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About Vernonia eagle. (Vernonia, Or.) 1922-1974 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1953)
Library, U of 0 10c COPY VOLUME 31, NUMBER 39 High School Walk, Curb Bids Opened THOSE WHO ARE IN IT Roy Frank was discharged at Parks Air Force Base last Tues day. September 15. He and Mrs. Frank will be home the first of n. xt week. Enrollment Figure Listed at 184 as Of Monday This Week Pvt. Kenneth Lmdsley spent the week end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lind- At a special meeting held last sley, on a delay enrout * leave from rught the board of directors of Fort Ord. California to Fort Lewis tne high school were to decide Washington where 1«? will be what will be done as far as th? permanently stationed. He was retaliation of sidewalk and curb accompanied to Fort Lewis Mon ing in front of the new budding. day by Mrs W. J. Lindsley and Last night's meeting, a special, Mrs. Dewey Hunt and two sons, was held to consider bids for the who visited at the home of Mr. construction and was the result I and Mrs. C. H. Pearson at Elma, of a call issued earlier this month Washington before returning to at the board’s r gular September their home. session. The cal! for bids requested sc pa rate figures on labor and tna*?r a. for 350 feet of curbing and walk and also for figures for 650 fc.t of curbing and 700 feet of walk Tne board was to determine which figures to select depending on the | amount of the bid- and the budget money available to do th? work 3ob Cole, who was hired by the 1 district to establish lines and trades for the work, finished the surveying earliir in the week. Other work being done this week included spreading fine gra vel on the track in front of the bleachers and around the bleach, er? and spreading base rock on the parking area. Vernonia Lions club members were to meet a; the athkltic fi°ld yesterda evening to complete woik on the ! announcer stand used for the pub lic address system at footba'l games. enrollment in th' high'''chor 1 as of Mondav ot this week has . increased to 184 students from the opening figure of 176. VERNONIA, COLUMBIA COUNTY, OREGON | I I i I ! j Course Sale Intended “r. C. R. Howarth, St. Helens, owner of the Vernonia country clup. said a few days ago that h? p mnrd to sell the property. Rea se - for the decision to sell, he i s; was that no one is available I arc’ inl’reated in operating the [ THURSDAY. SEPT 24. 19, Enrollment in Grade School Exceeds 500 Loggers Open League Play With Defeat First Grade Gain Makes Necessary Additional Teacher St. Helens Lions Grab Heavy End of 21-7 Score Friday The enrollment in the Vernonia el’mentory schools pass'd the 500 mark Monday morning with the enrollment of th? children of the James Wallace family, Darrold Proehl, superintendent said Wed nesday. At th? end of the first report month on Friday, S ptem ber 18, the enrollment was 498. With th.' enrollment of the Wal lace children the figure reach, d 501 students. A steady increase in first grade A/2c Darrell Elliott of Birken- students made it nec'ssary to pro f Id left Saturday to return to vid? a fourth first grade room in Lowry Air Force Base at Denver. th ■ system. Mrs. Ethel Williams, He had been home on a 15-day an experienced teacher, was en leave. gaged for the position and the n.w room is located in the Lin Private Marvin C. Brewer, who coln school. Transfer of students has b.en with the paratroopers at' was made Monday of this week. Fort Campbell, Kentucky, has The school administration wish been transferred to Fort Benning, es to thank the parents of the Georgia. Hs expects to be in students who were transferred for Jump School there till the middle their cooperation in officiating the of October. He is the son of change. It is felt that by reducing Marvin C. Brewer, Sr,, of Ver the class size with the addition of nonia. another t acher that better educa- ional opportunity will be provid?d Charley Davis, has completed a for all firsj graders. course of instruction at Ft. Ben ning, Georgia which has qualified him as a parachutist. The course requires students to make jumps frorti an airplane in flight. One of the five required jumps is made with full equipment. Davis, the son of G?orgc F. Dav Renan Artaga, Ecuador, will is of Mist route, enlisted at speak to the Columbia County 4-ri Portland January 26 and has been Leaders association September 26 at Ft. Benning since July 2. He j at the John Gumm grade school graduated from Vernonia high in St. Helens, announces Mrs. Alta school last year and attended the Janes, president. fall term at Or.gon Stat? before Arteaga is an International Farm going into the service. j Youth Exchange delegate. He I arrived in Oregon on August 31 ' and has been living with the Hen- ( ry Anderegg family on Mist route sine? then. ; Th? meeting- will begin at 10 I a.m. with a business meeting Eight Vernonia Country club i scheduled first. Arteaga will won their first round I speak at 1 p.m. He will tell of matches last Sunday to open the I life in Ecuador wh're he lives on club’s fall tourn'y and will be | a 250 acre farm. paired in the championship flight I Mrs. Jar.?s adds that the elec- next Sunday. The losers of the 1 tion of officers for the coming first round will play in the first 1 year will be held during the busi- ' ness meeting. flight. The noon m al will be potluck Championship flight pairings will be: Ken Nanson vs. Sid Sor with silverware, dishes and coffee enson, Bin Brickel vs. W:s Bol- furnished. meier. Les Galhiway vs. Ben George and Dudley Nickson vs. Tom Corrigan. First flight matches will be: Bill French vs. Joe Magoff, Bill Johnson vs. Bill N Ison. Ceorgc Robbins vs. Connie Anderson and All interested adults in th? A. L. Kullandcr bye. I community are invit'd to attend I the t: acher reception which will Death Learned Here be held tonight, Thursday, at 7:45 Word received here a few days at the Washington grade school. ago made known the death of A program and entertainment is Harold Pillifant of Newport, planned and refreshments will b? Washington, a form:r resident of i served in the cafeteria. this community. H? passed away It is an opportunity for parents Friday noon of last week as the ! and teachers to become acquainted result of a stroke. Funeral ser and to welcome new teachers into vices took place Tuesday at New the community as neighbors and port. frit nds. The St. Helens Lions, last y?ar’i Lower Columbia League cham pions and second place winners m the state A-2 playoffs, put their bid in for th? position again last Friday evening when they began their gridiron leagui? play bv downing the Vernonia eleven 21 7. 1 in a game which was rated as a I tossup by the’armchair quarter- ' backs. Vernonia won the toss to stai: this annual civil war classic and elected to receive. Drips picked up the kick and return, d it t the 27 from his own 20. On the third try the Loggers elected t pass, which was intercepted on their 26 and carried back to th? 18 by the Lions. A 15-yard penalty against the locals put the ball on th' 3 with a first and ten for tiie Lions. On the third try St. Helens I drove the ball ov. r for a TD. The try for point was good making th? score 7-0 with the Luggers on the short end. The r?st of first half play was an even-steven affair with neither one of the teams threatening seriously t score. Leaders to Hear I Youth Exchange Speech Clinic Golfers Start Planned Tuesday Fall Tourney Advice for both parents and teachers will be forthcoming at a spt :ch clinic that will take place at the Washington school next Tuesday, September 29. Word of the date and details about it were announced Wednesday by Super- intf ndent Darrold Proehl. At the clinic will be a speech correctionist and Miss Helen Rou- rr.agoux, county health nurse, to heip parents of children with de fective speech correct the difficul- tic? Teachers will also receive h' p in me.ting the problem. Appointments with parents are bc-’g arranged for that day. Mr. Proehl said. Thirteen students in the grades have defective speech. PHONE 191 Date Set lor Teacher Party SCORE YET TO COME PICTURED ABOVE is Logger fullback Fred Drips, one of Coach Vlcek’s main cogs in his running attack. Drips, along with several other members of the Logger team, were recent victims of a res piratory infection which hindered them all of last week. For the most part they should be in pretty fair condition for this Friday night's game with the Seaside Seagulls on the local high school field. Coach Vlcek isn’t looking for an easy game and will have his Loggers doing their best to get on top of the heap again. Sea side dropped a close decision to Rainier 18 13 last Friday night and according to rrpnrts have improved very much since the jamboree. The Gulls will also be looking for revenge for last year's defeat by the Loggers by the narrow margin of 6-7 at Seaside, so this should prove a hard fought match for the local ironmen. Game time is 8:00 p.m. Council Considers New Tank for Pumpiug Plant Plans and probable costs for the construction of a new sattle- ing tank at the city wat:r pump ing plant as presented Monday by S. A. Ross, city engineer, occu pied the attention of councilm ‘n for the major portion of their meeting. The tank replacement problem is one that has been facing the city for some time because th? tank now being used is construc ted of wood and has deteriorated to a point wher ■ a new unit must be installed. Ross presented several plans for a new tank along with probable costs for council consideration. Least expensive of th? proposals was listed for an approximate cost of $21.000 and would provide a double steel tank. This plan, Ross indicated, was also the most satisfactory for use with the pimping system. Councilmen made no definite decision Mon day. but will consider the plans again when they meet on th? first Monday in October. Wins Tallied in League Openers “HIS year'» high school driver training class began study in the car above which was supplied for the ass by the Vernonia Auto company. Presentation of the car for school use was made by Jim Davies. 5 ft. manager ot the firm, and was accepted by Sid Sorenson, center, class instructor, and Eugene Dove. • gh school superintendent This school year is th? seer nd during which driver training instruction J as been offered students. Third quarter play was a re- I pitltion off the first half after St. Helens’ TD with neither t ant : penetrating deeper than the 35 of the other’s territory. In the beginning minutes of the fourth quarter Vernonia rested on their own 15 when Braun kicked on third down. A hard charging St. Helens lin ■ blocked the local’s kick and recovered on the Vernonia 5. One' again it t<Mik three play:; for the Lions to push the ball over for th.’ir second tally. Try for point was good making the score 14-0. Once again Vernonia received and drove the ball from their own 26 to the midfield stripe when a penalty of offsides nulified a 23- yard gallop by Lusby. On the next play, a Logger pass was intercepted by a Lion defender who galloped 40 yards behind beautiful blocking for a TD. Aga n the try for point was good with the score standing 21-0. Oth 'r business Monday was th? granting of a quitclaim deed to C E. Pierson for a city-owned lot located b?side his property at the corner of Third and Maple str ets and th? granting of ap proval to purchase a leak detector that will be used by the city PENALTIES HELP water superintendent to locate Vernonia's only s .‘rious march. broken wat r main leaks. [ ending in a score, came late i.t the fourth quarter when the Log gers started to drive from their own 20 for their TD. Braun start d off the Loggers 80-yard TD drive by skirting around end to th? 45 Two 15-yard penalties in quick succession against the Lions fo. Cloice Hall’s point standing for unsportsmanlike conduct plus line this season of driving in competi plunges by Drips, Lusby and tion of the Columbia County Braun drove th' ball down to th • Driv?rs association won him se 12. From that point the Logg rs cond place when totals were fig pushed over with Bill Braun skir ured for the final rac s last I ing end for the TD. The try Sunday at McMinnville. Top I for point was good with Bass driver in the association was Har splitting the uprights. old Thompson. St. Helens, who Pass interceptions figured strong b Id a point standing ot 937. Hall’s ly in this win for the Lions with point total was 722. Rog r Quirin, the St. H lens eleven being given who intered hardtop race competi- I two TD's by the locals. A tightly- tion this year for the first time, fought game to start with devel ended the season with 240 points oped into a riot for the locals as to place s venth among the 34 a disorganized Logg?r squad grad association drivers. ually went to pieces as th? game Although the official racing s'a- progressed, only to gam their com son ended last Sunday, a full race posure in the waning minutes of program will be presented at the the game county fairgrounds Sunday. Sept Vernonia drove for five firs ember 27, as a benefit for the Rai downs with the Lions sportin, nier youth recreation center. Time ! only seven regardless of the scor?- trials will be a 1:30 and laces at : board 2 30 Hall Places 2nd In Race Listing I i 1 , Clatskanie blank d Scappoose, ' 19 to 0, as Lower Columbia league play gr-t underway4 for Clatskanie th'rc Friday. John L/ng scam pered 60 yards for one Tiger touchdown, while Roy Pierc? | pushed across from 20 yards and 15 yards out for additional scores Building to Benefit JV Team» Tie 6-6 A Pierce pass to Ron Jolma net Scheduled for, Saturday night The Vernonia JV's met the St. ted the evening's lone extra point. Rainier scor d two touchdowns Helens junior squad on the local I of this week is th? awarding ot Monday a ft "moon and 1 the TV set which is being given in the last quarter to turn back field Seaside, 18 to 13 when th? two settled for a 6-6 tic. The game was away by the VF.W Auxiliary. teams met at Rainier to open I a hard-fought battis for both The award will be made at the teams with the Loggers’ Ricky I-eg ion hall. Funds donated tor their LCL play. proving the stumbling the set will be used by the Auxili Warrenton toppl d N-?halem 25 Bush to 6 in a nonleague football game block for the visitors on both de ary to offset the expense of wir ing the new hall. at Warrenton Friday afternoon. fense and offense.