from McMinnville with the latter’s uncle. Acie Trot ter, who went on to Westport to visit his son and family, the Orville Trotters. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lindsay ■ i of Redmond were recent visitors of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Graven of Portland were overnight guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Wolff. Pick-up, Car Ccllide Head-on Thursday Morn TREHARNE — Early Thursday morning when returning home from work. George Hobson was injured when a pickup hit his car. Driver of th? pickup fell asleep, letting his car leave the right lane anj drove head on into Mr. Hobson's car. Mr. Hobson was bruised and suffered chest injur- i.s from striking the steering wheel. He was taken to a hos pital in Portland the first of the week. Mrs. Byron Kirkbride and son James, called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris Monday evening. Byron Kirkbride and sons fin- ished their grain harvest last Fri day. Mr and Mis Wilbur Thacker had dinner Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. S'lwvn Graves in Vernonia. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matcson, Debbie and Richard N -w ton of Portland called at the Wilbur Thacker home Sunday evening. Its the Water Grange Booster Program Offered I i BI R K E N F ELD — Winema Grange held its Booster night last Thursday. Mrs. Fred Stinchfield and Mrs. Ethel Larson had charge of the program which consisted of th? following: Mrs. Cecil El liott read the history of the Oregon state grange; a reading, “How to Make a Calf Drink,” was read by Mrs. Eugen-’ Larson: Cathy Lu Puis played two numbers on her accordian song by Claire Belling ham; Master Walter Carl and Natal Grange Master Noble Dun lap gave short talks. The Sisters of the Kitch-n presented their. “Simply Awful Tinpanny Band." Th v p ayed and sang seveiai numbers. Lunch was served after the program. Fern Hill Grange has sent out invitations to their Booster night program September 25. Ther? is to be a pot-.luck supper at 7:00 followed by a short business meeting. Guest speakers are Mrs. Mildred Norman and George Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Elliott visit, d Mr. and Mrs Roy Hinkhousc at Scappoose Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berg and boys took a trip Sunday. leaving by Elsie along lower Nehalem to Wheel r and back bv Cannon Beach. While they were gone their daughter. Shirley, and friend 4 home. Dnme Jensen transferred to \amhill high school this week. He will liv- with his grandmothc there, Mrs. Guy Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beach and Elsa Richardson spent Saturday and Sunday at Seaside. HIGH QUALITY EFFICIENT SERVICE Every homemaker is looking for these things in a grocery store. KING’S measures up very well with these standards. Ask the woman who shops there, she’ll advise you to buy there, too. KING’S Grocery - Market Phone 91 Riverview "Where Your Monev Ruys More At the Mile Bridge ñZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZHZ Ÿ<X< QAjtaüf^ H ermitage BRAND KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY FULLY AGED 65 Oregon's largest-selling straight bourbon Ì S J 10 THIS WHISKEY 4 YEMS OLD • 16 P«00f • THE OLD HEJh»H*GE CO. FHAAW0ÍT <Y